Here is an excellent article from
A carefully nuanced program intended to exert pressure on the unelected government of the United States to disclose the presence of non-human entities and technology operating in Earth's biosphere took another step forward at the conclusion of a 5 day Study Week on Astrobiology by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican last week. "Astronomers think it is just a matter of time before we find life somewhere else," said participant Chris Impey, professor at the department of astronomy in the University of Arizona and the Steward Observatory, Tucson.
To read the whole article go to
My favs (besides the mention of Steven and David),
"To a large degree, the American population does not realize the extent to which its perception has been deliberately shaped by the intelligence community on behalf of the military-industrial complex"
"it is increasingly clear that a large percentage of the world, lead by Europe, is losing patience with the unelected US government's intractable refusal to let go of an iron grip on access to information--and likely technology--derived from observation of and probably contact with, non-human intelligent species"
"Among the more overt indications of world disfavor with the American empire's refusal to address an increasingly obvious non-human presence are recent public announcements by the Vatican and a British city Councillor, both of which add emphasis to the release in 1999 of the French COMETA report. Taken together the three events begin to form a pattern of unofficial disclosure, leaving the US no choice but to make it official or risk irrelevance"
"Aside from the embarrassment, the real reason the defense establishment wants to make an example of McKinnon is more likely that he accessed sensitive records of the US Space Command, a largely unacknowledged component of the US military that may be the recipient of billions of black-budget dollars and is said to be operating advanced technology of its own on orbit" (remind you of anything said by RA in book 5 of the Law of One Berry???)
And what do I tell my athiest mates lately in an attempt to cater to their strained sense of logic and common sense deduction? It is becoming increasingly clear that it requires much more faith to adhere to a notion of being alone in a universe of mere chance absent any inherent purpose than it does to subscribe to the very very real possibility, even probability (mathematically speaking), that we are far from alone, and that there has always been a sense of intelligent purpose, an intelligent design if you will, and a wholy/Holy Coherent and Conscious Authentic 'Something' at the primordial core of all physical manifestation, as well as all manifestation of the Higher Upper Light frequency non-physical sort.
The measured and documented parabolic increase of complexity in 3rd density alone utterly dispels the "no purpose or cause" 'clockwork' Newtonian notion of a universe based entirely upon the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics that would imply the universe was at its most complex state at the so called big bang, and has been very naturally/fundamentally sliding toward entropy for the past 14 billion years or so... the facts simply do not support this ardent and illogical scientific presumption of the past 300 years, so they too run the very real risk of falling into a state of irrelevance if they do not start using some simple deductive reasoning in place of their proud adherence to their own brand of religious dogma....
We truly must be right at the threshold of a quantum and vast unfolding that no bogus scientific dogma or official state mis/disinformation campaign can withstand, and that is truly cause for excitement!!!!
could not get the Hicks video to work at the aforementioned site, or at youtube, but finally got this version of it to work, so hit it before they get to this one...
YouTube - Councillor Adrian Hicks 1/3 Demands Truth about Extraterrestrials
Interesting times we are living in... LOL! --fairyfarmgirl
Good show Berry, you got this article posted here before Exopolitics had it on their site!
Have to go to work but I'm looking forward to reading this at lunch!
Edit: Finally got the chance to read and watch the councillors video (it cut out part way through unfortunately). Exciting stuff. There was a 'related' video on the side bar about "The Upcoming UFO Hoax" which I am somewhat worried about. A lot of people are very excited about disclosure, and I would certainly view it as positive, but what if these stories of a huge hoax to con humanity into subservience were to happen? I suppose some of us would be able to tell 'real' disclosure apart from something like this, but its still a bit of a disturbing thought, which I do my best not to entertain. I think true disclosure will be a very positive thing for humanity, and I try to focus my energy on this rather than on thoughts of some more sinister dealings.