This is testimony of Ann Eller who was a personal assistant to Dr. J Allen Hynek. I found this very interesting and believable but at one point she mentions that the elevation of the Panama Canal is increasing. I did a quick search on elevation change of the Panama Canal, also tried sea level change there and nothing came up. She says planet X is why people have been reporting seeing a double sun but I wasn't particularly impressed with the pictures she shows and I haven't seen a convincing picture yet of this phenomena. What's everyone's take on this? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Here's a link to the Zeta Talk website she recommends:
Well - I haven't even finished the first 5 minutes - and I see some red flags here. Here we go with the "spin" we hear so much lately about all of the ET's being "benign" and loving and more intellectually and spiritually advanced than us. I don't buy that line. We all have heard the stories of the reptilians who are most likely the ones controlling the elite -and thus the planet - as well as their penchant for eating live children. These are not "benign" beings - nor are they particularly spiritually advanced. They are actually very far behind us in many ways - and have substituted technology for personal individual power.
While surely there are some loving ET's - to cast all in that light is a mistake. We should be very careful with that - and use a high level of discernment. Our being here on Earth is a "sign" that we are taking the fast track out of here - and the fact that they are NOT here is a sign that they are trailing behind us. Earth is the big experiment - and they chose not to participate. The fact that we are HERE is a big deal, and we need to own up to that fact.
OK - now on with the rest of the talk...
If we can believe that there is a planet X already here - then what she says is plausible to me. I have heard the brown dwarf reference before - but there wouldn't be people living on a dwarf star - and if it were a planet then how could they get light and warmth without a sun? The answer may be that there are several planets orbiting the dwarf star - and that the star itself isn't Nibiru. Planet X may be just one of several that swing much closer to Earth than the 14 million miles she references. That might also explain the four different species she refers to.
Interesting scenario in any case!
For some reason, the first thing that came to mind as I listened was,
"this is not our planet"
In our current state we, for the most part, presume much and act upon those presumptions. One of the most common presumptions has to be that most of us, without even giving it another thought, consider this to be our planet.
Much more likely than not, it is not. It is much more likely and logical that we are part of an intentionally developed garden of flora and fauna.
The question remains for me, are we being fed a host of disinformation to suit the agenda of a breakaway part of humanity, or are we being carefully and gradually briefed and "enlightened" concerning the very common and very ancient reality of ours and others existence and process of evolution...
This is a cool video showing three suns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXEF74s1s5U&feature=related My thought is that this is demonstrative proof of the energetic shift the planet is experiencing. I wouldn't be surprised if the lines between physical and sensory realities become more blurred in the times ahead.
As for Ann Eller, this passage from her website gives me pause:
Session details and expectations:
All counseling sessions are limited to 30 minutes and are given by phone. No taping of the session is permitted so be prepared with paper and pencil and have your questions ready.
Ann does not guarantee the accuracy of her insights and is no way responsible for the result of the client session. The client is 100% responsible for any action taken based on their interpretation of the insights presented in the session.
Ann's counsel is in no way meant to replace sound medical or legal advice, There is no guarantee of accuracy on future predictions.
The next thing that really got my attention is her talking about the widening of the Mississippi River and the activity in the New Madrid Fault Zone which has been featured here recently...
"I wouldn't be surprised if the lines between physical and sensory realities become more blurred in the times ahead." Noa
Gasp! You mean that hasn't started already?
I have to say - that if there are really "two suns" in the sky at the present time - then we should be easily seeing this. Having been a photographer for years and shooting many telephoto shots of the sun going down - I would think that any body such as she describes would be easily seen in a shot of a sunset taken with a telephoto lens. And yet - we aren't seeing any of this posted on the internet. So I must question that one. Time will tell of course - but photographers NOTICE things - they are trained to - and I would like to just make a note here that the first chemtrails were documented by photographers in Arizona who NOTICED them in their shots back in the 90's.
When I first heard of them - I was easily able to confirm this by looking at the many slides I had taken in the 80's which were virtually free of any chemtrails.
So this begs the question - where are the pics of the two suns?? Photographers all over the world would alreay have the pics if it were that obvious. Doesn't mean it isn't there - but it does make me wonder.
And Chris - I think this really is OUR planet - at least for the time being. Maybe we're like renters, and the lease is up. But from a spiritual perspective - we have been "given" this planet for the duration of the experiment. Now that it is ending - the planet may revert back to who-ever, but for now - she is "hosting" us and we are the "owners." The aliens are getting impatient to step in - but they must wait until the show is over - and it isn't quite there yet. So I guess we could look at that from both of those perspectives - in that it ultimately might not be "our" planet - but for cosmic reasons - it has become ours for the duration of this cycle of human evolution.
All these double and triple shots of the sun look like a reflection phenomena to me. Like there was some water on the lens or some other reason the light was broken up. I'm still checking myself the last 2 mornings. Still looks like the same 1 sun to me.
that view of ownership smacks too much of common religious views stating the same thing in varying contexts. what I really meant was that we most likely are not the first here. many before us and many experiments before ours I'm guessing. we have been told we evolved from apes via natural selection and a somewhat lucky role of the dice in the context of no specific intention.
I'm just saying that there is very likely much more to the story than the story we have been told in school... no real surprise there...
Oh sure - that's a given of course. The flea lives it's cycle and the dog continues on to pick up a tick...
I'm grasping at straws myself, but what I meant when I said, "I wouldn't be surprised if the lines between physical and sensory realities become more blurred in the times ahead" is that it's the only explanation I've found to explain the double (or triple) sun images (assuming they are real).
If indeed we are shifting from a 3rd density planet to 4th or 5th density, some folks are saying that there will be a bleed-in, wherein certain phenomena may be possible. For example... being able to perceive things that were inperceivable before.
Just a wild-ass guess on my part.
concerning the notion of whether or not this is our/my planet. After all of the many thoughts I had about that perspective I came to the conclusion that that kind of determination severely limits my potential understanding of all that is actually going on. Gaia is, after all, Her own Self aware sovereign Being and very gracious and Loving host to my Self aware sovereign Being.
Remembering back to my initial post and what made me raise the question of ownership was that scene from the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still where Kathy Bates' charactor is talking to Keanu Reeves' charactor, she says something that presumes human ownership of this planet and Reeves says, "Your planet?", and Bates says something like, "Yes, this is our planet!", and Reeves' charactor says, "No, it is NOT!". I know it's just a movie, but that really hit home for me.
We cant even really say it is our planet of origin from what most or all of us here have come to highly suspect concerning true origin of Being and possibility of so so many incarnations on so many other planets besides Gaia. What I can say with much more confidence is that I am here visiting Gaia, very likely again, and She is simply Amazing, so very Amazing!!!!!
If I had to say who "owns" who, it would be Gaia who owns us, that we in our physical form are from Her, essentially and fundamentally part of Her... For me, what this subject really does is reveal how much Humanity has been unwittingly conditioned to think the way we think with little to no impulse to question how or why we think the way we think...
Hey Chris,
I'm with you on this...we do not "own" the planet....I remember that scene in the movie...it got me to, was very well done.....
what I don't understand is why we need to see "ownership" at all...ownership is a very ego thing...
The notion of ownership alone makes me instantly suspicious of the direction my left brain interpreter is "creeping"... So good to see you in my Heart's Mind Bro!
Love n Light from the Northern Hemisphere Mate!
These photos of Planet X (from Earth) look to me to be very similar to the "double sun" photos.
Ann Eller references Zeta Talk as the most reliable source for UFO info.
This is their pole shift page: http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p00.htm
Here is their map of world after the pole shift. (Note that North America appears on its side):
Like Chris - I pretty much agreed with what she was saying - however - the fact that her main source of confirmation is info from the Zetas is a red flag in my mind. They are notorious liars in ET circles. I noticed that the pics posted of the "second sun" from the link above are from 2003 and 2004! If it was that visible then - it should be REALLY obvious now.
I like Noa's idea of there being an overlap in dimensions and thus perception. I have heard of this before - and it seems plausible to me. So things like this would not necessarily show up in a photograph for instance.
As for owning the earth - I like the leasing analogy. We have "use" of it for the time being. No one is challenging that use - or even regulating how we use it (minus perhaps the ET's dismantling the nukes) - so it seems to me we have free reign to do with it as we will, short of outright destruction. It DOES appear though that our lease is up for "renewal" and or termination and we may have to pay a fee for using too many resources and not taking care of the place.
George Kavassilas has a good portrayal of the spirit of the Earth being the "wife" of the Sun and being allowed to suffer for the transition we are making. It's a great sacrifice on her part - and it's too bad we don't understand that better. I think we will see and understand that later after we transition and will most likely feel very bad about it - from the perspective of having been a tormentor of another living being. That's a very different outlook than "environmentalism" etc.
Hey Jeff,
I see the earth as a living being, with it's own consciousness......
I would be interested to get an idea of what you see ownership gets us or does for us, even the renting bit....why?....what does that create or allow that is not possible without it?...why do we need it?...
I have enjoyed thinking about this and the more I do the more I feel yuk about owning things....Lol...I'll ramble on a little.....
I always try to see things with the perspective of natural law.....native cultures for instance rarely had any concept of ownershipl. Essentially ownership is contrary to natural law..what is ownership?.....it is a power and control thing....especially when speaking of ownership relating to living things. I can't help but think it has something to do with taking control of another's free will.
Mother Earth is her own being....amazing and complex.., all my life I have heard "preachers" cry that we "man" are some special creature, more amazing and special than the others.....it is then usually explained how that is why we can do all these things we know are destructive on some level to something......people like/need to believe that "we" are the ultimate....we are the best, most advanced, all that stuff.....and that this gives us "certain" rights....and it is rubbish......seriously, who am I next to mother earth, I am but a simple creature.....it amazes me, have people not stood close to some giant old, magnificent tree....felt the vibration of it's amazing being....I swear, if I could get my body to vibrate half as good as some of the trees I have met in my life I would be Jesus Christ reincarnate!....people have forgotten the truth....on a spiritual level the tree has us whipped.....it is awesome, and wise..there are trees in Western Australia that go way past a thousand years old!.....we need to learn to see again....beyond ego and "ownership" where all life is respected and honored. If you respect something you are far less likely to abuse it.
Saying that we are "renting" her out is like saying that when a dog gets fleas he can't address them because they did a deal with themselves where they aquired the rights to take over a section of the dog until they have run the course and killed themselves off, the dog can deal with the damage then and has no say in how they go about this...I want to know who told the dog about the deal?....and......well in nature that deal won't work.....even we tolerate all sorts of creatures to exist on us, some are beneficial, some not...but if any "piss" us off, even ones we essentially like, what do we do?........we KILL them!.....probably even smile when we see em die, actually...especially if they were big enough for us to actually see them die!...Lol...and thats the rules mother earth is workin to....it ain't personal....she will tolerate us, but she does not owe us anything, she will just be doing her thing.....
mother earth is responsible for mother earth, no matter how you swing it, we cannot be responsible for her. What we are responsible for is the mess we make that is unnecessary. Mother earth, the tree's plants and everything else work to natures , or natural law...many creatures, plants etc are spiritually more advanced than we are........think of the giant whales alive today who witnessed the slaughter and remember when the herds were large, they remember man killed their friends and family.....but they don't hate us...they live in the now, they exist with amazing frequencies, frequecies above you and I.
We also are subject to natural law, no matter how much we deny and try to justify our position above it......, we have just strayed from the path and can't see beyond our own projections. It is Ok to take what we need from nature, the world around us, to kill an animal to feed ourselves....but we should have so much respect for the taking or injury caused to another "spirit" that we would not dare take more than we need or cause more suffering than necessary...and we would make best use of all we could, no waste etc..we would share and never take everything so that it will be able to re-cover and we or others can come back next time.....we need to remember what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and the repercussions of our needs in the world around us.....thats all!...lol.....
Yeah Jez - I hear you! Seems simple enough. But there is a lot more going on here than a simple analogy of any kind can encompass. Earth herself - as a living being has her own transition in play - and we are a part of that as well. What has transpired here is not just us humans being irresponsible and "unspiritual" - it's much bigger than that - with ET's genetically modifying our DNA, the negative vibrations of control for thousands of years etc etc etc. All of this is part of it. It's as we have heard many times - a grand play that we are all taking a part in. Earth has been "rented" as the stage for that play - and she has volunteered to remain the stage until the end.
If you understand the difference between simultaneous and sequential incarnating beings, and believe Earth to be the stage for the ONLY simultaneously incarnating beings anywhere in our universe - (which explains a lot if you can wrap your mind around that concept) - then it all starts to come together nicely. It is the very fragmentation of the higher self that creates a seemingly "clueless" incarnation here. We are put here that way on purpose - and forces outside are working to keep us that way. That's all part of the game here - the play. Once all of the experiences of all of the fragments are combined at the end of the play - there will be a giant leap forward in understanding and vibration of the higher self - way beyond any of the ET's mentioned here.
Remember - they are not participating in the play. They are here to just see how it all comes out so as to determine if they are willing to fragment themselves in the same way the next time around. So when that next opportunity comes around - it will not be on this planet, with this Earth. She has agreed to be the stage for this particular play only - and as a part of that process - she moves up also. We all go together.
So while there is really no excuse for our behavior to Earth - other than the outside controls from ET's - there is a purpose behind it in the big picture. It's all been necessary for us to experience those aspects of ourselves not available on other "stages" and in other plays. And you are right - Earth as a sentient being could have refused to participate and thrown us out a long time ago. But she agreed to this role and has been there for us regardless. Again - George talks about this role and where it is going for her - which is very interesting indeed.
Just my take on the big picture anyway!
Thank you so much Jez for a most inspiring, accurate and eloquent post!
Man, the only species completely unnecessary to the functioning biodiversity of this planet and we are the one's completely trashing the place. We make so so much of ourselves on our own behalf while essentially being all but useless, no, completely useless to the function of this amazing planet...
I anticipate a cleansing...
After all, we are NOT the bodies we inhabit...
Could it be that those intending to orchestrate and execute a programme of population control are actually the "good ones" after all? Doing Gaia a solid so to speak???
It gets quite interesting to think outside the box of typical human concern of self...
There have been cleansing die offs before as a natural function of cyclical nature...
Only the self-centered thoughtless narrow minded destructive species known as man would see this as a bad thing...
and they cry to their imaginary gods made conveniently in their own image, "why is this happening to me!?"
I have to soberly and serenely conclude, "why not!"
Just finished watching her talk and I can see why you might want to hear from others, what they think. I initially had the feeling she was making too many specific predictions which tend to be wrong the vast majority of the time when people do that, but she also was hitting on certain subjects which I had already been familiar with, many of which I tend to believe to be true.
She also hit on a few key points I remember from the Law of One data which tends to lend credibility for me personally. One of the things that bothered me a bit was how detailed her definition was of precisely what would be happening to Gaia during (her prediction of) a soon to be happening pole shift, but her information is right on according to some other sources.
So my personal conclusion is I tend to (in large part) agree with her, absent a few things she said (like space ships coming to take willing participants away to a more suitable location/planet), although I have heard this before and was leaning toward thinking it would not necessarily be a good idea to board such vessels because it could be some kind of a ruse to bring willing participants to another location/planet to become part of a slave class to another PTB/ruling class situation, and those unwitting innocents would be stuck with their free will decision to board those vessels.
I really do trust we will know exactly what to do at the time any of this happens, and if that is not the case then there really is no harm done anyway, just another leg of our neverending journey and story in the context of a Cosmos that really is "essentially" a safe place to Be.
In any case, we shall know if she is just one more deliverer of failed predictions soon enough, but like I said, I get an overall good "gut" feeling about her. She reminds me a bit of Carla Rueckert from LL Research (Law of One channeler)...
Another thing that kind of bothered me was she was only speaking to a handful of people, but that really doesn't mean much either... Everything, virtually everything she talked about I have already heard from a number of unrelated sources. I could have given that talk from all I have gathered together over the years. Is she doing exactly that? Is she perfect affirmation for all of these particulars that I have previously come across? Is any of this a continued program of disinformation like Alan Watt would say about so much of the new age propaganda???
These are some of the things that came to mind while listening, but I tend to agree with her on much of it and will wait and see if any of her detailed specifics manifest... Oh, and she did mention the New Madrid Fault Zone, a subject that has been coming up a lot lately...
On 2nd thought, I really don't quite know what to think of her credibility and quality of discernment if she really believes she is looking at Niburu in those pics of the sun featuring some typical anomalies that can happen when pointing a camera at a strong light source...
I sense a wee bit of quackery that surely comes with the territory...
It's your personal take, but your take as described in post above is from information you have personally gathered over time, written by others from our own species, just one more convenient form of making up the rules for ourselves as we go along, as we see fit. Now prove your take is true.
This is what Bill Maher was addressing in Religulous, that brand of religious certitude that is so very common in the behavior of mankind. I loved what Bill said at one point while featuring the honesty of doubt. "You don't know because I don't know, and you do not possess knowledge I do not" (relating contextually to the concept of Heaven and the afterlife)
I have spent so much time on this forum spouting out things I have learned that I found inspiring, but does that mean I am correct just because they rang my chimes? The 1000 year old trees and the whales Jez mentioned never make declarations or pontificate about anything, they just keep vibrating at higher and higher frequencies without professing to be certain about anything.
Can mankind learn something from these wonderful examples?
I have, I hope...
and I so love when forum threads morph like this into such intriguing conversation and debate of ideas... Thank you all for the opportunity!
That's SO funny that you mentioned that movie Chris! I just saw it for the first time like two - three days ago! It was too funny. And of course you're right - nothing is anything except personal perception - and we all have a different take on what is "real, right and true" after all. I didn't mean to sound like I had the only "truth" about any of this.
Even if I was transported to the nth dimension as was G.K. and came back with what I was given as "truth" - it still wouldn't mean a hill of beans to you or anyone else really. Which is getting back to Wendy's original question re Ann Eller's video. Her personal experiences seem to be validated by the Zeta information and that makes it true for her. My experiences have been validated by the information I have been lead to - and that makes it true for me. No doubt you and Jez and everyone else have your own experiences validated with different information etc.
The question Wendy was asking I think in re to this video - is does any of this information validate any of what we have experienced or validated for ourselves? Seems like at least some of it resonates with most of us here.
The antithesis to a spiritual model of man (Bill Maher's view?) is the "meat suit" model, that we are really nothing special, just a jumble of muscle and blood that happened to evolve to a point of consciousness - not too much different than that of other primates. There is no way to prove that model isn't true either - as brain studies have identified specific areas and chemicals of the brain in relation to "spiritual experiences" to the point where they can just create one if they want to - much like what happens with certain drugs etc.
So I guess we'll figure it all out eventually! In the meantime, I'm taking my meat suit outside to enjoy the sunshine!
meat suit, perfect. may we all reach terminal velocity in a unique way. love when we stretch out like this, and really appreciate what you bring to the mix Jeff, I really do!!!!
I am still waiting to hear Wendy's final take on this because I see how one could be wondering what the heck to think about this. Ann sounds so sure, but that is so typical.
We are the ones we have been waiting for....
Hi Chris-
I appreciate your comments. I am guessing that much of her talk is not true because there is so much that doesn't add up. I think however that it'a a case of dis-info. being passed on to her and she believes that what she is telling us is true. I worry that we believe her because many others are telling us similar things, I'm not sure that is a good reason to believe in something.
This video is part of much I have been reading about, trying to figure out what to expect in the way of up comming earth changes.
Sott.net has an article today about a single 400 lb. chunck of ice falling out of the sky. There have been other random large ice chunks coming down in Spain on sunny days. They have tested the ice - it is not dumped from airplane bathrooms and is similar in composition to hail but lots of these chunks have come down out of clear blue skys.
I'm not sure how ownership of the earth relates to this talk. I agree that there is too much ownership in our society today. You would think that we could share land the same way we share air and water. I'm not entirely against ownership though - when it comes to things I have spent lots of time and energy into creating, I want to be able to control and own those things.
I have missed alot of these the last few months..This subject has been on my mind the last few weeks..I thought it was here that I read some interesting science recently..It spoke of the culmination of research done from the Hubble over the years.The fact that struck me was this.....Literally every solar system studied so far has been a binary system,,meaning, it has 2 suns...Soooo,,Why would ours be any different ? On top of that, I am sure many of you have seen these new photographs of the "shadows" thrown by these "dark suns"..It sounds like the theory is that ,in a binary system, one sun is visible,and alive, like the one we know,,the other is ,in a sense, the opposite,basically,invisible..The shadows , and then,the body itself,have been photographed in many cases....you see where I am going with this...If it is true, it also explains all the math that has never "worked" in explaining how our solar system slings itself through space...The second sun is in a slingshot orbit with the first,so they only engage every so often,,in our case 3,600 years,,,they sling each other back into orbit for another 3,600 years...Of course, that would explain these theories about the 10th planet, nibiru,etc....I know there was a post here a while back that mentioned all the petroglyphs down the western half of the Americas portraying this great body in the sky,and all the natives running from it..also the huge garbled piles of assorted dinosaur bones found in the western US,I believe Utah,like they were washed up there by a big wave..Of course, if this second sun passes even reasonably close to us on it s trip, the tides alone would wreak a whole mess of destruction....
Chris, I always dig your points of view,,I would also say that there is a better chance that we belong to Gaia,as it is from her,and her reaction with the matter in the cosmos,that we are able to incarnate into these wild biological bags of neurons,as to experience all of this magic..It wouldn t work otherwise.....and i also believe that our thoughts and actions affect her enough to soften,or make more dramatic, the changes she goes through...
I also agree with Noah s guess about the possible "bleed through", as similar things happened to me as a child, things in the peripheral zone,,you know,,they happen fast, but are in- dismissable.....
Jez,I love the thought of her being married to the sun..The mayans believed this wholeheartedly,and although it was symbolic in a sense,it,like most things,was based on a truth on some level...I recommended this book before on this site,by Martin Prechtel,,"the disobedience of the daughter of the sun"...It is a perfect example of the Mayans s history keeping, which was hidden in their stories..They were read nightly,and for many,it would take a lifetime to acquire the whole story..each story can be interpeted in many ways,and the history is in there......
I haven t been able to keep up with the site over the last few months..i checked in the last few days and found this thread a really good read...I am in my hometown,New Orleans now,,below sea level,working for the summer,if I can hang that long..I have an ominous feeling about this city,like this is the last time I will see it,,unless I take up diving,,ha! This whole new wave of people has moved here to fill the void left by all those who didn t ,or couldn t return,after Katrina..the ninth ward is being rebuilt,which is insane,as it has been flooded twice in my lifetime to save the city..Brad Pitt is doing his little "green" subdivision down there..I am living just this side of it..the water was 4 or 5 feet here..I love the element of water here,living below sea level is so deep, it is very emotional,it is ,,,,,heavy....I will miss this place....Hope everyone here is well...T
Decided to resurrect this forum instead of posting a new one. came across this youtube video and was moved by it...
and for balance, here is a senior NASA scientist sharing his views on this subject, and then some interesting info in the last half of the video...
NASA senior scientist talks about ELENIN, NIBIRU, pole shift and 2012's conspiracies. - YouTube
I am kind of at the place where if nothing happens this Fall in September through November, I am pretty much through chasing this kind of sensational information... one thing seems to be a for sure thing unless Elenin changes course - it is scheduled to get between the Earth and Sun, and is moving approximately the same speed as the Earth, so we could have a 3 days of darkness event as predicted by the Mayans... and there is much talk about Elenin being a controlled craft with other craft flanking it...
let's throw these in the mix for good measure:
Comet ELENIN Project Camelot - Richard C. Hoagland MUST SEE!! - YouTube
Project Camelot - Radio - ELENIN Discussion - July 13, 2011 - YouTube
Project Camelot - Radio Show - MORE ELENIN PLOT - August 3, 2011 - YouTube