This video of the 2010 Bilderburg protests in Spain brought tears to my eyes. Hearing words that I have heard at many protest type events I have attended in America - from 9/11 truth marches to groups chanting at Ron Paul speeches but in Spanish and in a foreign country was amazing. The message was exactly the same as I have heard here but particularly the words "The people of the world will not stand for this" meant so much when the message was spoken in a foreign language by people I do not know but I have so much solidarity with. Especially the message of love and peace toward the police was beautiful. Hope you all will take heart from this as I did.
So comforting to know that what we have been seeing the past few years, what we feel we have been guided towards becoming aware of, is so much bigger than any one of us alone, that all of this is going down, the becoming aware and awakened, all over the world, and maybe even all over the galaxy and/or universe!
Its like the Cosmos saying, "I'm not asking you to do this alone, or to save the world" "Am just asking you to awaken and Be, and be willing and available and present in this amazing moment!"....
Like the video I posted earlier, this is an avalanching situation. More and more people are realizing, awakening to the fact that they have been decieved and misled and misdirected for how long. I saw a report which I assumed was an Onion News report but was on the SOTT website and I couldn't verify it as being Onion. Very interesting. And I did give a feeling of maybe this could happen. This was dated April 1 (April Fools Day) so that is why I felt it was a hoax. It had the feeling of a hoax but I have not been able to determine one way or another..... The video of the Spanish reaction is a reflection of this very concept.
"Washington - President Obama, U.S. congressmen and their aides held an emergency four hour-long meeting Wednesday to decide what action to take to stem a sudden and unprecedented mass enlightenment of the US population that threatens to destabilize the Government and create a fiscal crisis.
Millions of citizens jubilantly celebrated their new awareness as they suddenly realized they have been lied to all their lives on just about everything by their psychopathic, conscienceless leaders of major corporations, government and security agencies.
Residents in all major cities across the United States awoke Wednesday morning complaining that they were experiencing an inexplicable mental clarity that was causing them to realize the way they were about to spend their day was utterly pointless, a potential health threat and would only add energy and finances to a powerful wealthy elite that had been ruling their lives since as long as they could remember.
Congress was thrown into chaos when a majority of staff decided to simply stop showing up for work until their bosses resign; in a move of solidarity, energy companies turned off the power to government buildings and military bases, while water companies shut down their water supply; repair people refused to carry out repairs for the politically well-connected and television network staff refused to report the lies they are routinely ordered to tell by their editors.
One Chicago resident's report was consistent with many similar accounts coming in from across the country. Joe, 42 told us how he had become aware of the diversionary, divide and conquer machinations of the psychopathic oligarchs, especially in relation to abortion, health care, immigration, global warming, peak oil, 9/11, fake terrorism, both current wars and past wars, 'necessary police actions', empire building and resource plundering, left vs right, evolution vs creationism, fundamentalists vs everybody else!
"Wow! I sort of felt things weren't right but to suddenly be able to see the true nature of all the lies we've been bombarded with by media and Big Government is just mind-boggling," Joe exclaimed.
"The public seems to have finally understood that they're so sick and going bankrupt because of the FDA/AMA medical mafia and Big Pharma's Gestapo death grip over absolutely everything! I've noticed how food companies, Monsanto and Big Pharma's share prices have exploded over the past few years," said Joe. "I can see it's because they have bought Congress and have a complete monopoly over our food supply, health and non-existent consideration for others' well-being."
Reports are flooding in of people deciding to buy or trade for goods with hand crafters in their own region instead of shopping at Wal-Mart. Rather than buying GMO foods at the supermarket chain stores, they've formed co-ops with their neighbors, bought fresh food in bulk and are getting together to can foods, smoke meats and pickle vegetables - followed by a barbecue. Feeling so connected and enthused by that, ordinary people across the nation are organizing all kinds of meetings to learn all the old skills that their grandparents knew that made them independent.
People are leaving the cities in droves and, en masse, have established themselves on previously restricted government land. This resulted in a veritable frenzy of house-building and barn raising parties followed, once again, by barbecues where home-made pickles were enjoyed by all.
The reasons for the mass-awakening are as yet unclear. One possible explanation has been given by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where officials have discovered that the normally high levels of fluoride added to the nation's drinking water were "accidentally omitted." It's suspected that workers at water plants are responsible. Government Health officials have advised all citizens to carry on working as normal, eat lots of fast-food and stay glued to their TV sets in the hope that any thoughts generated in people by seeing the reality of the situation will be pacified by toxins, apathy and a return to the steady atrophy of their brains.
Citizens have been urged by the Obama administration to report anyone they witness behaving in a non-consumer-capitalist manner to Homeland Security who, with the help of FEMA, will permanently detain anyone found more than 5 meters from a Television screen.
Wendy, I loved that video, and you are right, the expressions of love and brotherhood toward the police officers was quite touching. This points to the peaceful revolution that I believe may be in store for us. Beautiful!
Berry, another Wow! for you! I loved that article. I can imagine it in The Onion, and I want to send it to every friend I have who has not yet taken the first step out of the old paradim toward being awake. I can envision the day in which this happens, and it's not too far away.
With overflowing love,