A new course of discussion was started on the Eckhart Tolle & Opray thread which Chris and i got involved in another whole new line of thought. We agreed it was worth following up on so I am starting a new thread and copying over the posts from the previous thread. The following are the comments and replys I am copying.
"Berry said:
I have read again recently an interesting article which at first glance seems not relative to this thread, but with deeper reading has some very applicable thoughts to the subject of A New Earth, particularly regarding awareness. It is also interesting if anybody is interested in Earth grids, Ascention and Sacred Geometry.
It's somewhat lengthy but well worth the read.
ChrisBowers </users/chrisbowers>
Thank you Berry for providing that link at spirit of maat! Below are just a few of the beautifully instructive passages I couldn't resist posting:
"The Dodecahedron represents total surrender to Unconditional Love. This seems to be a challenge point, as many people stop here and lose their way in bliss, feeling as though there is no reason for continuing to evolve."
"If individuals do not commit themselves to impeccability in their behavior, they fall prey to the ego agendas of themselves or others. Openheartedness without conscious mindfulness is an expression of Dodeca consciousness. The Stellated Dodeca is the consciousness of a self-realized being, and that is why it is referred to as the Christ Consciousness Grid."
Christ, or any other Master of this level, exhibits this self-aware consciousness: an exceptionally high level of personal refinement that is practical and attainable for all humans who sincerely discipline themselves to attain it. It is so much more than chasing bliss. This is what is truly expressed in Christ’s teachings. He didn’t want anyone to follow him. He wanted us to become as he became, a self-aware, enlightened being. The Christ Consciousness Grid exists as a reminder of our true nature and encourages us to attain it."
The Christ Grid also helps us integrate and harmonize a true group unity. The Christ Grid is a unified collective consciousness. This means that we are also preparing our internal templates to integrate and harmonize all of the lifetimes we spent within each culture on this planet, setting the stage to help us feel the oneness of all cultures simultaneously, without bias or prejudice.
In the past, a form of surface tension between colors, frequencies, and intentions separated us. This surface tension is diminishing as we become self-aware and self-responsible for all our actions. As we claim our personal integrity, we no longer project our lessons upon others. This reduces the surface tensions
"At this time, the separation in frequencies creating the seven Christ sub-grids is aligning to become one rainbow-colored Grid. Eventually, as we become truly One, it will become a single, golden color that will eventually evolve to the diamond or crystal-clear level. The crystal or diamond children are already being born on this planet to help accomplish this."
And thank you Penny for bringing this subject up. I just received my order of several of Tolle's books and his retreat CD.
Berry said:
You did indeed zone in on exactly the passage which caused me to post it here. This information is so germain to what Eckhart Tolle is teaching and also focuses on a primary goal of the Transformation Team. Thank you for excerpting it for us.
I have an idea that the concept of dodecagons and stellated dodecagons could cause people to fade out but sacred geometry is a fascinating subject. Might consider starting a thread on the concept. Hmmmm!
2008 ChrisBowers </users/chrisbowers> says:
Sounds good to me, but we will have to make sure we get a real good feel for translating this "Sacred Physics" before proceeding. Love the idea though. We could spend the rest of our 3D lives talking about this - that would be just fine with me. One of the definitions for "Sacred" is "unassailable, inviolable". Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
In Love, Light and Sacred Geometry,
Here is further comments on the ongoing discussion.
Hey there Chris,
> > >
> > > I didn't want to go into a lot of off topic discussion on that Eckhart Tolle thread. But I did want to share with you a vision/lucid dream which I had a few months ago very involved with sacred geometry.
> > >
> > > It seemed that I was in the center of a triangular room. On the floor of the room was an inlaid design of a straight armed triscallion with the end of each arm touching a wall of the room. The room began to rotate one direction and the triscallion rotated the opposite direction. A transformation began and the triangular room became a pyramid and the triscallion repositioned and changed to a 4 pointed configuration with each arm joining one of the apexes of the pyramid. This began expending and rotating as did I. The lucid dream ended and I was left with the word "tesseract" in my mind. A word which I had never heard or read as far as I could remember. The following day I did a search on it and came up with this. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract>. This however was not the object of my vision. I searched that page though and came across this. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentachoron>
> > >
> > > What I had envisioned was a pentachoron, a four dimensional figure relating to the 3rd energy center or chakra. This information I discovered from a couple of contacts, one of whom is Drunvalo, the founder of Spirit of Maat. The interesting point in the object is that my online id is most often Prismpoint. The pentachoron is a pyramidal prism.
> > >
> > > Just thought you might get a charge from this. The study of S/G is deep and I haven't gone very far with it, but I keep the intention of learning more.
> > >
> > > L&L
> > > Berry
> > Thank You so much Berry for sharing that wondrous vision with me. Are you sure you don't want to post that in the ongoing thread we have started relating to Sacred Geometry? At the very least, you should send it to Ron Holt to see if he can share some further valuable insight. Let's keep this thread going strong because it is somewhat central to our existence and where we're headed (back home).
> >
> > Chris
We hope that this discussion will be thought stimulating and interesting to many of you.
Blessings of love and light to all
Hey Berry!
Great idea to get this rolling. Here are the links that are not blue-ing up for some reason on the copied posts... for anybody going to the wikepedia links, scroll down to see the moving 3D images of the Tesseract and Pentachoron - trippie stuff! Somewhere deep inside each of us (or not so deep sometimes) we understand this stuff, so re-familiarizing ourselves with this info can only be a good thing... To understand by Sacred Geometry and Sacred Physics that the Creator is quite the Architect/Engineer seems to lend even more credibility to the notion of a Sacred Creator (not that any of you need any intellectual prodding).
Hi Berry and Cal, wow, this is great stuff, thanks for starting this thread. It is interesting to compare sacred geometry with fractal maths. Ostensibly different yet equally beautiful and spiritually cenetered. As one, rob.
Upon going to The Spirit of Ma'at website to contact them I came across The Ascension Issue. Here is the intro and the link:
In the course of brainstorming for the March 2008 Issue,
our conversations led to talk of Ascension. What became clear in those
discussions is that everyone has their own perspective on it. Wondering
if our readers could help us find some common ground, we sent out a
questionnaire asking all of you to share your thoughts on the Ascension
process. The response was so overwhelming, a thousand emails later we
decided to call this issue, "The Ascension Issue".
In addition to the Ascension letters we are
fortunate to have an article from Robert Gilbert, Sacred Geometry
genius and founder of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies. If
Shamanic wisdom fuels your search, you will be inspired by what our
good friend and all-time-favorite Shaman, Jade Wahoo Grigori has to say
about his work. Just back from Easter Island and Moorea, CC Treadway
shares her experience of what it was like to be part of the group that
traveled with Drunvalo to put the final touches on the Earth Grid.
There is a whole lot more, so jump down the rabbit hole and see what
you can find. With the Equinoctial portal about to open, we hope that
every one of these articles will help you to expand into a deeper
awareness of your own process as the changes that are affecting us all
continue to reveal themselves.
Wow, Chris,
Thanks for adding this to the thread. The synchronicity of SOM's issue on Ascention seems to be a perfect addition to this discussion. I had already read Jade Wahoo Grigori's article and was thinking of posting it as well. For any who are not familiar with the Spirit of Maat e-zine, it has monthly articles which are so very important and germain to what we are doing here. It is free on line and they will email you when the new issue is available if you sign up on the website.
To give some information on the Jade Wahoo Grigori article, he discusses the difference between the soul and spirit and is very very interesting information which rings true.
Blessing of light and love to all,
Greetings All,
At Chris B's behest I am posting here some info also found over on the Resonating Garden thread. In this post you'll find 3 links, one excerpt, and a special gift at the end...
Let's start with the hard-core stuff, shall we? Warning: these two guys are crazy brilliant and their thinking may lead you deeper down into the rabbit hole than you imagined possible. In Winter's case the ideas presented may also contain a measure of fear plasma- so keep those squibulators handy!
Marko Rodin's web site: http://www.rodinmath.com/
Dan Winter's web site: http://www.goldenmean.info/
Wow. If you made it thru all that you might appreciate some tamer fare:
The excerpt below is from an article by holistic architect Michael Rice and appears on his delightful web site:
The Ten Precepts of Sacred Space Design
1. The Universe is made of one substance.
the compressibility of this universal medium stores form and memory in wave shape. E = MCsquared.
2. The Universe has one shape - the Sine Wave.
the principle of frequency signatures, called 'Fourier' means that even the most complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves.
3. The Universe can be described as a Geometry of Pressure.
geometry produces symmetry, which allows waves coming from opposite directs to meet and stand, giving the illusion of stability, and the segregation of momentum, and make possible the birth of matter. pressure occurs where waves meet. Ratio is all.
4. Focus is the only medium that creates, in a universe made of waves.
focus creates a 'pathway', or gravity, for waves to meet.
5. Shape is the only thing the Universe has to conserve.
naming and Memory ring out only from differences in shape, not substance.
6. The only way to conserve shape along a path is to maintain the ratio of length, area and volume (a nest of ratios).
7. The best path to maintain a nest of ratios is the Golden Mean (Phi).
Phi, Phi squared and Phi cubed, represented by the ratched dodecahedron. This pathway enables information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind). Sacred geometry recreates this coherence.
8. Coherence at any level is coherence at every level.
an orderly relationship between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields (between the worlds). this harmonic cascade (Jacobs Ladder) establishes the connectedness called Holography, and also ecstasy.
9. DNA is a four-dimensional Dodecahedron.
adding one spin to three dimensions adds a harmonic and a nest for memory. the DNA double helix keeps a set of wavelengths evenly spaced on a path through time and space, thus conserving the wave shape.
10. Light, when folded back on itself, comes to know itself.
the spiral-within- a spiral-within- a spiral creates genetic material at all levels. light causes an extra geometry of spin, which superimposes a harmonic of frequencies upon a nest of frequencies in an envelope of pressure we call light as matter. This creates extra mind, because the universal mind meets itself at every wave intersection, so the denser
the intersections, or nodes, the greater the self knowing, or sense of identity and place within the dream.
Fun huh? If you understood all that, would you mind explaining it to me?
Ok, I promised you a gift, so here it is:
For all you retro-lovers, I present the Classic 60's analog model A-1.618 plasma squibulator, with transverse wave interpolation and dual heterodyning. A delight to own and operate. Don't leave home without it!
Yeah, I know the new IC models are a lot smaller. But for my money, you just can't beat the look and feel of these babies. And, I'll bet Michael Rice would agree with me here, they are so much more "Feng Shui", don't you think?
Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon, k?
In gratitude, joy and love,
Just found this thread and am totally fascinated. Bodhi, I want one of those squibulators!
Love the sacred geometry. Now of course I am going to have to read all the links!
Haven't watched Eckhart Tolle and Oprah, bit of a problem watching on line, but I have been meaning to get the audio download as video is a problem.
Thanks for getting my brain going and allowing it to connect with spirit and the deep, inner understanding and knowing.
Love U
P.S. Have just finished reading about the Sacred Geometry. This is something I will investigate further, so thanks so much!
I would have replied sooner, but I went catatonic looking at the squibulator (Andromeda Strain reference alert). Thank you so much for following up on the post transfers. Concerning the 60's classic analog model A-1.618 - didn't it also come standard equipped with the purple-ray inviolable homologous light-wave universal algorithm that first revealed the holographic nature of physics? Again, thanks a so mucha.
Oh, and Ursula - I just got started on this subject and I have a hunch that Berry and Bodhi (among others) have a bit of a head start on most of us and have been patiently waiting ('cause their cool-gentle like dat) for the right time to get dis pawty stawted. Eternal thanks to them (among others) for being so prepared for this moment in time.
I feel like I have been left in the dust! I am a novice in this field Chris,especially with all of the additional information which has been added by Bhodi(Thank you Bhodi). Totally fascinatiing and i will need some time to digest it all. I was particularly intregued with the toroid theory of geometic sacredredness! WOW. Greg Boden has been my main instructor in this field and I haven't even begun to assimilate what he has had to say.
Thanks for your confidence in my meagor wisdom though.
Concerning the 60's classic analog model A-1.618 - didn't it also come
standard equipped with the purple-ray inviolable homologous light-wave
universal algorithm that first revealed the holographic nature of
That's absolutely right, Chris! For your correct answer today you win the powder-blue micro-polished niobium tesseract with the inverse phi triple pitch-phased cubic resonance compensators. You lucky! There's no question, this little hummer is seriously tricked out!
Now then, where did that tesseract run off too? Oh, here it is...
These little critters are sumthin else, eh? No tellin' where they'll show up next...
I knew that little baby would show up here somehow! This is the little guy that directed me to my Pentachoron.
Okay Bodhi,
Here tis me first, but not final thought..................... NOT! on number 3 of the 10 precepts posted above (3. The Universe can be described as a Geometry of Pressure. Geometry produces symmetry, which allows waves coming from opposite directs to MEET AND STAND, giving the illusion of stability, and the segregation of momentum, and make possible the birth of matter. pressure occurs where waves meet. Ratio is all.): We are almost entirely space and much slower moving light due to that pressure (almost like light in stasis?) which creates the illusion of physical bodies. You probably were already thinking much the same thing I would imagine. The part that really drove that home for me a while back, besides one physicist's description of an atom ("if this grain of sand were the nucleus of an atom, the outer orbit of the electron would be the perimeter of this large college campus"), was when another physicist was saying that we never really actually touch anything when we "touch" and sense tactile sensation and pressure because atoms simply never touch! There is always some amount of space between them. Man, that blows my head right off the top of my friggin' neck!
Here's to the very convincing illusion of touch,
"4. Focus is the only medium that creates, in a universe made of waves.
focus creates a 'pathway', or gravity, for waves to meet." I believe the word focus used here is the same as the word "intent" used when those studying quantum physics/mechanics speak of how their experiments are altered by the intent of their experiment (they are still trying to find a way to trick nature so as to get pure clinical results from their experiments - good luck). We now know that "0" point is COHERENT! I have but only one head to give (and blew it off my neck in the last post). With so many very learned people now saying virtually the same thing concerning these magnificent truths about how our universe works (and we have barely scratched the surface!), either they have all gone insane googoo byebye or we can now say once again in complete confidence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident!"
Here's to our declaration of independence from ignorance and illusion,
When I was in the Navy as a Sonar Technichian some 40 years ago, we were working with a sonar system called SQS26 which was the state of the art at that time. One of the things I was continually amazed with it was the fact that we could direct sound in such a manner as to create an almost solid wall of sound energy and direct it in such a fashion that it could form a wall of almost any shape we chose. Diagonal, vortexed, concaved, convexed, flat and random. These waves of sound energy could be so intense that they were dangerous to anything in the water. It blew fish out of the water. No men were allowed to be in the water when the system was being tested. And this was very low frequency sound!
Now if you take light energy, and were able to focus and direct and amplify it in the same way, it is very obvious that what became the solid wall of sound would in that case become physical matter in one form or another. Intellegent Energy of the Universe is doing just this in creating the reality that we experience as solid matter around us. Chris, you touched on the very essence of our co-creatorship. INTENT This is the way in which we are able to create our own reality. That, along with FEELING. Or if you will, WILLING. The actual feeling that what we are intending is very real in our experience, to the point where we can touch it, taste it, smell it, see it, FEEL it. The other factor is persistance. To set it in our intention and feeling and desire and hold that combination brings the results of our co-creation, with Intellegent Infinity.
Couldn't help musing on this thougth.
Hey Berry!
Well said! In your first paragraph you are talking about a 40 year old technology. Does anybody need to wonder anymore whether or not the military now has the E.L.F. standing wave technology with the ionospheric heater HAARP arrays that can quite easily cause a resonant disturbance deep in the earth's crust sufficient to cause a 9+ magnitude earthquake? The jury has just come in and they have reached a decision....
In Love, Light and Confident Hope (in spite of these guys who will ultimately return to be with us all),
Here is a link to a posted article from Nexus that does an excellent job of describing the Earth's base resonant frequency, its fluctuations, causes and effects on our minds and physical bodies. Very interesting stuff.
I am quite aware that with what they were doing 40 years ago that this is now an actuality. That and weather control. I have no doubts my friend. This was very likely in design even then. Our governement is very far ahead in the technical knowhow than we are ever aware of, perhap even 20 years further advanced that what we are advised of, even for those with high security clearances.
I was only involved in a very small part of the current technology back in the 60's but they, I am sure already had the stealth bomber on the design boards and I am almost certain that there were functional "flying saucers" in the air even then that were not manned by ETs. Roswell and other undisclosed contacts provided so very much high technology to the PTB that we will not know how much until our Universal brothers reveal it to us.
Well said my dear brother waiting with me at the train station for Ascension (all aboard!) with eyes wide open!
We live in exciting times and sacred geometry is utterly inviolate, so let's enjoy the ride, even if it should ever get what we would usually consider scary or difficult. I say we allow this forum discussion of sacred geometry and its Life Partner "Dawn Heart Virtues" to become our ongoing and inviolate understanding of how unassailable true Life really is. It is my intuitive hunch that we may very well face times that will test this idea, but it will also create an opportunity for a parabolic quantum shift in integration of these truths within each of us that remain inviolate the whole time(s), no matter what that "moment in time" illusion holds for our fading old-world 3D senses. May we self-activate our integrity as scheduled in preparation for good times or bad. As the Zen Buddhist Priest would most assuredly proclaim, "What's the difference?"
IN L,L, and H,
In reading your above post, I was suddenly and pleasantly reminded of the old Beattles song, Fool On The Hill.
Fool On The Hill
Day after day, alone on the hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer .....
But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.
Well on his way, his head in a cloud,
The man of a thousand voices, talking perfectly loud.
But nobody ever hears him,
Or the sound he appears to make.
And he never seems to notice .....
But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.
And nobody seems to like him,
They can tell what he wants to do.
And he never shows his feelings,
But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.
Paul McCartney said of the song:
" 'Fool on the Hill' was mine and I think I was writing about someone like Maharishi. His detractors called him a fool. Because of his giggle he wasn't taken too seriously ..."
The reason I was reminded of this is that in awareness, we are observers watching the goings on of the world and not being concerned to be owned by it, and by some considered foolish, daffed, and schizoid. Wasn't it the Master Jesus who said that we should be in the world but not part of it? ( or was that the Apostle Paul?)
Love and Light,
Elizabeth posted this link on Penny's "What Interests You" forum and I am placing it everywhere it even remotely relates.
Chris and others following this meandering and fascinating thread,
I was notified of this article this morning dealing with Sacred Geography of ancient Europe. The interesting thing is that the ley lines which are mentioned (also in the book Davinci Code, Hmmm!) are connected world wide, the grid which is created is a form of the stellated dodecagon which encloses the globe of the Earth.
I have attached the file as it is 15 pages long, to long to post directly onto the thread. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to comments.
In the Awsome Love and Light of our one infinite Creator.
[Well, I thought I could insert an attachment, but I don't find the means to do it, so I will attempt to go get the link tothe original article.] Here it is.
If I am indeed able to insert an attachment, would someone clue in the clueless computer clutz. Thanks
If I am indeed able to insert an attachment, would someone clue in the clueless computer clutz. Thanks
As far as I know, the attachment feature does not apply to subsequent comments and replies on a given thread, only to the original post for that thread.
I am half way through the 3rd segment of David Wilcock's seminar that Elizabeth turned me on to and I am so dizzy with excitement that I had to take a break and list the first six links to the ten segments here on this most appropriate forum.
ENJOY me dear BELOVEDS!!!!
the other four segments are readily available right there where you are on youtube...
consecutive segments will pop up on the screen at the end of each segment...
--- Post removed at author's request ---
I Am That (specific statement - choose anything to think of)
I Am (joyful proclamation - no time or place I Am not) Something like that Elizabeth? Thanks for the fun thought to play with concerning one of my favorite universal passages.
Just finished up all ten segments of David Wilcock's seminar. He addresses soooo much that we are discussing/pondering in this Beloved portal community! An absolute must for all of us looking forward to ascension. Make peace with any and all you can think of, prepare yourself in whichever way suits you and be happy! You have soooo much reason to BE. Imagine the bounce of a super-ball. On the first bounce there is the longest hang time between bounces. As the ball gets closer to the surface it is bouncing on, its bounce frequency increases until the last thing you hear from its bouncing, as it approaches zero point, is a buzzing sound of elevating frequency. As we approach 2012 the same thing is happening. It is not the end, but a new beginning!
Thank you so much Doris and Elizabeth for everything!!
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Thanks all for the David Wilcocks link into this discussion. Sacred Geometry shows itself at the centre of everything. The things I take from this series of videos is that the underlying fabric of the universe in consciousness, spiritual practice is essentially about consciousness raising to maintain a compatibility with the ascending Earth. Elements of science show how this can been done but that this knowledge has been obfuscated and perverted because of its power. And, it all seems to start with the most simple and profound truth, love yourself, love all. Rob.
All who have yet to see the David Wilcock speaking engagement really should give yourself this delicious gift. Again, it addresses so many things we are discussing in coherent zero point energy, holographic nature of physics where so-called particles become light wave energy, 2012, Sacred Geometry/Geography, quantum physics/mechanics, black ops info relating to time travel technology and UFO/ET historical phenomena, symbols from every major religion relating to the pineal gland and the known biological characteristics of the pineal gland that relate to the third eye and to time travel, and even the WingMakers controversy concerning changes on the new website and why the "powers" that be may be doing that to any website relating to time travel technology right now. The mere fact that "they" are telling us (Mark and James on the new WM website) that the Wingmakers story is a myth is a dead giveaway for us, but the psyops ruse remains safe and well within the realm of "plausible deniability" for most of the rest of the world "out there".
The trumpet is blowing loud (or as in Rob's case, the velvety tones of the Saxophone) as we wind down to a very specific moment in earth cycle time/wave patterns that relate so beautifully to Sacred Geometry in the light wave fabric of all this coherent and Loving "I Am" "Oneness" Energy. And remember, the Schumann Resonance is up around 13 cycles right now (normal is 7.83). The superball is bouncing down to zero point on a parabolic curve. And all that Fred and others have been talking about concerning the world we can make with the power of our intent is also addressed beautifully by David Wilcock.
Here's an interesting passage from earthbreathing.co.uk (http://www.earthbreathing.co.uk/sr.htm)
"Although Schumann Resonance could easily be confirmed by measurements at the
time of its discovery, it is no longer so obvious due to our atmosphere
being filled with manmade radiation noise at different frequencies.
This is almost drowning out the natural signals - signals that have
been there through aeons of evolution. It is possible that these
signals act like a natural tuning fork, not just for the biological
oscillators of the brain, but for all processes of life.
With the advent of new wireless technology, in particular microwaves
pulsed at frequencies close to Schumann Resonance as in mobile
telephony, another threat is emerging. We may be creating an
environment that is literally `out of tune' with Nature itself. And it
is at this point that there is an urgent need for us to understand how
everything alive responds to the most subtle changes in magnetic and
electromagnetic fields surrounding us. For instance, we need to examine
the possible interaction between magnetite crystals within cells and
manmade magnetic fields in the environment.
There is a great need for independent research into the
bio-compatibility between natural and manmade signals. By linking
together the potential importance of Schumann Resonance and the dangers
posed by manmade pulsed frequencies, it will become apparent that
unless we find a way to use bio-compatible signals to power new
technology, we may expose all life to dangers previously not
encountered. We may have to pay a high price for this shortsightedness.
Serious attention must now be paid to the possible biological role of
standing waves in the atmosphere,
so that we do not overlook the importance of oscillations in nature
that may be central to consciousness and life itself."
here is David's website: http://www.divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34...
Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy (and then tell a friend)!!!
This all certainly makes sense to me. I will have to see if I can get my daughter's fiance to copy the videos for me at work where they have high speed connections (am still waiting for Loose Change!)
What amazes me is how much the Science Fiction writers of the '60's got right! All this was already discussed then, but had to be cloaked in 'Science Fiction' to make it printable and acceptable as non-threatening.
Love U
One of the interesting things David talks about is why "they" utilize the psyops tactic of embedding the truth within science fiction. Once you place the truth in a movie like Contact or in a series like Stargate, then people claiming that the technology revealed in that movie or series is really true will come off looking like wacko trekkie wingnuts of the same order that have always accompanied such science fiction. You know, people with no life! The best way to hide the truth is trivialize it out in the open in the media of the controller's choice. I really hope you can get a copy of David's speaking engagement Ursula. You will enjoy it immensely. I was dizzy with resonation, but then again I have always been a bit "dizzy", HAHAHA.....
--- Post removed at author's request ---
I didn't even think about it, but I was in a way throwing the baby out with the bathwater because there are those who use the same media vehicle for enlightenment and good instruction that facilitates spontaneous self-activation, an effect that happens too fast for the ego to derail. One of my latest favorites in that inspirational category (a movie that David also mentioned in his lecture) is a children's movie called "The Last Mimzy". Such a darling little movie that had an uncanny resemblance to the WM Ancient Arrow storyline as per the WingMaker's intent of reaching back to us from the future. Here's a little treat from the (David's) Divine Cosmos website http://www.divinecosmos.com/2012_The_Bright_Side.mp3
ooh yeah, baby, these little 7D wonders'll get yer merkaba hummin' in no time!
you'll be the envy of every other kid on the block...
don't miss out. get yours today! and remember... they're "elusive"!
exclusively from ...
~ Bryan de Flores ~
This powerful, yet elusive “Holy Trinity” of 7D symbol codes was used by the ancient masters to call forth their higher-dimensional lightbody matrixes. These codes would be telepathically linked together like a chain and held in the minds eye for a period of time, eventually transforming the individual’s physical body into a magnificent vessel of light. These images contain the original codes needed to change and upgrade the human cellular structure and blood system into a light-based (non-blood) system, triggering lightbody manifestation instantaneously.
ICHOR CODES – Set of 3 / $7 each! Also sold individually!
Tomorrow is my Bday and I cannot think of a better present to receive right now than this!!!!
NOT A ONE! Thank you sooooo much. Talk to ya Monday - goin' to Seattle for the Green Festival to see one of my "heroes" John Perkins.... (as well as everything else that is going to be there!)
Well then Brother Chris,
Happy Birthday, happy travels, and happy Ichor Lightbody Matrix Activation too!
and while you're en route you can ponder how it is that, in the words of Edgar Mitchell, "information has a causal effect independent of distance" and "non-locality plays a major role at all scale sizes and that all physical objects are quantum objects and thus interconnected by information."
and if, during your journey, you happen to arrive at an understanding of this very strange relationship between information and physical objects, perhaps you''ll explain it to me upon your return...
Yours in the Valor,

Dear Bodhi mon - Upon reading the above post, there was obviously only one thing to do - post the email I just sent you as per your most excellent questions, dude! Here is that email/response:
Ohhhh, you doth ask the mostus funnest goodest questions so dearly
treasured brother of mine (it is so strange using the term "mine" after
reading Eckhart Tolle's book, "A New Earth" on the plane ride to and
from Seattle over the weekend, 'cause, although it usually signifies the
ego's rigorous attempt to establish itself, it still doth so muchly
apply as a very excellent and appropriate form of affirmation of WHAT
HAS ALWAYS BEEN, in spite of our moments of ignorance of the fact (that
you always were my brother, and I yours, and and and) at any time in
time, in time, in time, in time time time time).
" so where can i sign up for the phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance
enhancement workshop?"
You sign (or should I say, "sine") up everytime you communicate with
anyone or any "thing"!!!!!! We trade/morph info with those nonlocal
standing waves every time we consciously intend to
interact/communicate. In FACT, you can never really resign or leave the
classroom room room room. In fact, you never really entered the
classroom ('cause that would infer you were outside of the classroom, a
literal impossibility) when you consider nonlocal eternity and our state
of being that is "I Am" where only the concept of "time" would have us
asking nonapplicable questions that lead to more applicable and
appropriate questions ions ions ions (is there an echo in here?).
" and have you found a good 6th grade language working definition of
zero-point energy field?"
Yes!!!! Ohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm. The state of I Am-ness has you working at a simple 6th grade level right up to the point you try to turn it into a
college course or masters degree or PHD (brings a whole to meaning to
"faaggeddabowdit" and just be who you never were not and cannot not be
(I do soooo love da dbl negatives whenever I doth get da chance). But if you must have a literal answer - it is limitless potentiality in coherent lightwave frequency form, a sea of willingness with the "balls" to write and cover the check.
Now if you want to know why or how it is coherent, I am not even sure that is an applicable question. Or if you want to know if it is God or a product of God - again, I am not sure whether or not that is an applicable question. I am sure of this though - we only need be aware that it works and then cooperate with it for "it" to perform optimally on behalf of Loving intent and care of the One.
" and would you say that the non-local quantum hologram is in fact solid
information *plus* the actionable intelligence to back it up?"
If I understand your question (I must assume you do not mean "solid" in
the literal sense since we are talking about holographic lightwave
energy that absolutely cannot go to particle 3D matter until conscious
intent is applied to the zero point field of infinite potentiality and
possibilities), it is IN AND OF ITSELF the "logical conclusion" and
"cosmic record" of applied consciously-coherent interface, complete with specific data as per that moment of conscious interface. In fact, this is the interface case EVEN IF YOU ARE SPEAKING TO A ROCK! (and I have spoken to many humans who were very similar to rocks, as well as rocks themselves - big rock collector as a child and adult - and I use adult lightly). Those MRI research studies with 2D images (Dr. Edgar Mitchell refers to) now prove beyond a shadow of doubt to the scientific community that conscious interface really does create specific, verifiable results as per the two-party collaborative conscious intent at the "time". The standing wave nonlocal "timeless" holographic signature then carries within it an eternal record of the specific conscious intent from that moment or moments in "time" for every "time" it happens, even if the two who are collaborating at the "time" are unaware of how nature works at the zero point quantum level
bedrock of the physical world/I Am collaboration.
What I do sooooo love about these discoveries is the UNDENIABLE and
UNASSAILABLE LOGIC that has forced the RELUCTANT scientific community to
the table once again. Like so many times in past human history, like
when we once believed it was a scientific peer-reviewed fact of nature
that the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat, we are
once again at the threshold of one of those wonderful moments of quantum
whooooshhhh change in conscious understanding that brings us so much
closer to proactively collaborating with reality with the blessing and
"reach-around" of peer-reviewed scientific rigor. We are ever closer
now to "conventional science" being a moot exercise, but for now it sure
does help remove social and political barriers to conscious
understanding of the Divine. With conscious understanding OF REALITY
comes much more proactive and cooperative interface with zero point
energy, the "field" of utter "willingness" purposefully designed as
sacred, unassailable, inviolable geometry within the only realm there
really is - unconditional Love of AND FOR the One!!!!!
So Am We ONCE AGAIN full of shit, or Am We on to something?
"we are once again at the threshold of one of those wonderful moments of quantum whooooshhhh change in conscious understanding that brings us so much closer to proactively collaborating with reality with the blessing and "reach-around" of peer-reviewed scientific rigor."
now look what you've done...
all the chakras, lined up and laughing together, what could be more splendid...?
brother chris, it's clear that you are one of those rare souls who can articulate the mysteries of quantum holology and be funny at the same time. what a blessing!
thank you for sharing your radiant and hilarious self with me...
laughing in gratitude, joy, and love,
It's going to take me the next lunar cycle to figure out what you said Chris. You are so far beyond my understanding that I am abashed with my ignorance. But I share Bhodi's abundant fission of laughter.
By the way, I missed wishing you a timely(?) Happy Birthday. But since time is an illusion, all of your birthdays are every day, or to quote the Mad Hatter, Happy Unbirthday!
I truly am going to have to review this whole thread to get to the root of this discussion so I can intellegently interact with you guys. I had no idea what kind of alchemical creation I was producing when I started it!
Love and Light in the One,
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Thanks so much Bodhi and Berry for your encouraging words, but remember, I could be totally full of poop (I have been before and most likely will again), but I really do have a very strong hunch "we" are on to something very very special in conscious/coherent understanding (to redundantly overstate the obvious!). And to see science wrest it from the domain of organized religion is, I have to admit, very amusing/encouraging from a political/social perspective.
Berry said, "I had no idea what kind of alchemical creation I was producing when I started it!" Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with matches? HAAHA! And no kind thought is ever late.... Definitely one beautifully-romantic notion we can take away from the discovery of the nonlocal-timeless holographic standing wave signature energy body that accompanies each and every one of our physical bodies and ties us to the One with an sacred tether of light.
Hey Elizabeth!
Could you edit your post above to include the links as per
"Check out the Quantum Unified Field Theory youtube video I posted
as well as its companion The Golden Age of Peace."
Thank You,
Chris (aka Chakramon on on on on)
I recently got a new computer at the office which now has sound on it. I have discovered Sky.fm and listen to wonderful music while working, and I also discovered on my Windows Media Player V.11 the random visualization! Guess what, most of the visualizations are Sacred Geometry and Phi Ratio expressions. What an amazing thing to see. I could not help broadcasting my delight in this. Everywhere one looks sacred geometry is in play. Everywhere!
Love to all,
So that's why those are so fun and soothing to watch while listening to music!!!!
Hey Chris,
That was just a little diversion that I had discovered. However, I have, in my studies on David Wilcock's site,(Divine Cosmos) discovered a gem that you will certainly want to read and devour. It is the 3rd chaper of Shift Of The Ages called Harmonic Pyramids on Earth and Abroad. The meat of the information is the detailed discussion of Sacred Geometry, dealing with the evolution of the five Platonic Solids and how they are essential to the development of the Octave of densities. Here is a link to that particular downloadable and printable chapter.
The fact is the whole set of books is fascinating if the quick browse I have made is any indication. Take a look and let me know what you discover.
L&L Berry
Couldn't even finish reading it without posting this portion of it:
First of all, from sources including Ra, we know that the Universe is One. This One is unilaterally referred to as Pure White Light. It is also referred to as the "seed sound" of the Universe, or the AUM.
We are then told that things got rather stale as The One, since nothing really ever changed in this Unity. So, The One decided to create new life from itself. In order to do this, The One vibrated itself into the "octave."
The Pure White Light became a series of seven colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. The visible color spectrum embodies the memory of this. The One Seed Sound broke up into a series of pure tones - do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
The immutable structure of the Octave, those notes which are the purest mathematical ratios and also sound the best to our ears, holds the memory of this. (They can be seen and heard with the white keys on the piano.) Another word for vibration is “harmonics,” and we will frequently use that word to describe these systems.
We need to remember that this Pure Light and Pure Sound are simply two different ways of describing the same vibrations of the fluidlike “intelligent energy” of the One. There is no real difference between them, as they are both functions of vibration.
Sound is a vibration of air molecules, and light is ultimately a vibration of the fluidlike aether.
We will see in Volume II how Dale Pond has demonstrated that if you multiply the pure sound frequencies many times over, you get the visible color frequencies, thus showing the equivalence between the two.
[Most scientists agree that light behaves like a wave, but they also try to assert that there is no medium that the wave is traveling through – that the wave is simply a particle-like entity known as a “photon” traveling through an empty ‘vacuum.’
This is a preposterous notion, as all natural examples of waves have something that they are ‘waving’ through. The basic definition of a wave is “an impulse that travels through a medium,” and in reality light is no different.]
Thank You Berry!!!!
Total concordance between the densities, sounds, colors and the Platonic solids is what took my breath away when I read this chapter.
Graphically here is the harmony (pun intended) of the organization of intellegent energy.
(read the above mentioned material to understand why the Sphere and the Icosahedron are in influence twice.)
In the Ra Material ie. The Law of One, these frequencies/colors/sounds are also related to the chakras or energy centers as Ra call them. Thus 1st density is the root chakra, 2nd density is the sacral or navel chakra, 3rd density relates to solar chakra, 4th density to the heart chakra, 5th to the throat chakra, 6th to the 3rd eye chakra and seventh to the crown chakra, of course the 8th is to what is variously called the Portal chakra, the heavenly gate chakra etc. that one some inches above the crown in the eteric body. It is interesting to me that the ancient Indian Vedas had assigned or designated these color/chakra relationships milleniums ago. And I have not researched it but I believe that it could be discovered that the ascending tones or notes were also corresponded as well as dance movements to the different energy centers and and frequencies.
I am so excited about this material the David Wilcock has presented in his books Shift of the Ages and Convergence, primarily because he relates the Ra material to where we are moving and explains so ancient mysteries in understandable terms.
In the love and light of our one Infinite Creator,
"the heavenly gate chakra etc. that one some inches above the crown in the eteric body"
Science has discovered the "Halo"!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful "world/realm" it really really is!!!!!!
Here is some information on that Eighth Chakra I mentioned.
I love this discussion, but I always get nervous about the music aspects. Many people don't realise that the concept of 'doh' (as in doh re me..not as in homer simpson) is movable. In Baroque times the note A was regarded as 416Hz, in about the mid 1930's A became 440 hz and today some orchestras have moved A to 446 cycles. Hence, the concept of Doh is moving. the concept of Doh is a very Western idea based on the physics of the piano where the octave (a doubling of frequency) is devided into 12 equal parts. Interestingly pythagorean tuning is diffeerent as is a number of other systems that i Think more closely align with Chakras. Essentially western equal tempered music utilises 12 major keys and 12 minor keys with many variations (spanish phyrgian scale for example) but Indian music has leterally over 100 scale forms and is much more closely aligned (I think) with planetary structures, yes there are some cross overs with Western music but much more richness in the Indian music tradition. Anyway...Bach was apparently a starseed from Sirius and later incarnated as 'the Tibetan' as one, Rob.