Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge
This is an exciting video about a revolutionary understanding of the potentials of water!
This is an exciting video about a revolutionary understanding of the potentials of water!
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
his comment about the scientist who suggested water had memory,,,,and lost his career over it ! I am wondering who he is speaking of..as now that theory has been tested hundreds of times,,maybe more,,and seems to be true
Here's more evidence of water's memory...
And here's Wikipedia pooping all over the idea...
sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions - YouTube
This information is very intriging. I believe this is big. Great post. Thank you.
I've read a lot about people focusing their love and attention and energizing water, to activate healing properties. I've tried it to see if I can make use of this idea -- even if it's only a placebo effect, I believe STRONGLY in the placebo effect so self-administered placebos usually work.
I'm pretty hard to focus sometimes though, I'm wondering... if water has been around for quite a long time, and retains memory, I wonder if it would work to ask the water to remember being pure and full of healing and life, and to carry that memory into my body?
Can't hurt! :)
You might want to try this, Nyn:
(I'm having trouble loading Youtube videos today, so I didn't view this before posting. You can search for others on Youtube -- keywords "Masaru Emoto Rice Experiment.")
I'm liking how his research links the sun, water, surface and + & - charged molecules with separation, (which induces attraction) producing life patterns that appear self-forming and are actually being pushed all along. Funny how we feel separately lonely, and the separation begins and orders life. There's also the enormous implications for new energy potential. To mention the healing aspects like some of you have already, I see the rest of the information as a validation to that aspect and vice-versa. Kewl beans. :>