
In a way I hesitate to open up this new topic, but only because I don't intend to sit and write up my own psychic curriculum vitae.  I'm psychic but not more psychic than anyone else.  I have had many unusual experiences but we all have.  If there's anything unusual about me it is probably the fact that I was mentored at several times by a series of unusual people including a professional medium and a Mexican bruja among others.  These people provided me with an educational background that is suddenly very helpful to me.  I'm intensely interested in the kinds of experiences others have in the realm of parapsychology and the paranormal.  This expanded range of the typical human sensory reception has always been with us, and has been both misused and maligned.


I believe we all share a perception that mankind is in a state of change, and that as individuals (among many) who have taken at least the first steps along that road, we're lucky to know each other and have this venue.  I know I'm not alone in eagerly anticipating this group growing to thousands of loving spirits from every conceivable walk of life!  I know we can swap some great stories here, which will surely expand our awareness and wonder at the the manifestations of our expanding awareness.  But more than that I hope to see some serious probing of the limits of our perceptions and what they mean to us, and perhaps ways in which we can share what we know and learn from each other.




ps  I just re-read all that.  Ya know, sometimes I am so pedantic.  I'm only trying to express myself accurately, so please don't hold it against me.  I'm not a formal guy at all, in person.  By the way, I am fervently grateful for the English language!  I know of no other that has the nuances.  Other languages have more music, are more stately, more flowery, more passionate, and more capable of packing a mass of information into a single word.   But I know of no language that can express such a multitude of nuanced thoughts in relatively simple words as English.  Odd that we have only one word for love.

penny_stone's picture

Thanks for bringing this topic up, Dave!

I, too, am interested in the realm of parapsychology. Matter of fact, I have been a member of a Psychic Development Circle for the last 7 or 8 months. I am now at the point where I feel that I have learned all that I am going to from the Circle and will begin a 3-day workshop tomorrow to further develop my psychic skills. It's called a Visionary Workshop and is taught by a highly-respected psychic medium, John Capello, in Dallas. (Interestingly enough, he recently ran for Mayor of Dallas and lost.)

I personally feel that everyone is naturally psychic, but many of us just don't know how to tap into that side of ourselves or fear that it is occult and/or evil. I lost a close friend several months ago because she is very religious and felt that I was delving into things that are forbidden by the Bible. I was hurt by her reaction, but not shocked as most people here in the "Bible belt" would agree with her. Isn't that unfortunate?

Love & light,
Penny :-)

davelambert's picture

I lived in Dallas for many years - just off Gaston, in Oak Cliff and in Garland, and John Capello's name seems very familiar to me though I can't remember why. Dallas has some very, very interesting people. Your Psychic Development Circle and the Workshop sound very interesting. My own training was informal and holistic, and only broadly organized if at all. And I've had few opportunities other than seances to share this in a group setting.

I think you're quite right about everyone being psychic, it's part of who and what we are. For those of us who have psychic experiences, the ability usually seems to function intermittently or sporadically. Some can call it up more reliably. I can call it up but not direct it very well.

I know the Bible Belt mentality very well! I always found it interesting that I was able to forge friendships with such a broad spectrum of people in Texas, including several ministers of various denoms. These were some of the most interesting and stimulating people I have ever known. One good friend of mine was the pastor of a small Assembly of God church, where the folks spoke in tongues and danced with angels, but would have been horrified at the topics we're discussing here. Salt of the earth, you know. Good people. I'd go the church on Wednesday evening early and have a cup of coffee with Bro. Mike, and we'd laugh our heads off sometimes. My former wife was a devout atheist who would never go to any church with me. On Wednesdays I'd say to her, "Aw, cmon babe, tonight is snake night, you'll love it!" He laughed over that until it was hard for him to go out and start the service. And that evening he told the congregation a joke about a travelling Christian band that played at a small country church. As they were between sets they noticed some large boxes being carried up from the back of the room. The minister opened them and the deacons began passing out large, living rattlesnakes to the congregation. One of the musicians turned to the lady next to him and whispered, "Sister, where is the side door?" The lady whispered back, "There ain't one." The musician, now trembling in fear, whispered, "Reckon where would they like one?"

I could talk to Mike about psychic things without getting hostility back. In fact he said I was inspired. I dunno about that but the Bible Belt, and Texas in particular, does give up some interesting characters. Say goodnight, Tammy Faye.


--- Post removed at author's request ---

davelambert's picture

I'm going to mention a recent experience that both startled and delighted me. The process called manifestation is something that has interested me for a number of reasons. For one, my wife can do it. For another, I started noticing a year or so ago that I was doing it without consciously knowing it. And when I discovered this, I realized it was something I'd done all my life in a completely unfocused and disorganized sort of way. So I have begun paying attention.

Around the middle of November I had a remarkable experience. Kaye had gone out of town to visit some friends, so I had the place to myself for ten days or so. One evening I decided to clean the kitchen floor. As I was sweeping and mopping and wiping, I thought how nice it would be to have a small rug in the kitchen. I stood there and thought about it for a moment: something simple, blue would be nice, a traditional pattern, not too garish. I got a mental picture of what kind of rug would be nice there. This was just a passing fancy - I didn't spend more than a few seconds thinking about it, and I forgot all about it almost immediately.

At that time I was still doing maintenance for a natural-foods grocery across town, not the one I'm working for now. I started work at 5:45 in the morning. The very next day, before the sun was up, I was outside sweeping the perimeter of the building and the parking lot. I saw a strange-looking object lying on the ground over in the corner of the lot. When I went to see what it was, I found the exact rug I had imagined the previous evening - brand-new, rolled up with the price tag still on it! It looks great on my kitchen floor.

Could it have been a simple coincidence? Absolutely. Do I believe that? Not for a minute. OK, so exactly what do I believe happened there? I have to say I don't know. I've learned that while I can't simply make something happen, I can set in motion events that will bring what I wish in time. And I've learned that I can sometimes do this consciously - last summer I cut my hours back to part-time because I felt sure things were headed my way that would require more of my time, and that these things would bring prosperity. I'm still poor as the proverbial churchmouse, but events have certainly been happening that justified that move. Did my mind somehow send out vibrations that caused some unknown soul to lose a rug in the middle of the night, just where I'd see it and pick it up? Sounds pretty incredible to me, and yet that is what happened.

Whaddaya think, Transformers? Does anyone else have experiences like this? More important, does anyone have resources for learning and controlling this kind of manifesting? I would love to hear your thoughts!



penny_stone's picture

I love how you manifested the rug, Dave ~ that's awesome! I think anything is possible, so I do believe you had something to do with it just showing up one day. I personally know nothing about manifesting, but it sounds very interesting, especially since I need new tile and wood flooring in my home!!! hee-hee

Love & light,
Penny :-)

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