SOLUTIONS – alkalizing the body is the key. Not only can it cure Morgellon's, balancing your pH can cure and prevent cancer and many other illnesses. There are various ways to alkalize the body -- through diet, supplementation, and colonics. I have personally had the most success balancing my pH with the Candida Diet: ~ Noa
. . the Morgellon's disease of today is a totally NEW disease. The fibers are red, blue, white and other colors. These fibers DON'T BURN AT 1400 DEGREES F !.
We now know that Morgellon's disease is caused by some kind of nanotechnology. The fibers are grown by miniature machines. Maybe they escaped from some laboratory. (See article by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)
Have a Bath with Sun powdered laundry detergent with Colorsafe Bleach PLUS Alfalfa tablets.
These seem to combine to produce something that is lethal to the machines. This cure for Morgellon's disease was discovered by accident.
This testimonial is from the person who discovered this cure: (Daisy Baleen) Posted on Health and Healing @
I have been Morgellons sufferer for over ten years. Recently, I discovered, quite by accident, something that is literally making it disappear from my BODY. I have experimented with various "super baths," filling the tub with hot water and putting in things like lemons, baking soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc. Well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath and I was pretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach into the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin.
Anyway, I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When I returned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak.
Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a morgellons sufferers' lifetime dream: those black and grey specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVES BY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MY BODY!!
And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things "dissolving" in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things Morgellon out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour!
Brown flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers drifted off the surface of my skin like No Problema, see ya later, something I had NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH ANY OTHER TOPICAL AGENT.
THE MIGHTY ALFALFA HAS SINCE CONQUERED MORGELLONS IN MY BODY. The scabs are gone, the fibers are history, the patches of fibers are all taped to a piece of wax paper and about to be sent off to a research lab that has requested them.
I am sending you my testimonial in hopes that other sufferers will at least know some relief from the scourge of the skin.
Dandelion the Flame Point Siamese must be credited with this miraculous discovery. He is only three years old, but he's a hero to his long-suffering Mommy!
I've done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparently it creates an alkaline environment in the body in which things like CANCER and other diseases cannot survive. So, taking it internally can only be a good thing, also; but it's the BATHS that made all the difference in the world for me.
I also tried putting St. Johns Wort in the bath along with it, with even better results. And for some reason, using the Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach also helps facilitate the migration of the specks.
God, I really hope this helps even one person as it has helped me. It has cleared up my symptoms so completely that I kept forgetting to post this information on the morgellons websites!!!!
Thank you to God for this wonderful, freak discovery! Please spread this information far and wide.
Editor's note: The primary ingredient in this discovery was the laundry detergent with color-safe bleach. The bleach is an oxidizer similar to MMS. The boost from the alfalfa is not easily understood but clearly was helpful. Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream would be perfect targets for chlorine dioxide gas to destroy so a four-drop dose of MMS taken internally would be a perfect compliment for this bathing process. Note also that MMS can be used in swimming pools and also safely in a bath tub. MMS is a water purifier first and foremost. For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS for bathing (not drinking). Other Morgellons testimonials will be forthcoming.)
Thanks for posting this - Wow, this is difficult and depressing. I will try the Sun with bleach. Even though I have no symptom of morgellons, like she said, we've all been exposed to the chemtrail non-sense. I know that personally I've had a blood test done that came up high in aluminum but I have yet to see anything that is really meant to get rid of aluminum in the body. The speaker was wrong to characterize it as a heavy metal - Aluminum is actually a light metal and I'm not sure that heavy metal cleanses would work for aluminum.
I've heard that MMS is a scam. Interesting that the editor's note contradicts the author's testimony who said she had already tried bathing in laundry detergent. I tend to think it's more likely the alphalfa tablets but who knows?
When people refer to Aluminum as a heavy metal, they are not referring to the weight. Rather, it is the degree of toxicity and difficulty of removing it from the body. I suppose a purist could say, "I want to remove heavy metals and aluminum from my body."
There are many ways to purge heavy metals. Chelation therapy is one that comes to mind.
Here are the top 10 ways according to this website:
Many people are claiming that Orgone energy can dissipate chemtrails and counteract the harmful effect of EMFs from cellphones, wireless computers, microwaves, etc. I don't have any first-hand experience with this, but orgonite is simple to make or you can buy it ready-made online. It would be interesting to see if a widespread "orgonite movement" would help us reclaim our skies.
Erasing a Cloud with Orgonite. (I wish this demo showed chemtrail busting, but it's fascinating, nonetheless. Be sure to watch the last few minutes when the tape is speeded up.)
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
SOLUTIONS – alkalizing the body is the key. Not only can it cure Morgellon's, balancing your pH can cure and prevent cancer and many other illnesses. There are various ways to alkalize the body -- through diet, supplementation, and colonics. I have personally had the most success balancing my pH with the Candida Diet: ~ Noa
Thu, 05/15/2008 - 00:20 — Arthur Cristian
Forwarded from Oxyplus @ Sunday, 22 April 2007, 11:09 a.m.
MMS Stories
. . the Morgellon's disease of today is a totally NEW disease. The fibers are red, blue, white and other colors. These fibers DON'T BURN AT 1400 DEGREES F !.
We now know that Morgellon's disease is caused by some kind of nanotechnology. The fibers are grown by miniature machines. Maybe they escaped from some laboratory. (See article by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)
Have a Bath with Sun powdered laundry detergent with Colorsafe Bleach PLUS Alfalfa tablets.
These seem to combine to produce something that is lethal to the machines. This cure for Morgellon's disease was discovered by accident.
This testimonial is from the person who discovered this cure: (Daisy Baleen) Posted on Health and Healing @
I have been Morgellons sufferer for over ten years. Recently, I discovered, quite by accident, something that is literally making it disappear from my BODY. I have experimented with various "super baths," filling the tub with hot water and putting in things like lemons, baking soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc. Well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath and I was pretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach into the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin.
Anyway, I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When I returned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak.
Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a morgellons sufferers' lifetime dream: those black and grey specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVES BY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MY BODY!!
And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things "dissolving" in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things Morgellon out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour!
Brown flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers drifted off the surface of my skin like No Problema, see ya later, something I had NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH ANY OTHER TOPICAL AGENT.
THE MIGHTY ALFALFA HAS SINCE CONQUERED MORGELLONS IN MY BODY. The scabs are gone, the fibers are history, the patches of fibers are all taped to a piece of wax paper and about to be sent off to a research lab that has requested them.
I am sending you my testimonial in hopes that other sufferers will at least know some relief from the scourge of the skin.
Dandelion the Flame Point Siamese must be credited with this miraculous discovery. He is only three years old, but he's a hero to his long-suffering Mommy!
I've done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparently it creates an alkaline environment in the body in which things like CANCER and other diseases cannot survive. So, taking it internally can only be a good thing, also; but it's the BATHS that made all the difference in the world for me.
I also tried putting St. Johns Wort in the bath along with it, with even better results. And for some reason, using the Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach also helps facilitate the migration of the specks.
God, I really hope this helps even one person as it has helped me. It has cleared up my symptoms so completely that I kept forgetting to post this information on the morgellons websites!!!!
Thank you to God for this wonderful, freak discovery! Please spread this information far and wide.
Editor's note: The primary ingredient in this discovery was the laundry detergent with color-safe bleach. The bleach is an oxidizer similar to MMS. The boost from the alfalfa is not easily understood but clearly was helpful. Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream would be perfect targets for chlorine dioxide gas to destroy so a four-drop dose of MMS taken internally would be a perfect compliment for this bathing process. Note also that MMS can be used in swimming pools and also safely in a bath tub. MMS is a water purifier first and foremost. For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS for bathing (not drinking). Other Morgellons testimonials will be forthcoming.)
Hi Noa,
Thanks for posting this - Wow, this is difficult and depressing. I will try the Sun with bleach. Even though I have no symptom of morgellons, like she said, we've all been exposed to the chemtrail non-sense. I know that personally I've had a blood test done that came up high in aluminum but I have yet to see anything that is really meant to get rid of aluminum in the body. The speaker was wrong to characterize it as a heavy metal - Aluminum is actually a light metal and I'm not sure that heavy metal cleanses would work for aluminum.
I've heard that MMS is a scam. Interesting that the editor's note contradicts the author's testimony who said she had already tried bathing in laundry detergent. I tend to think it's more likely the alphalfa tablets but who knows?
When people refer to Aluminum as a heavy metal, they are not referring to the weight. Rather, it is the degree of toxicity and difficulty of removing it from the body. I suppose a purist could say, "I want to remove heavy metals and aluminum from my body."
There are many ways to purge heavy metals. Chelation therapy is one that comes to mind.
Here are the top 10 ways according to this website:
Many people are claiming that Orgone energy can dissipate chemtrails and counteract the harmful effect of EMFs from cellphones, wireless computers, microwaves, etc. I don't have any first-hand experience with this, but orgonite is simple to make or you can buy it ready-made online. It would be interesting to see if a widespread "orgonite movement" would help us reclaim our skies.
What is Orgone Energy?
Effects of orgonite on the human aura, video.
How to make Orgonite.
Where to buy ready-made Orgonite.
What is a Chembuster and how do you make one?
Busting a chemtrail, video.
Easy-to-make Chembuster
Erasing a Cloud with Orgonite. (I wish this demo showed chemtrail busting, but it's fascinating, nonetheless. Be sure to watch the last few minutes when the tape is speeded up.)