It's official, Mayor Bloomberg has no heart.
On December 10th (International Human Rights Day), New York parents and children marched in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street to protest NYPD Bullies.
“We teach our children at home and in schools that bullying is wrong,” said Mark Hamilton of Parents for Occupy Wall St. “The violence by some in the NYPD against peaceful protesters is confusing our children; we are left to explain unprofessional and inexcusable actions.”
The children made 5,000 paper hearts, one for each peaceful protester arrested nationwide over the past three months. Then they marched from Union Square to City Hall Park to deliver a “stop bullying” message to NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and his boss, Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
You can watch the 40 minute march here... http://www.livestream.com/owsnyc/video?clipId=pla_305b8d98-e1b9-4e02-bdff-8f068ef85c51&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb
The video is of poor quality, so you may want to advance the tape...
30 minute mark – the children arrive at City Hall Park and place their hearts on the fence surrounding the Bloomberg mansion.
37 minute mark - a request is made for the occupiers to Occupy the DOE. This is immediately followed by guards tearing down paper hearts and children crying, as dozens of Christmas Santas walk by in silence.
I can barely stand the irony.