The following is an excerpt from Jon Peniel's account (The Children of the Law of One & The Lost Teachings of Atlantis) of his time at the ancient monastery where he received his adept training. The poem is from the ancient library at that (now destroyed) remote Tibetan monastery.
Created We The Path Upon Our Separation From the Infinite One. The Way Out is the Way Back. One Way Back, Walk Must we in Our Own Excrement. Created We All Obstacles. All Must Be Met As we follow the Road Home. The Path Is. To Return To The One Is Death to The Separate Self. A Great Fight it Will Wage. Great Pain it Will Inflict. Only Those Who Have Learned, The Greater Pain Lies in Separation from The One, Will Choose the Spiritual Path.
Many Paths There Are. All Spiritual Paths Lead to The One. As Closer You Return, Recognize You Will Your True Self, Your True Family. Recognize You Will The Face of a Stranger. Judge Not the Path of Another. Learn to Understand That You May Not Understand The Path of Another. Judge the Path of Another, Only to Judge and Determine Your Own Path. Never Condemn Another. Condemn Only Actions.
The Path Takes Us Through Walls of Fire Burning Us Away, Sharp Teeth Ripping Away Our Flesh. Why then, Am I not Harmed? The Path is Beset With Traps, The WindFlowers Draw Us With Their Sweet Perfume. Thorns Prick at Our Feet. Mud Drags us Down. Above and Below Rocks Loosen and Fall. Walk In the Footsteps of Those Who have Found the Way Before You. The Ease or Difficulty One Experiences While Walking the Path to Oneness Is directly determined by the degree of Their Humility and Unselfish Love.
Pain and Pleasure Are Swings in the Arc of a Pendulum. To the degree the Pendulum Swings into Pleasure, It will Swing into the same degree of Pain. Many Paths Present themselves That Lead to Pleasure. With Free Will, we Choose. Choose not Pleasure, and you will Create not Pain. Chase not Pleasure, and Pain will Chase you not. Accept the Little Pleasures that Come to You. Endure the Pain that may Come to You With Long-Suffering Patience.
Hear Me O Man. Turn From the Darkness of Night. Turn towards the Love of Light. Know that Your Mind Leads Your Direction. Turn From the Thoughts That Lead you Astray. Turn to the Thoughts of Giving and Light. They Lead you to Oneness, Not Darkness of Night.
Find Not The Great Path In Power & Glory. Find it You Will in The Dust at Your Feet. With Head Bowed In Regret and Humility, Beg You Must With All Heart. Ask Then The Universal One To Guide You, With Heart that is Ready to Serve All it Shows. Pray that Your Will Be that of The One. Pray The One Send To You One who Is One,To Show You The Light And Illuminate Your Soul. Seek God First And All Else Will Come To You.
As You Walk Your Path, Let This always be Your Prayer To the Universal Spirit: “Your Will Be Done, Not Mine, In Me and Through Me”
Tears.... overwhelm.... speechless. Wow Chris. Thank you.
Blessings Dear One. When truth be spoken Heart opens Mind stills and one is bathed in awe.
I love it chris, thank you,,,now if I can just get through that wall of fire.........life is good!