I've been wondering about a couple of disparate things lately:
1st was "why do i keep waking up at 9:11?" (and 3:33 -a number representing "tricksters")
2nd is "why are there suddenly so many military planes flying around here?" (crazy amounts-tons)
3rd is "are the ptb trying to get us worked up enough to let them start another war or two? N Korea, Iran.
I figured if there were such an amazing number of military aircraft around, I better check Google News and voila! A terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon! Here we go again...??
Oh, and there were of course lots of stories about Gold dropping, and economic worries-just loads of FEAR RAISING goin on baby! Oh save us military industrial complex!!!
What a crock of sh__t
You're not the only one, Brian...
I Keep Seeing 9:11 Everyday!
So what does 9:11 actually mean? I don't believe that it has much to do with Sept. 11th attacks - I am not american, nor was I directly effected! I have a feeling it has something to do with the number 11 more than the 9. But 9 pops up most with 11, though I have seen other 11 things - like 11:11, 4:11, and 7:11. But 9.11 is the one that has been haunting me daily for at least a year.
At first, I was very scared - I meant to take a 12 hour drive to my home on November 9th last year (I am Australian the date would have been written 09/11/09) , but I left a day earlier because I was certain that this would be the day of my death. The only thing that happened on the 09/11/09 was a leak in my father's roof that made the roof collapse. So after no death, no bad experience, no good luck, no anything - I am still left today on the 17th September, thinking, okay...........what the hell does 9:11 mean?
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(These accounts go on for several pages. http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Keep-Seeing-The-Same-Numbers-Co...)
It was really surprising to see so many people respond to these numbers!! WTF? Like I said-it's almost to the point of being annoying(which it will never be-it's too much fun!)... May weird stuff fascinate you all and fill you with wonder...
A few of those comments could of been from my brothers or myself,,word for word,,,,I am only surprised when it Doesn't happen for a day or two now !!! My number in numerology is 9,,,and a couple of years ago,my sister gave me a numerology birthday card two days late,,,on the 11th,,,haha! But usually it's just the clock, no matter where I look at it...My computer is the only one that catches me off guard, as it is set on central american time,,,and I am halfway around the world....
As to the reason,,,,I hope there is one! Even if it is just something we planted ouselves after the event,it is a great reminder for people. I still have hope that that day will eventually become a big wake up call for the masses. One thing I noticed in the posts was that several of them said they didn't know why it was happening to them,,,because they're not even american,,,but, the event definitely effected the whole world, as random event generators proved. And this is why it could still be a big game changer, as, no matter where you are, you heard about 911,,,,so consciousness as a whole could take a big step if all this info is released in a big way.....maybe just wishful thinking,,,,,L,,,T