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The Language of DNA - Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich
Deep within the heart of every person alive is a feeling that we often call yearning. In the New Oxford American dictionary, yearning is defined as “having an intense feeling of loss or lack and longing for something”. It is derived from a Germanic base meaning “eager”.
So what are we feeling a lack of? For what is our longing? What is our eagerness about?
Our minds work and have interplay within a field that is called the Quantum Hologram by quantum physics. According to this science, the basis of subjective experience is rooted in the concept of non-locality. Evidence for mankind’s perceiving non-local information dates to prehistory (Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Institute of Noetic Sciences, in his paper “Nature’s Mind: the Quantum Hologram”). Within this quantum hologram is encoded the complete history of every event.
Since the brain looks for that which is familiar and compares it to other experiences based upon memory, the yearning that we are feeling must come from something that we already know. If this were not true, there would be no yearning because our yearning is a feeling. We do not experience feelings about that which we do not know.
Let us look at how this translates to our physical bodies, perceptions of our world and what we loosely all our “reality”.
Our body is a protein making machine. The word protein is derived from the Greek “proteios” meaning primary. Proteins (our primaries) are made of amino acids. The shape of the protein is derived from a positive or negative signal produced by our environment. The cells read the environment selecting the behavior (movement) that is appropriate based upon the information found there. The sequence of the DNA within the cell is the amino acid sequence. The stability of the interaction resides within the DNA rather than the changeable protein. (Bruce Lipton – www.brucelipton.com)
In the last few years, two Russian scientists, Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, have done research and the necessary scientific experiments to confirm the fact that the human DNA is a biological Internet. They published their findings in a German-languaged book Vernetzte Intelligenz (Networked Intelligence).
Fosar and Bludorf’s thesis is that DNA can be influenced and programmed by words and frequencies. They explored the 90% of our DNA that is not understood and is commonly called “junk DNA”. Junk DNA, drastically misnamed, could more easily be called “non-coding DNA” or “potential DNA”. The focus of their study resulted in the conclusion that our DNA, while responsible for the construction of the physical body, is also a data storage and communication device. In particular, the 90% non-coding DNA follows the rules of syntax, semantics and the basic grammar rules with which we are familiar.
Quoting from Vernetzte Intelligenz: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic-holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation”. What does this mean?
Breaking this concept down to its most elementary concepts and based upon the laser ray experiments conducted by Fosar and Bludorf, it means that laser radiation is inherent within DNA itself flowing as a unique holographic wave. Since the DNA contains within this wave the basic rules of language that are used in daily life, no DNA decoding is necessary. Simple words and sentences of any human language suffice in creating the environment that is the wavelike, holographic experience of the DNA thereby encoding it with the information that the cell receptors respond to and creating changes within the amino acid chains and hence the proteins. Through our thoughts, words and feelings we create not only our perceptions, also our bodies, our health.
How does this correspond to our yearning? How does this fulfill the expression of the lack or desire for that which we yearn? Is it part of our genealogy?
Since mankind appears to be on the fast track to accelerated conscious awareness, the frequency of the vibration of that DNA wave must also be accelerating (“As above, so below”). As the frequency (that is the oscillation) of the holographic mind (in non-locality) increases, we find our languaging changing thus influencing the effect we have on our DNA itself.
The frequency of our thought patterns, our words and our feelings must be coherent (troughs and crests equal in amplitude) to access the acceleration physically. This explains why some of us are experiencing the shift in our DNA and some have not yet done so. Coherent frequencies allow us to consciously communicate with our DNA and create the space in time for the DNA to embody these frequencies opening the door to expeditious reception of multi-dimensional information. How is this possible?
Fosar and Bludorf also found that our DNA can create patterns of disturbance within our time/space continuum (our holographic vacuum) producing magnetized wormholes. Though most audiences are familiar with wormholes through science fiction works such as Star Trek, they are actually tunnel-like connections between different universal areas transmitting information outside of space and time. Imagine an hourglass with one round globe situated in one universe and the other globe situated in another (the second globe’s frequency being compatible with receptivity within this dimension). The two globes of the hourglass are connected by a thin tunnel through which information travels from one dimension to another not reliant upon space or time.
The emotions that we experience that create the feelings we have and manifest the thoughts created within our minds generate a frequency within our DNA that attracts information from these other dimensions (through the “wormhole”) and passes it to our consciousness. Again, this ability is based upon the proper frequency within our bodies which is most easily created through states of relaxation, peace and ease. Stress, worry and similar states of being create incoherent waves resulting in confusion that prevent a state of hyper-communication as well as affecting our health.
Based upon these scientific findings and the reams of additional information now readily available to us, it is apparent that the conscious awakening of the holographic awareness now being experienced by man (homo sapiens sapiens) is being promulgated by the strong yearning (creating the feeling/thought) to become consciously aware of that which we believe we lack or have lost – our conscious awareness of our Oneness with All That Is. I use the term “All That Is” to define much more than that which may be thought of as “God” or “Source”. I truly mean ALL THAT IS. When our perspective of reality is that of the holographic connection to the multi-dimensions and beyond, we will begin to experience an awareness that is outside of manifestation in any form and expression. Every coincidence will become a co – incident (experiencing together). Intimacy will become in-to-me-see and all of the other play with words and language that allows us to see each other. At that moment, the yearning in the DNA will cease and the YOU-ning that IS the Oneness will be the only experience.
Practices that allow for the interpretation of day-to-day expression as one of union, joy, appreciation, love and gratitude bring about this coherent waveform within the bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). This brings a sense of peace and greater health no matter what one's genealogy. Focusing upon and deriving pleasure from these practices creates the non-local paradigm within which we are invited to function. When truly living within this new framework of perception, our attention upon our intention of Oneness is our only focus. We can then experience our yearning as fulfillment without lack or loss. We then acknowledge that our yearning has awakened within us the knowledge that we are truly home.
What an amazing insight! It fascinates me that what's been said by mystics for millennia has at long last been accepted by the scientific mind: what we call reality is an illusion. Not that it isn't real, but it has so many dimensions beyond what our physical senses detect.
Calling the 90% that we don't understand "junk" is monumental hubris. I've been reading about the so-called rewiring of humanity and our amazing brains, and this ties right in. Now, I wear my grain of salt like a St. Christopher medal, but I think these guys are on to something.
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That is fascinating, Aquene and deserves some more discussion.
I have read somewhere that when we experience deep trauma it affects our DNA.
Love U
Sophie, great article you provided us. Thank you. I have been reading alot about what we have been missing in understanding about our DNA. Kryon and some of the other channeled Entities even tell us that our DNA is actually a 12 strand construct, not just the 2 strands that scientists observe. The unobserved strands relate to our non-physical bodies, the etheric body, the light body, the emotional body, etc., I can't even name all of them. This makes it even more mystical and wonderful as the DNA transcends this 3D physical body and stretches into the other realms, perhaps even to our Higher Self. I have also read that the DNA of those young people we call Indigo or Crystal have a much enhanced and more highly activated DNA than those of us who are still evolving toward total Conscious Awareness.
Yes, the yearning is like remembering the comfort of "Home", that native place that we are/were in when on the other side of the veil. I will again use that overuse phrase, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." The yearning is the memory of who we realy are. As the transformation/shift comes to fruition, as the article says, there will be no more yearning as we will be aware that there is nothing separate from us to yearn for.
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Dear Aquene,
Here are 3 links that may provide some information regarding your friends Indigo son and the whole concept of DNA evolution and "shift". These are fascinating sites in themselves and the information is channeled from entities which I have no problem resonating with. I have always felt the light of Truth coming from Kryon and from The Reconnection.
You may also check the archives on the Spirit of Ma'at website. They frequently have articles dealing with both Star Children and DNA.
I do hope this gives you some data you can work with.
In Loving Light,
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You might check the Want To Know archive. One never knows what is stored in there what with all the information which has been gathered. Meanwhile, I will see what I can find.
Pranam aur Namaste
Good morning Aquene,
I found some possibly valuable information on changing DNA. You may be aware of the Heart Math Insititute. The have tremendous amount of research on physiology. I did a search on DNA on their website and came up with this list of articles. You might want to check them out and see if any relates to what your friend is looking for.
You may want to cut and paste the link about as I don't know if it will connect in the wrapped format above.
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At your service Aquene.