What Makes America the Greatest Country in the World?
"Corporation" is a dirty word these days. It brings to mind the filthy rich, greedy SOBs who dole out exorbitant salaries and bonuses to CEOs who enslave the working poor in return. The weathiest oligarchs, we're realizing, pay little or no taxes and send jobs overseas to employ cheap labor.
You can read the other letters to Jessica at http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/jessica/jessica.shtml (If you're not "put off" by this website's Christian bent, it contains some thought-provoking articles.) http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/index.shtml
Letters to Jessica
Letter Two - Wizards of America
This morning I've been reading online news items. Very little of it looks like good news. I watched a video on YouTube of a shanty town - a tent city near Los Angeles. That video's misleading, as it implies that the occupants are victims of the housing bubble.
The news is not all bad!
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