Hi folks,
I just uploaded a video about some very strange seismic activity on May 27. I think it's part of the transformation. Let me know what you think.
Hi folks,
I just uploaded a video about some very strange seismic activity on May 27. I think it's part of the transformation. Let me know what you think.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
I don't know WTF to think Bob, but am very glad you posted it here...
I saw this a few days ago, I think that it happened on May 25th which was supposed to be a very geophysical active day. I also don't know what that was which was recorded around the world on the seismic equipement, but you can be sure something serious was going on with Mother Gaia.
Could have been shivers of 4th density ecstasy!!!
You know, when you get those goosebumps from something feeling good
1 a : a state of being beyond reason and self-control b archaic : swoon
2 : a state of overwhelming emotion; especially : rapturous delight
3 : trance; especially : a mystic or prophetic trance
not necessarily dire. remember, this is a game of sorts for experience' sake, and Momma Gaia would know this better than we...
More strange activity:
I know some people don't follow much of project camelot, but the project avalon earth changes forum has a lot of good information. they have a decent thread devoted to oil spill updates too:
Very interesting information, thanks for posting Bob. I would love to know what it is all about.............time will tell I guess. Interesting times indeed.
Could be the first sign of a galactic superwave arriving, according to Paul La Violette.
I found a good interview of him that spells out the expected earth changes, if his theories are correct. The Project Camelot interview left me a bit confused as to what he sees coming down the pike. Here's a summary from the following interview (link at the bottom - I did this summary to pull the different thoughts from the interview together and organize them):
1. Major earthquakes as the gravitational front of the superwave hits.
2. Bluish white star in the sky - as predicted by the Hopi, this would be the visible explosion coming from the core of the galaxy. He doesn't really make it clear in the interview whether this would occur at the same time as a possible electromagnetic pulse or if this happens during step 4 or both. An emp could potentially shut down the power grid for many years.
3. After a few months, cosmic debris that normally hangs out at the edge of the solar system gets vaporized and it could get compressed inward to inside the solar system, creating a hazy atmosphere in the sky. The stars would be darkened and the moon might turn red.
4. If this goes on for a long period of time, (a century or so) it could eventually aggrevate the sun to produce coronal mass ejections. La Violette believes this is what happened 12,900 years ago that caused us to come out of the ice age with massive ice melting causing massive flooding and also mass extinctions.
5. Like a forest fire, this cycle actually helps creates new life, new birth.
La Violette goes on to talk about his unified field theory (subquantum kinetics) based on 5 equations. From this he deduces a different view of the universe with an ether, he explains anti-gravity propultion (he also believes this could be the basis for free energy), proposes a universe that is in a continuous state of creation (no big bang and no expansion) and he looks at the universe as an open system. He says that the superwaves are the rythym of creation happening, producing the galaxy's spiral arms - quasars are a large galaxy that is currently errupting a superwave. 15-20% of the galaxies we see are currently in an explosive / superwave state, indicating that on average galaxies spend 15-20% of their time in the superwave stage. He predicts a new kind of energy called genic energy that comes from larger planets and smaller stars (red dwarfs) that are not large enough to undergo nuclear fusion.
I got a response from a friend who is pretty technical, and he sent some pretty plausible explanations to the graphs. The reason the graphs from the 27th were different from the ones on the 25th is, perhaps, that the Vanuatu earthquake happened much deeper in the mantel of the earth. Being more 'jelly' like the vibrations persisted much longer than when they happen in solid ground. With this and other information I can see the wave like expansion over the surface of the Earth. I'll be making another video showing this. It's kind of cool :-)
He is also tired of the 2010 Maya hype. I got the impression that he's tired of the idea that the calendar points to the end of the world kind of thing. So responded to that with the following:
"I assume you are referring to the "fearporn" festival going on about the end of the world "predicted" by the Maya calendar. I'd agree with you 100%! That's just the typical humanoids trying to make a buck by manipulating fear in people.
But that SOMETHING that is going to make us see the world in a new way is happening, I have no doubt... just from personal events I've witnessed.
A while ago I read about a Japanese scientist who demonstrated how natural events could have parted the Red Sea when the Hebrews were being pursued by the Egyptians, and therefore "proved" that it hadn't been a "miracle". To me it just seemed to miss the point. The "miracle" would have been in the timing of the event. What would the likelihood had been that this "natural" event would have happened, IF it happened, at precisely the time when it was needed?
Likewise with this, I assume, rare seismic event that happens on the first day of a Maya Sacred period, that coincide with a 9.9.9 of the GREGORIAN calendar, AND... for the Wicca out there, happens to be during a full moon... It just makes my cartoonist mind run wild!
I'll be keeping my eye on this... and keep you informed of my perceptions."
I'll post my next video here so you can see it.
PS. I also thought about the instruments reading some sort of gravitational wave from the center of the galaxy, or something like that. But, if that had been the case, the seismographs should have picked it up almost instantaneously, since I assume the wave would have been traveling at a very high speed. So, I didn't dwell too long on that.
Hi Bob-
Good point, I like your friends ideas about it being different due to it being a very strong but deep quake - looking forward to all the possible new beginnings that seem to be starting now.
I think that there is more to that "sink hole" than we are being told or anyone knows. That hole is almost perfectly circular, like some great laser beam evaporated the earth. There also seems to be some sort of cavern below it in some of the areal pictures I have seen. I would think that a "sink hole" would have irregular edges and show some signs of soil slipage at its margins, such as those that have occured in Texas and Florida and other places.
I was sent this link from a friend the other day, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot interviewing A'Shayana Deane about Ascension Mechanics. Be forewarned that at least two things will very likely happen: You will wish that Kerry would just plain shut it and let Deane talk at times (as usual with Kerry Cassidy trying to answer her own questions), and you may be tempted to think that Deane is complete loony tunes at times.
But if you are willing to be patient with the first 90 minutes of the interview, you may (as I did) find integrity and authenticity creeping in slowly but surely. And don't worry about the exasperating feeling of foreign information overload, just keep an ear out for some things said that will raise your eyebrows and get your attention. It seems to be the nature of the beast these days - some of my favorite sources these days are coming from sources that could either be authentic or pure delusional nonsense, and there's just not much one can do about it, other than become impatient, exasperated, overwhelmed, discouraged, and go back to head in warm sand of indifference and apathy.
For any WingMakers fans, she also relates to the Corteum in not so favorable terms, as well as Metatron and other so called ascended masters that have had humankind immersed in the very controlling and irresponsible saviorship model for quite some time now. What I feel she does get right is that we are living in a quarantined environment on a "prison planet" of sorts, and have been the focus of some very interesting cultures for a very long time. What may lose some listeners (among other things) is her mention of the cosmos being much older than the 14 or so billion years that present status quo astrophysics would have us understand to be true. But I also understand, as Bill Maher put it in Religulous,
"The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that’s what man needs to be, considering that human history (and widely accepted scientific understandings throughout "recorded" human history) is a litany of getting shit dead wrong"
The reason I place it here is because it puts "earth changes" in context of a much much larger picture, albeit a picture painted by either a certified loon, or someone who is privy to some authentic and very timely/pertinent information. As always, let go of what does not feel right to you and keep an ear out for some things that do...
YouTube - Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot interviews A'shayana Deane
p.s. Berry, what "sinkhole" were you referring to? The perfectly round holes you mentioned reminded me of the 24' diameter perfectly round holes found in places at "ground zero" in NYC...
I have a lot of experience in excavation and geotechnical engineering (well - a few years anyhow) and that sinkhole does look a little too perfect. Thats why I posted it. I wouldn't say laser precise, but if it were to collapse in on itself due to saturation of the soil / voids being filled I would expect there to be some side slope to it as the collapse moved "up" the hole - i.e. I would expect it to have gone "up and out" not "straight up." But hey, geotech is tricky stuff, the shape may just be a function of the "cavern" underneath, i.e. the base material outside the radius of the hole is stable - bedrock or something.
What raises my eyebrows is the shear vertical walls of the sinkhole...
Here is a neat little site that I like to look at periodically. It shows a very clear picture of the "ring of fire".
Great site Mary. I love the interactive technology. I just happened to notice that on Saturday June 5, there was a 4-5 quake in the very same area off of Yemen that the supposed Star Gate was located. I also noted that there are an awful lot of large quakes all over within the last week. WOW!
I ran across this article yesterday....
Thought I would add it into this thread, but I am not sure of its authenticity. Just thought it was another interesting synchronicity.
Has anyone thought that this is the work of the Greys under-the-earth terraforming and expanding thier bases?
OK, here's the second video about the May 27th earthquake. It does look like a wave traveling from the Vanatua earthquake.
As for those sinkholes... Man! that is strange. The consciousness pot does seem to be boiling!
Wow Bob! I am amazed and thoroughly impressed with your presentation.
Thank you very much for putting that all together in a very succinct and easy to understand way.