The Power Elite Do Not Control Obama

Greetings all, in the love and light of our one infinite Creator,

The link below is to a recent newsletter from David Wilcock which I think is a very important and worthwhile read. It has some very enlightening and exciting information in it which not only will perhap cause some introspection, but also a deal of comfort in realizing that All is One.

 Mind you, it is somewhat lengthy, but you can print it out with the print icon on the upper right hand corner.

Love and Light,


ChrisBowers's picture

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from it...

“Now is not the time to suddenly cave in to fear and lose track of the highly positive healing transformation we are being brought through as a planet”

“this is yet another sign that the whole corrupt mess is creaking and groaning and ready to tumble over”

“This whole process is about a mass public awakening”

“People are waking up. And that’s ultimately what this is all about”

“The skyrocketing gas prices we’re now seeing show that the whole Power Elite game is unraveling”
“This is an insane short-term cash grab… a last-ditch effort to bail out their sinking ship with a Dixie cup” “it’s an act of total paranoia”

“the Power Elite are socking away as much cash as possible in the short term for what they see as a potentially cripplingstruggle in the face of Obama’s potential presidency”

“All of this horrifying and financially devastating escalation is, without question, a process of deliberate and simultaneous market manipulation by the major Wall Street banks and financial houses, in closecooperation and conjunction with the oil and natural gas dealers”

“a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a small number of global corporations”

“and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny”
“(this part is really disgusting) by having to pay only 6% of the value of the (oil futures) contract”

“This extreme ‘leverage’ of 16 to 1 helps drive prices to wildly unrealistic levels and offset bank losses in sub-prime and other disasters at the expense of the overall population”

"If it’s McCain, there will be war for certain. He’s a genuine nut case and rabid for more war, a draft and military enforcement of domestic law and order (martial law)"

(I have to stop this or this could go on forever)

Allow me to segway to the very near future!

I watched “Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point” again last night because I want to begin the process of trying to develop a “free energy” motor and thought it would be a good idea to take another look at all of the many prototype examples displayed in that documentary. The one I am most interested in at the moment is the electromagnetic field free energy that can be produced by overlapping the field of a horizontal motor coil with a vertical one, but instead of using typical motor coil windings, I want to create a device where the conflicting fields are developed with magnets on flywheels (for inertia efficiency) with very good german bearings (or whoever is making the best bearings these days). Anyway, overlapping the horizontal and vertical electromagnetic fields to produce RF energy is already a proven fact (as per the device so well displayed in the documentary), so maybe very strong magnets, or magnets drawing a small electrical charge for increased RF production. Anyway, my mind was bursting with exciting ideas last night about all of this, and I bring it up because it is so very obvious (when you closely watch and listen to that documentary) that a plethora of extremely efficient and free energy devices are about to break through this despotic monopoly of oil, coal, natural gas and finance very soon now, much like water breaching a levee or dam. Their finger is precariously in the crumbling dike, but that will not hold for much longer now! YeeeeHaaaaaawwww!!!!!

Love, Chris

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