Dear Toni, thank-you for posting this. I don't know if you know the 'work' of George Kavassilas who is a member of the Galactic Confederation of Light but it is worth noting that George warns of this group posting this message as their purpose is not necessarily for humanities highest good. Personally I can imagine a scenario where UFO's make themselves highly visible and undeniable and I welcome that day but equally I can imagine a scenario that hightens expectations around such an event that utimately does not come to pass and thereby has a negative impact on truth seekers. I have much respect for George's work as it confirms many of the visions I have had prior to knowing his work. It is worth consulting your intuition in this matter. I welcome your presence here, thank-you Toni, as one, Rob.
There is another one that was circulating a few days ago that features the same message. I can understand Rob's cautionary note and I have been very impressed with George Kavassilas' contribution (both Rob and I watched his presentation recently). I am looking forward to seeing what happens on October 14th, but if nothing happens I will not be inclined to be moved off of all the overwhelming exhaustive evidence I have collected concerning our ET friends from other worlds and densities sharing the same relative space at times (although I was tempted to when thoughts ran through my mind the first time I heard this message and was tempted to think that if nothing happens I am done sharing any info with anybody concerning predictions about alleged certain arrivals or appearances - I may still adopt that position if nothing happens, but I am keeping an open mind with the fluid intelligence discipline "in mind"). I am settled on all in good time, for whoever is watching over us on this planet, like parents watching over children running too close to the street, I am sure their vantage point puts them in a better place to know when and how as per the rule of free will and nonintervention.
Here is that other one that features Blossom a bit more clearly
please listen and watch the one (Channeled byMike Quinsey) on the homepage of website! If you are not touched to tears of joy, check your pulse, LOL it resonated like da bonfire in my heart chakra! If I am being fooled at moments like those, there is no hope for me, but I am confident I am not until I receive confirmation otherwise. I so look forward to a little help from our friends as outlined in this 6 minute video (among many others)....
and here are links to G Kavassilas' video and website
We shall see, one way or the other, we shall see.....
P.S. as I scroll down to look at the other videos featured on the website, I see (among other great ones to look at) George Kavassilas is there!!!! As well as recent crop circles that are featured in 8-D's recent forum post! How cool is that! Enjoy Beloveds!!!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Rob. I am not investing a lot of energy in wishing and hoping, but I am totally open to this event should it actually occur. If it doesn't happen, that won't dampen my spirit to despair because I will trust that when the event is meant to happen, it will. And the sooner the better IMO.
Thank you, too, for the additional info. Always hungry for more!
Oh indeed... we shall see! I must admit, I'm HUGELY excited at the possibility of this event. I mean so much so that if on the 14th in the southern part of our hemisphere - Alabama - this ship appears... well I would be compelled to drive until I can see it with my own eyes.
Thank you for posting all those other links, too. I'm looking forward to checking them out.
Latest from Matthew and Suzy Ward and Hatonn confirm this event will likely occur. As one, Rob
A question of prominence among those who have heard that a spacecraft
of such size as to be undeniably from another civilization will appear
in your skies October 14 is: “Will this really happen?” Since
my present service is not in your solar system or even in your galaxy,
where details of such an event would be known, I can say only “Yes,” so I have asked my good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander, to reply.
HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, and good evening, Suzy and readers. I'm
here at Matthew's request to comment on the veracity of what some
consider a “prediction” instead of the announcement it is. Yes,
plans are in place for a ship of much greater size than any previous
sightings to appear on that date and be evident in your skies for a few
days. The crew is in readiness and excited about making our presence
I add this caveat: Nothing is set in stone. If there are cogent reasons
to delay the ship's appearance, then it will show itself when safety is
assured for you on the ground and your aircraft in the skies. Bellicose
forces on the planet don't want you to have proof that we are this
close by, or even exist, and they will try to keep this from you by
whatever means they think necessary. So the decisive factor of timing
is safety all the way around.
not doubt that we are close by, millions and millions of us, but of
course not all of us will land on your planet when the time comes for
that. Most of us work out of your visual range and must remain that way
to continue the service we've been providing beloved Earth so she can
keep steadily climbing toward her plane of planetary origination in
fifth density. We all come in peace, and we anticipate that most of you
will welcome us and our technological assistance.
should dispel any doubts as to the October 14 plan being truthful
information, but I add to what Matthew and other messengers tell you
through their receivers—go within for answers and trust your intuition! Thank you, Suzy, and good night.
Posted by ChrisBowerson September 2, 2008 - 11:24am
Couldn't agree more! Have been reading the Law of One material and certain sessions make it perfectly clear that there have been guardians from the Confederation protecting "the airways" so to speak for a very long time now, that the Orion group looks constantly for opportunities to influence willing or unsuspecting individuals to buy off on the elitist service to self philosophy that has, to a greater degree of late, gripped this planet with warmongering and fearmongering.
It is time to set our hearts and minds toward the green ray heart chakra this planet has almost entirely entered now and get with the program and look forward to the assistance the guardians are prepared to offer when we are collectively (to a great enough number) willing to welcome/ask for that help. All is in accord with the first primal distortion known as free will and we must want their help in greater numbers.
They have received permission to appear in the sky in times past and it looks like they have received permission at this pivotal moment in time. May we beam the green light of our heartfelt thanks to those who have so faithfully guarded this amazing planet with light for so many years now. They actually bathe other STS entities with the light of love and care when those entities try to come to cause havoc, and Ra says that trying to go against that being bathed in that powerful loving light is akin to us trying to walk through a brick wall. Pretty cool how things really work in densities beyond the useful but mundane in comparison 3rd density physical world.
There is so much to look forward to and we all have an important part to play that requires little more most of the time than us being those cooperative loving caring forgiving nurturing entities that mother Earth Gaia is calling us to become, to join her in 4th density and leave the senseless STS bantor and battle of orange ray behavior behind.
It is TIME!!!!! On so many levels, it is time!
So Be IT!!!!!
Love, Chris
P.S. To get an idea of how amazing this particular solar system is, Ra mentions specifics quite often in the sessions when pressed, and according to its figures, there are approximately 250 billion stars in this galaxy, and about 67 million planets with some form of life on them from 1st density to 6th density - that is one planet for every 3731 stars. Now here is the amazing part about our solar system - Ra spent their/its early density evolution on Venus a very long time ago in our sense of years past. There are life forms made more of light now in the rings around Saturn and Venus still has higher density life forms on it that find it the perfect environment for them at the density they are at right now. Mars has been inhabited in the past and some of our DNA is from those ancients from Mars that came here when they messed Mars up with the same behavior we are seeing right now among the STS elites that want to run the world and have the portion of humanity that survives serve them. That makes four planets from our solar system hosting other life forms in a galaxy where the ratio is 1 in 3731. And that is one galaxy of billions in a universe that is basically an entity itself "Logos" in an omniverse of billions of universes, and as big and expansive as all that sounds, the Creator is represented in its entirety at the smallest tiniest level of any part of any of it all!
Therein lies the utterly innocuous mystery of prime Creator!!!!
With all of this in mind, should it really be that surprising that one of our friends from other worlds has come to be of assistance to a world gone a bit awry???
It's been my understanding that we human are suppose to grow up and change the world more to our liking. Like kids who need to take responsibility for themselves we are at a point where we not only recognize that but are in fact taking action towards that end. On a national level Dennis Kucinich has not only introduced impeachment proceeding but has now call for a truth and reconcilliation commision on 9/11.
All of this is to someday put an end to the nefarious deeds of those who have long held power over the people of this fine planet. If this was to happen (and the ensuing transformation that would undoubtedly take place), we could joyously meet our brethren of 'outer space'. BUT, as I understand the situation, if we don't accomplish that on our own - we will have a little help by our ET friends. In other words they could make it strikingly clear that 'they' exist and further weaken the tenuous positions our current government holds. In other words plan A - we deal with it, plan B we get a little help from our Friends.
And finally each and everyone of us have a sense of what the future holds. This future has choices in it, to be sure, but at some point the 'choices' are chose. From what I've been reading that Choice Point is fast arriving, whether it's this moment, Oct 7 or the 14th or for that matter Nov 4th (when Saturn and Uranus are full on conjunct). Things are coming to a head, it has to, don't we all feel it?
The point is we could be heading headlong into Plan Be...
"Matthew on the Impending Event Alert"...
This is Matthew with loving greetings and our perspective of the
potential for a "very substantial and disruptive" event, perhaps even
another "9/11," happening during the next sixty days. The collective
consciousness, or universal mind, that some individuals have the
ability to tap into includes all thought forms, both light and dark,
from The Beginning of Creation. Relative to dark thought forms, those
of antiquity were attracted by those in the planning of "9/11," and the
force of that combined energy enabled the Illuminati to manifest that
tragic day. That is when Earth chose never again to experience such
death and destruction at the hands of dark ones, and in honoring her
free will choice, God authorized off-planet helpers to use their
technology to prevent all such unconscionable attempts anywhere in the
world. Since then they have done so successfully on as many as a dozen
Let us speak of this moment. The activity in Earth's energy field of
potential is in as much foment as we have ever seen, with
ever-increasing light streamers to preclude more zig-zagging of the
kind the dark ones have been causing by lashing out in all directions
in deepening desperation and fear. These Earth puppets of the darkness
have been seeing their power erode to the extent that it is "do or die"
time, and despite their failure in plot after plot, they feel that they
still have a chance to prevail if they can prevent both of the
following scenarios that indeed will be "very substantial and
disruptive" events. They cannot prevent either.
First, the undeniable presence of other civilizations. If safety cannot
be assured for people on the planet and souls in the star nations
themselves for their announced appearance October 14, the delay in that
occurrence would not be lengthy--simply, the time for this has come.
And when it happens, it will be extremely disruptive especially within
the US government, which long has been under Illuminati control and
thus denied even the possibility of other civilizations' existence,
much less admit that extraterrestrials have met with its leaders and
the consequences meted out to those beings who came with only peaceful
intentions. Second, the truth about who planned and executed "9/11." In
the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth cannot
be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper
purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to
dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the
Illuminati's long reign of terror will meet its just end. The global
impact of these two major events is part of the ongoing world
transformation and spiritual renewal of Earth's humankind, the
God-blessed "ascension" joint venture with your space brotherhood that
all of you on the planet chose in pre-birth agreements to be
It is equally important that you know what other individuals who also
have the ability to tap into the collective consciousness are seeing.
Many are accurately seeing what we have described in Earth's Golden Age
--the loving, peaceful life of all peoples, the restoration of your
planet's health and beauty, the harmonious co-existence of humankind
with all of Nature. In this wondrous Earth that is on the near horizon
and already created in the continuum, there is no fear, no violence or
greed or bigotry or any other divisiveness that thrives in a third
density world. The choice is yours as to which world you want to be in,
but because of our unconditional love for every soul, we pray you will
choose the one of love and peace.
Posted by ChrisBowerson September 15, 2008 - 11:27am
All of these major points made by Matthew are wonderful affirmations of what Ra said to Don, Carla and Jim in the 106 sessions beginning in February of 1981. It is so very exciting to hear all that the Law of One was/is attempting to share and convey be so perfectly confirmed/affirmed in 2008 by Matthew and so many others.
It appears to be coming down to simple math based on the exponential value of the doubling principle. One person prays/meditates/requests help from other-worldly friends from the Council and Confederation and Guardians assigned to the welfare of the evolutionary process of this planet and its inhabitants, and then another one meditates and sincerely asks for help, and with each new request, the number is doubled, the first request being the cornerstone of the collective intent that has obviously become very strong.
The time of the elitist/slavery paradigm is coming to an end soon. This planet in 4th density is meant for better things as per the collective growing intent of "service to others" entities looking forward to the continuing journey of Love/Light through the 4th density green ray Love and exquisite harmony that will surely unfold very soon now....
So Be It
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Dear Toni, thank-you for posting this. I don't know if you know the 'work' of George Kavassilas who is a member of the Galactic Confederation of Light but it is worth noting that George warns of this group posting this message as their purpose is not necessarily for humanities highest good. Personally I can imagine a scenario where UFO's make themselves highly visible and undeniable and I welcome that day but equally I can imagine a scenario that hightens expectations around such an event that utimately does not come to pass and thereby has a negative impact on truth seekers. I have much respect for George's work as it confirms many of the visions I have had prior to knowing his work. It is worth consulting your intuition in this matter. I welcome your presence here, thank-you Toni, as one, Rob.
There is another one that was circulating a few days ago that features the same message. I can understand Rob's cautionary note and I have been very impressed with George Kavassilas' contribution (both Rob and I watched his presentation recently). I am looking forward to seeing what happens on October 14th, but if nothing happens I will not be inclined to be moved off of all the overwhelming exhaustive evidence I have collected concerning our ET friends from other worlds and densities sharing the same relative space at times (although I was tempted to when thoughts ran through my mind the first time I heard this message and was tempted to think that if nothing happens I am done sharing any info with anybody concerning predictions about alleged certain arrivals or appearances - I may still adopt that position if nothing happens, but I am keeping an open mind with the fluid intelligence discipline "in mind"). I am settled on all in good time, for whoever is watching over us on this planet, like parents watching over children running too close to the street, I am sure their vantage point puts them in a better place to know when and how as per the rule of free will and nonintervention.
Here is that other one that features Blossom a bit more clearly
and here is a link to the escapetheillusion website that has another interesting channeled message on the home page
please listen and watch the one (Channeled by Mike Quinsey) on the homepage of website! If you are not touched to tears of joy, check your pulse, LOL it resonated like da bonfire in my heart chakra! If I am being fooled at moments like those, there is no hope for me, but I am confident I am not until I receive confirmation otherwise. I so look forward to a little help from our friends as outlined in this 6 minute video (among many others)....
and here are links to G Kavassilas' video and website
We shall see, one way or the other, we shall see.....
P.S. as I scroll down to look at the other videos featured on the website, I see (among other great ones to look at) George Kavassilas is there!!!! As well as recent crop circles that are featured in 8-D's recent forum post! How cool is that! Enjoy Beloveds!!!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Rob. I am not investing a lot of energy in wishing and hoping, but I am totally open to this event should it actually occur. If it doesn't happen, that won't dampen my spirit to despair because I will trust that when the event is meant to happen, it will. And the sooner the better IMO.
Thank you, too, for the additional info. Always hungry for more!
Namaste ~ Toni
~ She flies with her own wings ~
Oh indeed... we shall see! I must admit, I'm HUGELY excited at the possibility of this event. I mean so much so that if on the 14th in the southern part of our hemisphere - Alabama - this ship appears... well I would be compelled to drive until I can see it with my own eyes.
Thank you for posting all those other links, too. I'm looking forward to checking them out.
Sweetness to You,
~ She flies with her own wings ~
Latest from Matthew and Suzy Ward and Hatonn confirm this event will likely occur. As one, Rob
A question of prominence among those who have heard that a spacecraft
of such size as to be undeniably from another civilization will appear
in your skies October 14 is: “Will this really happen?” Since
my present service is not in your solar system or even in your galaxy,
where details of such an event would be known, I can say only “Yes,” so I have asked my good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander, to reply.
HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, and good evening, Suzy and readers. I'm
here at Matthew's request to comment on the veracity of what some
consider a “prediction” instead of the announcement it is. Yes,
plans are in place for a ship of much greater size than any previous
sightings to appear on that date and be evident in your skies for a few
days. The crew is in readiness and excited about making our presence
I add this caveat: Nothing is set in stone. If there are cogent reasons
to delay the ship's appearance, then it will show itself when safety is
assured for you on the ground and your aircraft in the skies. Bellicose
forces on the planet don't want you to have proof that we are this
close by, or even exist, and they will try to keep this from you by
whatever means they think necessary. So the decisive factor of timing
is safety all the way around.
not doubt that we are close by, millions and millions of us, but of
course not all of us will land on your planet when the time comes for
that. Most of us work out of your visual range and must remain that way
to continue the service we've been providing beloved Earth so she can
keep steadily climbing toward her plane of planetary origination in
fifth density. We all come in peace, and we anticipate that most of you
will welcome us and our technological assistance.
should dispel any doubts as to the October 14 plan being truthful
information, but I add to what Matthew and other messengers tell you
through their receivers—go within for answers and trust your intuition! Thank you, Suzy, and good night.
Couldn't agree more! Have been reading the Law of One material and certain sessions make it perfectly clear that there have been guardians from the Confederation protecting "the airways" so to speak for a very long time now, that the Orion group looks constantly for opportunities to influence willing or unsuspecting individuals to buy off on the elitist service to self philosophy that has, to a greater degree of late, gripped this planet with warmongering and fearmongering.
It is time to set our hearts and minds toward the green ray heart chakra this planet has almost entirely entered now and get with the program and look forward to the assistance the guardians are prepared to offer when we are collectively (to a great enough number) willing to welcome/ask for that help. All is in accord with the first primal distortion known as free will and we must want their help in greater numbers.
They have received permission to appear in the sky in times past and it looks like they have received permission at this pivotal moment in time. May we beam the green light of our heartfelt thanks to those who have so faithfully guarded this amazing planet with light for so many years now. They actually bathe other STS entities with the light of love and care when those entities try to come to cause havoc, and Ra says that trying to go against that being bathed in that powerful loving light is akin to us trying to walk through a brick wall. Pretty cool how things really work in densities beyond the useful but mundane in comparison 3rd density physical world.
There is so much to look forward to and we all have an important part to play that requires little more most of the time than us being those cooperative loving caring forgiving nurturing entities that mother Earth Gaia is calling us to become, to join her in 4th density and leave the senseless STS bantor and battle of orange ray behavior behind.
It is TIME!!!!! On so many levels, it is time!
So Be IT!!!!!
Love, Chris
P.S. To get an idea of how amazing this particular solar system is, Ra mentions specifics quite often in the sessions when pressed, and according to its figures, there are approximately 250 billion stars in this galaxy, and about 67 million planets with some form of life on them from 1st density to 6th density - that is one planet for every 3731 stars. Now here is the amazing part about our solar system - Ra spent their/its early density evolution on Venus a very long time ago in our sense of years past. There are life forms made more of light now in the rings around Saturn and Venus still has higher density life forms on it that find it the perfect environment for them at the density they are at right now. Mars has been inhabited in the past and some of our DNA is from those ancients from Mars that came here when they messed Mars up with the same behavior we are seeing right now among the STS elites that want to run the world and have the portion of humanity that survives serve them. That makes four planets from our solar system hosting other life forms in a galaxy where the ratio is 1 in 3731. And that is one galaxy of billions in a universe that is basically an entity itself "Logos" in an omniverse of billions of universes, and as big and expansive as all that sounds, the Creator is represented in its entirety at the smallest tiniest level of any part of any of it all!
Therein lies the utterly innocuous mystery of prime Creator!!!!
With all of this in mind, should it really be that surprising that one of our friends from other worlds has come to be of assistance to a world gone a bit awry???
I think doubly not!!!!
It's been my understanding that we human are suppose to grow up and change the world more to our liking. Like kids who need to take responsibility for themselves we are at a point where we not only recognize that but are in fact taking action towards that end. On a national level Dennis Kucinich has not only introduced impeachment proceeding but has now call for a truth and reconcilliation commision on 9/11.
All of this is to someday put an end to the nefarious deeds of those who have long held power over the people of this fine planet. If this was to happen (and the ensuing transformation that would undoubtedly take place), we could joyously meet our brethren of 'outer space'. BUT, as I understand the situation, if we don't accomplish that on our own - we will have a little help by our ET friends. In other words they could make it strikingly clear that 'they' exist and further weaken the tenuous positions our current government holds. In other words plan A - we deal with it, plan B we get a little help from our Friends.
And finally each and everyone of us have a sense of what the future holds. This future has choices in it, to be sure, but at some point the 'choices' are chose. From what I've been reading that Choice Point is fast arriving, whether it's this moment, Oct 7 or the 14th or for that matter Nov 4th (when Saturn and Uranus are full on conjunct). Things are coming to a head, it has to, don't we all feel it?
The point is we could be heading headlong into Plan Be...
"Matthew on the Impending Event Alert"...
This is Matthew with loving greetings and our perspective of the
potential for a "very substantial and disruptive" event, perhaps even
another "9/11," happening during the next sixty days. The collective
consciousness, or universal mind, that some individuals have the
ability to tap into includes all thought forms, both light and dark,
from The Beginning of Creation. Relative to dark thought forms, those
of antiquity were attracted by those in the planning of "9/11," and the
force of that combined energy enabled the Illuminati to manifest that
tragic day. That is when Earth chose never again to experience such
death and destruction at the hands of dark ones, and in honoring her
free will choice, God authorized off-planet helpers to use their
technology to prevent all such unconscionable attempts anywhere in the
world. Since then they have done so successfully on as many as a dozen
Let us speak of this moment. The activity in Earth's energy field of
potential is in as much foment as we have ever seen, with
ever-increasing light streamers to preclude more zig-zagging of the
kind the dark ones have been causing by lashing out in all directions
in deepening desperation and fear. These Earth puppets of the darkness
have been seeing their power erode to the extent that it is "do or die"
time, and despite their failure in plot after plot, they feel that they
still have a chance to prevail if they can prevent both of the
following scenarios that indeed will be "very substantial and
disruptive" events. They cannot prevent either.
First, the undeniable presence of other civilizations. If safety cannot
be assured for people on the planet and souls in the star nations
themselves for their announced appearance October 14, the delay in that
occurrence would not be lengthy--simply, the time for this has come.
And when it happens, it will be extremely disruptive especially within
the US government, which long has been under Illuminati control and
thus denied even the possibility of other civilizations' existence,
much less admit that extraterrestrials have met with its leaders and
the consequences meted out to those beings who came with only peaceful
intentions. Second, the truth about who planned and executed "9/11." In
the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth cannot
be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper
purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to
dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the
Illuminati's long reign of terror will meet its just end. The global
impact of these two major events is part of the ongoing world
transformation and spiritual renewal of Earth's humankind, the
God-blessed "ascension" joint venture with your space brotherhood that
all of you on the planet chose in pre-birth agreements to be
It is equally important that you know what other individuals who also
have the ability to tap into the collective consciousness are seeing.
Many are accurately seeing what we have described in Earth's Golden Age
--the loving, peaceful life of all peoples, the restoration of your
planet's health and beauty, the harmonious co-existence of humankind
with all of Nature. In this wondrous Earth that is on the near horizon
and already created in the continuum, there is no fear, no violence or
greed or bigotry or any other divisiveness that thrives in a third
density world. The choice is yours as to which world you want to be in,
but because of our unconditional love for every soul, we pray you will
choose the one of love and peace.
more about Matthew through
All of these major points made by Matthew are wonderful affirmations of what Ra said to Don, Carla and Jim in the 106 sessions beginning in February of 1981. It is so very exciting to hear all that the Law of One was/is attempting to share and convey be so perfectly confirmed/affirmed in 2008 by Matthew and so many others.
It appears to be coming down to simple math based on the exponential value of the doubling principle. One person prays/meditates/requests help from other-worldly friends from the Council and Confederation and Guardians assigned to the welfare of the evolutionary process of this planet and its inhabitants, and then another one meditates and sincerely asks for help, and with each new request, the number is doubled, the first request being the cornerstone of the collective intent that has obviously become very strong.
The time of the elitist/slavery paradigm is coming to an end soon. This planet in 4th density is meant for better things as per the collective growing intent of "service to others" entities looking forward to the continuing journey of Love/Light through the 4th density green ray Love and exquisite harmony that will surely unfold very soon now....
So Be It