A Movie made by a Movement

UKFan1968's picture


Eyejay's picture

Thanks Berry,

Had seen this sometime back and was encourage by the project, I think somewhere in the mix of subscribing I found a link to Global Shift. I had forgotten all about joining the Global Shift, yet today as you post this intro to what will be a magical film, I also received an e-mail from GS. I cannot remember the last time that site e-mailed me.

The below clip is what they were sharing, the shift is now, and for me given my passion for the youth found this clip raise my vibratations so high I think I'm flying right now.

Watch and Listen to the voices behind Feel Good, I would just love to bring this program to NZ

Wendy's picture

I know we all want a global shift in consciousness but please be wary of organizations that have the backing of the likes of the Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. When they say "going after the health and poverty issues", and "fight aides" I hear population control through vaccines. This film talks about terrorism in the name of God but we know the real terrorists are governments that are killing to create war. The film says there are no winners in war - this is true but it promotes the illusion that there is no one behind the scenes profitting from war (bankers/arms dealers). There is talk about connecting to something larger than ourselves - this concept promotes a lack of respect for and the importance of individual rights (I am hearing that the group is more important than the individual - this kind of thinking is common to all bad governmental systems such as fascism and communism)

Also, when organizations target youth, there could be a hidden agenda of social control going on. I don't know what the grilled cheese is all about but I can certainly think of healthier food to be giving away if we want to really help people.

Sorry to be so critical - I envision a world where everyone has the best intensions for everyone else and all are family (Yes! this message in the film is great!) but I fear that this movement may have some hidden hands behind it that do not have good intensions for all.

Wishing for peace, liberty justice for all...


Call me Mary's picture

Wendy – Just because you cannot believe it does not mean it can’t be true.

And just because your BS meter goes off – doesn’t mean it’s BS.  It simply means YOUR meter went off.  .


 If you don’t know what the meaning of the grilled cheese is…. Then by all means – go and investigate before throwing it out because you believe that it is “not healthy food.”   The young people will be the ones showing us the way.  As it has always been.   It is a show of aging (not to mention arrogance) to think that the youngsters are dumb and need our help to understand the world.  They are helping to create a new one.


I wonder who you are trying to save by warning us so frequently to “beware”?   Would you think we have no ability to use our own discernment?   Please give us a little bit more benefit of the doubt, sister.


Perhaps you have built your walls of protection and criticism too high by looking at the dark stuff for too long?  Perhaps if you changed the angle of your camera lens, you will start to see a little different scenery.


There definitely IS something big and wonderful going on and there is evidence of it almost everywhere. 


With Love,



Francis's picture

I would have to agree with you Wendy on certain points here.  When I see funds being raised for fighting cancer and other diseases there's a huge problem in that first, we don't need to be fighting it at all because the "cure" is simple diet and discipline changes and second, the money raised is flowing into the same area (big pharma) that helps cause and fund the problem in the first place.  Big catch-22 there.  But I do think the emotional and spiritual coming together for a purpose can be a power in its own right that we here on Earth have no understanding of at the moment - things that surpass human understanding.  Purity of intention can be a power in itself.

That being said I would have to point out that in connecting to something larger than ourselves the overall goal and idea is that Something is running the show here and it's definitely not the ptb, though from a fear-based it would certainly appear so.  I like Hidden Hand's explanation that they are simply an impetus to light a fire under our #%$ in pushing us in a more spiritual direction to rediscover our connection with God or All That Is.  Once we find our connection there all this other stuff will fall away.

Thank you for refocusing our common sense radar so that we don't get duped.  I would only ask that all of us seriously consider that whatever is keeping our hearts pumping has everything under control and that trust and gratitude for life is the order of the day.

Happy Labor Day weekend to all you lovely people!



ksaulino's picture

There is a danger is assuming that people are evil because they give to a cause that has underlying hidden agendas.  Up until a few years ago, I gave generously to the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association - in hopes (no, with the conviction) that they were doing good work to help those that were fighting diseases.   I see now that EVEN IF THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY THINK IS RIGHT, they are also in a situation in which many people would lose their jobs if they up and found a real and lasting cure for diabetes or heart disease.  It take a very special sort of person to work very hard to make their own job obsolete - noless the jobs of all the people they work with.

We've mentioned Buffett and Gates before.  I have no proof that these two men have evil intentions.  Again, up until very recently, it would feel very good to know that someone was working hard to wipe out malaria or disentary by making vaccinations widely available to the poor in developing countries.  I am now, based on a new understanding of the world, more skeptical of vaccines.  I am not even sure they are really about population control, but maybe just not fully safety tested.  What if Gates and Buffett were just doing what they thought was the right thing?  These men are not old money.  They are not part of the inbred elite that has clearly sought to control governments and in turn, the world.  They are first generation rich people.  I'm not saying that they are pure and innocent, but until proven guilty, I think it's quite tricky to make slanderous judgements against them as though it were fact.  Would we judge them equally as evil for taking the money and spending it frivolously on big houses and huge parties?

Sometimes we do bad things without knowing that we are doing it.  Gates is a genius, but I don't believe that he is a mass murderer.  I think he is trying to do the right things with the fortune that he's made in his lifetime.  I just can't buy into the idea that all wealthy people are enemies of the masses.  At what salary range does someone fall into the category of rich therefore evil? 

Wishing you peace of mind.

Lots of love,



Wendy's picture

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments,

I'm so sorry to cause strife here, I know we are all people who believe in bringing about trust by the act of trusting and I agree so it was with a lot of trepidation that I posted what I did here.

Mary, I agree with you completely that the world is shifting in a wonderful way and I have confidence that this will continue. That being said, I still believe that this particular film is a propaganda peice. It has some wonderful messages in it but they are mixed with some half truths that lead the unsuspecting toward a false perspective. I am sorry if I gave you all too little credit to discern this for yourselves.

Kathy, there is a recent video of Bill Gates giving a speech at a Ted conference in which he says we (meaning the Gates Foundation) are using vaccinations and other health care measures as a way to control population. Perhaps he genuinely feels that the need to control population is so great, that this will be for the greater good for all but I personally can't believe that. I'm at lunch now and don't have time to find the video but I'll post it soon. If I hadn't seen this video, I would agree with everything you are saying - yes it is always better to trust and give others the benefit of the doubt. I also have given lots of money to causes I found out later were up to no good. This is also why I feel compelled to warn you all...

I love you guys, sometimes love needs to be tough - this is my attempt at it..


ChrisBowers's picture

Wendy, I am one who believes you do well to bring up the points you are making.  I am also one who believes that it will be a new generation that fades the current despotic nonsense, as well as a remnant from our generation as precurser and writing on the wall that the shift is in progress.

This is a complicated subject because what the PTB do best is to misuse the actions and intentions of well meaning people.  It is what they do best!  It is why it is so hard to prove conspiracy, because there are so many well meaning good hearted people unassumingly involved in the conspiracy.

With so many good hearts so invested, how could they ever be convinced they had been duped?  These people (that do so) have been researching social engineering and eugenics for a very long time.  Planned Parenthood is a direct result of eugenics research.  Can you imagine telling the good and well intentioned hearts at Planned Parenthood that there efforts are misguided?

This is why it works so well - you get well meaning people involved.  My case in point for this discussion, actually two:  Jane Burgermeister.  If big pharma and the WHO and AMA were truly about actually finding cures and protecting people, why is Jane Burgermeister facing such resistance and prosecution for limelighting what she found?

The pharmaceutical company in Austria that botched all those doses of vaccinations, that doesn't happen in a vacuum, just by some simple accident.  The controls for what they are handling are stringent to say the least.  Its much like those 6 live nukes that were flown from base to base over the continental US, a big no no.  These things don't just happen by accident.  Planning is indicated by the act itself at those levels of strict control.

My other case in point that came to mind is, remember when Bush senior and Clinton were appearing on tv asking for donations for whatever it was they were asking for?  Both of them have been heavily involved in money laundering operations.  Bush (most likely before, during and after) his CIA days.  And Clinton used banks in Mena, AR to launder CIA drug money while being governor of Arkansas.  The reason he became president is because he was caught skimming a bit too much off the top of that money laundering/drug running CIA operation.  He was relieved of heading that operation, but offered the presidency to keep him inside.

So when I saw both of them on tv asking for donations, I highly suspected they were up to their old tricks, taking funds and rerouting them after some form of money laundering.  I know these kinds of activities are happening as we speak, but can you imagine trying to tell this to most people?  They would say, "get a life" or "get the net", but again, that's why it works so seamlessly for so long, right in front of us.  They get us invested somehow, in some way somehow a part of the operation they've painted with a beautiful and romantic brush to keep us feeling good about ourselves while we blindly serve their hidden agenda.  They mock us and we eat it up like there's no tomorrow...

This, and for many other reasons, is why I truly believe "the revolution will not be televised".  It will happen somewhat naturally and spontaneously, at grass roots levels all over the planet, much like Mary was alluding to in her post.  But it still doesn't hurt to know what is going on during the transitioning because both polarities are ratcheting up during this amazing time of a shift in Consciousness evolution and experience.

Eyejay's picture

I watched again The Shift promo, had not watched here, so refreshed my perspective. I now see Wendy where this item has hit buttons in you, and thank you for sharing that with us.

 The Grilled Cheese (not given away, sold on campus) I guess has been used as it is something that sold easily, I myself was not looking at the product, I was watching the outcome. The change this movement has had on these young up coming adults was inspiring for me, I saw and heard them talk about each other and the larger world around them with such love and connection, it was like the Feel Good movement has been a catalyst for them to wake up. This can only bring about good, as it has lifted their vibrations to a new level, regardless of where the collected funds end up, it is what is happening to them.

In a similar way this awakening comes through in The Shift. I myself upon viewing it again, had buttons pop in me. Al Gore and Global Warming for one (what a crock that is).

Hey though this is just my opinion & my perspective............ 

Eyejay's picture

Wendy's picture

This video recently posted by Fairyfarmgirl talks about global shift happening at the grass roots level. I loved it. Perhaps because it's just a simple guy in a plaid shirt, talking about little people, forming community. No one famous, no leaders, no one at a podium. I found it to be very enpowering.


Ian, Thanks so much for being so gracious about my ranting. Before my paradigm shift I gave to the Democratic Party, the American Cencer Society and the Southern Poverty Law Center -  organizations I definitely would not give to now. So perhaps I get a bit crazy about seeing people give to organizations that may not have everyone's best interests at heart but I agree that getting young people into community through self-less acts is a wonderful thing.

Kathy, Here's Bill Gates talking about using vaccines for population control:

Here's part 1 of the entire speech:



Call me Mary's picture

OK  -  Maybe I’m just feeling a little less able to keep my mouth shut today…..

What better place to spout off than right in the middle of all you intelligent, evolved,  (and hopefully) compassionate people, right?    It is entirely possible that maybe it is MY attitude that needs an adjustment. 


It seems to me that – according to some of you  – there is NO place  - or organization that is not corrupt and being run (although covertly) by the PTB .     You sound the alarm at a great deal of posts yet offer very little solutions along with the alarms and insinuations.     Sometimes I think “OK – so the PTB are running everything…… Now what?” 


It would be a breath of fresh air to start seeing some more posts in the direction that this one started out in.   Ones that are offering evidence of new directions.   Offering new ideas and happy, positive  people sharing things that they believe in.     But instead  - as what happened here….when  a new member (Ian) shared something he found inspiring… It is cut down as bullshit – with (admitted) no further investigation, and seemingly based on the mention of a wealthy man’s name/organization.   Then the thread turns into more information about corruption, vaccinations, the bushes and the clintons, and topped off with the corruption of planned parenthood for pities sake!    That has me just a bit ticked off today.   I don’t mean to aim this at anyone personally.   I do understand your enjoyment of immersing yourself in this type of information.  


I understand that part of the process/the path, is learning about the wrong that is being done… and has been done for a very long time.    Must we only focus on that out here?    How much more wrongdoing do I need to know before I can move on to some more inspiring information?  


Isn’t there more that we could be doing here than just playing in the dirt? 

Am I the only one longing for a new step in another direction?   Looking for more inspiration and help in how to relate in this world we’ve created (yes WE – not the PTB) instead of just looking at the mess and shaking our collective heads?  


If I am the one not getting it… and connected into the wrong forum…. Then please excuse me.   

Barry - I bet you didn't think your post would end up like this, did you?   Sorry to go on a rant in your post.

Thanks for the video.  I seem to need to have those little bits of encouragement some days and I appreciate your posts.  


With Frustration,


ChrisBowers's picture

it seems to go in phases Mary.  if you look back at all the posts you will see many about ascension and spiritual growth with no mention of the PTB.  the struggle for me has been that we never spend too much time on any one subject/post.

Berry and I tried to get a study group going on nothing but the Ra Law of One sessions that we were both enjoying so much at the time.  no such luck, and has been that way the whole time.  forum posts come and go so quickly that it is no wonder that so many have moved on to just get back to whatever they were doing prior to this.

I would imagine this is true for many online virtual communities.  after all, for the most part we are posting to hear ourselves talk, LOL....

Believe me beloved sister of mine, I understand your frustrrrrrrration very welllllll....

as for discussion of the powers that presume to be, the beginning of my research and journey down the rabbit hole was completely about what was going on right under our noses.  I have no problem discussing the subject because I truly believe this despotic controlling mega-paradigm is on the way out quite naturally.  It takes so much more energy to control than it does to let go and let "god", if ya knows whatta mean...  I enjoy discussing the subject because I simply do not believe in the ruse they project, just like I do not believe in the projection the bully projects on the playground.

I have seen the bully turn into the pussycat when challenged, so I truly believe, as above, so below....

Bob07's picture

For those of us who have been around here a little while, your reaction, Mary, is not new.  But, as Chris points out, there is an interesting history of posts; there have been many different kinds of posts -- the two most common being "elevated" stuff and "PTB" stuff.  Because someone posts material on the latter and that strikes a sympathetic cord in others, doesn't mean that they're playing in the muck or being negative where they could be positive.  (If you receive Fred's PEERS e-mails you get plenty of PTB material, as well as some more uplifting things.) 

Anyone is free to post what concerns them, and if someone doesn't like or believe that, he/she can either challenge or pass the post by (which I've done many times).  There isn't any right or wrong.  Hopefully, though, when we challenge we can be in some sense empathetic toward the other guy, otherwise the not-so-elevated parts of everyone might have a field day (as has happened on occasion in the past). 

By the way, sometimes some crazy, cynical-sounding thing someone says maybe isn't so crazy; we might just not have gone down that rabbit hole far enough to have seen it.  That kind of describes the evolution of my own understanding about worldly things.  Myself of 10 years ago would have absolutely discounted most of what I, today, understand to be true.  (And I've come to regard any understanding I have of "the world" as provisional.)

Lastly, I've learned by reading others' posts and attempting posts of my own over time, that it helps greatly to take a long pause and get centered before responding to a button-pushing post.  Otherwise, we end up just reacting, expressing being pissed-off -- which, in the end, isn't wrong, either.  It just goes nowhere in terms of discussion, and we invite similar counter-reactions.  And then we have to clean up the mess.  ...And that's okay, too; it's all just a learning experience... as unpleasant as it might be...

Eyejay's picture

I admit I have not been here long (Thank you Mary for your words of support), however I have been on my personal spiritual path for many years now, and I will never stop learning new stuff, and understanding more about who I really am, not just the wrappings either.

Heated debate is good stuff as it melts the Frozen block of 3D space we live in, turning it to water, far more fluid, further heat applied again will turn the water into steam, and where does steam go, it ascends ....................................... In fact if we relate this to the resistance of change, and there are many resistant people around, lets let them do all the heating up.

The following clip is some years old know, and this is at the end of the session where questions are being asked. I feel it relates (in some part) here in this post. If you have not seen Ian Xel Lungold before then it is well worth using this link and watching the whole teaching.

http://www.mayanmajix.com/lab_F1.html (link is external) Scroll down the left hand side till you get to The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues 2005

Call me Mary's picture

Thank you guys for your words.  Points noted and understood.


I did learn that to voice my frustration brought no greater relief than just stuffing it.   As my subject line pointed at…. This was a personal experiment of my own.  Since I am usually one to sit down, shut up and not make waves, I wondered if stepping out of my comfort zone and expressing my discomfort would provide any other results.     It did.  But for me it just served to increase my discomfort.    I worried all night about that post.     


I doubly apologize, Berry, for misspelling your name in my previous post. 


I guess I felt a little protective of you and your post, Ian.    I sense that you have extensive knowledge of this path that I seem to be stumbling along.   Thanks for the post of “the other Ian”.   Sure wish he was still here to speak his words of wisdom.   That clip fit perfectly.   (re: non-resistance - I’m wondering how many times I will need to see it, hear it, - not to mention “wear it”…. Before I can flow into being a master of it.) 


Living… learning…. And doing the best I can most days....




ChrisBowers's picture

Love that line Mary, and can relate very much in my present incarnation experience. And let me just say, you vent more elegantly than most.  Usually when I vent, I bring gasoline to the smoldering embers already in progress, LOL

Bob, as usual your words offer such excellent impeccable re-aligning direction in Peace...


The kids in this video say it well

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2APB1hCNj74&feature=player_embedded (link is external)

and something a bit more aligned with the original intent of your post Berry

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRSw_CY7oUk&feature=related (link is external)

and these two gems taint bad neither...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-pY3OehTLI&feature=related (link is external)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxwG8RxQ5Zc&feature=related (link is external)

Brian's picture

 I strongly disagree with the voices claiming global warming is a myth,a sham, a conspiracy of control, a money raking scheme etc. I once watched a guy speaking to a college class and saying the science just wasn't there and he completely convinced me it was a myth. Later I re-examined all the things happening (like almost no sea ice in the north during the summer and the ice sheets breaking apart) and I realised I'd been duped. A large part of my conviction is because my ex sister in law is an oceanographer who researches ocean currents worldwide. She says Global warming is here, it's real, it's human-caused and I believe her. Is it likely she's a fool or active in a vast conspiracy of liars? I know she's a gifted scientist with a good heart.

The thing that I believe is this anti-warming movement seems more like a brilliant psychological operation by a bunch of rich energy companies(who stands to profit by getting you to surrender your opposition to their vast enterprise?). The evidence I've seen is so widely agreed on by scientists yet we choose to believe a small minority of naysayers. Why? Possibly because we are so mistrusting, and it's interesting, and fun, and exciting to buck a trend? I have worried for some time we would delude ourselves or be mislead into denying the truth -because it's so huge and so frightening and what the hell can we do about it and because of entrenched interests. They are playing us on our weaknesses.

It's human nature to deny frightening abstract realities until it's too late! This probably won't convince anyone but it's so important that I must try. We have so much to lose by not meeting this challenge to our survival. We are a beautiful species and we have great things to do and to become, so I beg you to consider--don't dismiss it as some other conspiracy to scoff at. Our children's children will be grateful of our courage.

ksaulino's picture

Mary, I love you.  I'm not sure stuffing anything is good.  I've choked down my words most of my life, and realize it never goes away... usually comes back as depression or gets set off again by some small unrelated offense at some other time.  I'm not sure how we give eachother space to speak our truth, with respect and honor, and also understand that your truth need not be mine.  It seems like if that will work ANYWHERE, it would work here. I know that when we urge others through forum comments to think of things differently, it is always out of love and sincere concern, though sometimes those building block reasons for the comment in the first place don't shine through as strongly as we initially intended.

Chris, I have been thinking about your comments all day regarding the interest (or lack thereof) in a "deep dive" (IBM-speak) in The Law of One or other material.  I know you and Berry and a few others hold this material very close to your hearts.  It's not something I've read extensively, though I have read chapters along the way.  I think the idea of a book club or reading circle would be fun.  I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but I can just imagine us having a common book, and a few chapters to read and a weekly (or every other week) meeting (maybe a teleconference - wouldn't that be fun!) to discuss.  There has been so much done with teleconferencing now that it's essentially free, and if not, Skype works wonderfully for telecons.

I'm probably a little too tired tonight to come up with any breakthroughs, but just wanted to send my love to all of you before I headed off to sleep.

Lots of love,


Wendy's picture

You guys all put a big smile on my face this morning - what a blessing to have true community here. I define true community as a group of people who can iron out differences when needed (not covering them up), and that's what I see going on here. Ian, your post was excellent and so helpful for me.

Mary, thanks for standing up for Ian, I was lacking in sensitivity to be so critical of a new member's post and I apologize to you (and Ian) and honor you for your bravery.

I would like to summerize what I got from Ian's post as a way to help myself solidify the teaching in my own mind. I liked the cliff analogy. If we see someone running towards a cliff, it is good to tell them there is a cliff ahead (share our wisdom) because they may be unaware of it's existance. But it is unhelpful to try to get them to change their direction. Everyone must make their own decisions, we can only walk in our own direction, on our own path, in our own way. Any attempt to control others behavior only brings about seperation mentality. Please everyone feel free to help me make sure I'm getting the full message here!

Chris, I also want to thank you for expressing my ideas so much better than I do - I feel like you're my translator! And Bob, thank you also for the reminder that we should take time before posting. I was in a rush to get to work when I posted my original post and probably would have been a lot more sensitive if I had simply waited to post until I had more time to choose my words and express my thoughts more carefully.

Mary, I love your sign off line, it's the only one that fits here too.

Living… learning…. And doing the best I can most days....



Call me Mary's picture

This thread has actually been the hardest one yet for me.  I had hoped it would just float quickly down to the bottom and get buried away.  Even though I am anonymous out here…it doesn’t feel that way to me.  Inside I felt the sharp sting of public humiliation… by my own hand.   Although I wasn’t trying for a graceful dive in the pool, it definitely felt like my posts were some painful belly-smackers.  (Makes one learn to take more time and concentration next time, Bob.)


Wendy, your post today gave me the most relief.   I know we have different lines of interest, but I surely did not want to alienate you and feared that I might have done that.  Thank you for understanding where I was coming from – and that I was not trying to attack you personally.   You too, Chris.  And Chris, you definitely walk your talk, beloved brother of mine. 


Within my personal discomfort, I was able to access some questions – such as…

Why do I come here?

What am I expecting to find?

What do I want from the forum?


 I really do not want to set any rules, or directions for the forum.  It is teaching me more, in sometimes surprising ways, than I could have ever hoped. 


Finally breathing a sigh of relief, and sending a hug for my dear sister Wendy.  Thank YOU for your post!


With much gratitude,



Thomas-Rene's picture

It is not a movement ~ It is a shift

Wendy's picture

Hi Ian and Mary,

I just watched the entire 18 part You Tube Mayan Calendar the evolution continues - it's really good stuff - thanks Ian, perhaps it should be posted seperately as it's own topic? Mary, I hope you watch the whole thing as he offers hope for the eventual positive resolution of the dark stuff happening in our world now. Thanks for your last post - I'm relieved too!

Ian, it seems like we are behind schedule from what is being presented here, do you have any thoughts about that?


Call me Mary's picture

Wendy – I haven’t watched that particular one, but I have Ian Lungold’s other presentations on DVD.  (I do plan on watching this whole presentation though.)   


Back in 2004 I fell in the rabbit hole (no one pushed me nor even invited me…. I just didn’t see the hole and I fell in it.).   First came the truth of 9/11, then the whole mess of lies and deception that I had been oblivious to in my life came on like a tidal wave.  Of course, I couldn’t look away…. Such anger, such disbelief, such outrage filled me.  The more I dug and looked… the more I lost hope.  I couldn’t seem to find any end to it – and it just got bigger and bigger.   And I kept looking and searching.


I didn’t understand –what I know to be my spiritual unfolding – at that point and came upon a “overwhelmed…sit down and cry” point where I entered counseling.   The counselor I went to had been a nun for 23 years previous to changing her vocation – getting her masters degree and opening up her practice.   I was fortunate to have stepped into her office. (or perhaps I could say… I have gratitude for the divine guidance that led me to her office.) .    Within the first few weeks, she asked me if I had ever heard of the Mayan Calendar.   I said no.    The next appointment, as I walked in to her office, she handed me a DVD.   I remember it as one of those snapshot memories – usually something really important – or shocking -  has happened when those go off… such as “where were you when JFK was shot”… Or “when the towers came down”…. Those are what I mean by a “snapshot memory”.  You can remember the place you were… the lighting… the sounds…the smells…   like looking at a picture of that moment.   To this day I remember the light shining in the windows from behind her, her hand holding out this DVD to me as she was looking at some papers on her desk, scribbling some last notes, before looking back toward me… and my hand reaching out to take the DVD.   The DVD was a presentation by Ian Xel Lungold  - “The Mayan Calendar Comes North” – very similar to the one linked here.  I think there are three presentations that he recorded.


That week, Ian Lungold picked up the hope that I had lost along the way, and placed it firmly back in my hands.   His explanation of the levels of consciousness, the stages we are going through made great sense to me.    I began following his journey, as he had a website and was going around giving presentations on what he had learned.  (Sharing his information.  Or rather the Mayan information – as he interpreted and learned it.)     He and his partner kept a journal online on the website and it added a personal touch that I enjoyed.   


It was during the summer of 2005 that I first watched that DVD of Ian’s work.    Shortly after I “met” him, he began his “dance” with cancer.   He and his partner journaled their process online.   Then in November of 2005 he passed away.    Perhaps if he had been able to stay on this side a bit longer, his presentations would have changed and had more updated information in them.  I’ve never seen the Mayan information put together in such a clear, understandable way since.


If I may add my opinion/understanding on the issue of being a little “behind” schedule.       Since we are ALL involved in how this goes forth… and unfolds…. No “one” will be able to predict when we will actually be at what point.   It’s a group effort.  But we do seem to be in the right time frame for these “steps” in consciousness.   If you were to pinpoint bits of information -  about a time period spanning billions of years… and you happened to be within a year or two of the actual events…. That would be some very accurate calculations.  Free will is thrown into the mix.  So – our opening is here – yet we still get to choose how quickly – or slowly – we make our way through. 


The synchronicity of Ian showing up… just in time to share Ian’s words with me again…when I needed them most….is a blessing indeed.


With Love,



PS.  In case you have any interest in his work - the website is called Mayan Majix.   http://www.mayanmajix.com/index.html (link is external)

It is still running and has a lot of information there.  I frequent the ‘articles” section for links to a lot of information, that is nicely sorted by topic.  

Wendy's picture

Thanks Mary,

The time schedule is up to us - that makes perfect sense. I still haven't quit my job after making a feeble attempt to start my own health care business. After seeing Ian's video I sure feel the need to do so. Just walking away in this economy could mean loosing my house, and perhaps my husband. At this point in my life now with a grown child there really is no great need to have a house, I think I would get by one way or another for a few years but I still haven't come up with the gumption to make that big change. So I'm the one holding us all back, along with probably billions of others! Hopefully, a small catalyst will get the change moving along more rapidly soon.

I just found Ian's website today - I'll have to continue studying it and look for any other presentations I can find from him. Thanks again, Mary.


Call me Mary's picture

Oh Wendy… I don’t think we need to quit our jobs just yet.    If that’s the case then I am probably holding us up too….   I do like my home, hot water, heat and food in the fridge.   It may be a moot point before long… but this “time” we are living right now seems to be sort of a balancing tricky part where we have to walk with a foot in two worlds at the same time.   At least that is what it feels like to me. 


Believe me – I would sure like to jump ahead…   And I am sometimes very impatient and want to know what else I can do to help move us along.    As a matter of fact, that frustration is probably the “burr under my saddle” that was really bugging me on Friday when I first posted.    I feel like I have been stuck… not doing anything…. Not able to do anything…  Stuck in “no-time” where nothing seems to move… forward or backward.   Just seems to be the same repetitions… over and over.   I would sure like to know what else I can do.


Until then, I’ll just keep doing – and being - the best I can until I know of something better to do – or be.




Living life in comfort is what makes enlightenment possible.  Enlightenment is not possible if one is gathering food continously, fuel for fire continously, and searching for a dry and comfortable spot in which to bed down for the night Continuously.  Until you have actually lived off the land in abject poverty, do not romaticize such endeavors.  There IS NO TIME TO CONSIDER THE DIVINE when searching continuously just to stay alive.    

Excessive Meditation on a rock while starving yourself for the good of Humankind, does no Human any good.  This is a block to actual progress in living life and shifting in Greater Love.  Further, this type of practice achieves the same result that excessive cannabis use achieves-- pausing your life, emotions, thoughts, experiences and replacing it with the search for euphoria.  Euphoria is a transient state--- it lasts as long as a soap bubble... and can not be sustained.  Joy is sustainable.  Joy comes from a HEART that is Open and LOVING and Forgiving to all that is around the HEART. 

Euphoria on the other hand is a mental state that can be induced by lack of food, water, over exposure to the elements.  It can be induced through the use of drugs.  It can also be induced by excessive spiritual seeking and the arogance that comes from such endeavors.  Euphoria drives compulsive behavior.  'If I just do this (fill in the blank)... I will be that much closer to ascension.'  Ascension is a shift in consciousness which requires the understanding of the Law of One and the application of the Law of One to your life.  This means seeing all who are around you as Brother and Sister and responding with LOVE irregardless as to who that brother or sister is or looks like or political beliefs or economic standing.  An aspect of Love is Joy.  And aspect of Joy and Love is Forgiveness.

Peace Pilgrim took over 15 years to let go of owning all modern conviences.  She let it go but did not shun it, for in the letting go she recieved plenty of abundant places to stay where---There was running water, proper sewage disposal systems, modern stoves, central heat.  This is not the issue.  Physical Plant stuff is not the issue.  The real issue is how you are using your time and to what end.

When you do discover something is bad for you simply cease to feed that energy.  For instance, not too long ago people believed that putting butter on a 3rd degree burn would heal the burn faster.  This caused greater harm to countless people based on the belief of individuals that putting butter on a burn would make it better.  Almost all those individuals putting butter on burns was doing so out of Love. They wished to assist their loved ones in healing faster. 

Once science showed that putting butter on a burn made the healing time more difficult the practice was abandoned (except for a few grandmother's out there that may have not gotten the word yet).  The point is Science changed this belief system through showing the truth.  Science is a tool of humanity.  As is Spirituality.  When they are combined great and beautiful things happen.  Suddenly creation becomes aligned with the HEART and the Law of One.  This is where focus would greatly improve the world.

Not much come of pointing at something and yelling about it.  All that does occur is cause a vortex of negativity.  This negativity then takes on a thoughtform form.  The thoughtform has a consciousness of its own.  This is what I see happening again and again on this forum and around me in analogue life.  Thus, what to do about it?

How about TRANSFORM these patterns with our LOVE and HEARTS and FOCUS of ATTENTION with our MINDS. 

Vaccinations for kids in 3rd world countries.  Well, I sure know that I do not want to contract Diptheria.  Have any of you ever watched someone suffocate from Diptheria?  Have any of you seen the true effects of Tetnus? 

I can see how others of means are motivated to assist organizations in vaccinating children.  It is ghastly to hold you child and watch them suffocate and have no means to do anything about it.  Hmmm, sounds like despair.  Despair impedes Ascension.  As stated previously, abject poverty does not allow for ascension there simply is no time.  Add despair into the mix and this creates a vortex of negativity that shuts all higher functioning down. 

Yes, the basis of poverty must be addressed-- here where we live and throughout the world.  However, such complex issues of poverty and homelessness can not be solved in one email or one post on a digital forum which although nice is not a substitute for real analogue connections with real and breathing and living warm people.  It just is not a true community. 

True community exist around where you reside.  If it is not to your liking-- change it by changing you.  Forgive and create anew.  That is where we are all going.  It is up to us to change this gig.  Not them... not that other guy over there... we, us, you, I... that is who is the changemakers.

Everytime the PTB is written I think geez we have just given more Power to the PTB by feeding the very dragon we wish to transform.  Where our attention goes so our energy flows.


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Transition to the New Ways

As the Old Ways of believing and doing things give way to a global culture where people everywhere have come to understand that their thoughts are creating their future, we see a quick, smooth, graceful transition into an entirely New Way of Life for everyone who lives and breathes on this Earth.

We see the "world managers" who have held the peoples of all nations in check, in a flash of insight, gleaning the wisdom, the utter goodwill, in helping us restructure our economies to reflect an equality of all life, an exchange system of integrity and fairness, an honoring of creativity, and a return to a lifestyle based on the sacredness of Spirit that is in each and every person, plant, and animal.

We envision a continued flow of goods and services and a new abundance that has come to us because human greed and profit are no longer the reference points for our transactions and interactions. The competition of the past had been replaced by a caring for one another, and, as a result, everyone now has free access to all good things.

We see soldiers dropping their weapons and using their energy constructively, instead of destructively, to build homes, highways, transportation systems, and so forth. We see those who "owned" the sources of energy that we use daily now releasing the news of free energy sources and beginning to implement these new systems.

We envision ways that gently wean people off of their addictions to drugs and pharmaceuticals being made available to all so that our health care institutions are now incorporating the use of finer, subtle energies to heal and comfort people. And we see the emotional blocks that, in the past, precipitated our pain, being relieved and released via simple procedures so that all are now free to experience life to its fullest, in complete good health.

We see all debts forgiven, all contracts cancelled, and all criminals incarcerated for crimes against themselves released. Likewise, we see new techniques and procedures for rehabilitation made available which will completely allow all prisoners to be released in a very short time.

And we see the Grace of God revealing itself in all situations, especially those that seem irreconcilable or inflexible, bringing a resolution which strengthens our Souls, dispels our doubts, and honors the Spirits of every man, woman, and child who walk this Earth. We envision a day when everyone understands, to the depth and core of their Being, that no matter how difficult something may appear, no matter how impossible it may have seemed in the past, that when we seek out and call forth solutions which embrace the Highest Good for all concerned, everything gets better.
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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"