I know there has been much debate about global warming, much of it academic. On Saturday 7th Feb, Where I live recorded it's HOTTEST DAY EVER 47.4C where I live which is about 135 degrees F. this came after a week of temperatures that reguraly exceed 120F We are presently in the midst of the worst bushfire EVER in Australia. So far 108 people have died. Most people seemed to have died because they miscalculated the speed of the fire which was sometimes moving at a rate of about 100MPH. It sure looked like the end of the world. Infrastucture is literally melting. Things are a little calmer in some areas and what is amazing is the extent to which the community is bonding together to assist each other. If global warming is responible then there is more to come. After the longest drought on record, the longest sustained period of extreme hot wether and the hottest day it seems reasonable to suggest that climate change might be more then academic. Polarcaps melting on the other side of the world is one thing and a firestorm comming at you at 100MPH is another, as one, Rob.
Even though I realize I'm not in the coldest part of the world, after a winter of prolonged low temps and large amounts of snow I'm at the other end of the spectrum and very ready for spring. We've been hearing the news about the fires there, though your post makes it feel very much closer to home Rob. Having witnessed wildfires on the American west I do know fire can be deceptive and unpredictable and tremendously fast moving. May you and yours find protection from the firestorm and be of comfort to those around you and have the strength to assist where you are needed. You will be included in my prayers and those of the prayer groups I am associated with. I was just working on a lesson from A course in miracles, the portion I was reading regards 'teaching' and says "First, they must go through what might be called a "period of undoing"- it feels very much to me like most of the external world is doing exactly that right now. In the Oneness what one of us bears witness to, we all share. Sending Light and Love and Peace, kristyne
Dear Rob,
I have been thinking of you. I saw the expression on the face of your prime minister(?). Like krystyne I am in a cold climate right now....but memories of our HOT smokey summer just passed is still fresh. I wish you the stregnth and cool head to survive this experience. I have enjoyed(NOT) mudslides,floods,and massive earthquakes. When the calm returns I remember how great people behaved to eachother.......sharing and caring for neighbors known and unknown. Disasters bring out the best in most of us. I send my LOVE.
Hi Kristyne and Mary, thank-you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Australians (I think Jez would agree) pride themselves on living through bushires, floods etc. I think it has taken a fire of this magnetude and intensity to catalyse people into a new consciousness (Kristyne's quote from CIM is so appropriate) This unraveling of the everyday experience has some very strong positives in terms of waking up the spirit. As one, Rob.
love that line!!!
if some of what I have been reading is correct, nature's way at times is to do exactly that via the extreme out of the ordinary blow us out of the water diversion experience. that some of that so called "junk dna" is actually dna awaiting such catalysation and there is such strong emotional Conscious experience as to initiate actual physical change, not just new conscious revelation and understanding. And then the actual physical morphing would sure bring about new conscious understanding in no time at all. It is sort of nature's/Creator's way of giving creation a kick in the pants when certain aspects of evolution have sort of stalled out and is repeating itself instead of evolving. Not entirely necessary I hear if we were to just literally go with the mathematical flow of the life form we are living on and in, but free will being what it is, there is bound to be moments of mathematical conflict clashing. I think we may be in one of those amazing times!!!!
The other thing that comes to mind is that there is an anomaly right now in the earth's electromagnetic field creating a big hole in it that is allowing an inordinate amount of solar plasma in to charge the earth with energy, global warming or no global warming. This has been covered/verified by NASA (not that they have a whole lot of credibility these days, LOL).
It is safe to say that we are experiencing phenomenal times currently. I wish I could remember where I read this (do you remember Berry?) but they said that we can move with these earth changes to experience either phenomenal ascension-type changes in our own consciousness and bodies, or dissolution due to chronic aversion to what is seen happening. If all of this really is coming down like this now, it will ultimately be a perfect test right of passage for all of us.
With eyes wide open and thoroughly excited/amazed,
Hey Rob and all,
If I may....a little rant.....
Our recent fires and the loss of life has been unimaginable...I don't watch the news much so forgive me for not quoting exact figures but well over 200 people and around 1800 houses gone......we are a little casual here about fires and such things.....I have been in 2 bush fires...no one was hurt...was no big deal......not that the fires weren't big.....like with our snakes and our surf we know how dangerous such things are, we respect them and generally we live with them fine,
This fire was big, extreme weather....but it could have been much better managed......it is to easy to blame nature but I keep hearing stories like the guy who put in to chop down trees around his house...he was denied permission and did it anyway...he was fined $50,000...he took it to court and lost...that cost him another $50,000...well surprise surprise.....he has the only house standing in the area.....or the old guy who used to regularly burn off around the his neighborhood, some shops etc......he kept getting fined so he stopped....
I have heard people threatening to lock people up for life for starting ANY fires now......I also noticed a very small story buried in the middle of the paper here that said that it looked like two of the fires were started by faulty power lines....our power companies have been privatised...I wonder if they will have to take responsibility for what THEIR faulty property has caused.....
I am all for the environment but our environmental practices don't look after the environment and they don't look after us....if you look at the green contribution here it is things like........no dams!.........we have no water!......you can't collect and pile up rocks on your land because it does not look natural.......rocks all over the place break the axles of fire trucks and prevent them from having access...........no back burning, or minimal backburning...they used to do it heaps when I was younger..not so much now....and I have heard people complaining about it for years!.....this was not unexpected.........australia burns!......many australian plants need a fire to be able to germinate their seeds...it is part of the nature of this land.....we can't stop it but we can supervise it....we know this!......if we don't we get what we had...it burns out of control.......all the firemen and helicopters in the world won't stop what we had.....as Rovin said...it's to fast......it was so hot that we had giant balls of fire burning nothing but AIR... they were bouncing hundreds of meters.......prevention, prevention, prevention......but.......there is no money in prevention!....well, I'm sure there will be now....I feel a new tax coming.....Lol...
I really can't watch the news because it is just such rubbish....I guess in here we are all getting pretty good at seeing the way these things are twisted to suit the agenda of those in power....those who have responsibility...
My heart goes out to all who have suffered through this but I have bigger tears for all those who are falling for the crap our media and poiliticans are pushing forward.....Sam the celebrity Koala.....for F's sake...nothing against Sam but we have a real problem here, we require a major shift in attitudes that need serious honest debate.......
I am hopeful that we will start doing "some" of the things we need to, the greens will cop a battering out of this..... I just hope we don't get ripped off to badly in the process...people are upset and emotional.......ripe to manipulated.......
Much love
Dear Jeremy,
Nature rules. People do not always act in the best interest of all. After the Loma Prieta earthquake many houses in the Marina district of S.F. burned to the ground...........These expensive homes(built on rubble from 1908 earthquake pushed into the bay) "caught fire" and burned.........owners had fire insurance,not earthquake insurance.Demo of buildings costly and slow.
I wish the best of outcomes for the survivors of this. This truly is a trial by fire. May truth stand out in the rubble.
In Love and Light, I urge you to continue with 'action' not 'reaction' of the sort that will be constructive because enough destruction has been done. (I know you understand that, though many will not.) The frustration and disappointment in the powers that be, the policies in place, the greed all around us, is entirely understandable with what you and your fellow countrymen are going through. I have no words that suffice to say enough.
Again as I have attempted to say to Rob, what we do to our brother we do to ourselves. You have our prayers for help, shelter, food, abundance, healing, understanding and all else required at this time of need. Where there are not words, may Light prevail. Our prayers will continue for you, yours and all others in need around you. kristyne
Chris said:
"It is safe to say that we are experiencing phenomenal times currently. I wish I could remember where I read this (do you remember Berry?) but they said that we can move with these earth changes to experience either phenomenal ascension-type changes in our own consciousness and bodies, or dissolution due to chronic aversion to what is seen happening. If all of this really is coming down like this now, it will ultimately be a perfect test right of passage for all of us."
Chris, I don't have a firm idea of where we have read this, perhaps from LoO but I think more likely form Daniel Jacob's channels from The Reconnection. But wherever it came from it is accurate and Ra confirms it in the LoO. It has been said that that which we resist, persists. It is all a matter of allowance of what is with confidence that in this illusionary 3d reality which we consider "real", we are all experiencing the catalyst which we have chosen to experience before we came into it. We are blinded by the veil of forgetfulness as to who and what we truly are, eternal spirits having a human adventure, for the purpose of learning certain lessons which will advance our evolution to higher states of being. That is what the whole idea of the coming shift is about, what is called ascension amounts to, a higher state of awareness and consciousness.
With all of this said, I must also confirm a deep compassion and love and support for all of those who have experienced such cataclysmic losses in the last few weeks. I deeply pray and intend that people will become more in tune with our environment, (I would rather say Mother Earth) and realize that man cannot change what is the natural out-working of her being. She will express herself in wildfires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, violent storms, extreme cold and heat as she has always done. Mankind cannot and has not changed what she naturally does. Manmade global warming is a myth created by TPTB for their benefit. However, the inflow of higher energies from the Galaxy IS INDEED causing a mighty influence in what we are experiencing in the climate change and earth fomentation which we are now experiencing and will continue to experience. It is all a part of the end of the cycle which portends the shift we have all been expecting and waiting for.
Without being callous, I keep the eternal values in mind and realize that this is a miniscule moment in the eternity of the Creator and we are a holographic reflection of All That Is. I know that in the face of these devastating disasters fear and desparation are the primary emotions of most people but for those who are aware of what is the ultimate outcome, a sense of peace and anticipation is important for increasing the Global Consciousness toward Oneness. Now is the time for those of us who are aware to offer a comforting word and gesture, in service to others, to assist them in moving out of the fear and pain into a sense of oneness and love.
With Light and Love brightening the dark side
it was something you forum posted recently, most likely Daniel Jacob. he was talking about each person's personal experience will be either expansion/ascension or dissolution, depending on how each was receiving the experience. I do not speak of this to make light of what is happening in Australia right now. Only to raise the discussion since these experiences will most likely become more and more wide spread, and we might as well use the situation in Australia to begin discussing how we might prepare our hearts and minds to harmonize and flow with what, in the end, is a very natural process, in spite of how it can affect us personally as per levels of attachment.
It would seem that all we have been learning and discussing has brought us to this time when we shall most likely need all we have learned to, at least try to, flow with what would otherwise be utterly devastating from the perspective of this being all there is, and having to watch the whole of our lives coming to an end right there before our eyes. These will surely be the times that test our beliefs and understandings so well grounded to this point.....
There is a book I am reading right now called "Emissary of Light" by James Twyman. It is his recalling of his experience over in Italy and Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, former Yugoslavia, gone/called there on a mission of peace with his music. The heart and soul of this particular journey is, first, his dream/vision of meeting an Emissary of Light meditating in the center of the Dome Building he would later find to be a real place in that area. Suffice it to say that there is, and has been for thousands of years, Ascended Beings Emissaries of Light that meditate/pray for peace, as guardians of peace on this planet until we finally learn to do this for ourselves. They go to the worst trouble hot spots and meditate on our behalf. They say we are coming to the time when enough will understand what they have been doing, the value of what they have been doing, that this is the way it is done throughout this vast expanse and they will be done because we will take over this solemn response-ability and divine privilege.
I say this as glimmer of hope for the upside of all the drama that is beginning to unfold more and more right now. It can be viewed and understood as a good thing in the bigger picture....
Love/Light, Chris
it was "Message from the Hathors" posted by Berry a few days ago. Really is worth another read in light of what is happening in Australia right now...
Message from the Hathors | Transformation Team
THEMIS Project Discovers Breach In Earth's Magnetic Field - Space - redOrbit
"It is, essentially, a question of vibration, joined
with expectation and belief. It is the union of these three
that births the creative impulse for a new destiny"
"It shall be as if the cosmos itself is joining you
in the dance of your freedom"
"The fabric of your old realities is being unwound at the same
time that new realities are being woven"
"And what we wish to convey most clearly is that you
have the innate power and ability to weave new realities
for yourself, new freedoms of mind and spirit, regardless
of what is happening around you"
Love/Light, Chris
Hey Rob, Hi Jez,
I've been saying prayers for all of you in Australia. I've been praying for rain, soft, steady rain that lasts for many days. I've seen how forest fires can jump highways with explosive crown fires when dry pine trees ignite. Southern and central New Jersey still goes on a high alert during prolonged droughts in July and August. In Tom's Observation Regarding the Holon of Ascension he mentions a Dec.2008 NASA report about a massive breach in the earth's magnetic field and how this will impact our earth. I believe this is related to the weather and the subsequent fires being seen in Australia. I also believe that when summer returns to our northern hemisphere we will see the same types of weather extremes.
Pray, prepare and remain positive.
Hi Jim, thank-you so much for your great energy. Yes I saw that about the magnetosphere and there is undoubtedly more turbulence to come. For me, the positive side of all of this is to see how the community has come together. I'm guesing that as we move toward 2012 the intensity for everyone will increase. Intensity also in the sense of 'positive ionisation' of Earth (electrically positive, bad for emotionally stability). I find it interesting that the Asian tsunami was more ferocious disaster in terms of loss of life and property yet living 2000kms away this has a more abstract quality then what comes through the media. The human scale is difficult to understand. When a natural disaster is right on your doorstep then there is a gradual understanding of what it all means at human scale. These are remarkable times where big alarm clocks are going off saying it's time to wake up. When a disaster hits on the other side off the world, I personally wont hit the snooze button again. Thanks Jim, as one, Rob.