Dear Friends,
Have you seen any movies that seems to offer new conciousness perspective?
Or perhaps old media that you find wisdom in? Movies that we could share with eachother.....and with others.
Please recommend movies that made an impact on you,your perceptions! A brief general teaser,how many stars you would give it, what type of wisdom it dispensed, and a hint as to the flavor of the film(humor,drama,fantasy,biography or ?)
Thank you keeping us all growing and entertained! Love,Mary
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Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for the review! So Hancock would be a 3 star comedy...........topic of information manifestation ( new release)
Would you consider this a family or adult feature?
Thank you for the tip! Love,Mary
I would like to invite any input from members.......please do mention any special films......From Metropolis on!
My children gave me a Netflix subscription for Mother's Day so I have been eager to build a list. Last weekend I watched The Last Mimzy and would recommend it.
Dear Magical Godmother,
I also enjoyed that film.....3 star family action/adventure Kids save the future of man time travel sacred geometry
I will recommend the 5th element young adult and up action/future world bruce willis and female superhuman save the world
some funny moments I would give 3+ stars big brother power of love
Conversations with god young adult and up Biography of Neal Donald Walsch 3 stars transformation
This movie was filmed here.....I had the fun of being an extra......let me know if you spot me!
Any other suggestions? Love,Mary
I also highly recommend The Last Mimzy, and have several times before in other posts since coming here.
Another fine kind of oldie but goodie is "Pump Up the Volume" with Christian Slater. Watched it again last night and was again reminded why the movie is so good.
Miracle Mile is another good one that looks at what might happen hours before a nuclear exchange as experienced by two people who just met each other and fell in love, only to spend their last remaining hours together. Not as depressing as it sounds I assure you, and yet.....
a very fun children's movie with a very young River Phoenix and Ethan Hawke in it is Explorers
http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DKHsDj37Yq... (link is external)
Dear Chris,
I was hoping you would share some selections with us! Mimzy was very good....I have not seen the other ones.This is the great thing about VHS and DVD.....getting to watch movies that we first saw at theaters! I will look for these.
The Illusionist is a fine film . Adult drama/love story 3 1/2 stars Magic intention perception
Fearless with Jeff Bridges, Resurrection with Ellen Burstyn, and What the Bleep Do We Know, of course
Looking forward to the new X-Files movie coming out next week!
Love to all,
www.whitehorseblackmountain.vpweb.com (link is external)
www.sacredselfliving.net (link is external)
www.healingraingroup.net (link is external)
Dear Kim,
Thanks for the suggestions! I have not seen the first two......will have to check them out.
You reminded me of STARMAN one of those Bridges boys..... 3 stars.....alien visitor watches human behavior.....funny moments 20+ yrs old good film
Any other tips? I wait with popcorn! Love,Mary
Lynn Marie and I have both tired of Hollywood's increasingly graphic gratuitous violence and sappy sacchrine romantic commedies and now watch mostly independent & foreign films through net flicks. That being said there are still some wonderful movies produced in Hollywood.
Some films I've enjoyed include:
Ushpizin--about an orthodox couple in Jerusalem who are paid a visdit by two recently released ne'r-do-wells during Succoth.
What Would Jesus Buy?--Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir go on tour across the country soulfully preaching and singing against the Shop-ocalyse in shopping malls and Disneyland.
The Weeping Camel and The Cave of the Yellow Dog are films about Mongolia by a Mongolian film maker that are beautiful, poignant, spiritual and rich.
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors-- A beautiful film about an installation of Alex Grey's multidimanional art which he narrates
Juno--a wonderful movie about an unusual high school girl who gets pregnant, decides to have the child and find a couple to adopt it. rich , funny and a great sound track.
For music and humor, I've loved The Blues Brothers and Blues Brothers 2000.
For humor and hear I really enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine.
I also liked Ray and the movie about Johnny Cash
I have enjoyed the Harry Pottter Movies but not nearly so much as the books.
The Planet Earth set of dvds was incredibly beautiful and phenomenal.
I just posted the following list from our NetFlix acct but I cant seem to edit it....oh well; I've got to go get some food & eat....Sorry about the wierdness of this post,
The Blue Butterfly (link is external)
The Savages (link is external)
05/28/08 David Icke: Secrets of the Matrix: Disc 1 (3-Disc Series) (link is external)
05/23/08 David Icke: Secrets of the Matrix: Disc 2 (3-Disc Series) (link is external)
05/22/08 The Last Mimzy (link is external)
05/14/08 Juno (link is external)
August Rush (link is external)
05/01/08 Open Your Eyes (link is external)
04/23/08 The Nines (link is external)
04/16/08 The Commitments (link is external)
04/16/08 The Kite Runner (link is external)
04/09/08 Becoming Jane (link is external)
04/02/08 The Martian Child (link is external)
04/01/08 Atonement (link is external)
03/25/08 Once (link is external)
03/19/08 Earth (link is external)
03/18/08 Vitus (link is external)
03/13/08 Death at a Funeral (link is external)
03/12/08 A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (link is external)
03/04/08 Fire (link is external)
03/03/08 Finding Neverland (link is external)
02/25/08 One Night with the King (link is external)
01/30/08 Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train (link is external)
01/21/08 Stardust (link is external)
01/15/08 For Your Consideration (link is external)
12/28/07 God Grew Tired of Us (link is external)
12/28/07 The Painted Veil (link is external)
12/18/07 After the Wedding (link is external)
12/17/07 The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (link is external)
12/12/07 Everything Is Illuminated (link is external)
12/10/07 La Vie en Rose (link is external)
12/05/07 Ocean's Twelve (link is external)
12/03/07 Angel-A (link is external)
11/29/07 Into Great Silence (link is external)
11/26/07 The Milagro Beanfield War (link is external)
11/26/07 The Sea Inside (link is external)
11/14/07 Ushpizin (link is external)
11/07/07 Dreaming Lhasa (link is external)
11/07/07 Devil's Playground (link is external)
11/01/07 13 Conversations About One Thing (link is external)
11/01/07 The Celestine Prophecy (link is external)
10/23/07 A Mighty Heart (link is external)
10/23/07 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (link is external)
05/22/07 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (link is external)
Wow.................Quite a list of movies! I really enjoyed Stardust.....Delightful romantic,magical,fantasy.
I can see it's time to fire up the air popper. Thanks for the suggestions.Hope you enjoyed a nice meal.
Love Mary
Don't be shy.....what movie(s) do YOU recommend?
Dear John,
Last night I enjoyed this movie. My sweet neighbor offered it to me, she had just rented it for the second time and wanted to share it with me.It was a very warm movie.
John Cusak Widowed sci-fi writer adopts special needs child 4stars indigo/ society's pressure to conform.
Thank you for the list you offered! Love,Mary
Any other suggestions?Would you care to share your list with us?
Mary, I didn't understand your question, "Any other suggestions?Would you care to share your list with us?" I did share my list; please clarify.
Dear John,
I am thanking you.....very much for all the great suggestions.............
and asking all readers to join in the fun of sharing flicks that delight,inspire or inform! I am sorry if I confused you. My chance to edit is gone!.
I am new to this computer communication........it feels to me that I have a better chance at interaction.....if I pose a question. I try to remember that others read our conversation,I invite other readers to be talkers.
So any movie lovers who wanna chime in .....here's your chance.
www.leftydave.com (link is external)
Greetings All,
Have been having some fun here....and I think you will too.....
http://wideeyecinema.com/?p=354 (link is external)
everything you always wanted to know about everything going on....FREE !!!
Good hunting !!!!
Dear Elizabeth and Dave,
Thank you for your selections! So many movies....oh boy!
It is great to have a wide variety of topics,and styles from which to choose. Thank you for the suggestions!
Love Mary
Any others care to share? Step right up....don't be shy. Come back anytime to share flicks that hold wisdom ,fun,messages of hope....
Caught the end of Planes, Trains and Automobiles again over the weekend, just the last ten minutes, and cried again at that beautiful moment when Neal (Steve Martin) finally puts it all together and returns to the train station to find Dell sitting there all alone ready to spend Thanksgiving in a train station. As you know, Neal invites Dell home for the holidays and the last few moments are so eternally precious that I plan to watch and cry at least once every couple of years, as well as laugh at the rest of this brilliantly scripted, casted and directed oldie but goodie.
Finally got around to watching The Heartbreak Kid over the weekend with Ben Stiller and his dad in another great Farrelly Brothers movie (have they ever made a bad one?).
Turtles Can Fly is a wonderful foreign film about kids mangled by their war-ravaged region in Afghanistan proving that hope springs eternal and Consciousness will have the last say when darkness has faded and gone away....
Fast Food Nation is a well made movie that approaches the fast food industry from two sides (actually more), the corporate side and the south of the border illegal alien cheap labor side.
Red Rock West for any of you Nicolas Cage fans in a twilight zone type of scenario where he cannot seem to escape the trouble that has found him in Red Rock, Wyoming. A bit of a nail biter to the end....
Oh, and Across the Universe, a delightful musical and tribute to the Beatles songs with the perfect touch of political nudging. Can't remember if someone already mentioned this one, but deserves a second and third mention anyway....
Hi Mary, yesterday I saw Enchanted, and found it absolutely delightful, kind of uplifting and really funny. I would give it 4 stars. Also, I like both Bruce Almighty and Ewan Almighty, besides all the others (more profound or philosophical) that are listed in my profile.
Thank you so much for the suggestions! Norna, Enchanted sounds great......I like funny! Nice to see movies that make me laugh. I think our society pushes the sad,bad,mad.......good to throw in a little happy,joyful,deLightful.
Chris, Thank you for the reminder of Planes,Trains and Automobiles........it has been years since I saw it. Comedy feels light when you watch it......but still conveys ideas,wisdom.I thank you so much for mentioning these films!
This will be a great reference thread......we can sneak transformation in with candy(or carrot sticks) and popcorn.
Pop in anytime and add to the list! Love,Mary
Dear friends,
We enjoyed Hancock this weekend.......I enjoyed it, found it a film of redemption, reunion, a phoenix raising from the ashes of his super-life......with some funny moments....but to me not a comedy. I wince when the coyote gets hit with a 2 ton anvil in roadrunner cartoons.So you can take my review with that in mind. Good film with heart, and I thank fairyfarm girl for recommending.
Has anyone seen new X-Files movie?
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Love,Mary
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Gad Zooks Batman!
I delighted in the campy fun in T V batman! The cartoon captions,sexy but not sadistic Cat women( both actress adaptations) bright colors,daylight filming......not to leave out Chuck Barris Batmobile! For me the big screen Batman is a dark experience. I also have a visual problem with too much computer action........it makes me "car sick", I wonder if I am alone in this ? I do have one friend who reacts this way......he has had major head trauma! My only head trauma involves being raised by society! I say this in humor,and truth.
Let us know how you liked the film. Love,Mary
I pulled "The War" (with Kevin Costner and Elijah Wood) out of the library to watch again and decide whether it was time to get rid of it or not. It is such a beautiful sleeper, one of those movies that you may have a tendency to underappreciate until you watch it again, and then you end up wondering how you could have ever forgotten how good and wonderful this movie and story is. Here's a six minute preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpHlcdsNR8 (link is external)
Speaking of "sleepers" the movie "Sleepers", if you have not seen it, is one of the best movies you've never seen and you'll wonder how it could have ever gotten past you. Some movies are epic sleepers, and Sleepers is one of them. Here is a trailer to the movie...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1piB0xIkvUU (link is external)
And the movie, "The Sandlot" (can't remember if this one has already been brought up or not)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-bxXFahjjM (link is external)
For the tips and the clips. Somebody pass the popcorn!
Happy viewing,Love,Mary
Dear Friends,
Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks starred in a film called Defending Your Life...... It is a funny touching film.It begins with the main character dying.....then sitting thru a life review. 3 stars comedy/insightful young adult and up
Thank you Elizabeth for your batman review!
Has any one seen X files yet? Any other movie recommendations are always welcome!
Kerry and I watched the 2006 offering of the children's book last night and ended up in joyful sentimental tears at several spots in this beautiful movie with a great message about mustangs and that which really makes America beautiful if we can find a way not to destroy her completely and give her a chance to recover. Have a box of kleenex beside you - you will need it somewhere in the viewing, I promise you. I started welling up again just seeing the mustangs running at the beginning of this intro clip to the movie. This movie made me think constantly of Tricia's undying love of horses....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHGw5blw8Lw (link is external)
Oh, and this movie made me think of Man from Snowy River, another oldie but panoramic goodie that features a handsome prestroke" two for one" offering of Kirk Douglass....
You are a fine film critic! Thank you so for all the varied topics...and clips!
You got me pegged... I was teared up through the whole thing!
There's one that received independent film awards but fell under the radar of the masses. Maybe because its about a terminally ill child. Its beautiful in its cinematography and the message of the One. Four thumbs up for this one!
Its The Blue Butterfly with William Hurt.
Interesting that right after I posted a friend sent me a mail with this site. It is a subscription movie deal, but you can watch trailers from an artfully done website.
http://www.spiritualcinemacircle.com/ (link is external)
Spiritual Cinema is a good company. It was started by Steven Simon(What Dreams May Come,Bill and Ted's Great Adventure and many others) He lives in Ashland. Produced and filmed here Conversations With God. Neale Donald Walsh lived here when he had his transformational automatic writing event which became so many books. As a subscriber you get 1 CD a month....A full legnth film,and assorted shorts. I no longer subscribe....but can say that all films I got for the year or so I was a member were insightful,artfully done,and moving. He funds projects that send important messages...like CWG.An unpaid testimonial !
Into the Wild tells the story of Christopher McCandless and his hobo-esk long way around trek to Alaska. It will stick to you long after you are finished watching it. Another brilliant film by writer/director Sean Penn.
Oh, and the Dixie Chicks documentary Shut Up and Sing featuring the struggles they encountered for publically taking a brave and early stand against the war in Iraq and the Bush administration. Good for them!!!!!!
I will add those to the must see list!
I have been in the mood for fantasy lately.........We just watched a good older film.....DragonHeart.....Dennis Quaid,Sean Connery.....A wise Dragon tries to help mortals. It was good! Made me want to rewatch...Time Bandits......And Willow...fun and enjoyable for the whole family!
Thank you again for your viewing suggestions Chris......Just in time for the weekend!
Any other suggestions? Come back anytime.
I will just say if you do go see it.....sit through the credits to see the ending. It would have been more fun(for me) to have payed the ticket price to see only the end.......most people had already left the theater and so missed the final statement of the movie. It was lacking the quirky humor that endeared the T V series to me. It only gave me 2 giggles...I give it 2 stars.Not appropriate for young viewers.
Did you see any movies that you enjoyed this weekend?Feel free to share them here!
Its actually an 8-part (I think) documentary about a 2006 assent of everest by an american/french group from Discovery Channel, which Lynn Marie and I watched over a few weeks (NetFlicks). It was a beautifully filmed, engaging, fascinating portrait of a group of men's obsession to climb to the top of the world inspite of numerous setbacks and handicaps (one fellow with two prostetic legs and feet (lost to frostbite on a previous mountaneering expedition), one asthmatic attemption to summit without oxygen, one 61 y/o guy who had a kidney removed 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the attempt, and wone guy with numerous plates and bolts in his back and legs from earlier motorcycle accidents...All in all an amazing story.
Dear John,
Thank you for the suggestion. Might be a good day to watch,as it is 108 today!
The latest Stargate movie Continum is out ( if you've been following the series.)...I got a copy but have yet to view it.
www.leftydave.com (link is external)
Greetings TT
Here's a 2 1/2 hour documentary on your lives and what you can do... to protect yourself by using your head and intuition to find the truth....
http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/400.html (link is external)
Hope it's helpful....DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER !!!
Thanks for plugging that one Tricia! I had my hand on it several times in the past and never got around to viewing it. Now I must! Besides, William Hurt is one of my favorite actors ever since Altered States. Hey, there's a oldie but goodie that needs mentioning on this forum!!!
The Point...It is an animated fable....Oblio and his dog Arrow get banished from the land of Point. Music by Harry Nilsson.All ages ..4stars. Funny,insightful,creativly uplifting.
Have a great weekend. Love,Mary
Dear Dave,
Thank you for your suggestion.I would not shoot anybody!
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for your review of the new Star Wars film! A winner for the kids!
We had a great viewing of The Yellow Submarine........wonderful soundtrack, very creative use of color,form,humor.An uplifting story in which the Fab Four help a stranger in need. Fun for the whole family.
So many films....always room for your suggestions here.
Dear friends,
I have been thinking about a very odd comedy/action film that I am going to find and watch again....
Dan Akroid,Kathy Bates in a film called Unconditional Love
How about you....seen or remembered any good films lately? Here's a place to mention it! Don't be shy.
Dear Team,
"Nim's Island" is a nice children's movie - I enjoyed it too, and I'm 52 - with Jodie Foster as an agoraphobic adventure writer~ funny, beautiful scenery, great little girl star. . .
www.whitehorseblackmountain.vpweb.com (link is external)
www.sacredselfiving.net (link is external)
www.leftydave.com (link is external)
http://www.heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.12.%20MoneyMasters.htm (link is external)
Dear Dave,
Thanks for the informative offering!
Dear Kim,
Thank you for the fun suggestion!
www.leftydave.com (link is external)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3543161691381895251&hl=en (link is external)
Here's the movie WAKE UP CALL 2 hours on how we got into this mess....maybe you want to know....maybe you don't..
Dear Dave,
Thank you for sharing the video.I'm sure there are many who would like to see this.
Love,Mary (also a lefty)
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Dear Elizabeth,
Thanks for the tip. I will look for this video. It looks magical. Like Mulder"I want to believe"
Any other suggestions for viewing? Post it here!
I watched Phenomenon again this afternoon for the nth time and was again keyed to information I had not caught before. This time I noticed John Travolta as George Malley doing psychic tricks like telekenesis etc but talked about the largest oganism in the world, that being the Aspen grove in Washington State, (Oregon?) but he continued to try to convince the townspeople that the Human Race was an even bigger and more important linked ogranism and that is where he checked out of his awareness.
This film is one worth studying as every time I view it I see something new and more enlightening.
Love and light,
Dear Berry,
Thanks for the tip.I just got a copy and look forward to watching it again...
Here is a link to a well-observed, documented and integrated video work. It's really worth an hour and thirty minutes of your time.
called Timewave 2013 The Odyssey: The Future is Now
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2224199173225296343 (link is external)
Enjoy a stellar cast,
Dear Tricia,
Thanks for the tip! Have you gotten snow there yet?