Dear friends,
What do you think of this?
Emergency Awareness
International Medical Verities Association
International Medical Verities Association
points are real life events that breed a sense of emergency awareness
or they lead to a consequence that easily leads to death. In intensive
care and emergency rooms doctors and nurses are trained with the kind
of consciousness that is sensitive to potential tipping points - doing
everything they can to avoid them.Emergency
awareness leads to action not thoughts that delay action further.
Emergency awareness is a state of consciousness that does not fear
change, does not deny, rationalize or even hope for things to be
anything other then what they really are.Arnold Schwarzenegger said Friday that the state’s budget
deficit had grown to between $10 billion and $14 billion and
that he would call for a state of fiscal emergency next month.[i]Emergency
awareness depends on real information not on false data that is
deliberately being force fed into the public masses. Emergency
awareness also is only achieved when we realize a state beyond doubt.
Our perceptual antennas (intuition and imagination) are crippled by
doubts and fears and all the monsters that are lurking inside of us.
When it comes to emergencies there is no later. We have to act now or
face the consequences of our inaction.“Later” is over for our generation. “Later” was a
luxury for previous generations and civilizations.
Thomas Friedman
NY TimesIt
is the brave and courageous ones who are the first to act, then the
intelligent ones, and for the rest options quickly run out. Those who
are oriented to change accepting the inescapable characteristics of
destiny do not look around them waiting for the herd consciousness to
give confirmation about what to do. When the herd gets it - it will
already be too late. The story of Noah and his Ark perhaps best
describes the situation as does the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.This message is a bit out front of what you will read
elsewhere thus it is visionary, prophetic, an extrapolation
of data and trends that open images upon the future.There
are many staggering stories that deal with different types of tipping
points and I will mention several of them below. One is on everyone’s
mind and it has to do with financial meltdowns. The other has to do
with the relentless melting of the Arctic which was greatly accelerated
this summer, a warning sign that some scientists worry could mean global warming has passed an ominous tipping point. And my God we will say when we have to face the terrible fact that most
of us are being exposed to very unhealthy levels of microwaves through
this wonderful world of Wi-Fi we have let industry create without any
kind of testing for safety.The volume of Arctic sea ice at summer's end
was half what it was just four years earlier.
was just last year, two top scientists surprised their colleagues by
projecting that the Arctic sea ice was melting so rapidly that it could
disappear entirely by the summer of 2040. Now only one year later that
date has dropped to 2012. That’s in only five years meaning more
immediate quicker and more dramatic changes in the climate that will be
hitting upon us each year as the open sea absorbs more and more of the
suns heating radiation.Greenland's ice sheet melted nearly 19 billion tons more
than the previous high mark. 552 billion tons of ice melted
this summer from the Greenland ice sheet, according to preliminary
satellite data to be released by NASA. That's 15 percent more
than the annual average summer melt, beating 2005's record.White
sea ice reflects about 80 percent of the sun's heat off Earth. When
there is no sea ice, about 90 percent of the heat goes into the ocean
which then warms everything else up. Warmer oceans then lead to more
melting. NASA scientist James Hansen said, "We have passed the tipping
point but we have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll
things back in time — but it is going to require a quick turn in
direction."The surface area of summer sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean
this summer was nearly 23 percent below the previous record low.
NASAWhat this all translates to is the end of life as we know it in many parts of our planet. Perhaps there is a hope but even that hope would also end life as we
know it for it would destroy modern civilization. Morgan Stanley has
just issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a
sharp slowdown in business investment and a "perfect storm" for
consumers as the housing slump spreads. In a report "Recession Coming"
released December 11, the bank's US team said the credit crunch had
started to inflict serious damage on US companies. "Slipping sales and
tightening credit are pushing companies into liquidation mode,
especially in motor vehicles," it said.[ii]Consumers have no choice other than to retrench.
Home prices are likely to fall for the nation as a
whole in 2008, the first such occurrence since 1933.[iii]
Stephen S. Roach
Chairman of Morgan Stanley AsiaInterestingly
this report by one of the largest banking concerns in the United States
was suppressed in the US itself. It was not reported on by the public
media. That is how frightened some people are of the financial storm
coming. When you see consecutive five hundred point drops in the market
you will know it is only the out bands of the financial hurricane
coming ashore. No matter how bad it already feels to those who are
losing their homes and jobs we have to know what is coming is just
starting. The gale winds are picking up but we are experiencing nothing
near the full force of the economic chaos destined to come. Normally we
board up our windows ‘before’ the full force of the storm hits for once
it starts there is little we can do.The price of a new home in the US plummeted at the sharpest
monthly rate in 26 years; official data for October showed adding to
the gloomy outlook for the US economy as the housing market collapses.As
delinquencies and defaults soar, lenders are tightening credit for
commercial, credit card and auto lending, as well as for all mortgage
borrowers," said the report, written by the bank's chief US economist
Dick Berner. He said the foreclosure rate on residential mortgages had
reached a 19-year high of 5.59pc in the third quarter while the glut of
unsold properties would lead to a 40pc crash in housing construction."
We think overall housing starts will run below one million units in
each of the next two years -- a level not seen in the history of the
modern data since 1959," he said. “The economy faces a vicious downward spiral of foreclosures, declining property values and mounting losses on
mortgage-backed securities and related financial assets,” writes Laura
Tyson, a professor of business and public policy at the University of
California, Berkeley.[iv]U.S. politicians seem determined to appeal either to the most nativist
extremes in their respective parties — or to tell voters that something
Americans call “the tooth fairy” will make their energy, budget,
educational and Social Security deficits painlessly disappear.Thomas Friedman
NY TimesThe
great exception to this is Congressman Ron Paul who is running for
president. His words comfort those who have lost faith in America and
Americans. It is most amazing to listen to an honest politician speaking about real issues that affect people’s
real lives. He reminds us that America was once great for it once had
great men like Jefferson and Lincoln.The Federal Reserve is now confronting the
limits of its powers to reverse the situation.
NY Times Editorial
December 16, 2007Another
tipping point is sourced in China but is falling on the west coasts of
the United States and Canada. China is an environmental time bomb that
is exploding. Its polluted air is not only choking its own citizens but
also is spreading 6,000 miles across the Pacific to California, giving
Californians a personal stake in that country's terrible environmental
crisis. Microscopic soot particles belched from coal-fired plants
across the ocean are settling in Sierra Nevada snow packs and high levels of mercury from those plants are showing up in soil and water. And dust from
rapidly expanding deserts in China and elsewhere in Asia can be found
in the air high above the west coast.Today’s global economy has become like a monster truck with the gas
pedal stuck, and we’ve lost the key — so no one can stop it from wiping
out more and more of the natural world, no matter what the global plan.
Thomas Friedman
NY TimesFor
decades, the United States has been the world's largest polluter, taken
to task by other countries for its contribution to global warming. This
year, however, China's annual emissions are on pace to overtake those
of the United States. Worse, China's pollution is projected to be
double that of all other industrialized nations combined in 25 years,
according to the International Energy Agency. If something does not
derail industrial civilization present plans are to build 200 new coal
fire plants in China and another 100 in the United States in the next
ten years and they will turn the skies black with soot and our lungs
more full of mercury.Everywhere you find an electrical coal fired plant, a town or
hospital incinerator or a crematorium you will find a heavy metal
and mercury hotspot you would not want to live anywhere near.What
is the hope we can pray for that will derail these plans? Should we
pray for some kind of divine intervention or trust our leaders to
protect us? A complete economic collapse is the only thing that will
stop humanity in its tracks; stop it from destroying itself from the
pollution and rape of our planet and its citizens. It is a pathetic
joke what one reads in the newspapers about global conferences and
possible initiatives by government and industry for even if the year
2008 brings a severe recession and 2009 a depression and 2010 a
collapse it will be nothing in front of the momentum of global warming.
Economic activity just cannot collapse fast enough, it seems, to arrest
what is accelerating.Anyone
who has been on a US Aircraft Carrier knows that if the captain shuts
down the engines after cruising at flank speed the ship will take miles
before it comes to a stop. The momentum is that great and so is the
momentum of pollution from the energy sector. Amy
Worthington of the Idaho Observer informs us of yet another runaway
crisis situation that only a collapse in civilization will stop.A medical report in the International Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Health confirms that workers exposed to high levels
of RF/microwave radiation routinely have astronomical cancer rates.
Amy WorthingtonIn her extraordinary article The Radiation Poisoning of America we find that studies confirm that non-ionizing communications radiation
in the RF/microwave spectrum has the same effect on human health as
ionizing gamma wave radiation from nuclear reactions. (This is a must read mind blowing article.) Leading German radiation expert Dr. Heyo Eckel, an official of the German Medical Association, states, 'The
injuries that result from radioactive radiation are identical with the
effects of electromagnetic radiation. The damages are so similar that
they are hard to differentiate.” Worthington writes, “Because gamma waves and RF/microwave radiation are
identically carcinogenic and genotoxic to the cellular roots of life,
the safe dose of either kind of radiation is zero. No study has proven
that any level of exposure from cell-damaging radiation is safe for
humans. Dr. Carlo confirms that cell damage is not dose dependant
because any exposure level, no matter how small, can trigger damage
response by cell mechanisms.”[v]The
city of San Francisco, for example, with an area of only seven square
miles, has over 2,500 licensed cell phone antennas positioned at 530
locations throughout the city. In practical terms, this city, like
thousands of others, is being wave-nuked 24 hours a day. This is the
case in cities and towns all over the world.This is where we stand today. The public has no vote, no voice,
no choice. Chronic exposure to scientifically indefensible levels of
DNA-ravaging radiation is now compulsory for everyone in America.
Amy WorthingtonWorthington writes, “Since the wireless revolution began wave-nuking the U.S. in the 1990s, there have been no federally funded health studies to assess the cumulative effects of ever-increasing communications
radiation on public health. There is no national database enabling
citizens to study the location of transmitters in their areas. Local
and state governments can offer no information on how much commercial
wireless radiation is contaminating their populations. When trying to
find out who owns a tower or which companies have transmitters on that
tower, citizens usually hit a brick wall.”We can only guess how many people around the world
are in their graves today from microwave assault.Paragraph should read: What this adds up to is this. Time is short, much shorter than any of us thinks. We
can expect to be confronted with escalating difficulties that year by
year will dramatically affect all of our collective lives. We need to
forget “by the end of the century” propaganda or even mid century
projections for dramatic changes. Economic changes will collide with us in 2008 and many are already suffering under the weight of climate change.The
world has never been wealthier than it is now and there are literally
trillions of dollars to be spent especially by governments like China
and those in the middle east. Many aspects of business have never been
better as this money seeks to be invested but even that wealth is not
stopping the fall because it is the millions of consumers who spend
that are being financially decapitated.“Without
the ability to borrow abroad, Washington cannot conduct its wars of
aggression, and Americans cannot continue to consume $800 billion
dollars more each year than the economy produces. A few years ago the
euro was worth 85 cents. Today it is worth $1.48. This is an enormous decline in the exchange value of the US dollar. Foreigners
who finance the US budget and trade deficits have experienced a huge
drop in the value of their dollar holdings,” writes former Regan
administration official Paul Craig Roberts in his recent essay Impending Destruction of the US Economy.[vi]Superpower America is a ship
of fools in denial of their plight.
Paul Craig Roberts“The
executive and legislative branches, along with the media, have let slip
the last opportunities the US had to put its financial house in order. We
have arrived at the point where it is no longer bold to say that
nothing now can be done,” concludes Dr. Roberts who was Assistant
Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy.Yes
nothing can be done and the only thing that will delay the titanic
sinking is for governments and people to spend like mad until the end.
The rest of the world will not continue to underwrite an economic
rescue of the United States, but those like China with over a trillion dollars is racing to spend
its reserves before they become valueless. There is a lot of big money
floating around the world looking for a home but even with this money
velocity it’s a terrible sinking feeling everyone is feeling as the
dollar continues to drop.What
can we do about all of this? Not much of anything on a macro level but
we can invest all our resources in preparing our families for the
inevitable. I am preparing with the creation of Sanctuary in one of the
lowest population density areas in the world with a project that is
sitting on top of an inexhaustible water mine. And I have planted the
seeds of a group consciousness for now is the time to remember UNITED
WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL.Take this knowledge down to the micro level and begin to
form relationships that will strengthen ones chances to deal
with the sea of change that is going to engulf our neighbors.If
we stand around looking like deer caught in the headlights of an
oncoming tractor trailer we and our loved ones are going to be
splattered all over the windshield of life. Not a very pleasant thought
but the inevitable consequences of inaction are going to be very costly
in terms of life.One
of the most difficult limitations we are going to face is our
estrangement from each other. These past few decades has led the lot of
us into the valley of separation, to that place where even our neighbor
is a stranger we do not say hello to. Even if we hole up in our castle
we call home and turn survivalist what are we going to do when our
neighbor runs out of food?It
hurts my heart to have to communicate that all of the above is only an
introduction of what is coming. In the time of Noah 99.999 percent of
the human race was thought to have perished. Over the next 20 years we
are facing the great possibility that billions will perish; and in
worst case scenarios we are talking about human extinction.
Temperatures are going to go higher and higher threatening us in ways
too cruel to imagine. Certainly the violence of the weather is being
increasingly noticed. People will survive but it is going to be no joy
watching our fellow human beings perishing in a terrible sea of
suffering.China recently reported that 10 percent of farmland has been
destroyed by pollution and that heavy metals contaminate 12 million
tons of grain a year. Toxic food scares have become common in ChinaOften
in life we need to follow a certain psychological fault line that
demands that we accept the worst case scenario. It is actually a
healthy perspective because if we accept the worst then all our efforts
to improve on the situation will bear fruit in terms of betterment. On
an individual level the worst case scenario to the above is cancer. It
is an entirely different thing though when you start factoring in the
rise in temperatures, flooding of low lands, decreasing fresh water
supplies, severe air and water pollution, mercury building up
everywhere, huge tonnage of pesticides and preservatives used in food
production, drought, dramatically falling food production and a
constant microwave attack and we have more than enough reasons to be
frightened for our very lives.My
wife is pregnant again and I have two big babies as well as a group of
teenagers in my care and I am concerned about their lives, their
future. I will lead them out from the modern city of our residence into
the wilderness to a very low population density area in the future
where there is water; clean air and land to plant and grow food on. I
want to give them a fighting chance to survive all that is coming. It
is my obligation to act in their behalf, the deepest duty of my love
and inner spirit. It is the place that God Himself sent me to 17 years
ago when I prayed for a new life when still in the States. I have been
gone from there for ten years living on the coast of Brazil but time is
short, very short, and soon as the rain stops I will pull out all the
stops to finish the first phase of construction 2,000 kilometers in the
interior.Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?”Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?”And vanity comes along and asks the question, “Is it popular?”But Conscience asks the question, “Is it right?”And there comes a time when one must take a positionThat is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular,But he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.
Martin Luther King, JR.I
am a messenger of ill tidings, a strong voice in the virtual wilderness
shouting out to the best of my ability that which will warn and
protect. Our only armament against all that will come at this point is
truth even if that truth is brutal. Noah was not unhappy about his God
directed path; but I do hope to do better than Noah who only had his
family and pairs from the animal kingdom to warm his heart.It
is only when one refuses the truth and continues to deny reality thus
abdicating reasonable thought and action that we despair. Each person
that can hold inside of themselves a vision of the future based on
truth will find pathways towards enhanced survival and spiritual
fulfillment. My mentor Christopher Hills, who was shaped by the cold
war and the nuclear arms race used to say that we need to be ready to
go at any moment for the missiles could be flying. When we identify
with our pure spirit we can find that place that can be happy no matter
what. Our pure spirit is already at peace with physical death so it
need not fear even if there is something great to fear.Hopefully we can all collectively sound a sigh of relief for it does seem that President Bush is now pushed back from his nuclear confrontation with Iran meaning we
can relax a little about the prospects of WWIII he has threatened over
these past months. But that ice is melting along with glaciers all over
the world and it’s not going to stop unless some alien fleet pulls up
to our planet and puts some kind of shield between us and the sun.Everything is going to get much worse before
we can even begin to dream of them getting better.My
work presently is with cancer patients and their concerns are
immediate. I define cancer as a slowly evolving emergency situation.
Thus emergency awareness is more than useful when dealing with cancer.
So are emergency room medicines. As we move through the beginning of
next year more and more people will instinctively begin to understand
the message of this essay, the urgency of the moment, the risk to our
collective lives and our states of well being. Unfortunately most will
continue to act like those deer caught in the headlights until the last
possible moment.I am also sorry to say that there is no unsubscribe option for this reality!Below is a picture story to warm your hearts after I have delivered such a blow to security and
comfort. It carries a meaningful message to us humans from the animal
kingdom that can help us turn our bows into the wind that will bring
increasing chances of weathering the coming storms.
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Director International Medical Veritas Association
As I have probably said on here before, When I first found out that I was pregnant, my first instinct was to run to a cave near a clear stream and raise my child there. Growing what food we need and living harmoniously with the land and resources. I still feel this way. As it said in the essay, though, how could we just ''hole up'' and lend no thought to our brothers and sisters.....I can't. I have been talking with my husband about moving to a place that is ''clean'' and just forgoing all of the modern conveniences and getting back to living with the land. I told him that I have been thinking about joining the amish...he said that you can't just go join the amish...it doesn't work like that...lol....maybe an amish exchange program?? *sigh* He says ''Yeah, someday, we can retire and live like that." But I feel the sense of urgency....like we should learn how to do this now. Get away from this. Our current lifestyle, the modern lifestyle, feels toxic and disconnected. Fake... hollow and deadly. It is difficult to know what to do. I have to consider others...but it seems like noone is paying attention. "Drive it till the wheels fall off." Then what??
I am praying for the guidance to know where to go and what to do. I am hoping that we can act before there is no choice.
This post spoke to me....because I feel it. I am hopeful...but... I feel a sense of dread... I think that a lot of people can feel it too....Don't you?? I feel like it can't just keep going like it has been. I mourn for the devestation that we have caused on this earth. We have wrapped her in wires and sliced highways through natural migration paths. We have blasted her, and punched holes in her, polluted her and taken her for granted.....it brings about the most desolate and deepest sadness within me.
What to do now??
It says that God will create a new heaven and a new earth.....well....he's gonna have to.