In Fred's most recent Want To Know newsletter, he included this article regarding the rising sea levels or lack thereof! I am quoting it below.
Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'
March 28, 2009, The Telegraph
If there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world, it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story. Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years." If there is any rise this century it will "not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm". The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that ... claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world". When running the International Commission on Sea Level Change, he launched a special project on the Maldives, whose leaders have for 20 years been calling for vast sums of international aid to stave off disaster. Six times he and his expert team visited the islands, to confirm that the sea has not risen for half a century.
Note: Though evidence shows that most glaciers have rapidly been melting over the past three decades, and ice in the Arctic Ocean reached a record low in 2007, there is strikingly little evidence this is causing any shift in sea level. The frequently quoted 1972 Club of Rome report "Limits to Growth" warned of a potential major rise in sea level wreaking havoc by the year 2000. Where is it? Why all the fear-mongering about rising sea levels when there is so little evidence of any rise? For many reports on global warming from reliable sources, click here.
We are all familiar with the often reported and repeated videos and news articles exclaiming that the residents of the Maldives are radiply loosing their home islands to the encroaching oceans. I have always had a feeling of compassion for those people and took the news to be truth. But this article made me think through the smoke and mirrors surrounding the issue. The Maldives are not the only islands with such low elevations above sea level. Years ago I lived in Key West Florida, the very furthest south tip of the United States. The average elevation on the island is about 5 feet above sea level with the highest only around 8 feet. Yet I have heard no news reports of Key West being swallowed up by the sea. In fact most of the Florida Keys, an eighty mile stretch of islands are no more elevated than is Key West.
What I realize now is what a great misdirection of attention this issue is, another means of swaying the public opinion in favor of the global warming scam. The oceans of the world are about 2/3rds of the surface of the earth (someone correct me if I greatly off) It would take a tremendous amount of melted ice to raise the sea level even a very small amount when this is considered. Yet we are so easily persuaded that eveything we hear about g/w is absolute truth, or at least we used to. Thanks Fred for presenting this fascinating article.
Just for clarification, I am fairly certain global warming is happening. What bothers me is how much both sides in this debate are manipulating the facts to support their view. I don't know ultimately what the cause of the global warming is because their is so much manipulating going on by both sides.
I invite us all to look at how much we manipulate the facts to support our views in trying to convince others of our truth. I find that the external is very much a reflection of the internal.
Take care and have a beautiful day and holiday season.
With abundant love and warm wishes,
I agree, Global Warming is happening, but it is happening, according to the data, to our entire solar system, and has happened, according to the available data, many times before on earth in a natural cycle of warming and cooling trends that have to do with the water cycle on this amazing blue planet.
I truly believe our biggest problem with our illusory world views is due to our relatively short life spans. One quick way to get a vivid glimpse of this timeline disparity between our life spans and the cyclical nature of our planet is the wobble of the earth on her axis. She wobbles like a top does before falling over, but this wobble, just one rotation of the wobble, takes just under 26,000 years.
We are short-sighted by nature, and this would easily tend toward illusory and sensational determinations concerning what is happening quite naturally and very normally (although we appear to be in a very unique time in earth history). One thing is all but certain. We need only look at the grand blunders of past human history to know that we should take anything a politician says with a huge grain of salt, and then take response-ability for our own sober coherence and re-cognition.
I am fairly sure now that we all have wonderful nurturing guides who are ready to bend over backwards to help us the moment we stop blindly following what someone else says and diligently research things ourselves.... We are all inherently capable of so much more than we usually give ourselves credit for....
LLP, Chris
I think Fred is right on, here.