Divided emotions/feelings

I discovered today that I have two sets of reactions to information which I have been been recieving for some time now. The one set of inputs is regarding "Globalization", One World Order, and the demise of National Identity. This appears to be a very viable possibility in the not too distant future. Europe has already for a number of years now become the European Union. And the "citizens" of those various incorporated Countries are becoming very unhappy with the sudden lack of self governance. There is appearing to be a growing movement for a similar "union" of the far eastern and middle eastern countries , the SCO, if I am not mistaken, which would make a second consolidated portion of the world geography. I have read numerous reports of a similar union of African nations. That would be number 3. And for the last year, I have read dependable reports of the already signed and sealed creation of the North American Union with a new currency, military agreements, and travel papers already in the works.

If my math and geography is correct, that make four major global segments that encompasses most of the Earth. The only major country which I haven't heard of considering becoming part of any of those unions is Australia. It is only a minor little baby step by TPTB to conjoin those unions into One World Order. (Oyvey!) And I saw on the news today that one of our presidential contenders is supporting just that! (Probably all of them as they are all in one way or another involved with the CFR, the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission, or controlled by one or more of their representitives.)

 This is a very undesirable option for me as I look at it from a 3D perspective. I perceive a nation under military police control (already in the works), a total lack of privacy (communications are already completely monitored) and a complete disolution of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights ( already whittled away quite nicely by the current administration.)

On the other hand, as I read so many of the channeled messages and transmissions, moving into the next dimension, the 4th density, indicate and praise a state of Oneness, with no division or sense of separation between the whole population of the Earth, which remains after the Shift. Unity is the by-word for the general tone of the information which is being distributed by most if not all of the channeling individuals and entities. And, that the world is in for a very BIG physical upheaval. To my way or reading both sides of this issue, it comes down to the same results! Only if by some "deus ex machina" operation that the negative factions of our world population were to be removed would the one be better than the other. Dare I believe that our Galactic brothers and sister are ready to intervene and assist the transformation of Earth and her population to a higher dimension?

When I read these transmissions it sounds so fine, being presented with world peace, prosperity, joy, light and love. How wonderful a paradise this would be!

But in spite of my sense of growing awareness of my eternal Self, Spirit and Oneness with All That Is, I feel a deep sense of being deceived by both sides of this story. The Transformation Team website thankfully doesn't make any prognostications as to what to expect in the next 4 to however many years. Only that we do well to move our spiritual sights higher and not to be blinded by what the media et al try to feed us. That we as inhabitants of Mother Earth will in the next few years experience changes unlike anything in the recorded history of mankind is without doubt. I have no fear of what is coming as I still and will always consider myself a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience. I wait in expectancy what will occur between now and 2012 or after knowing that this Spirit that I call myself will continue in whatever higher state.

My plight is that even those who we tend to trust are not presenting intuitively acceptable information. I have determined that I can only go on what my higher self provides me and at the moment that answer is "Wait and see."

In the love and light of our One Infinite Creator





davelambert's picture

Berry, you've done a good job of putting this question in perspective. I've had many of the same thoughts, and no doubt, so have many others.

I feel a deep sense of being deceived by both sides of this story. Yup, bigtime. One gets the feeling that, knowing how deeply suspicious folks are of the idea, it's being pushed along in secret. I too have heard of the North American and other continental political unions - supposedly they're already building this big NAFTA superhighway from Mexico to Canada.

I have determined that I can only go on what my higher self provides me and at the moment that answer is "Wait and see." Likewise. For a long time, I was very attracted by the Baha'i Faith, which teaches a one-world concept - specifically, that the world will one day be all-Baha'i, governed by the Universal House of Justice which already exists in Haifa, Israel. Thankfully I am cured of any attraction to organized religion, but the idea is still intriguing. There are a number of persuasive (to me) arguments that some form of one-world governance is not only inevitable but desirable. The problem is that of sovereignty.

It seems to me that any push in this direction that ignores the fact that we are sovereign integrals is bound for trouble. Moreover, the rich cultural heritage of peoples and nations should be respected, it seems to me. Beyond that though is the larger problem of all these cultures rubbing shoulders in a shrinking world. The Baha'i phrase, so noble sounding, is Unity in Diversity. Is such a thing possible?

I think it is. I spent two poverty-stricken years rooming with a bunch of Mexicans, mostly illegals. It was during this time I met my dear wife Nafetah, who deigned to move down and join me, and we were there together for another six months before we were able to find a place of our own. During this time I learned a deep admiration for many things Mexican although I did not lose my unease over the continuing invasion we experience over our southern borders. I just finished Michener's thick novel, Texas, which makes it clear that this has been an issue between our two countries since the beginning. We did, after all, take this land from Mexico in the Mexican-American War, and culturally they still consider California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada and Colorado part of their homeland. This is, it seems to me, legitimate.

Given the fractious nature of the many clashes between nations and cultures that insist on their own sovereignty, it's difficult not to see some kind of global governance as a good thing. Naturally, the insidious way in which commercial interests are now promoting this idea is incompatible with human dignity and sovereignty. Nevertheless, consider that we have moved throughout history in this direction. We began as individual clans, and then became organized into tribes. We established villages, which became in time city-states. Then kingdoms became empires. Surely in time we must coalesce into a planetary whole in some way. The question is, how will it be established, and how many times will oppressive regimes try to establish their own hegemony before the world realizes we are truly one race, one people, and one world?


ChrisBowers's picture

Before coming to this TT portal, I was so disgusted, angry and scared because I was reading sooo much about all that you mentioned concerning the North American Union, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the........

And then I heard an author named John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman and Secret History of the American Empire) talk of his experiences with some South American Shamans. He once asked one of the Shamans, "What do we in the West do about the mess we have made of things?" and the Shaman looked at him like one who looks at you like you already have the answer and said, "CHANGE YOUR DREAM!!!". It is amazing what indigenous cultures deprived of all our technological prowess understand intuitively and simply.

The other thing John talks about (after spending most of his professional life serving to pave the way for multi-national corporations to exploit developing and 3rd world countries) is his experience of hearing from many in those corporations say, "I have children and I want them to have a future!". So we are moving toward a possibly very despotic control-freak police state martial law paradigm, and we still may see some of that, but at any time along the way, if and when the majority (or whatever percentage it takes to trigger a whoooshh quantum shift in consciousness) decide they/we want something better for EVERYONE, right then and there the infrastructure for an equitable one-world system will already be in place!

This kind of notion of possibilities always reminds me of "The Wizard of Oz" when Dorothy accidently throws water on the witch and then she is so worried that she has offended the witches soldiers. Remember what they said?

Hail Dorothy! The Wicked Witch is Dead!

Sometimes we forget that all of "them" are really just like "us" and so many precious souls operating in the machinery of corporate-owned globalization will be ready for that moment, just like the soldiers in "Oz".

The last angle I wish to address in this post concerns ego. It is absolutely impossible for the being we actually already are to be concerned or worried about anything in this physical 3D world because we are utterly complete before we have our first thought. Let that little truth swim around in your noggin for a "spell". Only the ego can be concerned about 3D bodies, for it is in those bodies that the ego finds great reason to delight in delusional insanity.

Let's here it for Eckhart Tolle and all the NGO's bros!!!!!!


Riversong's picture

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Stefa's picture

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Riversong's picture

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Stefa's picture

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Riversong's picture

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Stefa's picture

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Berry's picture

I do believe that the arising global consciousness with awareness of what is happening in the world around them and the collective intention and desire for a change away from our current course will in a short matter of time create a new direction in our reality.  More people every day are becoming aware of the deceptions which are being presented to them. And I beleive that it is up to each of us to be "evangelists" in the old meaning of the word, telling the Truth as we know it to all that we meet.  The more people who join the "collective" thought pattern of  transformation of our world the more quickly and surely it will happen.

I saw a story on BBC America tonight that to me emphasized the need for this transformation we are speaking of.  I tried to find a link to the story but was unsuccessful in the attempt.   It seems that a spiritualist church in Brittain is being accused of treason for pronouncing spiritual transmissions which apparantly aluded to Brittish government  coverups, misdealings, criminal activities and what have you.  They have their defenders but the very idea that a religious organization can be accused of treason for speaking words against a government's activities cries loudly of despotism and total lose of the freedom of speech along with other freedoms. 

Our time for making change is growing quickly shorter. 

Chris, in this instant, I can't find a matter of ego being involved with what I have presented.  There is no egoic inflation in the observation of a world going mad around me. I have already affirmed that what eventually happens one way or the other doesn't affect my eternal God-Self, or for that matter, anyone else's spiritual existance.  This is a global catalyst to bring more people to the awareness of Oneness in Spirit, and to raise their consciousness to a level of preparedness for dimensional Change, not necessarily geographically, economically and politically.

I believe that this discussion centers on the main reason for our having this Transformation Team in existance and right this moment, I am so very happy to have a wonderful group of loving people with whom I can openly discuss my thoughts.  I breath my sacred love to all of you,

In the Love and Light of our one infinite Creator,




Long life to you my friend.

My own anxiety arose over global governance until I invested my rational mind with the emerging new worldview that is post post-modern. You can find information at the Integral Institute founded by Ken Wilber.

It would be great undertaking to describe the evolutionary pressures on individuals and culture that is incorporated in the Integral worldview in this post, but each worldview is included and transcended. At this point in time a small percentage of the population are worldcentric and integral. With that said, I'd like to quote from one of the founders of the Integral Institute, Steve Mcintosh's book, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution:  "Fortunately, with the rise of integral consciousness, new possibilities appear. These new possibilities become evident when we take an evolutionary perspective on human political organization. According to Robert Wright, in 1500 B.C. there were approximately 600,000 sovereign political groups in the world. Today these groups have been consolidated into just 193 sovereign countries. Although the breakup of colonial empires in the twentieth century created some new nation-states, the overall trend of the century was toward greater interdependence and international consolidation, as evidenced by the creation of the United Nations and the European Union. From the beginnings of the human law code with the Code of Hammurabi and the Ten Commandments, up to the era of large federations of the United States and the European Union, law and government have continued to evolve over the centuries into larger and larger political configurations. However, although the world enjoys a growing body of international law, these laws are largely unenforceable, and the United Nations and the international system it administers is still based on the underlying principle of unrestricted national sovereignty. So although the recent strengthening of the World Court in the Netherlands is a positive step, the phrase "international law" remains somewhat of an oxymoron because of its implied preservation of "national" power and the "state of nature" that exists between sovereign nations. The significant difference between treaties (and other inter-national forms of agreement) and true laws is that in general, treaties apply to countries whereas laws apply to individuals. Law is what replaces the state of nature between "sovereign" individuals or groups. So no matter how much power the U.N. or  other international authorities are given, until there is true global law with jurisdiction over individuals, the evolutionary pressures that have produced a world of nation-states will continue to push and pull toward the next developmental level - a world federation.

While we can recognize that the state of the world's consciousness is not ready for global governance, we can also see that globilization of the world's economy and culture is nevertheless racing ahead. From an integral perspective the world may never be fully ready for global governance--by the time consciousness has evolved to the point where everyone is responsible and worldcentric, we may not need a government at all. Yet when we make a realistic assessment of the ongoing evolution of global civilization in the twenty-first century, no matter how premature the idea of global governance may seem, the current de facto system of global politics is only going to become increasingly inadequate for a globalized world. As evolutionary pressures continue to mount, we will have two choices: We can either evolve further, or we can collapse back into regression. So if we want to choose the former option, then it is now time to begin discussing what further evolution actually looks like."

    The author goes on to give a vision based on the integral worldview.  This quote is quite lengthy but like and umbrella of past - future and a new world vision that accompanies individuals and cultures as we shift to more expansive perspectives and yet honoring those former worldviews that are transcended.

All is well,


Berry's picture


Thanks for that interesting quote with an alternate viewpoint.  I am not familiar with the Integral Institute though I have heard the name Ken Wilbur. I found one line in the above exerpt that caught my attention and pointed out to me something which I had not considered before in relationship to this line of thought.  It was: "the current de facto system of global politics is only going to become increasingly inadequate for a globalized world." 

With this in mind I realize that the old paradigm is increasingly deteriorating, including the power of governments to govern adequately.  They cannot even keep up with their own intentions to provide and maintain the essential  structures and services required to keep the current level of society going.  To name a few, schools, roads, healthcare, and national employement.  A word which keeps coming back to me over and over when I see the deterioratioin of our total "environment" is Entropy.

The old energy which emowered the old paradigm is morphing to a higher level which leaves the old with nothing but decay to move toward. This grand design by the powers that be will run out of fuel before it ever becomes a reality. And if the governing entities cannot even control what is now, they have no chance of maintaining control over a Global socio-political-economic  organism.  This makes my outlook on what appears to be happening much more comfortable.

All is indeed well,



Stefa's picture

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ChrisBowers's picture

Yummie thread peoples!!!!
I have to read all again when I get a moment just to wrap my mind around how to add to this excellent discussion...
cudos Berry for getting this forum idea rolling.


Nafetah's picture

Thank you so much for posting this, Berry. Your belief systems are so similar to mine, I was in awe. I read in your profile you are a Reiki Master. I am 2nd Degree, but for some reason I am able to send long distance healing with what I have learned. I do want to add I DO NOT do the healing, of course, I am just the vessel for our Creator. I will return and read it over many times. As Chris says, "cudos!" Love, Light and Laughter, Nafetah

davelambert's picture

I'm heart-broken it's turned out like this.

I don't think it's turned out like this.  We don't know yet how it will turn out, for it's all in flux.  Flux is made of acid, and acid burns.  Yet afterward you have a solidly-soldered connection.


Stefa's picture

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Riversong's picture

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Stefa's picture

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Riversong's picture

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Berry's picture

My appreciation to you for this golden leaf of wisdom, Riversong.  How very apt and memorable.  I will save this for those times when I find the experience surrounding me.  Much thanks,

In the Love and Light of the one Infinite Creator,


Long life to you my friend.

  Hi Stefa,

  There is a buddhist story that describes how precious this human life is by the example of a turtle returning to the surface of the ocean and sticking its head through a hoop floating at the surface.

  When I abandon selfhood and reach deep into unbiased wisdom there is this spaciousness of infinite possibilty from which all arises. To cling to my desires of a "better world" serves only to limit possibility. My conditioning tells me that this suffering is wrong and yet there is a background of the equanimity of compassion that realizes the emptiness of what I witness.

  Sharon Salzberg wrote "Lovingkindness The Revolutionary Art of Happiness" of which I'd like to quote a story about perceptions of suffering. She attended a conference in India on emotions and health where Western pschologists wanted to pass on their expertise to the Tibetans who were there, because many Tibetans, particulary monks and nuns, have been tortured by the Chinese.

"These Western specialists first described what happens psychologically to survivors of torture: flashbacks, hideous memories, terror, helplessness, rage, despair, the sense of being dehumanized and degraded, the experience of feeling isolated and distrustful of others. They went on to discuss how to treat those suffering from these disorders: helping them to work through their fear and rage, and then helping them to feel more connected to the community and their own lives. These experts presented their knowledge and reflections with the belief that they were conferring something on the Tibetans: "We want to give you this gift, because we know that the Tibetan people have had to suffer so much."

"At the end of their extensive presentaion, the Dali Lama who was attending the conference, replied, "Well, the Tibetan people do not seem to experience things in quite the same way."  He explained that though many Tibetans had undergone great physical pain when they were tortured, some reported afterward that they had focused on compassion for the people who were harming them so outrageously. They understood the terrible condition of a mind that would torture another.

"He pointed out that even those Tibetans who could not come to a place of feeling compassion while they were being tortured still had a deep belief in and understanding of karma. Thus they had a context in which to view what was happening to them. For them the torture was not a horrid visitation out of the blue. Nor was their understanding based on guilt: "I deserve this." Rather, the victims believed that there was an order, a meaning, a coherence to an experience even that terrible. That is why, the Dali Lama explained, in his experience Tibetans do not tend to have posttraumatic stress disorder."

This explanation of a differing cultural perspective helped me widen my view and truly understand that it all is empty in its essence.

All is Well,



davelambert's picture

Dear One, you heard me very well indeed.  Occasionally I've seen a bumper sticker that goes something like this:  Don't be too hard on me.  God isn't through with me yet. It holds true for the world too, doesn't it?


davelambert's picture

Dude, that was awesome!  I never thought of it that way, and there's no question in my mind that you are exactly right.


davelambert's picture

I really feel moved to thank you all for this wonderful thread. Berry, your words resonated with me so deeply that I said little. Well, you know....little for me.  Every comment has shone a living light on the topic. Each of you has taught me something wonderful.


Stefa's picture

--- Post removed at author's request ---

Long life to you my friend.

Thank you Stefa...

Well observed and well said.  Your communication is so rich, deep and vast all at the same time. Your life is well lived and felt.  I am always balancing head and heart and I am reminded by your words that the word "bodhicitta" in Tibetan means both head and heart.  Your story reminds me of what an incredible species we are. How could we not be divine?

With great respect,


Stefa's picture

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Riversong's picture

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Nafetah's picture

I am really enjoying this thread, and wish to thank everyone for their comments. This thread is something I want to come back to over and over, to enable me to fully understand it's meaning. As the European's say, I tend to want to

"eat" (absorb) every word of it. Namaste, Nafetah 

Stefa's picture

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ChrisBowers's picture

When I was reading your post above and you said,

"Chris, in this instant, I can't find a matter of ego being involved with what I have presented. There is no egoic inflation in the observation of a world going mad around me",

I had to go up to try to find what you were relating to and I have to guess it was this statement I made:

"The last angle I wish to address in this post concerns ego. It is absolutely impossible for the being we actually already are to be concerned or worried about anything in this physical 3D world because we are utterly complete before we have our first thought. Let that little truth swim around in your noggin for a "spell". Only the ego can be concerned about 3D bodies, for it is in those bodies that the ego finds great reason to delight in delusional insanity."

When I said that I was not addressing you (I have a hunch you already know that), I was professing a personally exciting affirmation of what is true for the sake of delighting in that truth. A very generic and universal application - boy, I better be right about that our I'm gonna get lynched!!! HAHAHAHAAAAHA.

In Love, Light and Utter Delight for all you bring to the mix dear brother,


Laurette's picture

Wow!  That is very true and has moved me, Riversong.   I will think of what you wrote here when I am experiencing those emotions.

Thanks!  Laurette

ChrisBowers's picture

Riversong said,
"There is as much danger in seeing only the perfection and removing oneself to a life of meditative contemplation as there is in seeing only the ugliness and striving so mightily to improve it that one has no time for reflection and perhaps even feeds the Beast with the intensity of one's energy."
What a perfect way to put it so that we all might check to see where we are in that polarization or blend....

There is room for, and something to be said for every experience....


rovin's picture

Hi Berry, you've probaly seen this stuff but I thought I post it, it may help..as one, Rob.

From: http://www.eboards4all.com/360514/messages/21073.html (link is external)

Future Gaian Speaks

I come from a future Earth. Our world has been totally purified and
everything is in total harmonic balance. Lush green forests lie where
once there were deserts. Rivers and streams glisten with clear, pure
water teeming with life. The mighty oceans are not such a mystery to us
as we can live in chambers below the surface of the water.We
telepathically communicate with the intelligent life forms that live
there. Many of our kind communicate with the whales and dolphins
learning technologies of consciousness that can aid both our species.
The planet Gaia is totally honoured and respected as a living,
intelligent, co-creative entity. All of our kind have their own unique
connection to the planet. We have a new level of connection. We no
longer consider ourselves separate to her. We now realise we are an
intricate part of her consciousness.

Gaia's dream has been accessed by our kind and all are expressing their
unique part of the dream. We live on a planet that is ecologically
balanced and harmonious. The planet is heavenly with stable, pleasant
weather patterns and gentle climates. This enables all life to blossom.
Food is in abundance and all the needs of the whole are brought forth
from Gaia.

We are all in alignment with the love that is permeating this planet.
Many of us communicate with the Devic kingdoms helping us to work in
harmony, gardening Gaia. All of us are free of mind and have our
Spirits totally grounded within our physical bodies. We have all
regained our connection to the ALL THAT IS.

We all love and live within the realm of universal love. We grow and
learn within this realm of existence. We live in communities which
house many. We spend much of our time outdoors due to the pleasant
weather conditions. We all live in peace and harmony. We work and live
as a whole evolutionary synergy. I live in a crystal structure, made up
of sheets of harmonious crystals geometrically formed to harmonise,
balance, and accelerate energies. This transforms the occupant whilst
inside. They are beautiful to behold and help to anchor the love energy
into the surrounding countryside. They are very simple and spacious.
The structure of the building and the light reflections created please
the senses. Inside is a reflection of the outside, containing large
plants, indoor waterfalls and pools.

Large cushions are used for seating and sleeping. There is a small area
for the preparation of food but we live off the energy of Spirit. We
only partake in high raw foods and fruits. We have a bathing area used
for cleansing, sexual pleasure and relaxation. A large round pool is
submerged into the floor. On our bodies, we use only natural rinses
that contain herbs and essences that are in harmony with our energies.
The main feature of the house is an organic, telepathically linked
intelligent computer. It controls and regulates the lighting,
temperature, atmospheric and energetic conditions. It telepathically
links to produce the music that you have in mind. It is responsible for
maintaining the home. Cleaning is made simple by a new invention that
magnetises all dust and dirt particles and filters them back outside.
This then minimises cleaning duties. We bathe often and take pride in
our beautiful ritualised bathing ceremonies. We fully utilise the use
of water when bathing and employ the help of the elements to heal us.
This beautiful abode is a complete embodiment of my vision of 'Heaven
on Earth'.

I do not live far from the central structures which house the communal
activities. Beautiful crystal citadels sparkle at the centre of this
incredible pattern that our homes create across the landscape. There
are places of learning where all can be both teachers and students. I
study technologies of raising consciousness. I also explore
off-planetary energies that can be balanced within our system to aid
our evolution. I study the mind and use mind technologies to travel to
other worlds and meet other levels of consciousness. I channel other
dimensional energies for those in my community. I also teach
technologies for consciousness expansion. All my work is operated on an
intuitive level with those with whom I am in synergy. There is no real
authority. It has been a long time since we have needed laws and
punishment. There are places of art with visual and audible expression,
bringing creative joy to all who enter. All are encouraged and guided
to creative expression, bringing creative joy to all who enter. All are
encouraged and guided to a creative expression that reflects their
divine pattern.

We have found advanced technologies which enable us to provide all that
we need without polluting or degrading the Earth. We have a limitless
source of energy which allows many manufacturing places to be fully
automatic. This allows all of us to follow the vocation that we love.
No one does anything that he or she is not ecstatic about. Our needs
materially are simple. We dress in light energetically empowered
clothing. These clothes allow us to remain centred within our being,
and we use colours to express our energies. Much clothing and jewelry
is created by those who excel in such crafts. Amazing jewels can be
created by using light and the co-operation of the mineral beings. We
do not have disease in our society as there are communal centres of
healing. These centres balance by using colour, sound, and water to

There are great places of knowledge that are connected to all the
organic computer systems. There are great communal baths and swimming
facilities. All the recreation you could imagine is provided. There are
great halls which allow us all to gather together to share and
celebrate. All buildings are aesthetic and energetically correct which
helps to express the beauty of the planetary design.

The animal kingdoms are in harmony and balance with us. They may choose
to come and communicate telepathically with us, but there is no killing
or captivity. ALL is in harmony. There are great parks and places of
beauty. There are marble fountains and pools, great crystal sculptures
and grottoes of natural beauty. These places provide people with
breathtaking sights and sounds. On the perimeter of our community are
the manufacturing structures. Dotted around in correct energetic
placement are the dwellings for people. Some are in small communal
patterns and others are singular points of light.

Transport is not needed as teleportation is available for all because
of our advanced technologies. We can travel to anywhere on the planet
and may visit other such centres of light. We have much contact and
communication with extraterrestrials. We balance and advance together.
I have an extraterrestrial master who shares his knowledge with me on
mind expansion and in return he learns about my level of consciousness.
My life is complete and free. I grow in joy, trust and ecstasy,
traveling back to the Source in love.

I wish you all luck on your journey.


From a future Gaian


From: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=225275488547900712&postID=7362304812295688290 (link is external)


Joyce A. Kovelman, Ph.D.

The world of 2070 A.D. is a vision of a new way of being in the world.
It is a world filled with hope, promise and opportunity. Its people
have achieved a sustainable economy and a sustainable ecology. They
live in balance and harmony with the cycles and rhythms of the cosmos
and respect all forms of life and consciousness. They recognize that
all is One.

The world of 2070 A.D. is founded upon the integration and Sacred
Marriage of masculine and feminine elements in our psyches, and a new
spiritual covenant with Universe. The citizens of 2070 A.D. know the
inner paths of soul. They are equally at home in the worlds of matter
and non-matter, for they have long recognized that they are One.

Balance in population, food supply, and energy resources ensure that
every child is a wanted child and is properly cared for. Parenting is
considered the most noble of vocations. The "Mothering Ones" are
esteemed and cherished along with the children they nurture.

More mature and humane solutions to conflict and discord have been
discovered and are practiced. The world of 2070 A.D. knows no honor,
glory or profit through war.

Elders are valued for their abilities and experiences. Their presence
and gifts enrich the entire community in which they dwell. The Wisdom
age is the culmination and gift of a life well lived. Advancing age
affords an opportunity to more fully embrace and explore the inner
paths of transcendence. Indeed, the Wisdom Age calls out to us to
deepen our connection with other realms of existence.

Creativity and the willingness to grow are prized attributes in the
land of 2070 A.D. People of all ages are encouraged to create, to risk,
to fail, and to succeed. Essentially, they are free to simply BE.
Black, white, yellow, red or brown, all citizens are equal and all are
cherished. This is a world that honors and respects diversity. Value
fulfillment is everyone's privilege; it is freely offered to all who
dwell in this peaceful realm.

2070 A.D. inspires and encourages its citizens to become dreamers,
seers and prophets. They have learned that their dreams and their
future emanate from the invisible archetypal realms of the collective
unconscious and beyond. The seeds of inspiration and wisdom are
transmitted to 2070 A. D. through its visionaries and enlightened ones.
No society can long endure without the arts, music, literature and
visions that reflect its highest aspirations and potential. Archetypal
2070 A.D. already dwells in the hearts and souls of humankind. It
symbolizes our promise as well as our birthright.

The enlightened, peaceful land of 2070 A. D. sharply contrasts with the
shadowy, dark world we presently know. In our current world, we
experience violence, despair, greed, hate, abuse, violation of human
rights, and the desecration of Mother Earth. It seems unlikely, even
futile, to believe that we could ever realize and attain such a reality.

We are like the people in Plato's Cave, seeing only the shadows and
hints of another reality. Like Plato's people, we are faced with an
awesome choice. We can refuse to believe and change or, instead, we can
embrace the Light and leave our Darkness behind. Humanity must
successfully accomplish an inner reconciliation of masculine and
feminine principles, and claim its own shadow if we are to realize our
true potential and to embrace the One and the Many. In this way,
humankind becomes a noble species and once again knows itself as part
of All That Is. 2070 A. D. already exists within the realms of
possibility. It is humanity's destiny and future. Carpe Diem. Dare we seize the opportunity?

Sadly our present world finds us in the midst of war and recession. Let
us, instead, imagine the reality and world we wish to experience in
2070? It is up to each of us to envision the world we wish to realize,
and then to do all within our power to make our dream come true. To
change the world, we must first change ourselves! Collectively we can
make an impact, and each voice and each dream will enhance everyone
else's dreams of goodwill. I have shared my vision for the future that
I fervently wish to bestow upon my children, and my children's
children. I invite all of you to share your ideas and dreams with me as

We all have a dream of a better world. Please share you Vision for the World of 2070 A. D. through https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=225275488547900712&postID=7362304812295688290 (link is external) and help us make it so!

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The Gathering Spot is a PEERS (link is external) empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"