At this juncture I find I am curious about how agile we are and will in the future be as a group to deal lovingly with each other's shadow and the group shadow as they/it come to light- in short, how well we tango. So far, I would rate our team, myself included, as still in the learning curve in this area, still in shadow tango 101.
I pledge to do my best to avoid speaking from my shadow here in the Portal. But if you say something that really gets on my nerves, or if I am speaking in defense of something I hold dear, I may temporarily lose consciousness and lapse into shadow-speak. I'm sure you'll recognize it if I do. So when and if this happens, and in the interest of transparency, I'd like to share my own shadow tango protocol.
Bodhi's Shadow Tango Protocol
When I am sharing from my shadow here on the Portal it is:
- unconscious - My powers of higher reasoning have left the building...
- not necessarily based in reality - I understand that what I share may be entirely unrealistic, unreasonable, and unjustified, it is my shadow talking after all
- a gift - I offer this as a gift of my shadow's perspective only. Not to be taken seriously as a judgment of others. And not for judgment by others.
- an invitation to accept my shadow as it is - Please don't try to lovingly persuade my shadow to change its perspective; or invite it to breathe sacred love with you; or otherwise argue the merits of its reasoning. Please understand that if you try, you will only reinforce its position, invite its distrust and wrath, and likely prevent it from speaking in the future.
- an invitation to witness the gift - It only needs to be witnessed. An appropriate response might be, "I hear you, thank you for sharing this gift with me."
If you are like my dear brother Fred, and just can't resist the urge to call me on my shit, then at least have the good sense to wait a day or so for me to calm down.
Unless of course you want to get the dragon from hell. Rrrrrraaaaaawwwwwwrrrrrrr!
Thanks and have a lovely day!
I hear you, thank you for sharing this gift with me.
with joy and abundant love
Thank you, Bodhi,
Egad, you come up with the coolest graphics!
Folks, if I speak from my shadow, slap me silly. Or at least tell me to go stand in a corner.
Yo Bodhi,
I know this shadowland of which thou speaketh. the power of the shadow is strong within you, Luke. Good post in preparation for a growing community.
In Love, Light and Shadow,
It is a joy to encounter the depth of your understanding, and your lovely sense of humor as you weave your being into the Portal.
Dear Jez, JoyAnna, Dave, and Chris,
Wonderful souls, thank you all for your feedback! It's nice to feel heard!
In deepest gratitude for sharing yourselves with me,
The same back at ya - all you incredible people. THANK YOU!! For all that we're spread around the globe and are as diverse and unique as can be, we've already forged bonds and shared things that will remain important to us long after the internet has fizzled, or been censored and taxed into submission. I was just thinking about Carl's post, Ascension - Your Passport, and how it makes clear that one day we'll lose this connection. And it echoes what I believe, that following some profound changes it will be us, and others like us, who'll be needed as a voice of sanity and reason amid chaos.
I owe all and each one a huge Thank You! I can't say enough to celebrate this conclave - best I don't try. It's taken me a lifetime to get here, and I know I don't have another sixty years to get ready for the next step. What I'm getting from this group is focus, new vistas, a chance to hone my own knowledge and learn new knowledge...and a real sense of family, which is kind of hard to explain. I don't go for the internet group phenom much. I find some groups interesting for a while, but my interest always wanders. Or I run afoul of the moderator's tolerance. This group is different. This is a real virtual neighborhood, soon to be a virtual nation if we aren't careful ;-)
--- Post removed at author's request ---
I give thanks to anyone (in advance) who reflects my shadow back to me .... and thereby helps me to know myself better. What a great service of love we can do for one another and thank you for this post which is synchronicity at its best. I currently have 3 books on my reading shelf about the Shadow as I seek to reclaim my full creativity.
with love and light
Hey Bodhi!
In regard to, "It's nice to feel heard!". You are more than just heard! The way things really are in this nature of the One, you have always (somehow) been a part of me, but now I have the pleasure of consciously knowing and being more aware of that part of me by meeting you. I absolutely love this neverending process of experiential knowledge!
Again, I thank all of you sincerely for who you are and how you make me a better me,
Beloved Marian,
I feel so seen and heard by you. Thank you for sharing your radiant self with me!
In gratitude, joy, and love,
Dear Stefa,
That makes two of us. I treasure your gifts!
Hey, Bodhi! Don't you just love the way this guy Chris says things?
I'm honored to hear both you guys.
I just love your flower pictures - made my heart sing when I saw it.
with love and light
Now I understand the deep source of your humor. Including and transcending our shadow aspects moves us to the eternal laughing waters.
Laughing Thunder
I LOVE the budda eyes! Flowers so beautiful I can almost smell 'em! Bodhi you are one great guy......I am glad to be here with you all. Love,Mary
Now I understand the deep source of your humor...
Well thank you for saying that Tricia. I like the way you operate sister!
And I appreciate the reminder. In the heat of our recent tango, I completely forgot I had written this...
And as I reflect upon the events of the past two months I think we as a portal community are still in the learning curve with knowing how to gracefully integrate our shadow(s). At the same time I'm confident our prognosis for advances in this area is excellent.
In gratitude, joy, love...
and an occasional perfect shitstorm of crankiness,
Thanks for noticing Mary. It feels good to be appreciated. You are an angel for sure!
"an invitation to accept my shadow as it is - Please
don't try to lovingly persuade my shadow to change its perspective; or
invite it to breathe sacred love with you; or otherwise argue the
merits of its reasoning. Please understand that if you try, you will
only reinforce its position, invite its distrust and wrath, and likely
prevent it from speaking in the future"
Goes from "polarized" to "Tollerized" in one calm, considerate notion of "what am I about to post and why"...
I've been thinkin', if I can just learn to get the "why" right, everything else should fall in line... (barring the occasional shitstorm from hurricane ego(r))
let's hear it for the balancing act between the chilling effect and down right crazy!
I believe we're up for it....
Love, Chris
Thanks for that Bodhi, I hear you loud and clear.
I know I do that dance too, sometimes a polka, then a tango and often a stately waltz.
In our shadow lies our strength. To accept it, to work with it, has a tremendous amount of energy.
Love U
...always and all ways...
dig those sexy anthers...
and mea culpa, i just couldn't resist the "pattern match" opportunity...
got resonance?
much love,

brother bodhi
Beloved Sister Ursula,
Many thanks for your loving words...
You are the rose angel for sure...
Much love,
Thanks, Dave, for asking us to confront you when your shadow comes up. Bodhi, I appreciate learning about your shadow, yet I don't think I'm comfortable just ignoring it if you start exhibiting disempowering behaviors. I find that usually these things don't just go away when they are ignored. Look at the major cover-ups in the world as an example. People have been ignoring them for years, which has allowed them to grow and fester. Only by confronting our collective shadow with compassion do I believe we can really transform our world.
Isn't there a way I can confront your shadow while coming from a place of love and support that might work for you, Bodhi? Wouldn't that be better than just ignoring it? I most value my friends who will challenge me when they see me operating from my shadow. This is how I grow and thrive. The woman I most love and who has been my best friend for 10 years is extra special to me specifically because she lovingly yet powerfully challenges me on my sh**. So many times this has allowed me to grow and learn in tremendous ways.
With lots of love and support,
frequency! That's they way we roll!!!!!
Like we have a choice in the matter other than the on/off switch!
Rock ME Amadeus Maximus!!
LOve, Chris
P.S. (in relation to post above) "Mother? Not Mother?" (what movie is that line from?)
P.S. Thanks again for the Tiger Lilly Hat dear brother!!!!
If you are like my dear brother Fred, and just can't resist the urge to call me on my shit, then at least have the good sense to wait a day or so for me to calm down.
Unless of course you want to get the dragon from hell.
Thanks and have a lovely day!
Dear Bodhi,
This is so funny and true!