Report: DNA from beauty products draws interest of the CIA

Clearista products from Skincential Sciences
Why would investors linked to the CIA be putting money into beauty products? According to a report by the investigative news site The Intercept, a venture capital group backed by the CIA is investing in Skincential Sciences, a skincare company with a product line that could be used to collect DNA.
The investing group, known as In-Q-Tel, is a non-profit organization funded by the CIA that forms partnerships with companies developing promising scientific products or technology. "We invest in venture-backed startups developing technologies that provide ready-sooninnovation (within 36 months) vital to the IC [intelligence community] mission," In-Q-Tel explains on its website.
The skincare company's line of Clearista products fits that mission by using a patented formula that painlessly strips away a top layer of the epidermis to reveal biomarkers that could be used for DNA collection and other diagnostic tests, according to The Intercept.
In an interview with the news site, the chief executive of Skincential Sciences, Russ Lebovitz, said that In-Q-Tel approached them because of interest in easy methods of DNA extraction. "I can't tell you how everyone works with In-Q-Tel, but they are very interested in doing things that are pure science," Lebovitz said.
In-Q-Tel described human skin is a "unique, underutilized source for sample collection," according to a cached article on the In-Q-Tel website cited by The Intercept.
Lebovitz also told the site that he did not know how the CIA was planning on using the technology other than to detect DNA from human skin. "There's no better identifier than DNA, and we know we can pull out DNA," he said.
In-Q-Tel was started in 1999 "at the request of the Director of Central Intelligence and with the support of the U.S. Congress," its website says, with a mission to provide funding for developing cutting edge technologies at private firms. The group has supported a wide range of technologies that we use every day. Among other things, it has worked with the major ad agency network WPP on a "social media data-mining venture." It also invested in Keyhole Inc., a digital mapping software company that was acquired by Google for use in Google Earth.
The CIA is not alone among government agencies funding futuristic technology. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), part of the U.S. Department of Defense, also works with research groups and tech companies developing new technologies that may prove useful for the military. DARPA is well known for its support for robotics and advances in medical science.
I don't get it. Does the CIA come to your house and collect the DNA that falls on your bathroom floor when you use the products?
You got me Noa,
Maybe by removing the outer, dead layer of skin, it enables the cia to read your DNA from a distance. I saw this article on G. Edward Griffins site (used to be called Reality Zone, now he calls it Need to Know news - interesting that he changed it to sound like Want to Know) and it seemed like it was important to post.
If they were used in salons,,it's a cinch!
But ladies, really, if you are going to put anything on your skin,,,use your own urine,ha! It is the most hydrating substance known for the skin. Urea is a key ingredient in all high end skin cremes and makeups , but your own urine would far surpass the benefits of those high priced products. Then you would really be wearing your own DNA,haha! Too bad they waste all that energy researching crap like this!!
Hmm. So "Piss on you" isn't an insult; it's good advice. (Sorry, Todd, I'm tired and couldn't resist. Also, I'm trying to be comfortable with being a fool in an effort to reinvent myself. I won't go into it...)
Yeah,,,i was hiking in the desert with my son and he raked a dead choya cactus along the trail. We were going to a fishing/swimming spot on the rio grande. His leg swelled up pretty quick, so I used the opportunity to teach him to piss on his leg! He gave me a hard time,but did it,and 15 minutes later he was back to normal, just a couple of dots where he got poked. That sold him. He didn't forget it! Oh, and a friend here in Cal. just had skin cancer. She was looking pretty bad, wouldn't come out of the house. The chemo in a tube burned the ,,,,piss,,,,out of her face,and wasn't working. She finally agreed to try it,,,and in 3 weeks, there is no sign of it,no scars,just fresh new skin.And she was just dabbing it on the lesions, she was too disgusted to rub it on her whole face,haha!
I like the foolish Bob, that was great! Sorry Todd but I'd have to be pretty desperate to put urine on my face. Coconut oil is just fine, thanks.
I realize we're reluctant to believe that urine could be of value, but I remember when I was very young having very very painful cracks on my hands and feet and eczema like rashes that nothing seemed to heal. (my mother has always struggled with eczema as well). She worked in a major hospital E.R. and they had no real answers either except really strong steroidal type preparations. My great grandmother took me to a very old doctor who told her to have me pee in the bathtub and rub it on the lesions then soak in a small amount of warm, not hot water for awhile daily. I remember it really did help (hadn't thought about it in years). When I was in my 30's and having kids, it appeared again, and a dermatologist prescribed a cream containing 20% urea. So I gotta agree with Todd and Bob...just piss on it! lol. Costs alot less than a trip to the dermatologist anyway. Now my diet is so much healthier and contains so much flax, coconut oil, avocados, etc. that my skin is nicer at 58 than it was at 18. Go figure. (I'm not complaining!)
Urine therapy is ayurvedic, at least 2000 years old,probably much older. But in this culture, for the most part, we are brought up to think that urine is waste,,,,,it is not. It is excess vitamins, minerals, antibodies, hormones,etc. The kidneys only allow so much of anything into the blood stream. This is why medications can put so much stress on the kidneys and liver. The allopathic approach is to bombard the system with a drug,hoping it reaches the target. Even a urologist in this country will tell you it is waste, that is how blind the system here is. There are stacks of books of research on it, ignored my medical colleges because it has so many uses, it would practically wipe out big pharma,,,,,,yeah,really!
Is there any anecdotal evidence that urine helps pre-cancerous skin conditions or even skin cancer itself? Even if it doesn't the evidence you've already given regarding its healing properties is pretty impressive.
There was a man named Armstrong who treated everything(except rheumatoid arthritis and leprosy) over a period of at least 30 years with the same exact treatment,,,,urine and fasting. The book is called "water of life", a cheap buy used on amazon. He documents scores of cases in there, and some of the things people had were undiagnosable(and quite nasty). Every patient was a last resort, or deathbed patient. His results were over 90 percent successful, with many of his patients' bodies returning to teenage vitality and appearance, depending on how long the treatments lasted for. I know there were leukimia patients in the mix.I don't remember there being any skin cancer patients, but there were patients with awful lesions and other skin ailments.... I myself have healed nasty deep burns with it just by wearing a poultice,,,new pink skin in 3 days, and literally no scar!He had so much success that traditional doctors would send their deathbed patients to him,under the radar of course. His cases are quite amazing to read.
The former prime minister of India made a public speech when he was 90 years old(and looked to be in his 50's), stating he had been massaging his skin since he was in his 40's with it. There is also an ancient Indian book, about a deity who never aged. As his wife grew older she begged him to share his secret, the story of him telling her about it is a classic, and can be bought in pocketbook edition. I wish I could remember the name, but I stumbled on it while searching urine therapy,it shouldn't be too hard to find.
Oh,,,in case you aren't interested enough to track down Armstrong's book,,,,his treatment was the same for every patient, except in rare cases.... The patient went on a complete fast for several weeks,,close to two months for some. They only drank water and their own urine. He had 2 nurses who massaged the patient twice a day with urine. He seemed to be good at bringing them out of the fasts successfully,having them suck orange slices first,,,,no eating.... If all was good, then a steamed potato in the skin. Sometimes the patients were so sick, that they couldn't even pee! and some were so bad their urine was just blood and pus,,,,,nasty,,,,and they drank it! argh! But,,,in every case, in a matter of hours, their urine would clear up, and within a day or two would be clear(kidneys back on line). The British did most of the research on it, about 100 years worth, and their theory is that it is a blueprint for your body. The antibodies needed to trigger the healing are for some reason being shuffled into the kidneys, so somehow, refeeding them into the system resets the immune system, and the body boldly springs into action.
We all know how many women go through their lives being misdiagnosed for intestinal problems, and the end result is numerous surgeries to remove parts of the intestines as they rot out. Well, I know 2 women now who have cured themselves by drinking their urine. And I read another book where they were using urine enemas to heal the intestines(most effective). They were using the baby sized enemas and that amount just remains inside to heal the inner walls of the tubes. In some cases, babies who have a bad fever either just before or after birth lose the ability to create a vital enzyme in the body. This leads to a lifetime of digestive and immune system disorders, but the urine enemas seem to set them back on track.
When I did the daily massages, I had rows of bumps come up in the 2nd or 3rd week over the lymphnodes by the armpits. One of the books spoke of it,and said just to keep applying it without rubbing it in, and the epidermis would dissolve those bumps and expel them through the skin. This is exactly what happened,and it made perfect sense. The epidermis expels toxins(when you are properly hydrated), just like the liver. Urine is super hydrating, so, once you hydrate the epidermis, the lymphs start purging all the crap they extracted from your blood. The lymphs and glands are a hiding place for many viruses and disease.They hide from prescription drugs there, as most can't penetrate them. I had this experience as well in my twenties. I also have skin issues on my face from 2nd and 3rd degree burns when I was 21, but the urine completely stopped them,and I am not good about keeping out of the sun. If someone tells you it's nonsense, they are talking from where the real waste comes from,,,,,,number 2,,,poo poo!
Sooo,think about the epidermis alone. If it is true that 90 percent of the people in the world are walking around dehydrated(due to bad water), that expains a lot of the immune system disorders(immune system starts failing at 10 percent dehydration). If your epidermis can't do it's job, then you just start holding all that crap in limbo in the epidermis over the years(or in lymphs,glands,organs), so you start to look like shit, feel like shit,etc. To me, it was worth getting over the misinformation surrounding it,,,,L,,,,,T
Since this began about beauty products, I'd like to also add that the most nourishing things I've found to put on my face have nothing to do with cosmetics. Pure oils, like almond, coconut, marula or argan immediately after washing with a very diluted castile soap like Dr. Bronner's applied to damp skin so they spread out well works for me. During the winter, 'oil cleansing', rubbing oil into skin in circular fashion then using a hot water saturated cloth to remove and a drop or two more of oil applied after and I'm good to go. Whether you have oil or dry skin there is a natural oil that will work for you-you just might have to try a few or combine a few until you get it right. A betonite clay mask once in awhile or some yogurt and honey depending on season and skin type is also helpful. Food is medicine. Feed your soul. Feed your Spirit. Feed your body. Feed your skin!
ok guys, you should all be gorgeoooous by the time you're done reading this. muawwwwwhhhhhh! ;)
My old friend from Colombia(he's really old, and looks young),,,uses Papaya skin. They cut out the fruit, and the remaining fruit,on the skin is just draped over their face! It feels good, and papaya is full of pancreatin, a gret enzyme...