The planned financal destruction of the US is ongoing, but don't take it too seriously...

(Ex-)Governor Jesse Ventura is flamboyant, over-the-top, and has all the finesse of a rhinocerous, but you've got to love him for his guts and honesty.  The latest episode of his "Conspiracy Theory" show (shown last Friday) is about what and who was and is behind the big bank bailouts and the purposeful, ongoing financial (and political) destruction of the United States.  Yes, his presentations are sensational, and humility is as foreign to his persona as wearing pink ballet slippers, but he interviews some unusually insightful people and pretty much nails the subject in concise, easy-to-understand terms.  The best scene is when he walks in on a group of wall street insiders and kicks their asses (verbally).  (Yes, I know that they, too, are manifestations of the Divine who will one day blossom divinely, but I love that he could break their necks with one hand if he wanted to.)  If you're not up on this whole matter and can spend 45 minutes to watch this high-energy and most entertaining episode, below are the links to the three parts.  It's something that we all should understand because it's a major part of the whole NWO conspiracy, and the more we understand the better equipped we are to deal with it all.  The trick is not to get caught up in the negative apects and fears.  But we know this, and we sense that a big turnaround is coming.  So let's be of good cheer, as we stand before the unknown next chapter in our collective story.

Wendy's picture

Hi Bob-

Thanks for the post - If you listen to any Jesse V. interviews outside of his TV show he comes accross as a very down to earth and humble guy. The made for TV propaganda machine has played up the tough guy, pro-wrestler image so that people won't take his show too seriously. I think Jesse is actually very intelligent and figured that being made out as a meathead was a small price to pay to bring some truth to propaganda TV land. I was psyched that they covered the creation of the Fed a bit and gave Ron Paul a little time but I wish they had covered a bit more of how banking has just been a scam right from the start with them being able to lend out and collect interest on 9x more money than they actually have on hand.

I agree that there is much to cheerful about, I'm looking forward to the beginning of a new, sustainable monetary system...


Bob07's picture

I think what you say about Jesse Ventura versus his TV persona is pretty insightful.  The very title of his show, "Conspiracy Theory", invites disbelief, too.  But, as you, say maybe this is the (small) price that he has to pay to get the word out there.  And I agree that he probably is bright; a couple of his comebacks to the sharp "white-shoe boys" (as Gerald Celente calls the eastern Ivy-League elite) near the end were very quick and right-on.

b2golfer's picture

I am a huge fan of Jesse Ventura, have been for quite a while.  I've read his books which are really well done and have watched his show since the beginning.  He is an extremely bright man and very quick on his feet.  He put Alex Jone's feet to the fire in a couple interviews too.  One of my favorite stories he told was when he was governor and the owner of the Vikings wanted a new stadium, he came to Jesse to get state approval to fund it, said he was only making $5M-$6M a year while all the other owners made twice that.  Jesse said well why dont you raise ticket prices $10 per seat per game.  At 60,000 seats and 10 games a year, that is the extra $6M he was looking for.  The Owner said well I cant ask my loyal fans to burden this extra cost to which Jesse said how can you ask the tax payers to when 80% of them could give a crap about the Minnesota Vikings...To that, the meeting was over. 


I think they make him out to be crazy so nobody will listen to him and nobody will believe what he is saying, trying to discredit him, but he makes a lot of sense and has dug into a lot of these conspiracy theories and has found some really great stuff that just shows the official stories are all BS.  I loved the wall street episode!  Cant wait till his one on 9-11, but specifically focusing on the Pentagon!  That is going to be great!

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