Dear wonderful TT friends,
A friend of mine who prefers to remain unnamed has come up with a most intriguing device which could potentially deliver energy very cheaply and easily independent of any power source. Based on magnets, take a look at the seven-minute video demonstration below. I have witnessed this fascinating invention with my own eyes.
If you take the small model in the video and extend it for 20 feet upwards or so, the magnet should easily jump up 12 feet or more. A simple device could then pull the magnet off the track dropping it down and thus generating energy through gravity by passing through one or more rotors. Double the length and get twice the energy.
After dropping, a curved track at the bottom could then slip the magnet right back into the bottom of the device where magnetism would again pull it up, thereby creating perpetual motion while generating power. A circular track might also create a similar effect. Any tinkerers want to play this one and potentially transform our world?
With much love and warm wishes,
Hi Fred,
Thanks for sharing this video. Am I understanding correctly that if this configuration that is a straight line in the video were curved into a circle, the magnet would just keep going around, not losing momentum? My mind is wondering how that could be harnessed for use.
Your friend is very smart to put this out in the public domain rather than trying to patent. Thank heaven many people are catching on to this and doing the same, not allowing patenting to bury promising energy projects.
Breathing Love with you,
"Love is all there is."
I'm sending it out to everyone I know.
I was on a long morning bike ride this morning, and in reference to this post was remembering a dream I had years and years ago camping in Pennsylvania at a place called Warren Light Center.
I woke up in the morning with a dream I'd had clearly imprinted in my psyche. It was a very general schematic of a flying saucer. Around the inside circumference of the saucer's edge, there were 6 huge donut shaped magnets. At the center of the saucer was the occupant compartment and a computer so advanced and sophisticated you used your thought or perhaps even your intention to interface with the computer to fly the craft. The computer would translate your thought/intention to these big donut magnets and an electromagnetic field would be formed by them at the exact polarity and strength needed to interface with the planet's magnetic field and create the repelling field needed to lift off and fly. The computer would then continue pilot thought/intention translating and correcting pico-second by pico-second (or faster) to continue adjusting the field for continued flight in the direction and to the location intended.
At the Project Camelot website is material, a video Ralph Ring and a downloadable previously unpublished book by Otis Carr, here is the link:
about Ralph and Otis Carr building their own terrestrial flying saucer and doing a test flight before the Feds caught up with them and shut them down.
Fred, you might want to share this with your friend and see if it gives him any insights as to how to continue his project. Meanwhile, I will make sure I share the video with my Durango Exopolitics email list as well.
"Love is all there is."
--- Post removed at author's request ---
Thank you so much for posting this, Fred! I've been playing with a similar idea for a little while, just haven't had the right materials to make it work. I think something like this can be done, for sure, by creating a loop. I thought that doughnut shaped magnets on a spindle might be a way to make it work, but this is much easier to construct. Also, Niara, the idea I had came out of playing with a technology sort of like a primitive human-made version of what you describe, the inventors have actually been talking about the project "Camelot" just recently. I never really got it to work but that was the principle, you directed intention into this magnetic device, it amplified it somehow.
Thanks for all of your great comments on this. By the way, if you really like a post your read on the portal, I encourage you to support it by giving it a rating (1 to 5 stars) in the rating area immediately below the article. If an article has ratings from three or more people that average four stars or more, it gets a star in the left column of the portal, which causes more people to want to read it. Let's let people know the value of this work. I am thrilled that my friend -- who is an incredibly creative person and new paradigm thinker -- decided to give this for free to the public domain so that others can work to make his invention viable. Take care!
With lots of love and excitement,
Brought back memories of the simple little spinning device based on magnets that John posted a while back. Imagine placing magnets in an angled configuration as shown in the linear demonstration above, only this time on two wheels, one outside stationary wheel and the inner "flywheel" set on a center pin with a very good bearing perfectly centered within the outer stationary opposing magnetic circular configuration and designed to raise up and down to engage or disengage the magnetic vortice/spiraling opposing electromagnetic fields. If the magnets were large/strong enough and the center rotating "flywheel" heavy enough, you would have a potential free energy generator. If the magnets were the type that are extremely powerful when a small electric charge is applied, then one can only imagine how much power the "free energy" generator would be capable of producing. What really caught my eye with this linear demonstration is the angular configuration of the magnets, how that might create more efficiency in a flywheel/stationary wheel design based on what we saw in the vortice/spiraling dynamic of the very simple device displayed in John's previous YouTube video.
What I am very curious about is the possibilities inherent in the creation of a two flywheel design (based on the device I saw in "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point" where the inventor, based on a hunch from playing with a gyroscope toy one day, created a free energy device by taking two motor windings, one horizontal and the other set vertically within and applied a small charge to the opposing vertical/horizontal magnetic field with a battery, thus creating a flow of RF energy which a battery cannot create), a two flywheel design where one is set horizontally and the other is set vertically and spinning in very close proximity or even spinning within the horizontal field in the same direction, thus creating the RF free energy flow demonstrated in the documentary, "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point".
That other generator invented by the team from Australia we saw posted a while back seems to be in this same camp of electromagnetic free energy design, putting out 5 times more energy than the input. It this is really true, that is capable of being a closed loop, self-sufficient power source off the grid. JP Morgan must be rolling over in his grave right now! LOL
Niara, that dream of the craft designed to operate by applying thought/intent sounds exactly like the craft (mentioned by David Wilcock) that allegedly was retrieved in secret in working order, and was actually operated by one of the members of the team assigned to the project. Not only is there much our government is not telling us, I have a hunch there is much they themselves don't even know about.
In any case, we are obviously on the brink of the floodgates of free energy based on electromagnetics coming wide open in such a way that cannot be stopped for much longer. We live in very exciting times!!!!!!
Check out this description of Vortex, especially scroll down to "vortices in magnets" to begin personal research on universal vortex properties as relates to the electromagnetic field (like those swirling motions found in water down the drain, hurricanes and black holes) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex
Unassailable Love (of Free Energy!), Chris
Thanks for those awesome ideas, Chris. I have deep sense that what you talk about is entirely possible. Let's visualize it happening. And Niara and others, if you want to hear the story of an amazing man who claims he actually touched an ET craft which was directed using intention, watch the David Adair video at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=148004506625128048. The guy is clearly a brilliant genius of the highest magnitude, and if his story is true, you dream is much more real than you might imagine. Have a great one!
With lots of love and excitement,
David Adair is an incredible source if he is telling us the truth. If he is not, he is an amazing actor and should look into a career in Hollywood, but I believe he is. Also, it is fairly understandable that they would allow this "kid" to take a quick look at the engine because who is gonna believe him back in 1971 (or now for that matter) if he went back to blabber on about UFO engines to family and friends? And "they" were clearly disturbed/shaken by his very perceptive questions about the engine. Sounds to me like they got much more than just some naive kid, and upon realizing that, they rushed him out of there. Has that same familiar feel/sound of "authorized" people with too little imagination and too much power.
Makes me also think that many of the so called UFO sightings could very well be our own innovations based on these discoveries kept hidden, so they would look like UFO's because of the grand canyon chasm between what the general public knows and how far along (decades) "they" really are with aeronautics and propulsion systems.
Keeping the public this far in the dark insures that the psyops effect of "future shock" would keep the public and the media out of their hair, especially since many media companies have individuals from the defense industry on their boards of directors. Made me think of a scene in "Fast Food Nation" where some activists cut the enclosure for the cows at a slaughterhouse and the cows did not have the sense to notice they were free to flee, to move and think outside the box, so to speak. It is amazing to see how easy containment of information really is, thanks to a general public that acts much like cows when it comes to this kind of info. So looking forward to the coming parabolic shift of consciousness from this cumbersome collective psychological behavior that is so darn "yesterday" LOL
Thank you so much Fred for sharing that link to David Adair's story!!!!
Unassailable Love, Chris
P.S. Fred, is this the Curtis Lemay that David was talking about?
Thanks Fred for sharing about David Adair... actually I have seen this video and showed it at my Durango Exopolitics meeting a few months ago. It has been so exciting to have that dream years ago-- before I even went into the air force in my early 20s. Some years later someone arranged a blind date for me and this man and I got to talking about UFOs and dreams and we found we had had almost exactly the same dream/download! Then the more I read and learn and explore, the more confirmation has come that my dream tapped into something very, very real.
Love & Smiles,
"Love is all there is."
Yes, Chris, that is the Gen. Lemay he was talking about. I suspect Adair knows what he is talking about. Exciting stuff!!!
Wow, Chris! I'm amazed that you share this kind of information with your friends. I tell hardly anyone about David Adair, as I know it is too far out of most people's reality to wrap their minds around. I have found that for me, it generally doesn't help to try to push people's limits too far. I do love when I get together with my very few friends who can accept this kind of material.
With lots of love,
Yes, Chris, I think planting seeds is incredibly valuable. I know that you are planting wonderful seeds all over, many of which have sprouted and are growing beautifully. Let us all plant the seeds of possibility when given the opportunity. Much love, Fred
Last night at our Tuesday night poker game I told them about the David Adair interview and about 60 seconds in I saw Dan and Ed trying to hold back their smiles of disbelief out of some generic civil natural human nature sense of respect, and then they laughed when I laughingly told them I could see them about to crack up and could not blame them. It was a perfect real world experiment demonstrating how easy it is to keep these things secret right out in the open or in a movie, or....... whatever/wherever.
Ed already thinks I'm wack from jump street ever since I told him that I thought we were about to attack Iran one year ago and I had just that day bought about 7 50# bags of different peas and beans to store up just in case something happened. He thought I was pulling his leg until he looked over in the foyer and saw all the bags and then he gave me that "I don't know what to think" look of disbelief and belief. And now, just in the past few days, Iran is test firing missiles as a shot across the bow to let the US and Israel know for sure that Iran will not sit still for this kind of aggressive behavior displayed by Israel recently. For Ed, the seed has definitely been planted concerning overt aggression towards Iran.
Dan has come much further down the rabbit hole, from voting for Bush twice to understanding that 9-11 was a false flag pretext-to-war event and weather/environmental modification is very real. That is quite amazing for a typical manifest destiny Republican. And yet even he could not hold back that typical knee jerk natural reaction to a seemingly over the top story. Those who would keep us in the dark hardly need do anything to accomplish their task of misinformation.
I am so very thankful for a much more complete panoramic perspective during these amazing times we live in.... When one sees how difficult it really is for someone to go from God Bless America to false flag planning criminals are running our country, we have much to be very grateful for concerning our enlightened understanding.....
Unconditional Love with eyes wide open, Chris
I tell very few. At the moment I brought it up it was only Dan and Ed there (and my 80 year old father in law who thinks of nothing but poker when playing poker, so he wasn't even listening, just perturbed that we were not getting in the max. amount of hands possible in one evening, LOL) and both Dan and Ed are close friends.
Another interesting thing that Kerry mentioned when I told her about my little experiment and results was that even when people, after hearing some fantastic, seemingly far out tale, tell others about it in jest, they may run into someone sometime who is very familiar with either the evidence concerning UFO's/ET's or the actual David Adair interview itself, which would further affirm the story and embed the seed planted at that poker table. I am careful, but I never underestimate the powerful potential of planting seeds in potentially fertile soil. Ya never know what might grow from the exercise/act. I am living proof of that, as are many others on this TT portal, including you (I still remember well your story about being introduced to the work of Dr. Steven Greer and your quite intense hesitation concerning the subject). Plus, at this time when the subject is so well known, it may be time to plant a few more seeds when the opportunity arises, especially since one of the more likely false flag event scenarios to come in the very near future may very well be "hostile behavior of UFO's and ET's scare tactic" so "they" can fund the weaponization of space in response to an imaginary "cold war" with extra terrestrials.
Like I said in the other post above too, I would have never wagered any money on Dan (a staunch "manifest destiny" republican) coming as far as he has to open his eyes and quite brilliant mind to see and understand as much as he has to date. This will simply have him looking into the subject at his convenience out of mere curiosity, and if he finds info like that so well documented in "Disclosure" by S. Greer, he will have more than he bargained for again.... That being said, point very and sincerely well taken concerning cautionary discretion.
Love, Chris