What Chemtrails Do to Your Brain

Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering programs which have been implemented in secret without public consent.

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. 



There is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.

In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.



Brian's picture

At first I wrote an insanely long response to this topic which I DENY is a fact. This is merely sanely too long.

Notice the article starts out about the devastating effects of nano-aluminum. I'm sure it's devastating. But really that's fear-mongering. Get the crowd worked up about something frightening. So now you're scared and that makes you less clear minded. A DOCTOR SAID IT'S SERIOUS! Only after do they present the nonsense: chemtrails...ahnnnnnnn! I always hear a buzzer go off in my head-warning! Cow Patty Ahead! Cow Patty Ahead! Step to the side!

 Here's a small sample of "What abouts?"...

Q. We know the chemtrails don't come from the fuel because nobody admits they tested it and found it normal. So...then what about the flight engineers who have to monitor the chemtrail fluid tanks? These heavy loads that must be balanced the same way the fuel tanks must be carefully monitored and kept in balance so the plane don't fall down? OK-So let's all go look at the gauges that show the chemtrail tank levels and the chemtrail pump circuit breakers and backup systems and leak detector warning lights and computer display readouts and-oops there aren't any.


Q. What about when there's a plane crash of an airliner and they reassemble all the parts on a hanger floor to help diagnose the cause of the crash-how come there's no chemtrail tanks to put back in? What about the whistle blower crash investigators from the NTSB who said Flight 800 was shot down by a missile? They went over every atom of that plane. Why haven't they come out and blown the whistle on chemtrails too? These are some stand up guys! Strange to have people with TOTAL KNOWLEDGE of every nut and bolt on an airliner not be aware of the chemtrails systems on board-isn't it? Or they are freaking lying? Because you know, who wouldn't cover up chemtrails and killing our babies with poison from the sky?

Q. Why is it on some days there aren't any 'chemtrails'? And wait- no contrails either. Huh.  Do all the parties get emails telling them not to spray today?  cut to cockpit conversation during preflight: copilot to pilot: " Flaps?" "Check." "Ailerons?" "Check" "Chemtrail tanks topped off?" "Check...Hey wait a minute--is today a non-baby killing day?" "Yup" "It is?? OK crap-i totally forgot...I'll have the ground crew empty the chemtrail tanks before we go". "Man, I always like having a break from baby-killing" "Yup. me too"

tscout's picture

   What's the deal with you and Chemtrails? ha! I have never read about chemtrails coming from jet airliners... But I have seen plenty of smaller jets form elaborate patterns in the sky in the early morning, then watch them spread and form a layer of thin clouds which last most of the day. It's not complicated, just an upsized version of crop dusting with more complicated ingredients and larger volume.

    I didn't watch the video,,I know we're subjected to all kinds of crap on a daily basis, and really didn't want to know the details. It's like listening to a doctor tell me I'm going to die from cancer,,which was supposed to be seven years ago. I didn't listen to him,and I'm still alive. If they can do that, then they could kill us all quite easily couldn't they?,,,or spread a virus, or whatever..It's not brain surgery,,,it's just a primitive form of geo-engineering. And geo-engineering is no secret...

Noa's picture

Whistleblowers get killed, threatened, and silenced.  They get labeled "traitors" and sent to prison.  Or they're ignored and ridiculed by conspiracy-deniers and naysayers.  Therefore, the existence or absence of whistleblowers is not much of a litmus test for truth.

On the other hand, I've personally read and listened to half a dozen whistleblowers on this subject.  This one is pretty compelling, in my opinion:


I have to wonder why some people refuse to believe that their government (and those pulling the strings) might actually want to do the public harm. One need only look at all the related patents or any number of underhanded deeds to see that they're up to no good.

And just what have they done to prove themselves otherwise?   Nearly everything they're telling or selling us destroys our health, harms the planet, or enslaves humanity in some way.

If we want to know the truth, we must be willing to examine all the facts on all sides of the issues before drawing conclusions.  Our thirst for truth must be greater than our fear of knowing it.


Brian's picture

In the still from the above video is a commercial jet filled with liquid tanks and plumbing. This is a famous "smoking gun" piece of evidence sighted by chemtrail articles. But it's actually only a jet being stress tested by the manufacturer. See the following video: watch from 41:00 minutes to see the tanks. Will only need to watch 1 or 2 minutes to see them


 If you have some free time watch the whole thing. This isn't the TOP SECRET Manhattan Project in war time, it's vast numbers of everyday people building a commercial product for profit. You couldn't keep it quiet.

TScout-I watch jets flying over all the time. I've lived in NJ and NC only but I've never seen many small jets, just normal commercial jets over and over at different heights. Higher(smaller looking?) flights are arguably more likely to produce contrails but the conditions that produce contrails vary. I watch documentaries about military  and civil aircraft all the time-I'm passionate about it. Dude, I'm so interested in aircraft that i sit with binoculars and watch them. I see those trails that spread all across the sky in crosshatch patterns too because I used to work outdoors and began noticing it in the 80's. At one time I was convinced these were suspicious then I saw a TED talk with a computer animation of commercial jet flights over the US. It completely answered the question of where did those crazy patterns come from-they came from commercial flights. I've written before about a TED video and other videos revealing the seemingly impossible patterns written across your sky just due to the VAST numbers of flights. Watch just the section on flights and you will see the crosshatch patterns clearly. The jets come and go from known airports-not hidden bases. This means the source of the "chemtrails" is civil aviation-not military or hidden. This means either the jets fuel is pickled (it's not-and how would they keep it from doing chemtrails on days when there are neither chemtrails nor contrails?) or they store huge amounts of chemicals on the commercial jets and spray it out. So that is the pivot point of the argument FOR chemtrails-it must come from commercial aviation. It doesn't. There is no conspiracy to spray us. There is no rain of chemtrails. I've read the articles about weather modification but this isn't the source of the deep fear and mistrust this subject creates. That fear is engineered-not the weather.

SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v4XxlfVk3o

SEE: http://flightaware.com/live/airport_status_bigmap.rvt?airport=KSFO&key=f...


tscout's picture

   But where I lived,,there are no airports, and you can watch the jet make a run,,,turn around, and come back to build the pattern,,,,,the trail turns on and off in the grid patterns...I don't think they could do it anywhere near an airport as there's too much traffic to be playing tictac toe in the sky. I'm sure that when stories started spreading, many people thought everything they saw was a chemtrail, but I, like you worked outdoors, in open country , every day,,,and could watch them build these huge grids for a couple of hours,,then as the day progressed, they would melt into each other forming an overcastto block the sun for the rest of the day...By the time the sun was high,,,,11 am or so, the curtain was there. It didn't make it any cooler,  but it was very visible. I don't know what their intentions were,,,,but these things are very common in the open desert and country of the southwest...

   I met an old lady who


had a bed and breakfast near rumsfeld's ranch outside of Taos. She would talk to  me every day when I was building stone walls in her area. They sprayed on the mesa there,,,real low one day,,,,and it settled to the ground real slowly. The winds had picked up and it carried onto her land and killed everything on it,,,plants, weeds, garden, even the trees...She sued the government,so they put her on the detain list at the airports.Every time she travelled after that, they would give her the going over in the private room. The  case was still in court when I left there 4 years ago,,,and probably still is ,,ha.

   I have never seen these big grids built in a populated area,  I think it's kind of obvious that there would be too much traffic near a big airport to play with that kind of stuff. Maybe they could do it really high up, as air traffic has usually descended quite a bit on approach. But personally, I think that reports in populated areas are tokeep people looking in the wrong places  for it. They can do it far from a population and let it come in with the weather. Out where I was is more of a testing ground.

  By the way,,,speaking of testing grounds,,,I haven't seen anything posted about jAde helm 15,,,which is supposed to start on July 15th in several US states in the southwest. I only mention it because the internet is crawling with theories about what it actually is,,,it even convinced Ron pAul to post his "final message" regarding the financial collapse on his site,and youtube of course. Alex jOnes is freaking out, and pointing out the numbers of elite that have been leaving the country, the borders being open ,,,etc. I guess it did make mainstream with the less than friendly response from the governor of Texas..If I have time I will gather it all up and make a new post, the possibilities are quite interesting......

Bob07's picture

One's own simple observation or that of someone you trust weighs more than all the arguments.  Similarly, I asked two natives of the Bahamas, independently, if the sea level has risen over their lifetimes.  They said no.  I believe them more than all the arguments to the contrary.

Noa's picture

I, too, have personally experienced living in a heavily-sprayed rural area (in France)... nothing but farmland and country -- hours away from any airport, yet the intersecting grid pattern was a daily occurrence, followed by heavy "cloud" cover.   At night, a steady rain of metallic flecks was visible in the floodlight of my home.  

Looking back to the sixties, I spent much of my childhood lying on the grass, gazing at clouds.  My house, incidentally, was only a few miles from a busy airport, but I never saw anything like the phenomena we see today.  Not until the last few decades, had I ever seen the tell-tale grid pattern and resulting "cloud" lines of chemtrails.  I should think that that detail alone would make more people seriously question the contrail explanation.  Obviously, something strange is going on.

As for the tanks, Brian, they could be filled with anything -- water for testing weight distribution on one day, and chemicals for geoengineering the populous the next.  Anything's possible.  The important thing, I feel, is not to be so afraid of looking at the dark side of life that we miss all the red flags that might save our ass along the way.  Bad things happen to good people every day; let's not kid ourselves.


I don't know how to dispute an image like this, does anyone?   (That's a spray nozzle above the engine... so it's impossible to be a jet vapor contrail.)   Providing the image isn't photoshopped or faked, then what would be the practical purpose of such a spray?




Brian's picture

 This Belief in Chemtrails is like a big tub of water. You remember those big galvanised metal tubs people use for bobbing apples? You kneel down, put your hands behind your back and try to grab the apples with your front teeth and it's damned near impossible. That's what happens to my arguments. They are like the apples. And the participants are just a bit reluctant. You know you're gonna get wet. You might lose, you might look silly so nobody's too keen to play. Maybe take a quick stab at it to be a sport. But...well...

I wish I was clever enough to have you look at it from another perspective but alas, I wasn't born nearly smart enough for that.

tscout's picture

    I don't think anyone here  thinks you are "not smart" in any way or form...I think it's cool that you know so much about planes. But those areas you live and watch in are heavy air traffic areas,right?

    Please,,tell me why planes,,,in open skies,,,,,planes that are leaving no trails,,,and without changing altitudes,,,,suddenly start to emit a trail,,,,,,then, after running a course,,,,turn off the trail of whatever it is,,,,turn around,,,,and come back ,,,turning on the "trail" again to form another line,,,usually parallel with the last one,,,,then repeat this over and over again until they have formed a huge web of whatever it is...tHis sometimes takes 1-2 hours,,,then they just fly off....    One thing about planes is,,,they are usually going somewhere,,,they don't turn around ,,,and turn on and off discharges to form massive patterns in the sky......I have no idea where this whole passenger jet thing comes from,,,it sounds like misinformation to me,,,you know,,,look over here,,,,,while it's going on over there.It doesn't even make sense,,,,how would a jet airliner form a pattern when they take off, climb to 30,000 ft. or whatever it is,,,and take a specific path towards their destination,,,,how could they form a grid pattern? If any airliner even takes a wrong turn, everyone notices!

    small planes however, can and do fly pretty wild, and can do those maneuvers when they aren't in high traffic areas....all it takes is an antique propeller driven plane to disperse anything you want....I was out in central florida working for a couple of weeks and watched the crop dusters every day,,,,and I realized how easy it would be to drop pretty much anything you want into the wind to be carried to a population of people. They have a big tank centered under the Body of the plane with an on and off switch,,,,that's about it,,,,you turn it on,,,and whatever is inside comes out,,,disperses in the wind,,,and eventually reaches the ground,,,,that's it....     Whatever it actually is that they' re dispersing,,,I don't know,,,but I can tell you ,,,,they are, and have been doing it for a long time, at least in the southwest of America...  and once again,,,please don't ever take people's comments as an insult to your intelligence,,,they are definitely not intended that way.....In my case,,,I am just relating something I have seen at least 50 times in one of the several places I have been lucky enough to live,,,pEace,,,T




Trish's picture

I've seen the same thing that tscout has in southern Manitoba, out in the country and over Winnipeg. I've also seen the trail end abruptly, the plane turn around, and begin again, or two planes spraying at once. I agree they have always been smaller planes that I've seen, and the trails have dispersed slowly, eventually creating a haze across the sky. 


I don't have any conclusions or beliefs about this, only my observations. I also took some pictures and videos when I last observed this and posted it on a different thread. 

Cheers, Trish 

Noa's picture

One thing that is helping me to be more patient with people whose views are different than mine is the realization that all our perceptions are filtered through our own private lens.  Hence, one person's experiences and conclusions can be totally different than another's -- even if both people witness the same event.

So Brian, if you'll endulge me for just a moment, is it possible that your perceptions might be as skewed (at times) as those of your friend, whom you spoke of recently... http://www.gatheringspot.net/topic/relationshipinterpersonal-dynamics/losing-my-friend?   Not singling you out because we all do this to some extent.

The ability to look at the world from other people's vantage points, in my opinion, is a valuable skill.  This practice has, on more than one occasion, taught me that no matter how convinced I am that my viewpoint is the "right" one, there is often some validity in the opposing one.

tscout's picture

  if they would just write something in the sky, like,,,,A big heart with an arrow through it that says,,"I love Lucy or something,,,,or,,,drew pictures of Obama or something,,,,no one would question it at all,,ha!

Brian's picture

Pics of Obama!! That's funny. People hate that dude so much they'd hire planes to paint moustaches and swastikas on him. I have to agree Noa-that I may need to try to look at it from others viewpoints. Now what I heard from Tscout and Trish is a different thing completely. I've heard people mention this "plane turns a 180 and sprays again" before but dismissed it but if those are the observations-then those are the observations. I AM in a fairly high active commercial area because it's a growth area with an airport but it's just Eastern corridor and that means lots of flights almost anywhere.

So I don't know. This planes fly a pattern thing sounds different. And I have never observed that myself.

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