Here is a listing of recent Bills in the Canadian Parliament, my understanding is that Proroguing Parliament expunges any bills not yet passed (Royal Assent being the final phase where the bill 'becomes a law')
Here are the bills by name, which were not yet given Assent (or through their readings) prior to this proroguing of parliament. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this means that these are now off the table, perhaps indefinitely. I've bolded the ones which stand out to my personal interests as requiring further investigation with respect to the contents of the bills when time allows.
C-6 Canada Consumer Product Safety Act
C-8 Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act
C-13 An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act
C-15 An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
C-19 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (investigative hearing and recognizance with conditions)
C-20 An Act respecting civil liability and compensation for damage in case of a nuclear accident
C-23 An Act to implement the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Colombia
C-26 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime)
C-27 Electronic Commerce Protection Act
C-30 Senate Ethics Act
C-31 An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act and the Identification of Criminals Act
C-34 Protecting Victims from Sex Offenders Act
C-35 Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act
C-36 Serious Time for the Most Serious Crime Act
C-37 An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission
C-40 Expanded Voting Opportunities Act
C-42 Ending Conditional Sentences for Property and Other Serious Crimes Act
C-43 Strengthening Canada's Corrections System Act
C-44 An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act
C-45 An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
C-46 Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act
C-47 Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century Act
C-51 Economic Reocvery Act (stimulus) - (Authors Note: WTF?? The Stimulus hasn't been given Royal Assent?? and the Bill is now dead?? This could be bad for all those projects that went ahead with the promise of gov't assistance)
C-52 Retribution on behalf of Victims of White Collar Crime
C-53 Protecting Canadians by Ending Early Release for Criminals Act
C-54 Protecting Canadians by Ending Sentencing Discounts for Multiple Murderers Act
C-55 Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. v. Shoker Act
C-57 Canada-Jordan Free Trade Act
C-58 Child Protection Act
C-59 Keeping Canadians Safe (International Transfer of Offenders) Act
C-60 Keeping Canadians Safe (Protecting Borders) Act
C-61 Railway Continuation Act, 2009
C-63 First Nations Certainty of Land Title Act
I'm sorry as lovely as Michealle Jean is, she is not a lawyer and according to all living GG's past who were lawyers this and the last prorogue were in fact not legal...sigh and lol...want a good laugh? Google my real name Carol Anne Knapp and Recorder and Times Brockville and you will see me, protesting all by myself last December it was a blast, was told many NDP members were using me as a screen saver lol..I am afraid this is why having a forum like this and the exchange of positive energy is so very important politics is never going to be the vehicle of transformation..we the people are that chosen conduit..
Apparently there is a facebook group 20,000 strong right now against this action, I'm going to post this investigation there as well.
Can you post the facebook group name here Josh, I would really like to have a look at that. I am afraid that these illegal uses have forever marred and changed how this innocuos action was supposed to be used, should parliamentary business be taken care of and no issues left for the session to address, this was the original purpose of proroguing parliament for early release. I am sure the legitimate use will never return, it will now and forever be a tool to suppress all debate and legitimate stop gap of our multi-party system...welcome the new dictatorship..
I believe it was:
"Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament"