In the last couple years I've discovered the neti pot. The ancient ayurvedic practice of cleansing the sinus cavities is called jalaneti. As a sufferer of mild nasal allergies most of my life, I realized the value of this from the first day. Now I have two neti pots. I keep one in the shower, and use it every day.
The neti pot looks like a small teapot or creamer with the spout coming from the lower part. Most health-food stores carry them. Using the neti pot is very simple. Fill the neti pot with a solution of warm water and non-iodized salt. It should be body temperature and about as salty as ocean water. The spout has a smooth, rounded tip that is designed to make a comfortable seal when inserted lightly into the nostril. Tilt the head forward and to the side, and let the water run into the nose. It rinses the nasal passages and then simply runs out the other side. It does not make you choke or sneeze. You can hold your breath or simply breathe through the mouth.
Jalaneti rinses away dust, pollen, mucus, and any particles we've been breathing from chemtrails and smog. I haven't been sick once since I began using a neti pot.
The first neti pot I bought was a small ceramic model. It holds about half a pint. Recently I got one from India that holds more than twice as much water and is made from stainless steel. This is what it looks like:
A more common variety available in this country looks like this:
There's a definite advantage to the larger size, not to mention the steel pot is unbreakable. Using a larger volume of water does a noticeably better job. Although the standard solution is salt water, there are other solutions that can be used. Anytime I think I've been exposed or am coming down with something, I add about a dozen drops of grapefruit seed extract (not grapeseed extract) to the water. You could also use a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver.
From the very first time I finally broke down and tried it ("eww, yucky!"), I've seen better health and I continue to practice jalaneti daily. I highly recommend it, and can answer any questions anyone may have.
Some good articles and websites:
And these are the GREAT folks that sold me my steel neti pot:
Dear Dave,
Pretty new to neti usage myself.I appriciate this info about it. the stainless steel model looks like it would have some advantages.Thanks for these links.
Mary, the steel neti pot is the best one I've used...and the company I got it from (I provided the link) is fantastic. They had a courier deliver it to my door - that NEVER happens! And they followed up with emails to make sure I was satisfied and knew how to use it. How cool is that???
If you've been using a neti pot I'm sure you know the advantages. I was working in a health food store for a year, and would get asked once in a while: if I had to pick only one product.... my answer is the neti pot because it has such great ongoing health benefits.