Dear Friends,
Earlier today, I copied and sent, from my g-mail
address, the page at the web address below and sent it out to all the
usual people I try to inform about stuff; I sent is once and all 100+
email addresses, simultaneously, had a fatal error in them. I sent it
out again and the same thing happened. I sent it out again--this
time changing the subject heading and, again all 100+ email addresses,
simultaneously, had a fatal error in them.
The two subject lines were, first: "Constitution suspended by the White
House" and "Congress should rescind the State of Emergency declared by
Bush." Can anyone say, "censored?"
This is the first time this has ever happened...Perhaps it has to
do with the content of the page.
I'd like to ask any and all readers to try this with your email lists, see what happens and report back.
the following is the content of my email:
from: http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2008/07/congress-should-rescind-st...
Congress Should Rescind the State of Emergency Declared by Bush
The White House suspended the Constitution and implemented
Continuity of Government Plans on 9/11, based upon a declared state of
national emergency. Bush has continually renewed the declared state of
emergency up to and including today. See this.
The White House has done everything it could to scare people and convince them that America is under attack,
as a way to justify the yearly renewal of the declared state of
emergency and the continuing unconstitutional seizure of power by the
executive branch.
In other words, the ongoing state of emergency is both the result of fearmongering and the justification for tyranny.
But Congress has the power to revoke the state of emergency.
Specifically, the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. Sections 1601-1651 (passed in 1976), gives Congress the power to countermand a presidential declaration of national emergency. Indeed, in 1976, Congress rescinded all of the declarations of national emergency made since World War II,
as many of them had been on the books for years and were giving the
executive unrestricted powers which were undermining the Constitution.
in addition to impeachment, contempt for ignoring subpoenas, and a host
of other powers, Congress can countermand Bush's declarations of
national emergency since 2001.
With the declared state of
emergency over, Continuity of Government Plans cannot remain in effect,
and Congress is suddenly in a much stronger position to reign in Bush
and Cheney.
Note to legal scholars: In 1983, the Supreme Court struck down a portion of Congress' power to countermand a declaration of national
emergency. But Congress got around that ruling by amending the National
Emergencies Act in 1985 to confirm Congress' power to countermand -
through a joint resolution between the House and Senate - a declaration
of emergency by the president (see this).
Moreover, in 2007, the Bush Administration tried to ignore the National Emergencies Act by issuing National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 51. But that dog won't hunt. The Constitution does not allow the president to unilaterally cut Congress out of the picture.
interesting.. have you tried sending it out with a different subject line? or try a test email to see if everything else you send is blocked or changed?
I sent it out with two different subject line & both bounced back. When I just sent the link, it went through, no problem...
I sent the link out with the same subject line from my Yahoo email and so far it didn't get blocked. G-mail may be a little more active in over-seeing their emails.
I am glad to hear that, Berry. Thank you.
"The White House suspended the Constitution and implemented
Continuity of Government Plans on 9/11, based upon a declared state of
national emergency. Bush has continually renewed the declared state of
emergency up to and including today"
I, as well as a few others on the TT portal, have mentioned COG at times, but there just has not been much mention of it socially during a time when it has everything to do with why this administration believes it can get away with "murder". It is also very strange that there was no discussion of COG coming from the panel a few weeks ago on C-Span that was asked to speak about why or why not this president should be impeached. So even those who have apparently made it their mission to see Bush and Cheney either impeached and/or imprisoned for war crimes did not speak of Continuity of Government, a term that every responsible citizen of these United States should be well aware of, especially if it has been inacted, due to its dire consequences when activated by some rogue element/administration lusting for executive power, privilege and complete immunity to prosecution. This has been Cheney's goal ever since Nixon!
Could so many in the media and government, including those going after the president, be so unaware of "the state of emergency" and conditions of COG we remain in since 911? This reveals either a very unacceptable level of ignorance and lack of due diligence by the 4th branch of government (the media), the legislative and judicial branch, or smacks of an outright brazen in your face conspiracy rubbed right in the unsuspecting and unattentive faces of "we the people". COG is an extremely important subject/discussion that strangely died on the vine shortly after it was inacted by Bush and Cheney while Cheney was in the Whitehouse bunker (while speaking with Bush on the phone in the tunnel most likely). One would think that the issuance of National Security Presidential Directive 51 would have revived this important national security issue concerning "all enemies, foreign and domestic", but few have read that document either (I always enjoyed the Area 51 vague reference, pun unintended or not, to NSPD 51)....
The media, controlled by TPTB don't care to mention it to the public for fear of an outcry and rebellion. That is the reason for the unreasonable silence. The public, to dumbed down by the MSM don't care to research and find out what is happening and this is the reason that until major change occurs, the direction of our country is fascist domination. David's article posted by Shaun "on Self Correcting Economy" discusses this issue quite well, and the video from Ben Fulford suggests the remedy which is bound to occur,,,, automatically.
Notice that my man Ron Paul was proclaiming this mightily in the winter and spring, many people listened and responded but the MSM, hushed the whole thing and if it were not for the Internet Paul would be a totally unknown entity. He did indeed influence and will influence what is happening and is I think one of the "agents of change" that Ben mentioned in his video with Rense.
Just my humble opinion,
Love and light to all,
Today my daughter and her partner each went to the blog mentioned in the emailI sent out--at different times--and both subsequently got locked out of their Google G-mail accounts for about a half an hour.
I am not yet personally capable of psychic, tellepathic communication with all of you, but maybe its time I started working on openning that up....
I will keep my inner ear open and start practicing the art of remembering that we already do this, we just have not been listening for a long time due to info overload meant to condition us into whatever the state du jour has/had in mind for "us" this time around. Gives a whole to meaning to "listening skills" LOL.
Hey Berry, did you listen to Ben Fulford's interview with David Rockefeller in Japan? It is the 2nd link on Shaun's recent Fulford forum. At one point Benjamin asks David a question concerning the Ron Paul phenomenon and David looks at him with a blank confused look and has nothing to say. For me, this was the most revealing moment in the interview, a moment that revealed just how insulated many in the power elite really are while they go around the world making decisions and developing policy that affects those they are so unaware of....
Chris, I didn't see that one. I will go back and check it out. Hahhah! Ron Paul was a question mark to him huh? I can't imagine how he didn't know anything about him. Thanks for the heads up Chris.
But I've been having similar problems. Switching over to something that runs on the "squirel mail" or "horde" system, for example, might work better, they are simpler. To my understanding, and I'm sure you all know this, google (And now probably most of the major email providors) employs a simple artificial intelligence which continually scans email for keywords in order (suposedly) to display advertisements. That kind of thing could be hacked, though, or have backdoors for the sake of "CALEA". We'll see where this goes, "downgrading" sends a strong message to companies that we don't appreciate the "new features" that they offer, and with their sophisticated data-collecting methods, they will notice it.
I just sent the email out in gmail to five or six addresses with the the original subject line and it seemed to work ok.