It seems to me that time is beginning to swing around like the loose end of a hose at full pressure. I have seen numerous examples of people whose timelines have altered radically in a relatively short period. One of those people is me, and I am developing a theory about this.
When I was a young man I worked with psychics, mediums and witches. Later on I was friends with ministers and priests. I had a career as an artist. I bought a house. I started a business, and worked for others. I bought another house. I began to raise a family. Then I lost everything, right down to my socks and underwear. Everyone's still alive, my house still exists, but it is all taken from me. The fact that this was done through malice and treachery made it ten times worse. This occurred in the summer of 2001; three days later was 9/11. My entire life, my timeline, was blown to smithereens.
Since then the really interesting phase of my life has begun, and I see how my reality has utterly changed. In 2000 I returned to southern California near where I'd grown up, and the connectedness I have always felt with the land here was overpowering. That summer I had my first experience with elemental spirits, high in the sequoia forest. Since then I have come to see and feel spirits around me almost continually, and my senses have been expanded in ways I never thought possible. And now I say to myself: NOW I understand what all that early training was about - why so many odd people kept finding me and teaching me things. They didn't know the future, but they knew when their timeline intersected mine, and they acted. Knowing this was my anchor in the time of chaos and pain; now is my time to act.
I don't think I could say I "channel" anything. It's more that I seem to find myself in possession of knowledge and don't know the source...I just "know." No doubt I have it wrong part of the time. That's what networking and brainstorming are for, among other things: refining and adding to what we understand and consequently, can do.
My theory is that when shattering events occur in our lives, they create holes in our personal spacetime. This allows our timelines to shift so that we may find ourselves on a completely different plane or track than before. In the last eight years I have remarried. I have gone from agony to bitterness, through detachment, and finally to a place where I am actually able to love indiscriminately. I have learned that I am accompanied and loved by an invisible host. I'm still poor as a churchmouse, but I associate with brilliant, connected, uplifting people who keep me constantly stimulated and learning. Before I was a loner; now people are drawn to me, and I find that although I am still at heart an extremely shy person, I have the resources within me to reach out and interact with people in constructive ways, ways they find meaningful and uplifting. I'm learning; some people still consider me arrogant. I've also discovered that some people have such a dark energy that I truly must avoid them.
It is possible to tear holes in our own spacetime. I have seen people spiral downwards from a successful career and a wonderful family to homelessness or prison. Much more importantly, I've seen a few people stop and change. It can take a superhuman effort, and it requires true humility. But it can be done, and if individuals can do it, so can groups. And if groups can do it, so can networks of groups. If lives can change so abruptly and so completely, so can the world we live in.
And this, my dear Friends, is why we must hold the Light in our hearts, each in his or her way. We are all unique, all sovereign integrals. Being unique is the sovereign part - being integrals is the connectedness part. We are part of something. We are one. I care not whether you believe the Rapture is imminent, or that the Galactic Brotherhood is waiting to lift us from our own stupidity, or that we can solve our problems using reason, or that all we have to do is find a more benign dictator. If your belief causes you to seek the Light, that is sufficient. If your vision inspires you to turn to Love, then it's perfect. If you suffer, so much the better. You will know you are being melted down and changed - refined. Only the valuable ore finds its way into the crucible. The dross turns to ash and blows away, or to plasma and is used to energize the process. We are gold. The remedy to suffering is love.
The catalyst for quickening is love. We are not fully connected in the world. We are not fully connected in the matrix of material possessions and the struggle for understanding. But we are all of us fully and unchangably One within the matrix of unconditional, universal Love. This is the true well of our being, and this is the vibration that will shake us out of our current timeline. Love is the only water that can quench our thirst. And I can only quench my thirst by sharing a sip with you, and you, and you.
Time is converging on us from a dozen directions. World collapse. The Aquarian Age. The end of the Mayan Calendar. The Book of Revelation. Nibiru. The blue kachina. The red heifer. The drift through the galactic equator. This isn't a coincidence, Friends! We can feel the yearning and the intent of untold generations for this time. All is happening as it must. Hold the Light.
Once again I'm grateful that you've shared your story Dave. I took a respite from a busy professional career and literally wandered the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico for a couple of years. I was gifted with a story that came to me that I wrote in '89 called the Timeless Grandmother, a multidimensional journey that I took as the narrator while being taught by wise women set in a metaphorical world of the desert natives. I returned to my profession in a big city until 2000, I just knew that it was time to quit and return to my home in Montana, money or no.
It has been the journey of the timeless grandmother. Everything in those stories I have now experienced and I have stepped into my place as the grandmother-servant-of-the-wisdom. I just know things. I have the most interesting communication with people from all over the world that have found their way to my small town as a calling and now groups are forming to embarce the land and each other. I am so grateful to have become an integral part of this great wheel of One and in such awe and wonder, so great and humble...we truly are all expanding and re-membering that we are not apart from anything and there is fredom in this, only in this.
I experienced a shift, a displacement out of myself where I have been able to watch my self-protective patterns with equanimity and compassion. It has seemed like a time shift because it just doesn't seem linear anymore. I'm left wondering with great interest what others stories will be shared in this forum.
Dear Dave,
I love the storyteller in you!Thank you for sharing your story of transformation. I ,too ,am painfully shy.........so I am outgoing to make up for that. Duality at it's best! I had my change start to quicken with the loma prieta earthquake in '89. heard a train coming,watched cars jumping 2ft off the ground on a wave of pavement(on bedrock ) a mile from the ocean. I was at that moment homeless.There was no electricity,phone,gas pumping,refrigeration for a week...no TV or radio(or civil defence warning as stations had no power) No water or natural gas in most areas..no sewer system,collapsed roads bridges,and downtown.There was however community which reached out and embraced eachother. I felt like that quake was caused by me,and many others that needed to make changes who weren't. I did not want to be responsible for the next big one. Changes were made. I won't go into full story now.......but here I am now in a new life. I trust that more and more people are noticing that there is more going on than meets the eye......and change the world for the better.
Tricia,thank you for sharing yourself and your power,with us here...and there in real life.Chris you too!
It is great to spend time with you all!
Ra spoke quite a bit on this subject at times in ways that made me think about quantum mechanics and time/space. In book 3 Ra spoke in a way that made me finally realize something about all of us. Our minds are literally time machines with the Pineal gland as the stargate into the stationary world of time/space where we remain still and time moves around! We call them memories when we are "awake" (I use that term very loosely,LOL), but the act of remembering back to something is exactly what it is like in time/space, the opposite of space/time. We are simultaneously existing on different other levels of density in time/space and space/time. I will never again have to wonder what the hell Deja Vu is, LOL.
In space/time we move around in x,y and z coordinates and time is linear. In time/space we do not move at all, are simply self-aware, and move around in time, much like the sensation of seeing something in your mind, only much more vivid and can pick any time in x, y and z coordinates, so to speak, to view. Another interesting thing Ra said in book 3 is that during incarnations, while in space/time, you can effect change through acts of love, concession, forgiveness, etc.. In time/space in between incarnations, all one can do is reflect upon the missed milestones and make new plans for how best to address those next time around. In time/space the only person you can forgive or get forgiven by is yourself, a big part of the healing process at those weigh stations between incarnations. At some point we become very self aware of all that is really going on and burst through the veil of forgetfulness while in an incarnation in space/time. So much wonderful stuff to look forward to in the ever-present present where all that is is.....
We live in space/time, or might I say we are, at present, mostly aware of this experience in 3rd density space/time, and some believe that this is all there is and then you die. Boy are they in for a surprise of what awaits them behind the veil of forgetfulness! In this space/time time/space construct is an ongoing infinite number of spinning vortices of possibilities/potentiation for catalyst and experience for the journey of evolving. What activates or deactivates any one of those spinning vortices of potentiation is our "will" or intent. Absolutely nothing is happening to us, for we make plans for the next leg of the journey between each incarnation, and go at our own speed.
I am sure that the experiences you both describe so well fit very well within this construct and time is never a fixed thing, but a distortion construct providing catalyst "grist for the mill", so to speak. Did you know that we bend space/time just walking down the street? Ever so miniscule, but really do all the same. When a body gets big enough, like this planet, the bending is known as gravity, but it is actually just a bending of space/time and acts like a spinning vortex flow. And time is so damn relative. Can you imagine being on a planet where one day lasted what we now experience as a year, but we are become so used to it that it feels like one day (24 hours) feels like to us now? Food for thought concerning the illusion of time which truly holds none of us prisoner.
I wish to continue to practice the art of meditation so as to learn more how to transcend the illusion of time, anytime, without ever leaving the illusion I know as the room I am in, LOL....
Love/Light, Chris
The writings you four have shared on this page just inspired me, reassured me, opened my heart and upped my faith-o-meter!
There is so much change going on in my little life, and the lives of all around me, that I get so scared sometimes. You are each telling of living through these huge 3-D changes and OH WELL! - your Spirit survives just find and gets you to deeper, better places.
My gigantic thanks to you all for taking the time to share.
There is so much change going on...I get so scared sometimes. You are each telling of
living through these huge 3-D changes and OH WELL! - your Spirit
survives just find and gets you to deeper, better places.
I bet we all get scared at times. I'm not a good enough liar to say I don't. Huge changes are painful, but often in hindsight we see that they had to happen. At the time it sure doesn't feel like you're going to survive just fine. But then you do, and you begin to realize you'd better make the best of it...and then one day you discover you've grown. Maybe a lot.
Dear Dave and Tricia and all, thanks for sharing your empowering stories. I really value you're honesty. As much as we read stuff about how we should live and the various doctrines on spirituality I am drawn to understanding peoples actual experience, faith/spirituality/ human spirit in action. Yes it does seem like some time/space'dimesionis punctured when one is stripped back to only the self. As if a seed husk dies to allow for new growth. Although I have had my share of trouble including my brother dying in a car accident no defining moments. I don't know whether to be grateful or not. Actually, I am grateful for the perfection of each moment and for the specialness of each person on the planet especially you Dave, in Nietzsche's terms, 'Human, all too human.' As one, Rob.
Good to hear from you!
As much as we read stuff about how we should live and the various
doctrines on spirituality I am drawn to understanding peoples actual
experience, faith/spirituality/ human spirit in action.
This makes perfect sense to me. We have lived through an age of data overload where we've had informatio performed on us until we can't stand it anymore...and now we're moving into a stage of real empathy. The wheel turns...and the rubber meets the road.
Actually, I am grateful for the perfection of each moment and for the specialness of each person...
And who could possibly improve on that. I'm serious: that's inspiration. Your post also reminded me of a time or two when I might have thought it would be nice to be someone else, to live his life...his money, house, perfect kids, ideal wife, etc.....got straightened out, I did.
The first thing I thought of when I read your post above was Luke Skywalker telling Yoda that he's not scared of Vader or the dark side, and Yoda says,
"You will be! YOUUUU WILL BEEEE!!!"
I have absolutely no delusions about having acquired some supernatural ability to not be scared if it gets really scary out there sometime in the near future with all that is going on right now. We ignore the obvious vortices of possibilities/probabilities to our own psychological peril for being that purposefully naive with heads in the warm sand of our present daydreaming of a better future for mankind.
What I do soberly and solemnly understand is I have some more tools to work with now while I am shitting my pants, excuse the expression, if it really does get freaky scary, and I am also aware that trial by fire is one of the best catalysts one can go through to go hyperspeed and fold time on the evolutionary learning curve in the metaphysical/spiritual sense. Comfort makes a poor catalyst. Pain gets us off our ass and awakened just like that!!!! With all these thoughts in mind, my objective is to prepare for anything, and take what comes as the catalyst it is, as grist for the mill in this 3rd density realm of physical matter temporal illusion in constant flux....
Love/Light, Chris
are wonderful to hear. Thanks Dave and Tricia for sharing yours. (And Chris, Rob, Mary, and Kim for your inputs as well.) When I read them I could "feel" the old stories of Buddhist and Hindu seekers who renounced (either by choice or by circumstances) the world and found themselves. Although my story isn't as dramatic and I can't claim any resulting powers or knowledge, I'm moved to share the salient parts of it. It is similar but also very different from either of yours (not nearly as romantic-seeming as wandering the Southwest, for sure).
I was always a philosopher, a dreamer, a seeker after the truth of things and Things. But I was also lazy. And I had no talent for running a business or making money. I was also far too independent to be a long-term employee. So, after leaving graduate school, I started Zen training and earned my living as a house painter. But I had no incentive to save or really build a business, but just to pay the bills so I could carry on my other, more vital work. Perhaps I was naive.
Well, many years have passed. I was married at 39 and we now have two daughters, one 22 and the other 17. For years we struggled and went into debt and so forth... I would say that we were essentially poor. And my wife still works and I work very part-time "out there."
With the death of my parents, I inherited enough so that if I invest it well, it will mostly support us. And I did well with investing for a couple of years. But now, with the market turmoil and manipulations, I have lost some. And I've been able to watch my own attachment to money and the hellish profit-and-loss bipolarity that goes on within. I've also been able to see how much this narrow and driven focus robs me of not only the ability to see the situation clearly and make good decisions, but also of life itself. (I've also seen that this is the very focus that drives the New World Order.)
But then, through something I turned up recently in the I Ching and by my own knowing-sense whispering in my ear, I felt the necessity and the real possibility of abandoning it all. By that I mean, internally to give up any concern with profit or loss or sustenance -- even though I had a family to support. And this went directly against a lifetime of conditioning. But how could this be done without fooling myself with mere ideas, affirmations, and so forth? The I Ching hexagram was titled "Meditation." (Duh.) So I sat (and went about my daily activities) allowing all that turmoil to boil within like a vat of hot acid, until it burned a hole in this illusory construct I was living in and re-opened a space of clarity and no-thing-ness. I felt the aliveness of being willingly vulnerable and, while doing my best, leaving the results to Something Else. And this was new to me. I find that I must make this same adjustment to openness and trust every day or I will fall back into a pit of stupidity and cupidity. So, although I have not (like you, Dave) lost everything, I try to go forward with the palpable and complete acceptance of that very possibility, and the realization that none of it really matters. My own freedom to be depends on it.
Thanks again and take care,
A few years ago I firewalked. I felt prepared, none knew what the outcome would be but we trusted each other and our strength of Spirit, alone and collectively. Some of our group had walked before, none had experienced being burned or feared repeating the experience. The facilitator was well trained and yet some things went differently than expected. What happened caused a break in our intent and energy when one woman was severely burned. Our focus became channelling healing to her. After, I wrote about the experience.
For some reason, your writing brought this up again Dave. So I'll share it.
One in Spirit. kristyne
Every day we walk through the fire and every day we are cleansed and purified and prepared to walk again. TT Team- Have i told you lately that i love you? Walk with the Angel of the Presence. *she smiles*
from Alice Bailey's work
- "that the Angel of the Presence may make His nearness felt, and inspire you to pass courageously through the fires of the burning ground, is my earnest prayer; that the fact of the PRESENCE may be sensed by you, and lead you to greater activity-once the burning ground has passed- is my deepest wish for you; and that the light may shine upon your way, and bring a certain and assured consummation of all the travail and struggle which has characterised your way of life, is my heart's desire for you. To more active and steady enterprise I call you. THE TIBETAN (10-271/2)
We have walked through the burning ground. Some of us visibly unscathed; some of us a little worse for wear. We chose the experience. We could have turned away. There was nothing for us to prove. We sang and danced, drummed and chanted. We called in our Angels, our Guides and Masters. We stated our intent. We checked our gut. We walked with focus. We exercised our faith - in faith. We cast out doubt. We set aside our fear of the physical for our belief in the strength of Spirit. Collectively and individually. This can be difficult to explain to someone not on a Spiritual path.
On returning home, my twenty two year old daughter, who just completed nursing school looked at my feet and said "MOTHER, what do you think happens when you walk through fire??"
Her sister rolled her eyes and laughed. My husband of 30+ years, brought cold water for my feet and reverently called me "FIREWALKER" even after he saw the blisters - maybe even more tenderly then.
For a moment I wanted to apologize to my feet. The fleeting thought crossed my mind that this didn't make much sense in the light of day. I pushed that thought rapidly away. I had let go of limiting beliefs for a time.
I know I AM a spark of the Divine. I know I AM Spirit inhabiting this physical body.
I pushed beyond my own self imposed limits as we all did. I tested myself. I trusted myself. I understood the potential consequences. I walked in faith. Standing before the fire, I asked Spirit to heal me that the Creator might work through me to heal others and to heal our world.
We have been told the blisters correlate with areas we need to transmute and heal. My intent was huge, my blisters show the truth of it. (I have work to do.) If walking through fire can purify my focus, my intent, my journey and bind me closer to the souls I walk with - whom I love dearly - every blister was worth it. Every moment on the planet, in physical existence brings us a lesson. In this case, many many of them. They are still coming through and I expect they will for sometime.
Would I walk through fire again? My feet at present beg me to say 'no'.
What I feel in my heart - the fear I have let go of in the aftermath, the releasing of things I have needed to let go of - make me realize why it was a necessary step in my journey.
Each day I am more certain and my conviction grows. I did not, I DO NOT walk alone.
Thank you for this day Spirit, this beautiful, healing day.
To ALL who walk along the Path, as Bailey's work so eloquently states,
"To more active and steady enterprise I call you."
Many blessings through every 'Fire' your path winds you through.
You do not walk alone.
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