Posted by Noa
on December 8, 2014 - 10:42am
I'm a Johnny-come-lately to the Alex Collier material. If you, likewise, are unfamiliar with Alex, he has had contact with the ETs from Andromeda since the age of eight. I resonate very strongly with the Andromedas as a humanoid race and the messages contained in these two videos.
Posted by davelambert
on May 25, 2008 - 1:45am
There's a young kid at work named Jose. I call him a kid, but he's old enough to have a bunch of tattoos and ideas. I like the kid. Last week he handed me a book, and asked me if I'd read it and tell him what I thought. So I find myself reading, for the first time, a book by the renowned David Icke. This one is Children Of The Matrix, apparently his latest.
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