In spite of the name, this 45 minute video is much much more than just another Planet X red dwarf fearmongering sensational feature. Don\'t let the name fool you. It incorporates comprehensively so many of the things many of us are already familiar with and leaves one with an authentic inner intuitive sense of Hope for what all this really is, especially right now as we approach an interesting pivotal historical and well-documented date... or as Drunvalo would say, an 8 year window from end of 2007 thru 2015...
Nibiru...? - The Movie - Planet X Revealed - YouTube
and this one is \"in synch\" complimentary
Drunvalo Melchizedek on ETs, Historical Universal Evolution, Poles shift and 2012 (Part 1) - YouTube
Plasma Beings ITs with Drunvalo Melchizedek (Part 2/2) - YouTube
Drunvalo Melchizedek - Mayan End Time prophecies: 2007 - Jan. 1, 2016 - YouTube
This sounds phenomenal
Adam Yellow Bird & Drunvalo Melchizedek Sedona - YouTube
where we are evolving toward - Dan Winter's research is so cool
When Science meets Spirituality : Can you stear a tornado !?! Dan Winter (Part 1) - YouTube
Heart, Compassion, Fractal Field (part 2) | Dan Winter - YouTube
Dan Winter Sacred Angelic Science , Geometry and the Electric universe3 - YouTube