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Starmonkey's picture4 years ago
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Starmonkey posted a new Topic in Relationship/Interpersonal Dynamics:

Seems like a bomb went off during the time I was absent. What happened to everyone? Hope they're not "Once-ler"ing up in their lurkems, waiting for the end...

I'm more interested in the birth struggling to happen amidst the death of the old. And that old, it don't go quietly.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Thanks for your wise thoughts, Chris. I also find it's much better to get clear on the work within before taking action out in the world. And like you, I still regularly go back and look at the WingMakers philosophy and am amazed at its continual clarity and profound depth. Enjoy!

  • juliemartyn's picture
    5 years ago

    What you're saying here totally resonates with me, right down to the yoga and meditation - thanks for taking the time to share! I'm about 10% into Tantra Illuminated and so far I'm impressed with the clarity and precision of expression - plenty of time yet to get bogged down in the dense bits ;-)

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    Just thought I'd tack my post in here as it relates to JUDGEMENT and COMPASSION - the idea that these were two faces of the same coin was not an obvious concept for me ...

    Anyway, came across this further comment on the essence of compassion on Masters of the Spirit World website which I found interesting and quite thought provoking - and having our thoughts PROVOKED is never a bad thing ...

    "ANSWER: Compassion is a third-dimensional concept since it has a corollary negative aspect. Society says to understand another human you need to put yourself in their shoes. It is a very important part of many religions, normally talked about as “it is more blessed to give than to receive” or “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These precepts indicate that you have a responsibility to take care of others in order for them to receive their due, for you to be a good person, and so that society doesn’t have to take care of them.

    Compassion is not a spiritual concept because its completion requires people on two sides of an issue – the giver and the receiver. It involves the giver’s issuing a judgment on the receiver by saying they do not have something which they need and the giver therefore will provide it – whether the receiver thinks they need it or not."

juliemartyn's picture4 years ago
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juliemartyn posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:

In the French motel that we stayed at last night there was the phrase written on the walls - stencilled in quite a large script as part of the decor, not grafitti - "la meilleure façon de réaliser ses rêves est de se réveiller" (the best way to realise our dreams is to wake up).  Quite surprising to find such a profound pronouncement in such mundane a context!

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    Just now, whilst re-reading Seth Speaks (thank you again, Chris, for that nudge), it sorta dawned on me that the above idea is intimately tied up with one of my own key life lessons - that despite all signs to the contrary, with life becoming more and more challenging on all sorts of levels, I have to hold the faith that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING PERFECTLY.  This is obviously easy enough when life is smooth and pleasant, but more recently I have to tell myself again and again that everything happens for a reason, it's all part of the divine plan, all is well - and that's why I keep getting these reminders popping up.  WOW, I'd never thought of this being a personal lesson before, but it does make sense ...

    Just felt the need to share ;-)

  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    That's powerful, Julie! I find that the more I open to taking personal responsibility for literally everything happens, the more aligned I become with All That Is. And at the same time, I know that we are all co-creating this together, so it's not just me, but everyone who is co-responsible for everything that happens. Thanks for sharing your realization!

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago





    You may like it or not, but it will be yours for the entire period round.


    You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called life.  Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.  You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.


    Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation.  The ‘failed’ experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately works.


    A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it, then you can go on to the next lesson.


    There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons.  If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.


    When your ‘there’ has become ‘here’, you will simply obtain another ‘there’ that will, again, look better than ‘here’.


    You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.


    You have all the tools and resources you need, what you do with them is up to you.  The choice is yours.


    The answers to life’s questions lie inside you.  All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago


    GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

    By Max Ehrmann © 1927

    Original text

  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    Beautiful, Julie! I love both of these posts. Thanks for sharing the inspiration. With much love and gratitude, Fred

  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. ~~ Wayne Dyer

    Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. ~~ Course in Miracles

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fredburks's picture4 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Sacred Sexuality:
Hey beautiful friends, It is with some trepidation that I am choosing to share the most vulnerable article I've ever written below. It may change the way you see me, yet I ask as much as you can that you hold what I write with compassion. The topic is disturbing and inappropriate fantasies (mine included) and a call for help for those who are tormented by them. Please note that this article and the website on which it is posted are completely separate from my work with PEERS. May this essay serve to start what I believe is a very important and needed conversation.
  • Starmonkey's picture
    5 years ago

    Thanks, Fred. Very courageous of you. I'm not sure there are any "normal" orientations to sexuality anymore. And the isms don't help. Sexism, ageism, etc...

    Also the repressive society we inherited from Victorian days causes many problems.

    Wilhelm Reich studied orgone and how its exchange is free and easy with children. It's why we love them and are attracted to their energy, if we're not controlling or manipulative. They're how we used to be...

    The "native Americans", I gathered, had over 240 different types of sexuality they honored or respected. WOW.

    Anyway, if we had been allowed to grow up more freely and naturally and experiment and experience, things would be much different. As it is, too much is focused on SEX instead of energy.

    No solutions here. But love and understanding. WE can be there for one another, but don't look to psychotherapy for answers.

  • fredburks's picture
    5 years ago

    Thanks for your wise words and support, Chris. And yes, there is so much focus on sex in our society, yet most of it is unhealthy. If we were all brought up in a sex positive environment, I suspect we'd live in a much more kind and gentle world. Take care.

  • Wendy's picture
    4 years ago

    Thanks so much Fred,

    As I read posts about the ellite paedophilia I know that we all need to heal our own sexual deviations to really heal the world so here goes....I hope what you say about sharing will help with the healing. I also hope that if more people bravely share it will help us all heal.

    I myself have struggled almost all my life about inappropriate sexual fantasies connected to food and over eating / binging. While my binges seem to get more brief as I get older, there are still times that I eat only to get a sexual high. I'm not really sure what has caused this in my life but without going into details that are not really mine to share, I can only say that I'm pretty sure there are other members of my family that had the same issues. The combination of sugar and fat reacts like a powerful drug in my body. Kind of a tough thing to take in a world that is so full of this food. I'm figuring there must be a lot of other folks who react this way or why else would those foods be pushed so much when they are so unhealthy.

    I know how important it is for our spiritual advancement to get over these addictions / sexual deviations. There is a lot of fear in me connected with sharing this but I know logically that this community has been very supportive and so I hope that others will brvely offer their stories. I think the best support / help we could hope for is to know that we are not alone in these problems.



  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much for your vulnerable, heartfelt sharing, Wendy. And yes, I have no doubt that you are not alone in this. If we all shared our sexual fantasies, I think almost everyone would be shocked at how strange and even twisted many of these fantasies are. And I have no doubt that as we start talking more openly about these very sensitive, yet very important issues, healing and transformation will happen. Thanks again for our courage.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    I just finished reading Lolita. Tragic comedy, that. How revealing of our culture's hang-ups and misconceptions. What a hot mess.

    Seriously, though, without a village, we're all in our shady little boxes peeking through the cracks at the world.

    Ready to knock down some walls and fences?...

4 years ago
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nickmiller73 posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

I am going to talk about eternity briefly in a different way than you are probably used to.  Most people usually think of eternity as a large amount of time. Usually it consists of many, many years.  My idea of eternity is a little different than most.

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    I've reached a place where I'm comfortable with the concept of the infinite nature of ALL THAT IS.  I don't pretend to understand it, of course.  I still find it mind boggling when I try to get my head around the implications.  This includes the idea that no possible scenario goes undeveloped or unexplored on some level.  The alternative options of every decision that anyone could ever make exist as probabilities on different levels. 

    We each have as many probable selves as there are infinite forks and branching at each decision point.  I've no doubt that a world exists where Hitler wasn't defeated and another where we all enjoy the benefits of Tesla's 'free' energy - and in those worlds there are probable versions of ourselves - we, however, decided to focus our consciousness in this particular version of reality.

    This ties in with idea that there are no 'wrong' decisions because every decision is viable and valuable for the experience it leads to, whatever that may be.

  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    Thanks for those intriguing thoughts. There is only here and now always. So in a way, eternity is nothing but a concept. Hmmmm...

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Enlightenment Through DreamWork | The Dreamwork Summit 2019

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Digging it

juliemartyn's picture4 years ago
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juliemartyn posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

Hey Fred

I was just having a general look around the forums and can see there's a lot of history and stories in there.  I was amazed that there were hundreds of comments on the most commented post, going back 10 years or so - obviously a lot more activity at that time.

I was interested that there seemed to be a lot of posts 'removed at author's request' - what's that all about?

Nice to see that active members have recently expanded to the 4 of us ;-)

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    I'm going to walk around here more now that there's no CAT to hold me back. Lots of minerals and mining and TELLURIDE who's name sounds pretty cool but the town's mostly just expensive. Somebody needs to map this continent more.

    Nicholas R Mann from your bottleneck of the proverbial woods wrote Sedona- Sacred Earth which is amazing. Maybe I could be trained in geomancy and do the landscape over here...

    Otherwise further southwest has a major nexus. I'll have to look it up.

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    TEENAGER KILLED BY CHICKEN BURGER - what a ludicrous headline I read in the paper today (and this wasn't a tabloid) - a tragic situation for all those involved - but nobody transitions before they are ready - so much blame flying around - so many lessons - perhaps one of these might be something to do with personal accountability and being responsible for ourselves and what happens around us.

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    I've just been thinking - as we do in quiet moments - and I've just consciously realised that everything in our lives, even our life itself, is a gift and not a right - EVERYTHING, irrespective of whether we judge it as good or bad in the moment. I know it's an old cliche  but all too often we only appreciate something when we lose it  from our lives - even the unpleasant stuff has value - sometimes we need it for a lesson, but we also need to become aware that we don't always need to SUFFER to learn our lessons - in theory, anyhow ;-)

    APPRECIATION is an important key - living in gratitude for what we have, not stressing and obsessing about what we lack.

    Seemed like a bit of an insight for me .... just thought I'd share ;-)


  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    Yes, Julie. I fully embrace seeing everything as a gift, even the super challenging stuff. I find that the more I embrace the hard times, the easier it is for me to grow and expand. Take care and enjoy these wild times!

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago
    "A soul does have the ability to create their own reality, but that is limited by the choices they have made for their life."


    I've just come across this idea from 'mastersofthespiritworld' which totally resonates with Seth's message, but I feel is not fully addressed by some current 'teachers' in our dimension (Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton spring to mind who, despite this, are still doing amazing work in bringing the mind/heart/body connection to the fore).  It seems to me that they bang the drum that if we all do the necessary/appropriate meditational and visualisation work, we are all capable of  manifesting everything we desire in this life, be it perfect health or abundant wealth.  This has the danger of leaving those of us who, despite our best efforts, have fallen short of our goals feeling that we've done something wrong or not done enough, when it's a case of our ego goals not being aligned with our life lessons.


    On a good day (haha), I've now come to the acceptance that my health challenges are still serving me and whilst that is the case, the best thing I can do is ask for guidance that I may understand the associated lessons and be able to move on!



  • fredburks's picture
    4 years ago

    I very much agree, Julie. Though I know that in our most expanded Self each of us is all powerful, I believe we came to Earth to learn and grow, and many souls set up limitations before incarnating that would give us the lessons we desire to do that. So many here have set limitations that are not meant to be removed. It would be great if people like Dispenza and Lipton would touch on this, too. Thanks for your thoughts, and much love to your and yours.

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esrw02's picture4 years ago
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esrw02 posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

  What is this website mean to you and what is it intended for . I am curious to hear responses to this question, strictly curiousity .


    The world loves I , Eric

  • 9 years ago

    I never meant any pain or harm to come to you from any of my posts.  I try hard to understand the world, but try even harder to remain optimistic.  That is a choice.  NOBODY is born with optimism and if they are, it is driven from them at a young age.


    I make that choice every day, hour, and sometimes minute.  I can't stand too much negativity.  In fact, when I get inundated with it, I feel that this one small person has to change the world NOW.  That is usually the beginning of what the doctors call my mania.


    Negativity is dangerous for me so I must take it in small doses.  That doesn't mean I don't want to know about the world.  It just means that if I know too much too fast, I will typically end up in a hospital.  


    I love your quote by your picture by the way.  Everyone I know thinks I have a huge potential to be crazy.  The doctors at the psych ward can attest to that.  I really like your last post and just wanted you to know that I have just recently read this coversation and I didn't mean to ignore your post directed at me.


    I love you no matter what and always will.

  • esrw02's picture
    8 years ago

     Interesting to say the least .                             

  • Eyejay's picture
    8 years ago

    I myself have come and appear to have gone many times. This is all to do with chronic depression than anything said here.

    I love the honesty here, wether good or bad, we must always be honest with ourselves.

    On my journey I have been part of several forums, all of them transform and mould themselves as contributors come and go, however what Fred and his team created here with the Transfomational lead into the forum is something not found elswhere (not that I have found anyway)

    Around the time or just before this original post, I took a serious overdose and almost left this planet for good. It was only my strong connection to my daughters and their keen senses that I survived. Looking back it was extremely selfish of me to do that, yet I know now it was very necessarily part of my journey.

    Know this one thing, I love you all deeply, as you are all just me from another perspective and you have helped me pull through all of my troubles, even though I have been silent I have been thanking each and every one of you daily


    Thanks again Fred for you and your teams inspiration and hardwork in setting this all up. Long may it continue Cool

  • esrw02's picture
    8 years ago

    Know this one thing, I love you all deeply, as you are all just me from another perspective and you have helped me pull through all of my troubles, even though I have been silent I have been thanking each and every one of you daily

       Powerful words ,Kudos ; thats what its all about brother . I love you too !!!!!  

           Very powerful lesson as well man!!!!


              Hell of an experience !!



  • fredburks's picture
    8 years ago

    Wow, Ian! That's intense!!! Thank you so much for your willingness to share of your pain and of even getting to the point of attempting suicide. I'm so glad your daughters called you back from the other side. I invite you whenever you are feeling depressed to reach out here and allow us to support you as well. I don't want to lose you. I love you, dear brother!

    With much love, concern, and gratitude,

  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago
    "Always remember," God had smiled, "I have sent you nothing but angels."


    One of the most important lessons here may be for us to learn to love each other EXACTLY AS WE ARE.


    Our greatest tormenters in this life may also be our greatest teachers and perhaps we should learn to be thankful for all who become part of our journey, whatever part they play.


    With much LOVE and GRATITUDE to everyone.

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Starmonkey's picture4 years ago
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Starmonkey posted a new Topic in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

So... Not sure where to start.

Our mainstream version of history for the last few hundred years is faulty. War isn't our natural heritage, it was beaten into us. All the wars since around 1800 have been to wipe traces of our true history from the planet. Even RIGHT NOW they are still attempting to obliterate it. NWO. Disney and McDonald's.

Tartaria. Giants. Global civilization and trade. California island and mud floods. 1000 years added to an already "trumped up" Roman calendar.

4 years ago
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nickmiller73 posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

So, I have been seeing something in the sky lately and can't find anything about it on the internet or from anyone I talk to.  Actually, I haven't brought it up to many people and the ones I do think I'm crazy.  So here goes...


At night I've been spending a lot of time with the stars lately and they have been flashing at me.  I don't know how to word it, but there have been kind of flashes like from a camera almost happening several times a night coming from the sky.


  • juliemartyn's picture
    4 years ago

    Hey Nick - sorry, no idea what this might be - another of life's many mysteries! Perhaps some things are just there for the enjoyment!

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Please could you stay awhile to share my grief

    For its such a lovely day

    To have to always feel this way

    And the time that I will suffer less

    Is when I never have to wake

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

    Those who have seen the needles eye, now tread

    Like a husk, from which all that was, now has fled

    And the masks, that the monsters wear

    To feed, upon their prey

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

    doubled up inside

    Take awhile to shed my grief

    (Always) doubled up inside

    Taunted, cruel...

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

    Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved

    The blackness of darkness forever

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    Wheels are made for rollin'

    Mules are made to pack

    I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    Mud can make you prisoner, and the plains can bake you dry

    Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry

    Home is made for comin' from, for dreams of goin' to

    Which with any luck will never come true

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    Do I know where hell is?

    Hell is in hello

    Heaven is goodbye for ever, it's time for me to go

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    A wandrin' wandrin' star

    When I get to heaven tie me to a tree

    Or I'll begin to roam, and soon you know where I will be

    I was born under a wandrin' star

    A wandrin' wandrin' star

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Wandering Star by Portishead.

    Wanderin' Star by some other guys and sang by Lee Marvin in Paint Your Wagon

  • 4 years ago

    Thanks for the reply guys. I think it is something to enjoy, not explain. Thanks.

juliemartyn's picture4 years ago
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juliemartyn posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

Anxiety and worry seem to be ongoing challenges for most of us to varying degrees in our daily lives so I just thought I'd post some stuff that helps me when I'm coming unstuck ...

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Yep. Nature and young children. Family pets. Go Alpha to Theta.

    Leave Beta up to the spin doctors and ad execs.

    The Soul does the Work.

    Breathing With All.

juliemartyn's picture4 years ago
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juliemartyn posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:

My life being quite chaotic at the moment, this article spoke to some of the issues which are currently whirling about me - amongst other things, the challenge of compassion and the way of making a difference by dealing with the small things at hand ....

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Good article. More coming around to join the FAMILY in every aspect of life. Every nook and cranny. Definitely time to hold one another and the planet.

  • Starmonkey's picture
    4 years ago

    Your buddy Jane Roberts is mentioned near the end of Only Planet of Choice.

    Information through the Nine seems similar to Ra and the Law of One...

    Both sources state "the opposition" or "others" try to taint the more positive among us with DOOM and GLOOM visions or outlook if they can't corrupt us in desire for power and control. Best not to give in to that trap.

    Birth pains, people! Birth pains! Breathe! Breathe!

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"