Here is the lastest from his/her Poofness. As always a refreshing look at the world. Enjoy.
Greetings and Salutations,
There's enough news coming out to tell anyone, somebody better do something real quick or we are looking straight down the pipe at a depression. A liquidity problem, gold is blasting thru the roof, silver is creeping quietly up, right with it, and the world market numbers are skittering sideways. Things that could have never happened in the past are happening right where everyone can see them. Conditioning makes us think, this will pass, and the same folks who made the mess will continue to do what they have been doing, stealing from the public. I about "lost it" when the head of jpmorgan said, they were doing god's work...what god are you talking about? Same folks who said they'd be better at distributing money than we lowly unsophisticated would be, therefore the folks upstairs should just let them handle it. This was a terrible arrogant miscalculation they made, they failed to comprehend the depth of the pockets of they who wanted the world reorganized to reduce the hunger and poverty. That is what sunk them. The game was raided and they failed to 'notice', until it was too late. It really has gotten ridiculous, what part of you're broke and they aren't loaning you anymore money, don't you get?
Wonder who told gordon brown, his best option was to leave downing street now, rather then hanging until the fall? Who ever it was, it was powerful and uncompromising to produce such a reaction. Somethings can make one a little crazy when it's viewed but if you have the big picture in advance, it just becomes a thing of just watching as everything comes to fruition. The euro is not going anywhere, it was a part of the new global infrastructure when it was designed, aimed at when the world would return to metal backing on it's main currencies. You can't leave things like that up to political changes or attitudes. You don't throw the baby out with the bath water, especially when there's a whole world to consider. The good old boys pushed globalism, ok, here ya go fellas, sorry you can't run it, you are way to selfish and greedy to do it right. This is also the death of getting the 4th reich up and running the world into the future. Shades of '1984' brrr.
All the good stuff is in place for this change over, the only thing lacking is the public announcements that bring the people onboard of what has been done to fix this mess. It is known and prepared for that some will not accept these changes immediately, as the conditioning to be a serf and slave is too engrained and will take a moment to come to terms with the facts. Nothing happening is really sudden, it's been going for some time, it's only now getting into the public so that it can't be ignored anymore. We are to be caretakers and not give that responsibility over to folks in three piece suits from ivy league schools, ever again. Freedom and keeping it, has less to do will 'killing people', wars, than you monitoring your own government's behavior. They have kept the people so busy just trying to feed themselves, they've taken the little head pats from some politician, as meaning something. Action speaks louder than any words. Doing the 'right thing' has never been about being popular.
The world is in the middle of birth changes, they are painful and scary to the uninitiated. Yet, this problem was seen and taken on with fervor to fix it, almost at the time the crap was started. Archival papers exist, contracts, etc, filed and held in the world court, which most americans think has nothing to do with us. Gotta look behind the curtains to find out what these yahoos have been up to all these years and why time wise, that ends now. The big trust (5000 yrs old) has opened itself to humanity and now the funding of everything will take place. The reconstruction of all that has broken down for lack of attention or just plain greed, is being serviced. This will take about 3-5 years to clean this mess up but the point is, the time has arrived to start the full on clean up. There is so much more to all of this than I am free to discuss openly but it's all good, you'll really like it, albeit, a bit of confusion on the front end. As things have reached that activation point, the rats have been trying to leave the ship but they are having a bit of a problem in their attempts. Way too much money has been confiscated from them to think they can live high on the hog on some other folks' backs. A person said sometime ago, they'll be glad to have macaroni and cheese from a box, when we finish with them. Major doses of crow are being handed out, while you may think 'nothing is happening'.
If all goes as it is expected, you won't hear from me again until, I have the website up to direct you to others who are working on the things you are interested in to make the world 'worth living in'. There's plenty for everyone so we are looking at a world with no lack of anything, not possible? Watch this! There everyone has plenty, what's the use of war or powering over someone else, unless you're just greedy. There will no reinvention of sliced bread, already did that, tried that, and it's run it's course, now it's time for something new. Email if you need a consultation before all engages publicly, donations needed and accepted at www.paypal.com account [email protected]
Cheers and good luck everyone. The instructions you'll receive are simple and easy to follow and the less folks you have telling you what to do and I don't care if they are family, the better. Use the sense the good lord gave you and have a wonderful life.
Love and Kisses,
LOL! It will be what it will be. We shall all see. And When we get there ask me then!
I can see why you like Poof!--
Poof! It was just here! Poof! There it is! Poof! There they go... Poof! And let the clouds of haze part so the clarity of reality shines brightly... fairyfarmgirl
Whoee! Barry,
Sounds like you got something caught in yo craw son. From reading your long rant, I deduce you have a great deal of love for money. You are disturbed at the financial wirly gig we find our selves caught up in. I humbly offer this as an alternate place for your mind to dwell.
Ok, Money.........Money is a counter used by the lame to impress those who are weak. If you are awake and see life clearly, your need for counters lessens. High Status is no guarantee of happiness, great wealth is no guarantee of winning true love. Love exchanged for money is just empty sex and provides limited relief from day to day stress. It does not strengthen your foundation, like building on sand, when wealth shifts, your entire construct will collapse around your ears. [ See Home foreclosures top 1 million. ] Only a fool would base his life on such a transitory thing as money.
Wealth breeds contempt for your fellow traveler, it begets isolationism, wealthy folks close them selves up in gated community's, closed to their fellow men. Wealth breeds fear, if you don't protect it some one will take it from you. Wealth is a contagious disease of the heart and mind and soul. Even if you do become wealthy, it is no guarantee that you will be accepted by your new peers and you will surely be rejected and preyed on by your old ones.
Every person who history has called Holy, has entreated us to give up wealth and follow a different path. We read the words, we even say them when we worship. But no one hears the words and no one goes to follow the other path. In the misty morning of mans attempting to communicate with God, an Alter was a plain stone. Unadorned, mostly not even level but a tilted rock, located on a hill or mountain, out side exposed to the elements. To day it is an over decorated construct of man, housed in a crystal cathedral or a stone edifice of huge proportions totally lacking in comfort to the soul. This is the effect of money on even the simple act of thanking God.
True wealth is how much love radiation your hearts little love reactor, powered by that itty-bitty piece of star dust puts out and the amount of love radiation received from others. The sum of the difference between the two is your wealth. All else is a construct of man to rule over other men, a game played as if it had meaning when none is there. Look closely at the foundation before you decide to call some place home. Is it sunk into stone or does it float on sand?
Our current situation could be looked at as a blessing rather than a curse. During the great depression many folks who lived in cities had a hard time of it. Most because city life strips your knowledge of how to survive. Also because it struck so quickly. But folks who still knew how to grow a mater and skin a coon did pretty well, no, no one got rich growing a garden or hunting coon. but no one thought of themselves as poor. We have ample warning this time around. Time might be better spent helping your community install a community garden patch. take up raising rabbits. Concentrate on building unity with the others in your community and help each other through what ever comes.
It just may be a nudge from the center to steer us down the path to true freedom. One with out counters or the folks who feel so unworthy they need counters to feel good about themselves. Blessings usually take a bit o work fore they is completely blessings.
Love on ya Y'all
Hi Rusty,
I'm pretty sure that the poofness is a blog Berry likes to read....I think it is at least supposed to be humourous and it's not "Berry" ranting.......Berry doesn't rant...Lol....well maybe sometimes, a good rant is often healing.....if you can observe and not be stuck in it that is.....;)
Try not to take things so serious Rusty...a fav line of mine....assumptions are the mother of all F'....up's.....
I work for one of the richest families in australia...the CEO's son flies on the private jet to the ski fields each weekend and he has the most beautiful Porsche I have ever seen, thats the white one, the silver one is OK but..............and they are beautiful happy people....very down to earth and kind........they have built from nothing there own empire and the company is full of family...the company serves them well and against the norm they support employing families....you have to be careful, everyone has a connection somewhere else in the company....
I hope you don't think that having money makes you bad!...or foolish or on the wrong path.......because that is just rediculous.......I found a saying in this portal...."we are all just talking to ourselves"....I would tend to think from your words that there is a greater chance of you having money issue's than Berry, who I have known for a couple of years now......
So anyway...G'day, nice to meet you Rusty!....I love the energy your bringing to the portal.....keep on typin dude!....it's always nice to meet a fellow Coyote......
Greetings from Australia.......
Jez, thanks for the clarification. Rusty, Jez is absolutely right. Those words of Poof are his, I only enjoy as Jez says, (hmm, poetic) Poofs blogs. Often he has some very perceptive comments and is also very aware of what is going on behind the scenes, which the MSM seldom if ever reveals, if they even know about it. I share them here with those who may also get some chuckles out of his always sarcastic, sometimes cynical but frequently brilliant comments.