This seventy minute video is a must watch. Steven Greer is dynamic and exciting in this lecture to the Exopolitic Summit which just occured this last weekend in Spain. ( The introduction is in Spanish but Dr. Greers lecture is in English)
Love and Light,
Very inspiring!!!!!!
So well informed...
Thanks for posting this Berry. It was awesome and deserves very wide distribution.
Greetings Berry
And thanks very much for this...
Disclosure has been trying for years to get the rest of the world to pay attention, even if US doesn't....
Also want you to know that your efforts are appreciated here at the portal, even though we seem to have taken a turn towards the....well....I just won't go there...
The world still needs to pay attention to the devolution of humanity being foisted upon us by a sect of
soulless entities that have wormed their way into power here and abroad....
Those entities whos' religous tenets do not hide their hated and revulsion of the humans on this planet,
whos' takeover of the corporate and political structures of the world have left us with a world in turmoil....
Some of us here are grateful for your efforts to enlighten us and keep us up to date on those things we can change...and keep us aware of those things we may not be able to so readily change...
Especially liked the Bob Dean information...
Keep on Keepin' on..............
Thanks, Berry. I have to say that although I don't respond well to Dr. Greer's ego, I love his spirit and his courage. He's just the one who needs to be spearheading this multi-pronged world-changing effort.
I sent an e-mail to him asking whether the ET's were aware of the plans to infect the population with deadly engineered virus and weaponized vaccines, and if they might stop this if we couldn't. My query was answered by his secretary person, who said she thought they wouldn't let it happen. When I asked her to pass my e-mail on to Dr. Greer, she said she'd think about it. At first I was a little miffed, but after hearing this address of his in Spain, I realize just how busy he is. And so I won't press the issue. Still, I'd like to know...
I'm also uplifted by his talk, and I can reprise my native intuition that the terrestrial human family will be okay and more than okay, as long as we don't just sit around passively and expect to be saved. Everybody has something they can do to ease this metamorphosis into being.
very very very very gooooood!!!!!!!!
YouTube - Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence"
Thanks Chris,
I had not seen this final sequence of Dr. Greers Barcelona presentations. Excellent.
I just watched an interview with Greer and Project Camelot which followed this, and its worth checking out. Just google project camelot, MP3 is on their site.