Hi, Team!
Just wanted to quickly let you know about an online class Oprah is hosting with Eckhart Tolle. It is free and begins on March 3rd. I have already purchased the book and plan to attend. (I purchased my copy of A New Earth at Costco for $7.99. Cover price is $14.00.) I have included information from Oprah's website and from the back cover of the book below for your convenience. For even more information, go to Oprah's website at http://www.oprah.com/index.jhtml
Have a great week!!!
Much love and many blessings,
Penny :-)
From Oprah's website . . .
"Get ready to be awakened! Oprah and author Eckhart Tolle will teach an exclusive online class about his best-selling book A New Earth. Join us every Monday night."
"Best-selling author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle has been inspiring readers since his first book, The Power of Now. In A New Earth, Eckhart provides practical teachings for waking up to a new, enlightened mind-set. If you're seeking a more loving self and a more loving planet, this is the book for you. Join Oprah and Eckhart Tolle Monday nights live in Oprah's classroom! Reserve your seat today and find out how you can be part of the live webcasts."
From the back cover of "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle . . .
"With his best-selling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived "in the now". In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.
Illuminating, enlightening, and uplifting, A New Earth is a profoundly spiritual manifesto for a better way of life - and for building a better world."
If I could just afford the book. Oh well, maybe they'll repeat it sometime.
I'm sorry you will not be able to attend the course, Dave. As you suggested, hopefully they will repeat it or post transcripts of the classes at Oprah.com.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
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Thanks, Aquene!
I am looking forward to the class. I am now about two-thirds of the way through the book and I am really enjoying it thus far! I hope to read The Power of Now sometime in the near future. I have a stack of books sitting by my bed that I need to get through first! ha-ha
I hope you had a wonderful time on Dauphin Island! I sure missed reading your posts on the Portal while you were gone!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
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Great, Aquene, I will look those subject sup in the book so that we can discuss them! I will get back to you soon.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
Penny, I found a copy of this at Half Price Books a few weeks ago and was excited about getting it. The book is truly life changing in that it does provide a different perspective on Self. I think that's what got me going on my first blog " The I that I am" I am definitely going to look into Oprah's class. I was disappointed last week, I think it was, as I got home from work and turned on channel 8 to discover that her program featuring Eckhart was just winding up. I had missed it and was wishing that I could have heard what he had to say. Now this will sort of make up for it. Thanks for the heads up.
Aquene, I too notice a very Buddhist flavor to his thoughts. I enjoyed the many references he made to the Buddhist scriptures.
Love and Light to all.
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I signed up for the Oprah-Tolle online class, but don't expect to be able to participate online. I have a weekly scheduled Reiju session at the same time. But I was delighted to discover from a friend that there is a work-book that goes with the course which will be invaluable in processing the information and stimulating deeper thought regarding the book. So I will be checking in regularly to see how the rest of you are responding and share my thoughts too.
Love and Light,
I don't think I have mentioned on the TT that I have two cats. One of them, a small silver/gold tortie, is very much into meditating with me, and in fact will make it her responsibility to be with me then. I believe that she draws negative energy away when she is there. This cat also is one who responds to my whistles to her. The other cat, a 22 pound yellow tiger, does neither but he still likes to be around when I am meditating or doing Reiki. I think he is absorbing positive energy from me. Oh yeah, cats are definitely spiritual beings. My dogs on the other hand are spiritually dumb but very sensitive to emotions. BTW both of my cats think that they are really dogs. We call the group of them the four muscateers.
L & L
I have just finished re-reading the first chapter of Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. I'm preparing to do the guide questions today. It is such a synchronicity that as I was reading the Daily Dose of Gratitude, I ran across this quote:
Let us say that you go to the office and you have eight hours of paperwork
ahead of you... From the soul of you, from the eternal part of you, the
point of the exercise is to continue doing the paperwork, but with an added
focus. And that focus comes from staying in the moment, conscious of all
that is going on, all you are doing, but with the added intention of feeling
the God-Presence as you do what needs to be done. Put your attention on the
observer that is watching the action being performed, and then see what
happens. This simple technique takes away much of the struggle or the
boredom, and brings in the Power of the Presence. (Bartholomew through
Mary-Margaret Moore)
I believe that this is exactly what Eckhart is talking about when he says that when we stop "identifying with" our thoughts and actions, we become truly aware.
Sacred love flows out to all of you,
So glad you are taking the course, too, Berry! My connection wasn't so great on Monday night, so I watched the video of the class today on Oprah.com. They also offer an MP3 for download for people who want to only listen to the course.
I finished the book today and I can honestly say I have learned a lot from it!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
If you still would like to participate in the course, go ahead and sign up. You don't really need the book, as a video of Eckart Tolle and Oprah's discussion is offered each week that you can view at Oprah.com (I just found this out). Obviously, having the book in hand would be ideal, but you can still learn a lot from the video because you can hear the messages directly from the author's own mouth.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
It is a great moment for the world's consciousness.
This internet classes with Tolle & Oprah on "New Earth" is a miracle.
Since 2005, I have read this book many times and waited for this time to come.
The Oprah's publicity will give more opportunities to share with others about what is "consciousness".
My gratitude to this happening!!
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Dear friends and co-students
It is strange that I bought and read A New Earth about 6 weeks ago. Then I caught the tail end of the Oprah show where she was interviewing Eckhart Tolle and then felt disappointed that I had not been able to see the whole thing. It was only though the Portal that I was made aware of the course on A New Earth.
I was reading in Chapter 2 last night and came across hi-lites and notations from my first reading and was struck by this particular quotation from the top of page 46.
"I am the awareness that is aware that there is attachment." When I read this the first time, it rang with me but I didn't take time to contemplate what the importance of this statement was. In studying the idea last night I became aware that, as Tolle says elsewhere in the chapter, it is not the actual attachement that is inhibiting but the failure to be aware that that attachment exists. When we have identified with those objects or conditions and are oblivious to it we are blocked from rising above them. If I can in my higher self, see that there are attachments in my mind, then they become less important and eventually loose their hold on my mind. I love the sentence that followed the above quote: "That's the beginning of the transformation of consciousness."
Love and Light
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I agree, Denise! This is a great time to awaken the masses to the world of consciousness. I think Oprah is so great for offering this to us all . . . she's indeed an amazing lightworker!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
You're most welcome, Stefa ~ I'm so glad that you and your sister are taking the course together! I tried to get some friends and family members involved, but only one is making time for it. Hopefully, others will begin to awaken to the truth that we are more than just these human 3D bodies!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
Great quote, Berry! Thank you for bringing that one to our attention.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
My pleasure, I couldn't resist!
Loving spiritual touches.
Hey team,
Not much activity here the last few days. I just wanted to report to you what is happening to my sense of awareness since studying and practicing Tolle's ideas.
I have become so very conscious of being the awareness above my thoughts and sometimes in the midst of my actions. It is so easy to think, say or do things without considering what is being thought, said or done. And then too late, I realize, why did that occur. Now, and not 100% of the time but getting there, I find myself, observing what my mind is thinking, or what I am about to say, and hesitating before acting out of reaction to some stimulus. I am beginning to consider and question, Is this out of love, out of service to others or is this feeding my ego and self satisfaction?
It is such a great feeling to know that I/We are not stuck in the old way of being, that transformation is obtainable and that we can rise above the old paradigm of thinking and doing.
This is just one of the tools available but it is certainly a very practicable one. Hope the rest of you who are working on the class are having as much fun as I am.
I have read again recently an interesting article which at first glance seems not relative to this thread, but with deeper reading has some very applicable thoughts to the subject of A New Earth, particularly regarding awareness. It is also interesting if anybody is interested in Earth grids, Ascention and Sacred Geometry.
It's somewhat lengthy but well worth the read.
Thank you Berry for providing that link at spirit of maat! Below are just a few of the beautifully instructive passages I couldn't resist posting:
"The Dodecahedron represents total surrender to Unconditional Love. This seems to be a challenge point, as many people stop here and lose their way in bliss, feeling as though there is no reason for continuing to evolve."
"If individuals do not commit themselves to impeccability in their behavior, they fall prey to the ego agendas of themselves or others. Openheartedness without conscious mindfulness is an expression of Dodeca consciousness. The Stellated Dodeca is the consciousness of a self-realized being, and that is why it is referred to as the Christ Consciousness Grid."
Christ, or any other Master of this level, exhibits this self-aware consciousness: an exceptionally high level of personal refinement that is practical and attainable for all humans who sincerely discipline themselves to attain it. It is so much more than chasing bliss. This is what is truly expressed in Christ’s teachings. He didn’t want anyone to follow him. He wanted us to become as he became, a self-aware, enlightened being. The Christ Consciousness Grid exists as a reminder of our true nature and encourages us to attain it."
The Christ Grid also helps us integrate and harmonize a true group unity. The Christ Grid is a unified collective consciousness. This means that we are also preparing our internal templates to integrate and harmonize all of the lifetimes we spent within each culture on this planet, setting the stage to help us feel the oneness of all cultures simultaneously, without bias or prejudice.
In the past, a form of surface tension between colors, frequencies, and intentions separated us. This surface tension is diminishing as we become self-aware and self-responsible for all our actions. As we claim our personal integrity, we no longer project our lessons upon others. This reduces the surface tensions
"At this time, the separation in frequencies creating the seven Christ sub-grids is aligning to become one rainbow-colored Grid. Eventually, as we become truly One, it will become a single, golden color that will eventually evolve to the diamond or crystal-clear level. The crystal or diamond children are already being born on this planet to help accomplish this."
And thank you Penny for bringing this subject up. I just received my order of several of Tolle's books and his retreat CD.
You did indeed zone in on exactly the passage which caused me to post it here. This information is so germain to what Eckhart Tolle is teaching and also focuses on a primary goal of the Transformation Team. Thank you for excerpting it for us.
I have an idea that the concept of dodecagons and stellated dodecagons could cause people to fade out but sacred geometry is a fascinating subject. Might consider starting a thread on the concept. Hmmmm!
Sounds good to me, but we will have to make sure we get a real good feel for translating this "Sacred Physics" before proceeding. Love the idea though. We could spend the rest of our 3D lives talking about this - that would be just fine with me. One of the definitions for "Sacred" is "unassailable, inviolable". Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
In Love, Light and Sacred Geometry,
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A New Earth has had the same effect with me, Berry ~ I am starting to be more aware of my thoughts and where they are coming from (my heart or my ego?). I am working really hard, too, at not labeling situations or people and trying to spend more time in the "now" instead of worrying about the past or future. Just BEing still, quiet, and calm is nice, too (and a challenge for this Aries), but I am starting to get the hang of it! ha-ha
I am so glad that you and I are learning this together!
Penny xoxo
Elizabeth posted this link on Penny's "What Interests You" forum and I am placing it everywhere it even remotely relates.
Just wanted to share with you that of all the wonderful things I got to see, feel and taste during my weekend in Seattle at the Green Festival, my number one treasure (in spite of the fact I got to see the Dalai Lama at the hotel across the street from the one I stayed in!) was/is reading Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" on the plane ride there and back!
Isn't it amazing that at the very moment we stop thinking about anything, we are ALL that we can be/are ALREADY!!!
And that thinking is merely a subset of our existence and facilitator of experiential knowledge of the Divine when used correctly/appropriately....
A renewed heartfelt thanks to you for initiating this forum about spiritual clarity and definition.....
I am so happy that you read the book and experienced the wonder that I, and many others, have felt while reading it! Just learning to be still, fully present, and just simply BEing is such a powerful lesson. Not focusing on the past or the future, just BEing in the "now" is so important. I have learned much from Eckhart Tolle and would now like to read one of his other books, "The Power of Now". I have heard that it's really great. Have you read it?
I also think it's great that you had such a terrific time at the Green Festival and even saw the Dalai Lama ~ how cool is that?!? He is a remarkable soul. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me/us!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
I have "The Power of Now" and am going to read it next. Also have Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World AUDIOBOOK.
Looking forward to listening to that, as well as "Conversations with God". I have had that in wrap, a present my mother gave me about 15 years ago, and am finally ready to have a blast with that little beauty....
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I have never had the opportunity to read Conversations with God, however I have read Friends with God several times, and that is equally worthwhile. A very life changing experience indeed just as CWG and The New Earth.
One of my first post on the Portal was a blog entitled "The I that I am". The whole discourse was triggered by my initial reading of The New Earth. I was just beginning to integrate the concepts into my consciousness. I look back now and so much has changed, no not changed, just now I have a deeper/different perspective of what I was attempting to write. The concept of the "AM" as Chris so aptly puts it finally sunk in but it took a couple of month to incubate in my awareness.
(I) consistantly now, find (my) higher awareness observing what (my) conscious mind is thinking about other people, what (I) am doing, or saying, and how (I) am responding to the catalysts which are influencing (my) behavior. The ego is very perturbed with the higher awareness for tapping it on the shoulder when it is trying to control the expressions rather than letting the sense of service to others be the guiding force in this life. This is part of what Ra says in The Law Of One, that rather than intentionally prohibiting negative tending actions, being aware of the polarity and balancing it out with positive intentions and not reacting to it, provides the learning opportunity which then advances the energy potential to a higher level. I believe that Tolle's conclusion in affect, agrees with Ra on this principle.
I am still in the process of working through the Ra Material and The Law of One, (which by the way is so very like the Wingmaker materials). Evolution is such a slow process. Alas!
In the Love and Light of the one infinite Creator,
Looking forward to it Elizabeth!
Here is another consolidation thought I had this morning relating to"A New Earth".
"The "I" you "think" you be resides only in your thoughts and your thoughts are not/never "YOU".
The "Am" you is is "always-was" and never's not, EVER!"
Sure goes a long way to explain the value of meditation - therein lies the discovery of Am-ness, the body of lightwave energy and nonlocal holographic standing wave signature dat truly be me when I be quiet enough to "recognize".....
Oh lovely day! (oh lovely dayyyy) sing it wid me sistas and brothas!!!!!
Berry, I could see Tolle and Ra square dancing while reading your very erudite description of the higher Self attending to the ego agenda without challenge, but with balance brought by positive intent/action.
Thank You for that little visual Bro!
Chris (aka Chakramon on on on on)