Tui's Song

Just so you can share with me in their beautiful song, Tuis are an NZ native bird. there are a pair that visit me most mornings. Now that spring is here and the Kaka Beak are ripe with flower, also NZ Native tree (pic below) they are here almost all day. They just love the nectar from these gorgeous flowers

The Tui's song enjoy

May all your days be as great as I know mine will be, it is 9:00 a.m. here on Sunday

ksaulino's picture

Good morning, Ian.

Thank you for inviting us into your life this way!  I've never been to NZ, though it's always been a country I've longed to go to.  With your picture and video, for a moment it feels like I'm there.  :)

Lots of love,



Wendy's picture

Hi Ian-

Seems like you are very blessed to live in such beauty. Makes me wish I had the patence and comuter skills necessary to post a video of my own backyard in the morning. I love how the tui bird sounds a bit like C3P0 in Star Wars then suddenly like he's saying wow and ut oh.


Viveka's picture


I find no song more beautiful than the sounds of Nature.

Peace Love Joy

Francis's picture

any relation to Tooheys?  You guys have got some great creatures (and beer) down that way.  When I spent a year in Australia (mostly in Perth) this little guy always sounded like he was up to hijinx.  While camping around, it seemed like whenever I stubbed my toe or dropped something he was always there to break out in laughter - the little bugger!

Didn't make it to New Zealand (ran out of money by the time I made it down the east coast to Melbourne) but it's my brother's favorite place on Earth.  Maybe some day I'll make it back . . .

Thanks for sharing the Tui and great flowers, those are amazing.  Seems you've already got heaven on Earth brother!



Eyejay's picture

Yo! Francis,

Tooheys is an Aussi brand, and if you were in Perth (Lovely city - spent time there in my early 20's) they had Swan :) We in NZ do have a brew called Tui and they run a cool billboard campaign here, this is just one of many - Google for more


Kookabora's (sp) Laugh a minute those dudes :)

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"