Veritas interview with documentary film maker James Fox re: media black-out in Louisana - sounds like they are arresting people who are trying to get real info on the spill - bigtime suppresion going on. Listen to episode 79.5 at the following link (not exactly a video I realize):
Lots of other great interviews here too, been listening to them all day.
I also highly recommend the interview with Clif High at the same link - I find his insights on how to "fight" the PTB to be very appropriate.
Spooky on steroids... Thanks for posting, what a great resource at veritasshow.com
oh, also noticed Dr. Judy Wood in the list of interviews. She has some very interesting ideas about what happened to the towers on September 11th, 2001.
and the Clif High interview, he never fails to inform well (or at the very least, be very interesting). here is a link to a discussion of part 6 of the 1309 web bot series YouTube - Web Bot P6 of "1309 Alta Report" 1/14
and some more reference material
YouTube - The Veritas Show - Special - Clif High - Part 1/9
2009summary.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Thanks Josh
Very important information.
Thank you, Josh! I just got off a call through Common Passion with those from the Gulf of Mexico that confirmed that this is what is happening. They are not even advising the locals and the tourists not to swim in the water. They said that these weird fiberglass and wood burned things are washing ashore because they are trying to burn off the oil and make it look good and still have a good tourist season. The extent of the coverup is quite dcsconcerting!
Another scary example of human arrogance - Can't fix it? - just Bomb it!
Marine Corps Scientist: BIG Bomb Could Seal Gulf Oil Leak
By Nathan Hodge
Plenty of people have come forward with ideas for plugging the Gulf oil leak. A Marine Corps science adviser has proposed his own novel solution: Drop a huge bomb on it.
Franz Gayl, a civilian scientist employed by the Marine Corps, is circulating a proposal to stop the gusher of oil by using the dropping the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal on the wellhead.
Call it the Mother of All Depth Charges. Gayl is proposing a modified version of the Air Force’s GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, known informally as the “mother of all bombs.” Designed as a “shock and awe” weapon to intimidate Saddam Hussein in the run-up to the Iraq war, the 21,600 pound, GPS-guided bomb was never used in combat.
Washington Wire has obtained a copy of a PowerPoint presentation Gayl is circulating. The presentation neatly visualizes how the bomb might cauterize the leak – without messy consequences. According to Gayl’s theory, the massive shock wave from the detonation would seal the plumbing, but the massive underwater pressure would contain the blast.
Gayl is well known among military-technology geeks: He filed for whistle-blower protection in 2007 after he criticized the military’s procurement bureaucracy for spiking requests to field specialized mine-resistant vehicles. Those vehicles are now widely used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Big Bomb is the Worst Idea I have EVER HEARD of. All of those empty chambers under the sea are interconnected and filled with Methane. This would set off a chain reaction of the likes we have not seen since the age of the Dinosaurs!
International Citizen’s Initiative – GULF Oil Spill, June 12, 2010
These are the realities on the ground (undersea floor), in the water (Gulf of Mexico and the Seven Seas), and inthe air (atmosphere) in the wake of the Oil and Gas Industry operations aroundthe globe, as it has operated for well over 100 years. For illustration purposes let’s just focus on the Northern Gulf Coast of Mexico, since that is where Mother Earth has directed our collective attention. We can do this
quickly by consulting the following map of the oil and gas platforms that were in operation throughout the Gulf of Mexico in 2006 (per Wikipedia).
As you are aware, oil and gas exploration, drilling and extraction have been conducted for many decades in the Gulf. Therefore, we know that there are an untoldnumber of vast empty caverns which have been emptied of their oil andgas. We, also, know that, when a repository has been emptied, very quickly, there is a shock of sorts to the system and to the geological formationsthat exist around and contiguous to these drill and extractionareas. One can easily imagine how the entire balance of this
undersea ecosystem and sub-seafloor geology can be irrevocably affected by therelentless intrusions and profoundly invasive techniques conducted in the oil and gas exploration, drilling and extraction process.
Let’s now contextualize this state of affairs by fast-forwarding to 2012. As Mother Earth rocks and rolls in preparation for her rejuvenation, we are all witnessing huge andunprecedented changes to her beautiful form. For instance we know therehas been a dramatic uptick in the number of earthquakes and volcanoes, both onland and undersea around the world. We know that global climate change
has been occurring for decades and has manifested in some places as global warming, others as global cooling, and still othersas global deluges and globaldroughts, etc. Regardless of where you live, most of us willagree that world and life are increasingly changing.
What else is happening on and in Earth? The Schumann resonance, a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field, is on the way from 7.8 to 14.3 according to many respected scientists and related experts. The magnetic dynamics of Mother Earth, Herself, are decreasing rapidly and,perhaps, on the way to zero as a prelude to a possible magnetic pole shift, oreven to a mono-polar planet. Whole species are vacating Mother Earth as we write. But most important is what is about to happen within and aroundthe center and energetic heart of our solar system – “ Father” Sun.
We are now rapidly coming out of a Solar Phase, known as the Solar Minimum, and on the way to a
Solar Maximum phase. Many scientific and spiritual leaders, have predicted, that the most active and dramatic Solar Maximum Phase of thiscurrent cycle will occur during the years around 2012. This will manifestas a significant increase in the number of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, sunspots, as well as considerable intensification of solar wind activity. The magnetics of the sun will also be profoundly affected. All of thiscolossal solar activity will have HUGE impacts on Mother Earth and our Human
Family, including space bound technologies that exist in large numbers of satellites.
What’s all this
got to do with the state of the oil and gas industry? What we just described will have a large effect on the greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration and interactions within MotherEarth’s atmosphere, as well as, all mineral, plant, animal, human and weatheractivity. All of the previouly mentioned changes will especially determine how the “mix” of Green House Gasses is processed by Mother Earth. She is already increasingly shaking and erupting from within. This all clearly indicates that in the next few years, Mother Earth’s skin (crust) well may experience a deepening, on-going transformation, of truly epic proportions.
All of this scientific data clearly indicates what is now dynamically unfolding. Forinstance, in the Gulf of Mexico, when you mix vast empty caverns under theseafloor, which have had their fluids and dynamics radically altered, with nocompensatory follow-up measures, along with undersea earthquakes and volcanoes,what occurs?! A Massive displacement of water that can be translated to
tsunamis or tidal waves, by whatever names you may prefer.
This does not include the methane gas ignition potentialities or methane hydrate issues (see
“Pulling the Methane Clathrate Trigger” illustration below). You see thatthere are huge and innumerable pockets of methane trapped within the earth’scrust, and especially on and below the seafloor of all the oceans of Mother Earth. Thesemethane repositories and reservoirs can be ignited in variety of ways. Sometimes, it is triggered by an earthquake, sometimes, a volcano or a meteor,
sometimes, an oil drilling operation gone awry. Going back eons, somescientists have postulated that it may have been an asteroid that triggered achain reaction of methane ignitions, which so transformed the surface of theMother Earth that dinosaurs became extinct, virtually, overnight
The crux of our current scenario is that greenhouse gas emissions have seen a dramatic rise with human activity (What else could be expected with almost 7 billion peopledriving and flying and rocketing everywhere?). Historical andarchaeological records indicate that when a critical mass of GHG emissions isreached in their many multifarious manifestations, things start too literally “pop”. Our mainstream media, for instance, has advanced the perspective that an ignited methane burp gave rise to the explosion, and subsequent firethat sunk the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf.
Now let’s add this to this mix, the current BP practice of burning massive amounts of oil brought up to the surfaceof the Gulf by their ,chemically toxic, oil plume dispersants . Greenhouse Gas Emissions! Yes! We have a very serious problem withthe current gulf oil “volcano”, but it has, also, multiplied its adverseeffects on the entire environment, many times over, with the wanton burning of the spilled oil. Added to all of this are the toxic side effects of volumes ofdispersants (both in use, were outlawed in the UK, due to extreme harm to lifeand the environment), as well as, the resulting synergies when they interactwith powerful VOC's (volatile organic chemicals), like benzene, toluene andnaphthalene. BP has made quite a toxic stew out of the entire Gulf ofMexico, while the US Federal Government has assumed the position of enabler,co-dependent or accomplice.
Now, back to the seafloor. There are additional concerns! Because the integrity of the seafloor has been, and is being, profoundlyundermined by leaks and seeps, there are fissures and cracks appearing. With a piercing of the well casing, extremely hot oil interacts with theseafloor in many unknown ways, which then contributes to upsetting thefoundation into which this well was drilled. As this process advances,
there exists the potential for a seafloor collapse, which will immediatelycause one of three outcomes. (i.) The existing volcano will become asuper-volcano. (ii.) The resulting debris field could be Mother Earth’sway of sealing off the well permanently. (iii.) The last possibility isan infinite number of permutations which presents us with a still spilling oilwell. How big or large depends on a variety of factors, known and unknown.
If there is a confluence of circumstances, we could see a much larger domino effect of other empty caverns (see map above) collapsing and giving rising to a much largerdisplacement of water, as well as methane ignitions which would perpetuate thisdomino effect until it naturally expended itself. Along with this “worstcase scenario”, go all the other potential consequences, which have been
existent throughout the entire history of corporate oil and gas activities, except that, until now, the Oil and Gas Industry has been very, very lucky. We believe their long run of good luck has now run out. Time and the collective,wise, visionary action of an enlightened, concerned and a unified Human Family will determine the final outcome.
Dr. Tom Termotto, Chief of Staff
International Citizen’s Initiative – GULF Oil Spil
Dr. Tom Termotto is an Environmental Health Advocate in his capacity of National Coordinator for the Coalition Against Chemical Trespass. He is also Chief of Staff to Dr. Thomas B. Manton, the head of an International Citizen's Initiative responding to the Gulf oil spill. Dr. Tom is board certified in integrative medicine and practices along a broad range of holistic and alternative healing modalities. He is Chair and president of Radiant Life Foundation, Inc., a disseminator of health and wellness information worldwide, and founder of holistic health solutions, a holistic health coaching and wellness counselling enterprise.