Hi Everyone-
I'm curious to know if anyone has been listening to the webbots predictions on Coast to Coast and elsewhere. From what I can tell they scan the web for the frequency of language usage and then use that to make predictions about the future. After listening for a while I realized that they use a lot of language that they don't define, this makes me suspicious that they are not really legit. I'm curious to know if others can understand everything they say - perhaps I'm just lacking the mathematical vocabulary to make sense of their methods. Here's their most recent interview on coast to coast:
I stumbled upon these guys a few years ago and was very intrigued, especially since it was centered around the 9-11 prediction indicated by the spike in their software web bot tracking program. If you listen closely to that first segment of the interview you see that what they are doing is setting up the software to seek out large numbers of similar things being said in close proximity of time, and then offering possible predictions based upon the information.
What this also reminds me of (from something one of them said about being wrong concerning the predicted avian flu pandemic, but being correct concerning other outbreaks of a similar nature that the software could not tell them) is the movie Mothman Prophecies. The data in MP was just vague enough to be very prone to misinterpretation. Example from the movie, when the main character (after receiving info from the entity) was sure there was going to be an incident at the chemical factory on the Ohio river. It turns out that it is actually the bridge over the "river Ohio" that becomes the "incident".
The reason I bring this up is because getting caught up in the "science" of predicting, while most likely having a very valid place in present research, does little to train co-creating humanity to start co-creating consciously instead of subconsciously. All those "spikes" of subconscious co-creative coherence the software is tracking is better used as training material to prove how we actually do co-create, and how we could truly begin to better understand our divinely inherent creative potential that has been squandered in the subconscious realm, and even manipulated by the negative service to self social memory complex known as "the Orion Group" mentioned by RA in the Law of One sessions and by Hidden Hand in the HH Q&A session that was recently discussed here.
So while I still believe that it is very interesting research, I also believe it does not serve humanity nearly as well as the "coherence initiative" TM-SIDHI Program experiments, research and training do. One is conscious/proactive-oriented and the other is subconscious/reactive-oriented, and subconscious/reactive oriented is what we have been "stuck" in as a developing humanoid species for far too long now, and is the reason we are being assisted (as much as "they" can without violating free will and law of confusion protocols) by otherworldly service-to-others oriented entities and 6th density social memory complex STO groups that have long since transcended the coma-inducing effects of 3rd Density Consciousness, the first "self aware" level of spiritual/physical evolution.
What I really like about it is that it offers proof and affirmation to support what the TM-Sidhi coherence initiative programs are developing. That is where the real story is concerning "spikes" in Human Consciousness/behavior. As I said, one being subconscious/reactive, and the other being completely and coherently proactive and very much Conscious of a very Conscious Collective Intentional TM process that has proven effective over and over again. One would attempt to track the vague clues presented for predicting human behavior and events, and the other would simply decide what it wanted to create for present and future human behavior and events...
Another interesting experiment that relates to the Web Bot technology was and still is (I believe) performed by IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences). They used random number generators positioned in different places around the planet, and then had groups focused on intentionally thinking of either 0's or 1's to skew what should otherwise be approximately 50/50. These were also successful coherence initiative experiments.
tm-sidhi program - Google Search
Maharishi Effect
Institute of Noetic Sciences: Home Page
Again, thanks for bringing this up Wendy. This really does tie into something very much germane to what "we" as an evolving species is/are at the threshold of learning (again).... As I began to listen to part 2 of 12, I noticed this very informative statement by one of the creators of Web Bot at minute 4:40
YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 2/12
and then at the very beginning of segment 3 we get a very perceptive statement by one of them while answering a question from George. He said, "humans are psychic". We are always plugged into Source. The question is, are we consciously or subconsciously aware? Are we intently and continually focused on this connection, continually developing a more clear connection individually and collectively, or are we just going with the flow and projecting the illusion of things being outside of us and therefore, out of our control? Both are co-creative thoughts, whether response-able or irresponse-able...
and then (in segment 4) there is the very interesting discussion of the "data gap" they talk about first seeing in 2003, and was 9 years out (2012), and they have been tracking this data gap which has not continued to move out away from present, but is still locked on the year 2012. At the very least, a very intriguing and interesting, possibly informative interview (I do so love to listen to Coast to Coast!)...
and then in part 11, they relate well to what "Hidden Hand" was talking about at one point concerning the true power structure currently inhabiting this planet.... excellent interview!!!!
Hi Wendy,
I have been a fan of George Ure’s “Urban Survival” site for a few years now. In my opinion, he’s a pretty heavy duty thinker and isn’t afraid to look into or talk about anything. Plus I like his sense of humor.
I am no authority on any of this and can only give you the opinion of someone who has watched what has been written on his site for a length of time. I have seen many times that what was predicted using this system happened. But like Chris talked about… sometimes the specifics of the “prediction” were a little vague and misinterpreted. In hindsight, you can go back and fill in the details of the “prediction” and make it look better. That’s what I’ve experienced anyway. It is interesting and makes me wonder… but like Chris stated… “The question is, are we consciously or subconsciously aware?
It may seem like magic right now to be able to predict the future… but we may find out soon, that it is not.
I heard it said one time that if a prophesy or prediction comes true… It didn’t work. A prophesy or prediction presents itself as a choice point. It can serve to warn or encourage, but it opens a point in time, or brings a new awareness, so that we can make a different choice. When we decide on different behaviors, or ways of being… the prophesy/ prediction will then become null and void… having changed with the change in consciousness. And then many will point at it and say…. “It wasn’t true all along.” – when in fact it actually was. Perhaps the predictions of disaster and such in 2012 are true…. But if we co-create a different ways of being….. they will prove to be false in the end. Just food for thought.
Thanks for the post. I didn’t know that these interviews were posted on You Tube.
With Love,
I listened to a recent interview with Cliff High, and he seems like a pretty interesting character to me. He's quite spiritual in his own way and I enjoy some of his philosophies of how to fight the PTB. One of his big things with web bot is to take the PTB's "power words" and publish them before they start saturating the media, effectively taking the power of using those words on the public away from them. One example recently is one of his reports discussed "revolution" alot, and he figured that would be a word that the PTB would try to use to describe the coming changes (hammer it into us). Pretty cool stuff, a bit dark sometimes and dreary, but I try to listen to Clif's interviews rather than reading the actual web bot reports.
Thanks Guys-
I appreciate all your efforts, Chris you are quite the researcher - I was hoping you would help me out. It seems to me that they could be polluting their own data, creating panick with so many dreary predictions. But I agree that they may be showing us all that we can create our future with our thoughts and this would be a good thing! Another concern I have is that the hits before 9/11 could be due to the fact that many people did know something would happen, not because they were psychic but just simply because the perpetraitors let it out ahead of time.
Thanks also Mary and Josh, all this points to the importance of taking time dayly to envision the future we want.
It just seems that so many sources coming from many angles are, in their own way, saying or indirectly affirming the same core message, and I find that utterly delightful. Even these two from the Web Bot interview in their more dim bent on things were affirming much that keeps the synchronicity and fundamental consistency flowing at high levels lately.
I don't understand much about the mathematical inner workings of the tracking system they're using, but I know when somebody is authentically demonstrating how intimate they are with the technology being discussed. Its either that or we have some very brilliant and creative wackos coming out of the woodwork from anywhere and everywhere lately, LOL
That was the only thing that bugged me a little, that they so obviously had intentional/psychological bents toward the demise and rebuilding of humankind. But then again, that in no way is far off of so many other stories concerning the evolution of, not only humankind and life on earth, but the physical and spiritual evolution of the solar system, galaxy and universe.
3 years ago this may have been the last nail in the coffin so to speak for how fatalistic and down I felt about what was happening. Today it becomes very good affirmation for very natural and amazing changes that are just plain part of the way things work in most scenarios of humankind type evolutionary progress. I have read of a few that had very smooth transitions, but they had become very aware of what really makes it all work that smoothly, that well with such harmonious and coherent collective intention. What a paradise of the Intelligent Heart, Individually and Collectively. I still think we can come together in time to coherently quell some of the "fireworks" of our beautiful developing growing ascending mother Gaia.
I once read that the smooth transitions are by those planetary inhabitants that are much more intimately in tune with the nurturing and very much alive planet they call home, much like many of our indigenous peoples her on earth, momma Gaia. I can't help but think/feel there is some validity to their (Web Bot guys) rather dim and dire forecast message, but I don't think/feel it is such a bad thing either. Reminds me of what "Hidden Hand" was saying in that Q&A session about all of this being one hell of an amazing game we are all willingly playing, and all the richness, levels and layers of this very dynamic experience is so intensely magnified by our solemn agreement to go into "it" forgetting who, what and where we actually are... That just plain blows my mind in such a good, refreshing and a somewhat relieving way!!!! Thanks again Wendy for making my weekend with that excellent interview...
" to prove how we actually do co-create, and how we could truly begin to better understand our divinely inherent creative potential that has been squandered in the subconscious realm,"
That is an insight as far as I'm concerned.
Also: "bents toward the demise and rebuilding of humankind" is I agree a common theme." I guess a lot of people don't have as much hope as the people in this forum do. Interesting
I'm confused about the role of concious thinking and your REAL intentions in life. Sometimes it seems like thinking is just a byproduct and isn't relevant to what the subconcious (the primary operator?) wants:
"The heart wants what the heart wants"