Your sacred love flows into us.
You are as powerful as any being in the universe.
No being is more powerful than you.
Yet neither are you more powerful than any other being.
When you truly understand this in the depths of your being,
There is nothing to fear, not even fear itself.
Our sacred love flows out to you.
You are such a powerful anchor to the basic truths and you are so appreciated because of that. Thank you for all of the love that you are sharing. Max
Dear Fred,
Thank you for this gem.
I fully realize I have posted a couple of very heavy topic the last few days. I want to assure you that this has nothing to do with fear. Rather it is to get people's attention about the seriousness of the times we are in. It is also a time of great expectation and change and I fully realize that the old Paradigm must crumble before the new order can be realized. Yes, this is happening at this very moment.
It is like taking a walk on a cold day and realizing that the new life of spring is already beginning to push it's way through the soil. Buds on trees are showing the green edges as they swell ready to almost burst with the first warm days of Spring.
I welcome the New Paradigm with great expectation for all mankind. It will be the fulfillment of everything I have lived for in this life. No, the earth is not dying it is teaming with new life that will be shared with every human being on this planet.
Thank you for helping us prepare for this world changing event.
Carl Azcar
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Thanks for this gentle reminder, Fred, in these uncertain times.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
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What a wonderful message. What an equally wonderful way to end my day. Thank you so very much for sharing this message with the team.
Thanks for those beautiful words, Carl. I find that the new paradigm is birthing very much in accord with how much each of us allows it to birth within us. You have a great one, my friend! With sacred love flowing, Fred
Thanks for your beautiful sharing, Aquene. So many wonderful, inspiring quotes! I would only add that if one searches for happiness and security outside of themselves, they may be looking a long time. Knowing that absolute divinity that lies not only within me, but within all of us, I have found a deep joy which pervades my entire life, and that there is nothing to fear on the deepest levels. I know that all beings secretly want to love each other and shower each other with blessings ;o)
With sacred love flowing,
Hi all,
So super having this wonderful exchange of thoughts and idea. Thanks Fred, Andrey and Beth for conceiving the idea of the Transformation Team Site.
Once one has felt Fear, allowed oneself to feel it and then carried on anyway. That is liberating and then fear loses its power.
Love ya
"Only your mind can produce fear."
"Teach only love for that is what you are."
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
Perception is a mirror not a fact. And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward."
"I am never upset for the reason I think."
"Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world."
"I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt."
"Only my condemnation injures me."