I heard this interesting fun fact today...
Everyone (except those born in the year 2000 and beyond) can (for this current year only) add their age + their birthdate and always arrive at the sum of 111.
Here's how it works.
Let's say you were born in 1963. Take the last 2 digits: 63. Add the age you will be on your birthday in 2011. In this case, 48.
Is this significant?
I have often taken notice when my digital clock or odometer reads 1:11, 11:11, 11,100 etc. It seems to happen more often than coincidence would allow. To me, it's like getting a wink from my guardian angel that all is in divine order.
According to http://www.angelscribe.com/1111.html:
"As you read the pages and pages of folks from all beliefs and all countries in the world you will soon see you are not alone in your experiences of seeing triple numbers.
It is as if some unseen force telepathically turns your eyes to the 1111 address on a house, to the clock at 11:11am then 1:11pm and again as you go to bed at 11:11pm...and it is!
Whatever your belief, acknowledge that God/Spirit/Angels are telling you you are on your path and to say, "Thank-you" for them talking to you.
We would be startled/frightened if a huge Angel appeared to us, or God spoke into our left ear... we would most likely discount the information.
But, the recurrence of the triple numbers is a subtle and constant reminder that something magical, something Divine, is happening."
I think that works for every year in this century
For instance my year of birth + my age was = 110 in 2010
For instance my year of birth + my age was = 101 in 2001
Next decade:
For instance my year of birth + my age would = 121 in 2021
For instance my year of birth + my age would = 122 in 2022
I hope I live that long...
The time 11:11 was never noticed in the days of the analog clock, after all when you look at your watch face and the hands point at 11:11 nobody notices, they just say its about 10 after 11. Maybe God inspired the digital watch so we could become aware of this number. After being apprised of this 'phenomenon' I started noticing my digital clock and I did notice the digits at 11:11 sometimes. I also noticed the time 12:12 and 10:10 which apparently don't mean anything. Sometimes I noticed the time 7:11 which made me want to go to the convenience store, or 7:47 which made me think I should book an airline flight.
Now that I have had my fun, I have thought of an occurrence of 11/11 which might be associated with a spiritual event and that is the birth of two Messengers of God, The Ba'b and Baha'u'llah. They were born 2 years apart in the land of Persia in 1817 and 1819, however, in the lunar calendar used in the Muslim world, they were born on the same day of the year. The reason is that the Gregorian (solar) calendar is 11 days longer than the lunar calendar so these two are shown as being born 22 days apart on the solar calendar, October 20 and November 12 or 11 days for each of the two years. Whatever the significance of these 22 days there is no doubt in my mind that these two Messengers of God have brought about vast changes already on our planet and there is much more to come.
I have always been intrigued by multiple numbers and by all combinations of numbers in fact.
Here is a website with interesting number meanings. This is what Doreen Virtue shares:
I thought 111 meant that our affirmations were being manifest.