the first time since June 1913, there has been no
sunspot activity for a whole month. The zero sunspot activity for
August 2008 was preceded by an average of only three sunspots for the
first seven months of the year. This low solar activity contrasts with
the average of a hundred or so sunspots per month when the sun enters
its more active phases. Mitch Battros and other solar researchers have
been arguing that we are witnessing the calm before the storm of what
will be the most powerful solar cycle on record. In particular, Battros
claims that Solar Cycle 24 will cause widespread Earth Changes and human
disruption at an unprecedented scale that coincides with the end of
the Mayan Calendar in 2012. What Battros and other like minded researchers
fail to account for in their analyses of solar activity and its impact
on Earth is the role of global consciousness. The zero sunspot count
for August may therefore not be a cause for concern, but a sign that
changes in global consciousness are influencing solar activity in a
positive way. Before examining the idea that low sunspot activity up
to this time is the proverbial calm before the storm, it's worth briefly
commenting on an alternative explanation.
Continued at: http://exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-79.htm
"The zero sunspot count for August may therefore not be a cause for concern, but a sign that changes in global consciousness are influencing solar activity in a positive way" and possibly the other way around, too!
From what I have read from the Ra sessions and The Keys of Enoch, our star/sun is a sub-Logos intelligent free will entity that actually makes decisions in its utterly unique manner, while remaining very much aligned with the hierarchy of Logos above it at the larger scales, and affects/influences all those in its sphere of influence, ergo, this solar system at all smaller scales below it in this amazingly complex, yet simple hierarchal design Uniting all scales/levels/densities.
And then in the other direction, our Logos/Sun influenced by its parent Logos/Galaxy, which is influenced by its Logos/Universe, which is influenced by the Central Logo/Sun of the Omniverse, and all of this in an ever expanding Creative experiment of infinite ways to express Love/Light with the simple very understandable motive of desire for variety!!! It is as if, at the very core "Central Sun" of all of this is this unassuming very positive, kind and loving child that experiences no end to its desire for new experiences! Wouldn't surprise me in the least!
The earth has been transitioning into 4th density since about 1940 which could take as much as 100 years to complete, but could easily be less. Lots of powerful/phenomenal synchronicity happening lately! Sure makes the 2012/13 date very intriguing! Now our "intelligent" Logos/Sun is doing something it has not done since June of 1913? Could the Star/Sun that loves us, as much as any father ever could, be telling us something??? Are we listening??? Why is it that so called primitives can here these messages so well, but "civilized" (laugh out loud) modern man is so hard of hearing???
An escalation of energy is happening throughout our solar system. Ra told Don, Carla and Jim back in 1981, wow, just thoroughly misplaced the thought completely after typing their names! Will finish if it comes to me - not that important...
Anyway, this forum post made me think of another forum post featured by Elizabeth today