Celebrate what's right with the world.

I ran across this video that I thought is worth every single one of it’s 22 minutes.

 I thought I would let you know up front that it is 22 minutes long, in case you don’t have that much time to watch it right now.  I do hope, if this is the case,  that you will come back when you do have time and enjoy it.


 In this 22-​minute short film, "Cel­e­brate What's Right With The World", De­witt Jones (world-​class pho­to­jour­nal­ist for the Na­tion­al Ge­o­graph­ic) asks: "Do we choose to see pos­si­bil­i­ties? Do we re­al­ly be­lieve they're there?"

He as­sures us that there is al­ways more than one right an­swer. Cel­e­brat­ing what's right with the world helps us rec­og­nize the pos­si­bil­i­ties and find so­lu­tions for the chal­lenges be­fore us.

This in­spi­ra­tional, best-​sell­ing film uti­lizes stun­ning pho­tog­ra­phy and pow­er­ful di­a­logue to help view­ers ap­proach their lives with cel­e­bra­tion, con­fi­dence and grace.

“As I cel­e­brat­ed what was right with the world, I be­gan to build a vi­sion of pos­si­bil­i­ty, not scarci­ty. Pos­si­bil­i­ty... al­ways an­oth­er right an­swer.” -​ De­witt Jones


With Love,


valstanton's picture

Thank you Mary that was EXACTLY what I needed right now Laughing

with love valx


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"