Hi everyone.
I have been a little non-plussed in the last day or so, and just thought I'd share some of what's on my mind. I'd like to get some feedback on what you all think on the topic as well...
Last night, I made the mistake of sitting down to watch the news. I got drawn into the hubub around the story of the "Mosque at Ground Zero". This story is wrong on so many levels, it's disturbing.
If we start with the assumption that we have a working Constitution with all its Amendments intact, there should be no discussion. A private group of people paid for a broken down old retail store with the intention of renovating it to put in a gathering place. As far as what has been reported, there is no question that they are abiding by all state and local regulations associated with the building use and standards. They plan to put in a community center open to all people. It will have a basketball court, meeting room, and oh, yes, a prayer room. These people have the right, under the Constitution to peaceably gather to pursue their religion. Period. End of story, right? Nah....
OK, let's assume that the Constitution is a sham. The media outlet which is yelling the loudest about this is calling it the "Mosque at Ground Zero". Well, it's not a mosque. It's more like the YMCA. And it's not at "ground zero". It's 6 city blocks away. It cannot be seen from "ground zero" and it's facade does not look any different than any of the other buildings on the same block... Except that it will be renovated, and not boarded up like the rest of the buildings on the street. NYC mayor Blumberg has passionately defended this project. Not only on the grounds of Constitutional rights, but also based, I'm sure on additional tax dollars, and city rejuvenation in an area that sorely needs help. So Fox you got it wrong. End of story, right? Nah....
OK, let's assume it is a mosque and it is exactly at "Ground Zero". If you ask me, given the deeds our own government has perpetrated in the travesty of justice called "9/11", I cannot think of a better thing to put at so called "ground zero" than a mosque. Of all the human life that has been lost or marginalized in this crime against humanity, the Muslims have lost the most. They have been framed, blamed, and then we started wars with 2 widely Muslim countries, with likely a 3rd on the way. The Muslims in largely Christian countries have walked on eggshells for the past 9 years... apologizing for something they personally had nothing to do with, and likely their fellow Muslims had little to do with. A mosque in trade for their years of shame over something they did not do? Seems reasonable to me.
Does anyone else find it ironic that our president felt compelled to weigh in on this subject, along with countless other politicians from all over the country? How could this be in question? Knowing what he (Obama) knows, how could he talk about this with a straight face? Unless the bigotry in this country is so ripe and ready to explode that its fueling this mess. I'm sure Obama's support of the Constitutional rights of this group to build this community center will also give rise to more blustering over him being a Muslim (as if it makes any difference if he is... and aren't those the same people who also talk about him listening to Jeremiah Wright for 20 years in a United Church of Christ congregation? Not sure a Muslim would want to put that kind of time into posing as a Christian.)
(I am so proud of myself for getting through this entire rant without one curse word! Believe me, they are there. You can sprinkle them liberally between the lines in this post as your constitution allows. :) ) I apologize if this offends. It's not my intention. I know there may be folks who don't agree with me, and they'll want to sprinkle their own expletives into the mix.
Lots of love to all of you! Thanks for letting me ramble a bit. I think I feel better just for the typing.
You've pretty much said it all and said it well.
The hate mongeing will go on as planned until it peters out, which it must eventually, when the whole NWO machine runs out of the fuel we so generously give it. Maybe viewing this injustice as part of a "healing crisis" would help. In natural healing, symptoms can go on and even get worse during the healing process; the important thing is to remember that healing is in progress. At least that's what I say to myself when I find that I'm getting too concerned with the darker details of this transition we're in. It's about having faith in that process.
I only say that because this is just one more example of how absurd the polarity phenomenon is getting. I began to notice it during the Bush 43 administration. All I could think was, this would make a really good bizarre novel, but for the fact that it is fact, in your face present day fact.... Day after day - it can't get more bizarre can it? And then it does. And then it one ups what you thought was not one up-able.
Negotiating this kind of bizarre-ness is interesting. What to do, what to do.... I had better learn to laugh and love (in spite of the apparent insanity) or I'm liable to strangle somebody, LOL
I used to think the guy in the clock tower shooting at innocents was crazy. I no longer feel that way... This stuff can get to anyone with a conscience and make them feel like they're going crazy...
I would watch that great video Waazam posted and then ponder who is manipulating what and why? And then, laugh! Because in the end it is only an illusion that is a perception of an illusion. It is best to divert our attention and emotions to higher causes such as Harmony and Peaceful outcomes between peoples and nations. That is what I do.
I read the newspapers online (well more like I read the bylines and then ponder if I it is worth my attention and will it assist me in creating my domain of knowing or not... most of the time it simply does not pass the hogwash detectors
The whole Mosque thing is the same as the Whole Temple thing. And before that it was the Whole Catholic thing and before that it was the whole Moderate Christian Thing (salem witch trials all the "moderate" christians were murdered under the guise of "being witches" so that the few power holders in the Salem area benefited the most as when a Witch is executed all property is transferred to the sherrif. Interesting is it not? The power of Fear).
So my point is this, even though it says Freedom of Religion in our Constitution it has always been interpreted to mean Freedom of Religion for those who have the most power--- it is still being interpreted according to Fear.
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.
So I choose to LOVE... it is a challenge especially when drawn into choosing sides... and "fighting" for Justice. That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one... Fighting for Justice... Justice as it is applied now is very subjective and illusional. So I chose to Love Justice in its purest form that shows up as Liberty. I choose to see the outcome as Liberty for All. That is my vision and by focusing on it it becomes part of my domain of knowing.
I understand your Outrage! I would have felt the same way and then reduced my feeling place to the above!
This is why I turned off my TV years ago and don't even listen to NPR on the radio anymore. The cognitive disonnance gets me ill...
Hi Kathy – This post came up to the front of my mind today when I saw the headline that Giuliani had joined in with his opinion. Geesh… Isn’t the Associated Press just wonderful? They just stir the pot and stir the pot – adding more and more seasonings until people stop looking and reacting to it. In the article was the statement “Developers want to build the $100 million community center, including a mosque, at a building two blocks north of where Islamic extremists brought down the World Trade Center in 2001. Bolding and underlining is mine. To me – it seems that there is a big agenda to stir the 9/11-emotion pot going on right now. (Do you hear the sound of war drums in the distance?).
Sometimes I take time to think about what I would truly know for certain…If there were no TV, no internet, and no radio. At first glance I think that I wouldn’t know much. At second glance…. I think I would probably know more.
You clearly laid out very rational and thoughtful perspectives from different angles. I don’t think it was a rant at all. To me it was the sign of common sense/intelligence struggling to make sense of insanity. You just can’t do it – no matter how hard you try.
With Love,
are drums of Peace, the heartbeat of the Mother, our connection to the planet and each other. Don't confuse them with the war machine which has no understanding of the drum, which rests at the heart of each of us. When I drum, with those I drum, and alone, I hear and feel the birthing of Spirit in all it's beauty even amidst the pain of our coming and our growth.
In Old or "Coptic" Cairo, you will find a Mosque, a Coptic Church and a synagogue at the site of what was once Babylon. They stand, an ancient tradition, but possibly also a lesson for us all. I believe there is always a reason for the events unfolding even when we don't understand the greater picture.
Are we better served in arguing the site of an Islamic center or in accepting that all of Islam is NOT to blame for what fanatics have exercised as a part of their misguided faith? Christianity is no innocent on that count. So many people are sooo afraid and so filled with hatred, we must exercise our power. Our greatest Power is through Love not fear.
When we decide we will no longer stand for war, we will no longer support a culture that stands for war, and we will not provide the capital to support war, war will end. When we open our eyes to our own responsibility for the world as we've created it, the necessary change will happen. (It already is)Pray for transparency in all governments and business instutions and exercise wise choices when you can regarding how your capital is spent. Promote small farmers, local businesses, ethically sound business practices. When we all do as a matter of course, powerful men with dark hearts will fall.
Peace begins in the same place as the drumbeat. In one heart, there can be peace and it can prevail. It is a matter of freewill and self mastery. The greatest 'task' we have in physical embodiment. Peace is not a 'thing' outside ourselves and it is not something we can 'make'. Master yourself and you can be no ones slave-ever.
Peace IS. As I AM.........You are the I AM...so BE PEACE.
When the chaos around us does not turn us to anger and hatred, when we can look on the wretchedly helpless child with the love of a mother and open our hearts and act, when we can recognize the frightened child in the giant of an angry man and his invention and love him anyway....we might be close to knowing what we are here for.
There is only love. Everything else is an illusion we must strip away. Be Peace. You already are.
I love you. kristyne
Great post Kristyne. Reminded me of 3 short video segments I watched yesterday... you'll know what I mean when you listen/watch them...
minute 1:00 - 8:00 on this interview extract
and these two on meditation technique
These tiresome volleys of "news" hysteria hurled once again at your ears are more evidence of the "consensus reality" machine (we all contribute to) being on overdrive. I'm more likely as not to follow Chris and FFGirls advice and envision something better and that it's all a lark. Just notice the silliness and go right on being happy creating a beautiful world for each other. This is my contribution-to be one who is not sucked in-to be one who reassures others through having and holding vision.(hope I can live up to that-whew! :-)
the power of intention is our divine sacred heritage
breathe it in and exhale
I think the whole thing is just silly, like the overpublicising of the OJ trial and such things. Media always wants to make a big sensation out of nothing, just another way to keep people distracted :)
my wife watches the stock market news every day. i got out after some insincere flirting with the market after realizing that the mega wealthy hedge funds could "sell short" (sell stocks not actually owned at present, and promise to buy them back inside a certain time frame) and the retail investor could not.
It became so clear. it took rude and disgusting to a whole new level. these talking heads talk about little to nothing 24/7. its excruciatingly pathetic, but what's even more pathetic is that it works to mesmerize the retail investor (Pavlov's dog anyone?). I don't think the hedge fund investors or insider traders are watching these same talking heads and financial barbie dolls drone on and on.
the most pathetic thing about all of this is "they" have our consent and cooperation. if they didn't it wouldn't work.... In spite of all this pathetic conditioned behavior, I have high hopes. the newest of humankind are rolling their eyes at this nonsense. no wonder the ruling elite are feeling the heat of losing their grip.
may the slippery soap become a slippery slope for those who would fashion methods of manipulation of the masses.... it was and has always been up to the collective us...
Let us all awaken to the fact that Money can not be taken with you! We come into this world naked and we leave as a naked soul. Even in the movies they show teleportation as a naked venture. One leaves and arrives naked! LOL --fairyfarmgirl
Is there any truth here or is it more dualistic fear propoganda? I ask you....
Man, how would one even begin to discuss this difficult subject with him? This had absolutely nothing to do with Islam, other than the geopolitical strategic use of the culture to foster hate and fear in the typical "dumb puppy" American citizen. My first thought about the construction of the Mosque was, wouldn't it be hilarious to find out that it's construction was actually being funded by the CIA. Yowsa baybay, now we're cookin' with gas!!!!
There really is no reasonable discussion possible until people understand who was/is actually responsible for the tragic events on the morning of September 11, 2001. I loved the humor though, NYC painted with muslim architecture, and the berka-laden statue of liberty.
And darkness covered the formless void of American consciousness, and god said, let there be light!!!
AMEN......I run into that guy alot when trying to have a conversation with Joe Potatoes....LOL
Hi Billy-
I'm convinced that most of this anti-Muslim bs is cooked up by the big bankers. Islam is the only religion that still condems charging interest as usery so in Muslim countries the banks can charge certain fees but no interest. Here's some more details. I think the central bankers see this as a major threat.