Prayer Request

Hi, all ~

I usually do not ask for help for myself or my family, but I feel comfortable enough in this community to do so (which is a nice feeling). 

Two weeks ago, my husband (Chris) was laid-off from his job.  He has had several interviews and other leads since then, but I wanted to send out this prayer request because I totally believe in the power of prayer even though I am not a very religious person.  I do not work due to health concerns, so Chris is our bread-winner.  Would you please keep my hubbie and our family in your thoughts and prayers at this time?  I would be so appreciative!!!

Thanks so much!

Love & light,

Penny  :-)

andrey's picture

Sending some love & good juju your way, Penny!

penny_stone's picture

Thank you for your love and support, Andrey ~ it means a lot!!!

Love & light, Penny :-)

Bodhi's picture

Dear Penny,
I am breathing the Web of Love with you and sending blessings from Oregon.
We are one light!
In joy and love,

penny_stone's picture

The rose has really brightened my spirits, Bodhi, and I so appreciate your love and blessings! We are indeed ONE!!!

Love & light,
Penny :-)

JoyAnna's picture

to you and your family.


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Max's picture

There is that perfect place, position, job - just for your husband. That is a fact,Penny, not a wish. Another fact is that you are not bound by the man-made laws of any group. That is such a blessing because you and you alone control your growth.

I have tried it within many different groups and sooner or later someone in authority will put the brakes on with that fatal remark - "We've never done it that way before."

Spirit will never lead you astray.

penny_stone's picture

Thanks so much, Joy Anna, for your love and support!


Love & light, Penny :-)

davelambert's picture

All of us praying and sending sacred energy...make sure you see and feel the results you wish for, being grateful for the wisdom of the Provider.

Much love,

penny_stone's picture

I feel the love from everyone and it feels wonderful ~ thanks for being part of it, Natalie!

Love & light, Penny :-)

penny_stone's picture

Thank you so much for your sweet sentiments ~ I so appreciate it!!!


Love & light, Penny :-)

penny_stone's picture

Thank you, Dave ~ I can honestly say I have a feeling right now of warmth, love, and support and I am so appreciative!

Love & light,
Penny :-)

UrsulaD's picture

Hi Penny,
My Love and Support to you and your family. I am certain a special new direction will result from this!
Love and Light and Support

penny_stone's picture

I so appreciate your love and support ~ thanks so much!!!

Love & light,
Penny :-)

fredburks's picture

Hi Penny,

I'm definitely joining in to send love and support to you and your whole family to find just the right work in the right time and place for all of you. Thanks for being such a bright, shining light in our lives and in the lives of so many!

With sacred love flowing,

penny_stone's picture

I so appreciate your love and support! Thank YOU for being such a wonderful mentor to me and so many others!

Love & light,
Penny :-)

Hey Penny,

No job usually equates to high stress. Breathe easy if you can,
I can see from above that the team is on the job and I'm sure that combined with the good energy of you and your family it shouldn't take to long............

You have my support,

Take care,


penny_stone's picture

I appreciate your support ~ thanks so much!!!

Love & light,
Penny :-)

Angelaura's picture

Hi Penny, I can understand the fear that you sometimes must go through as I have just gone through the same thing with my husband. I call upon the healing angels and ask that they wrap their beautiful wings gently and lovingly around you and your family in this time of need. I ask that all avenues of help and support, both physical and non physical be opened up to you all to bring about the highest and the best.for all involved, in a quick and timely manner. Finally , I ask that all the good you could ever possibly imagine, and even more, be yours NOW. Love and Blessings, Laura.

penny_stone's picture

Thank you so much for such heartfelt sentiments ~ I so appreciate it!!! 

Love & light,

Penny :-)

sophie's picture

Holding space for a new job for your husband
that will provide for you both in more ways than
you can ask or imagine...also for your own
healing Penny.


penny_stone's picture

That's so nice ~ thanks so very much!!!


Love & light,

Penny :-)

penny_stone's picture


 "Whether called or not, God will be present."


So true and so beautiful . . .


Love & light,

Penny :-)

lightwins's picture

Satisfied, meaningful work is rushiing toward you. All that is required is faith, openness and a willingness to receive the presence! I know how scary your situation can be from personal experience and I have learned/am learning that the Source provides, provided we show up in the moment.
May many fine blessings fall at you feet,John

penny_stone's picture

Thanks so much for your sweet sentiments, John!


Love & light,

Penny :-)

Mark Hagstrom's picture

Remember there is a purpose for everything that happens, when one door closes another opens.  Prayer and meditation will help guide you, Listen to your spirit and think positive.  You and your family are in my prayers.  It takes action to put everything into motion.  We are all sending you love and that is the most powerful thing we all can do. I am breathing sacred Love to youi and yours.  Love , Mark

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peacemkr's picture

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i fully believe that a way will be provided for you and your family. my prayer is for your health. i pray for ease in your mind and comfort in your body.

penny_stone's picture

Thank you, Mark, Elizabeth, Doris, and Misty!

I apologize for not updating this sooner, but Chris was offered several jobs about 4 or 5 weeks ago and accepted one of them and is making quite a bit more money ~ hooray!

I am sending much love and gratitude to everyone here on the Portal for your heartfelt wishes, prayers, and optimism ~ you are all amazingly loving, warm, and caring and I feel grateful to be able to call you my beautiful friends!

Much love and many blessings,

Penny xoxo

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peacemkr's picture

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UrsulaD's picture

Thanks for letting us know that it has turned out well.

Just a few of us sending positive energy - there is no limit as to what all of us can do when we have one focus!

Bring on the Transformation!!!

Love U

ChrisBowers's picture


Taking this moment to envision it as a done deal,


The Gathering Spot is a PEERS (link is external) empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"