Terrorism intuitions? or "Oh save us military industrial complex!"

 I've been wondering about a couple of disparate things lately:
 1st was "why do i keep waking up at 9:11?" (and 3:33 -a number representing "tricksters")
 2nd is "why are there suddenly so many military planes flying around here?" (crazy amounts-tons)
 3rd is "are the ptb trying to get us worked up enough to let them start another war or two? N Korea, Iran.


I figured if there were such an amazing number of military aircraft around, I better check Google News and voila! A terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon! Here we go again...??

Oh, and there were of course lots of stories about Gold dropping, and economic worries-just loads of FEAR RAISING goin on baby!  Oh save us military industrial complex!!!

What a crock of sh__t

kevnkar's picture


Noa's picture

You're not the only one, Brian...



I Keep Seeing 9:11 Everyday!

By: trickywebber
Written on September 16th, 2010

Age: 26-30

17,405 people have read this story

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  • I am a 14 year old from India, and i keep too seeing 9:11 everywhere. I told my mom that it had some relation with the 9/11 attacks but she just laughed.

    3 days ago
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  • I've literally been seeing 911 at least once...if not twice per day for almost two months and I'm not at all into conspiracy theories, numerology, etc. etc. ...but it is finally starting to make me wonder. I've had a friend call me and tell me it was 9:11 when she was calling, I see it at least once per day... I purposefully try not to look at the clock around that time but it almost always gets me. It's very strange.

    Mar 26
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  • Okay here's the thing Ive been seeing 9/11 too. The very first day I saw it was after I got clean from drugs. That was also the day I dedicated my life to God. So at first I thought God was reaching out to me. The more days that I was clean i thought maybe I was tripping out from being OFF drugs. More than a couple years passed and I kept seeing it. Today, (five years after the first time I saw this), I googled it because I too was extremely confused. Some people say that 911 pinpoints good things in the bible. Some say it pinpoints bad things in the bible. Everybody is confused, right? Well one thing I do know about God is he is not the "author" of confusion. He is the author of order. But he has allowed for the devil to reign here on the earth. So it stands to make sense that all the "confusion" is just the devil at work. It also stands to make sense that people who have a naturally negative mindset are going to look for the negativity in the scripture. People that are naturally prone to think positively are going to look for and find all the positives in the scriptures.
    It could also mean that like the tower of Babel, man thinks he knows so much and so God diversified the language we use to speak, and now he is also diversifying the way we use numbers. I dont blame him. All people care about is money no matter if they live in the UK, Canada, Australia, US, and anywhere else.
    If you see 911 happening around you alot dont assume it is personal to you. Being that there are so many people experiencing this it is just "in the atmosphere." Noone questions why the trees grow with no help, or the rain falls with no command, so why question this. I'll tell you why we question it... Because man has the incessant need to be all powerful and all knowing like God. We have been able to "figure out" how to use numbers to our advantage, so when something weird like this pops up everyone believes there is some hidden purpose.
    The lesson in this is stop trying to question everything God has created, which to clarify about the drug thing, I'm not going to lie I grew up heavy in church, and always over analyze things and after awhile my brain hurt so bad that I just needed to be free from thinking too hard. Word to the wise it just made my life more difficult so if yiu havent tried it...JUST DONT!

    Mar 14
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  • I see this (9:11) too as well as waking up at 3:33am. It is interesting because in numerology (which I know nothing about to be honest)
    the numbers 3, 3, 3 represents 9
    and the numbers 9, 11 represents 11

    Mar 10
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  • Been happening to me for over a year. I've been doing a lot of research on this 911 thing and believe I have an answer for many of you. The number 9 or better yet the shape of the number 9 represents GOD's define signature of all of creation (When I say God I'm talking about the maker of everything Jesus Christ)...everything in nature has His signature on it and its in the shape of a 9. Look at a sea shell or even your own hair growth...its in a circular form coming out to make a 9. Also for those of you seeing 711, just add the number 7+1+1=9. Those of you seeing this number, don't be afraid its not a curse, its God seeking you to believe in His only Son Jesus who is one with Him...Yes Jesus Christ is GOD come down from Heaven. Here are some verses that should help any of you who are afraid this sign is a bad thing, which it is not...we can choose to listen to Him and be saved from eternal judgement. Don't be afraid just cry out to Jesus to reveal to you and give you a sign if what I'm saying is true or not. God bless you all.
    "For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. (Proverbs 9:11)"

    "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Psalms 119:11 KJV)"

    "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16 ESV)"

    Mar 6
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  • i too keep on seeing 911 on signs and Clocks i guess its a curse when i see it will happen to me i do know why :(

    Mar 4
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  • Well some times you may play a Lottery Ticket no..Pick 3 or something like that ...with 911. I used to get 585 for some time and then I decided to buy NJ "Pick 3" 585 ,$0.50 ,what is called all combinations... and I won $118 because it came up 855.

    Mar 1
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  • In Hindu mythology - 8 is the no. of Saturn - the hardest of the planets that visit every horoscope for 7.5 years - 3 times in lifetime. Usually the job of saturn is to bring everyone closure to sprituality.....911 is also a sequence related to him.....so may be you are undergoing this 7.5 years period.....it's called "Sade Satti" ....I am not an astrologer....but a firm believer though.....

    Feb 27
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  • I have been seeing that number for years and I still get an oddd feeling every time I see it! ill be driving along all of a sudden I look at a random house the adress 911 I buy a steak at the butcher he weighs it slapps the price on it 9 bucks 11 cents, everyday all the time!

    Feb 19
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  • Well I have seen this hour for at least 8 years, but I don´t know what it means. In mexico we have the change in summer and winter our clocks, thats why I don´t belive in the theory of the Biological Clock

    Feb 17
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  • Algo extraño pero llevo años viendo el reloj a la misma hora, me da un poco de panico hacerlo y comentaré, aquí en mexico existe el cambio de horario, así que el reloj biologico no es.

    Feb 17
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  • Well at least I feel a little better. My wife looked at a numerology diamond and these numbers seem to have a significance and elude to a oneness. Of course if you read the books in the bible with 9 chapters the verses are mostly bad. The other day I stopped at a store looked at my phone 9:11. I said oh geez not again. I went in the store, came out maybe 10 minutes later, started the car and saw 9:11 again. Somehow the GPS on the car was about 10 minutes off from my cell. Creeped me out.

    Feb 16
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  • I am 14 years old and it keeps happening to me too everyday at 9:11AM and PM. Its starting to scare me. Can somebody please explain to me what this is!!!

    Feb 12
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  • This is happening to me too! It's been happening to me for about a year, on and off, but now I see it everyday without fail, once or twice! It's starting to scare me. It's mostly 9.11 but sometimes 11.11 too :/ I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one though!... I think it's a sign, but not sure what :( i know it's not a coincidence.

    Feb 7
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  • You too? I found your post as i am researching the same thing! For past few years, 911 (as well as various other recurring numbers such as 111, 222 etc, but 911 most dominantly) keep jumping out at me! I look at the clock, it's 9:11... i'm asked to check how long is left of the cooking time, it'll be 9mins 11 seconds.. i serve customers at work, they need £9.11 change.. i have a bad day playing call of duty, its 9 kills 11 deaths... it's constant! I too am not American, (i'm in the UK) so have no real relation to the September 11th attacks or the 911 emergency number... many people on the internet claim its just mind tricks, but while i'm not a superstitious person, for me it seems too often to be co-incidence.. it's interesting to see someone else experiencing the same! ((On an interesting note, i've only being experiencing this since around 2010... you made this post in 2010 on September 16th which happens to be my Birthday, haha - now i'm sure that just IS coincidence, lol))

    Feb 3
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  • i have the same thing happen to me all the time... i seen the 11,22,33,44,55, 111,222.333,444,2211 and now 16 and lots more to do with 11... ehat is going on its so strange more and more people are seeing this but there is no real answer, there is good info out there but nothing concrete and no one can say they are 100% onto it so perhaps if we start a group of researchers that can email regulary maybe together we can nail this thing....IT COULD BE A WARNING FROM GOD...i believe we are living in strange times...and a post 911 world has changes the global sphere for life...WE ARE LESS SAFE NOW THAN BEFORE as our politicians are MURDERERS.......LOL

    Feb 2
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  • I can't believe I've just come across this site.the exact same thing happens to me all if the time and has done since the September 11th attacks even though I wasn't directly affected at all!why is it happening?.I've never believed in coincidences but can anyone tell me if there's a message for me?!

    Jan 31
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  • It happens to me all the time. It's actually 9:11 right now. Been overa year not sure what it means but it freaks me out. Nice to know that I'm not the only one

    Jan 30
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  • I've been seeing these numbers for a few years now too. After reading so many inquiries and thoughts I don't look at is such a bad thing. I would definately like to find out more on what's the association and why so many people are seeing it. Science experiment, message from God, some sort of intuition foretelling, it's strange.

    Jan 30
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  • This very thing has been happening to me as well and for whatever reason reading that other people who have experienced this is making me tear up. I have been.going through this for about an year now. Im not freaking out but i am highly concerned as to what this means. Why is this happening? 9:11 what's the significance? Who do i go to for insight or answers? Is this the time/date of my death. This has to mean something

    Jan 30
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  • I am a college student at work and I just looked at the clock and it was 9:11 once again so I wanted to see if this happens to others as well. I knew I wasnt the only one mainly because im not even the only one in my family that sees it. I have two older brothers and they see this time on a regular basis too. It has been happening to me for as long as I can remember. It happens so often that if one of my brothers says "guess what time it is?" I automatically know its going to be 9:11.
    I have no idea if this is a sign from God or just a simple reminder everyday from our subconcious, but all I know is that it is not a coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. Even the most simple day to day activities will impact your life one way or another. People think that it's lucky for certain things to happen, or maybe, just maybe, it's part of a greater and bigger plan that us as human individuals cannot even fathom.

    Jan 29
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  • I'm not kidding with you this started happening to me about 4/5 months ago .. and i was like it has to have meaning .. im freaked out :S

    Jan 26
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  • I see 9:11 everyday too. It stopped for awhile but it just started up again. If I don't look up at the time I will hear people around me say, "What time is it?" and I will hear someone say, "9:11!" It started 'about two years ago, it happened constantly for a couple months. It stopped for awhile and now it's starting to happen again.

    Jan 25
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  • I SEE IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I finally looked it up on Google because for a while I tried not to think about it, but I'm 17 years old and have been seeing 9:11AM/PM at least once a day (if not twice) for the past five years! I also see it on things like receipts, licence plates, newspapers, ect. I don't know how old this post is but if it still happens to you let me know. It freaked me out at first also but after awhile I just glare at it like it's some sort of old friend just following me and I go back to what I was doing. I called it a curse for a while but now I just don't know..

    Jan 21
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  • Hey I see the same stuff everyday for the past year in a half. On clocks,.phone, online, everywhere and the crazy thimg is is that my girlfriend was born exactly on 9:11 . I have a feeling it has to be more than just a time. I'm 15 and American.

    Jan 20
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  • I have been seeing it (911) for the last 6 years since I started noticing it and I check online for more stories about it and the similarities are striking. Bad bad bad!

    Jan 20
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  • I'm from S.A and for the last year almost daily I turn on my phone or look at the time on my computer and the time is 9:11. Just happened again then

    Jan 18
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  • this is so freaky, i too am from australia,(nsw) ive been seeing 9.11 on clocks everywhere for the past year,researched it on google and this came up. so weird!!!!

    Jan 10
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  • Weird stuff ....Mostly when I check the time its a certain hour an 11 minutes....I have been seeing this for a while now

    Jan 9
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  • My friend, do you know whats really creepy. I live in Australia, Adelaide. And i too see 9-11, 11-11, 4-11 and 7-11 everywhere and guess what. Your right about the 11 thing because IM 11 YEARS OLD!

    Jan 7
    1 like


(These accounts go on for several pages.  http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Keep-Seeing-The-Same-Numbers-Co...)

Brian's picture

It was really surprising to see so many people respond to these numbers!! WTF? Like I said-it's almost to the point of being annoying(which it will never be-it's too much fun!)... May weird stuff fascinate you all and fill you with wonder...

tscout's picture

   A few of those comments could of been from my brothers or myself,,word for word,,,,I am only surprised when it Doesn't happen for a day or two now !!! My number in numerology is 9,,,and a couple of years ago,my sister gave me a numerology birthday card two days late,,,on the 11th,,,haha! But usually it's just the clock, no matter where I look at it...My computer is the only one that catches me off guard, as it is set on central american time,,,and I am halfway around the world....

    As to the reason,,,,I hope there is one! Even if it is just something we planted ouselves after the event,it is a great reminder for people. I still have hope that that day will eventually become a big wake up call for the masses. One thing I noticed in the posts was that several of them said they didn't know why it was happening to them,,,because they're not even american,,,but, the event definitely effected the whole world, as random event generators proved. And this is why it could still be a big game changer, as, no matter where you are, you heard about 911,,,,so consciousness as a whole could take a big step if all this info is released in a big way.....maybe just wishful thinking,,,,,L,,,T

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