This is a must see series of 5 videos. Pay particular attention to the 3rd part about minute 7. It ill blow you away. here is the link to the site if this doesn't work for you.
This is a must see series of 5 videos. Pay particular attention to the 3rd part about minute 7. It ill blow you away. here is the link to the site if this doesn't work for you.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
This link is better as it has all 5 of the clips together.
In a relatively short period of time, all that Gregg is talking about will be common knowledge. I say this, not as something known, but as something firmly anticipated. Ra could not have said it any better! We are co-Creators naturally, and so to speak of things as supernatural is to separate ourselves from the reality of our inherent existence.
How powerful are we? We can take an infinitely powerful entity (like ourselves for example) and reduce all of that rich infinite potentiation to an experience of temporal mortality, sickness and death and pain, simply by wholly believing in such select illusions.
If we have the power to make ourselves this sick and dis-eased, individually and collectively, one can only begin to imagine how very capable we really are for better and more enduring things, merely by willfully changing our beliefs and emotions to align with our actual potential and Reality. More and more this will become a very easy thing to do, until it becomes akin to breathing, something we think little about at present.
A quote from the series: "when you marry thought, feeling and emotion into a single potent force, you say to the mountain, "move", and the mountain will move"
another term I really liked is, "coherent emotion" (that which the observer's body can actually feel)
Greg said of his own experience, "less of a leap and more of a logical progression". This really resonated with my own experience of the past few years as I have watched science and religion inevitably meet at the crossroads of conscious awareness and find more and more undeniably in common concerning life and the cosmos.
Another thing that is so amazing (from Gregg's and others' verifiable research written about in his book, "The God Code") is that every strand of DNA has as its first base line of code, when matched with some very ancient Sanskrit and Hebrew language/numbers, "God Eternal Within the Body". This is without exception if I understand Gregg's research correctly. We therefore have so much weightier things in common with all physical life forms that the differences become fundamentally obsolete. For us to be considering any differences and rationalizing accordingly is pure insanity.
Oh, and part five was very good at helping us with how to interpret these ongoing Earth changes, how to understand that we are a very organic part of those earth changes, and the knowledge of that will help each of us learn better how to just naturally change with the ongoing changes.
Thank you Berry for locating this series!!!!
Love/Light, Chris
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Thanks for posting this.
I trust we each will internalize all the truths contained within.
I can't figure out where this came from but it is another fascinating video of Gregg discussing the change and the God Code. Here is the link
With Light and Love shining into Shadows and Fear
Berry, this video is even better than the first one. After seeing it, I couldn't resist and went straight to Amazon to order his book from 2005, The God Code. It was really fascinating, thanks for posting it!
I plan to get a copy of Gregg's book too. I think I will check Half Price Books this weekend. Yeah, that 30 minute video was superior to the youtube series, I agree.
With Light and Love shining into Shadows and Fear Berry
Thank you so much for posting the Braden comments. I've just recently finished his new book Spontaneous Healing of Belief and I'm a great admirer of his work. All of his books are brilliant.
Jim Gifford
Thank you so much for posting the Braden comments. I've just recently finished his new book Spontaneous Healing of Belief and I'm a great admirer of his work. All of his books are brilliant.
Jim Gifford
the square root principle is very exciting!
take an area where 500,000 live - 5,000 being one percent.
square root of 5,000 is 71 people focused and meditating on a medium size city...
the implications are obvious and incredible....
the abstract and infinitely potent potentiation remains ever at the ready, waiting for co-Creators to re-member...
Love/Light, Chris
P.S. I have been listening to a Coast to Coast interview with Dr. Steven Greer today and in part two of the interview Steven gives a very intimate account of personal experiences that relate well to much of what is being discussed here and to Unity or Law of One, kind of different but same.... very inspirational....
and more on part 3 and 4
and then another great 12 part series interview with Gregg talking about the Divine Matrix - here are the first 3 segments
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.1
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.2
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.3
and another short inspiring relative clip from Alex Grey
YouTube - Alex Grey {By www.alexgrey.com}
20 steps to consider in a youtube piece (from the Divine Matrix by Gregg)
YouTube - Biophoton Holograms & The Divine Matrix 20 Keys to Conscious Creation!
"you can't be kind to the wrong person"
interpret the above claim.....
another epiphany Gregg reveals in his Divine Matrix Coast to Coast interview is expressed in the following:
The fallacy of "asking for" something in prayer/meditation when I "ask for" something (like world peace) is that I have just implied in my heartfelt request that it does not yet exist, when in fact, it is never NOT there and eternally exists! My willfully choosing to BE Peace is really the only road to realizing/recognizing its eternal/infinite existence. And by Being, really Being that Peace, I gain the strong emotional content of that experience-based recognition in the process, and become one more adding to the growing numbers of others doing the very same Self-activating free will proactive thing, and "We" collectively begin to approach that magic number, the square root of 1% of the whole thinking/feeling mass of divinely unique free will agents in the Divine Matrix (or the Field) that patiently waits for us to just Be it (Peace), instead of just hoping for it (so be it)...
The other thing to consider about intently "wanting" something is "The Field" or "Divine Matrix" that is actually the only "thing" capable of and prepared to respond(ing) to one's prayers/meditations is utterly neutral and wholly willing to answer me literally. It sees me honestly wanting something, so it honors my heartfelt desire, not for some "thing", but for my expressed want to want. What we see all around us is wholly our creation, for the field does not recognize ignorance of the way things work. It simply works by mirroring exactly what we are asking for....
Thanks Gregg...
Love/Light, Chris
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Loved it Elizabeth!!!!!
Love/Light, Chris
in my ongoing search for discovery concerning the EM "field" of free energy I stumbled upon this wellness website featuring a wellness device called the beamer. Think about what Gregg Braden has been talking about while reading the description and proposed use of the device on the website, especially the passage talking about heart energy being 14 times stronger than thought energy....
Hey All-
I haven't seen the videos yet, but have sent the links so I can watch them from home. That said, I had a couple of comments to add. When reading about "be it" instead of asking for it, I was reminded of the simple, obvious, and commonly misunderstood ending to a prayer, "Amen." The word means "So Be It." As the last word of a prayer, "Amen" seals the deal. So if you pray about "want" or "need," the wanting and needing will continue, because you said so!
Second, emotion is magnetic and thought is electric in nature. Of course the emotions of the heart are 14 times more powerful than thoughts of the mind! You could write pages and pages (thoughts) describing every aspect of an emotional experience that lasts seconds. Emotions bypass the brain and pack a powerful punch that thoughts can't come close to.
Love, Deb
Kryon, Abraham and other entities have said that to hold a feeling with intention for 17 seconds ( recently I read it is now 8 seconds) causes that intention to be crystalized in creation and becoming reality. The whole idea of feeling, having the emotion that what is desired, is already, is the key to co-creation. What Deb said about the heart feeling/emotion being 14 times stronger than a thought is absolutely accurate. I think that as we move toward our new age and the shift, that heart energy will be the new energizer. IE. The Power of Positive Feeling!
However, holding a single feeling for even 8 seconds with perfect focus requires practice. Not easy. Try and see for yourself. We need emotional exercise my friends.
With Light and Love shining into Shadows and Fear Berry
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