The People's Voice

David Icke's latest project to create a TV network raised $100,000 in 6 days.

Noa's picture

I'm surprised that David Icke hasn't launched this project long before now, given that his roots are in broadcast journalism.

Speaking of Icke... I admire his work, but I haven't totally bought into his conviction that the PTW are reptilians.  I don't know where he gets his views and I've never seen him back up his claims with hard evidence. 

If you know if such confirmation exists, please point me in the right direction.

Now, after watching the above video, I see the tremendous potential Icke's project has to educate, motivate, and liberate us.

Good find, Wendy.

Wendy's picture

Yea, I don't buy into the reptilian thing either but he's a good bloke as they would say there and I go to his headlines website almost daily - I find it has a nice mix of alternative news and other interesting films, etc.

Noa's picture

I´d like the link to David´s headlines, please Wendy.

Wendy's picture

He usually has ads for his latest event and or books at the top of the page but as you scroll down you will come to the daily news stories. The page usually takes a little longer to load than your average website.

Brian's picture

I saw what's her face doing the interviews for Project Camelot say that she asked him what was the root of his belief in reptilians and he said it was a belief he'd heard from someone else and that he had no experience or proof of it. He sure suffered for voicing it. I suspect he (maybe unconciously) needed to alienate himself from his earlier life, friends, associates to make the leap to where he is now in his worldview. I also think this belief may be a response to the presence of dangerously destructive people who's lives are built on fear-the product of the so-called reptilian core of the brain.

Noa's picture

I've been listening to several interviews lately with Illuminati defectors/mind control victims like Erin Rothschild and Arizona Wilder.  They both describe the physical characteristics of reptilians in great detail, even naming names of prominent people from these bloodlines. 

I don't know what any of these people would have to gain by claiming a reptilian connection.  It makes their stories less credible, and like Brian said, they set themselves up for ridicule by doing so.  This leads me to believe that the truth (or at least their perception of the truth) is motivating them.  It seems like too many people are telling similar stories for there not to be a something to it.

If you delve into this subject online, however, you'll encounter a lot of hokey photoshopped "evidence" of shapeshifters and plenty of disinformation designed to frustrate and confuse, so you have to be diligent and discerning to uncover the truth.

I will say that the more I research, the more open-minded I'm becoming to the possibility that David Icke might actually know what he's talking about.

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