Beloved TT friends,
Most of you know that Beth, Andrey, and I made a decision last month to suspend Riversong's posting privileges because he would not agree to follow our community values. He has since asked to be removed as a member. We know that some TT members disagreed with our decision and may still have feelings about this. Though this is not the main purpose of this post, we welcome your feelings here, only asking that you share them from a place of honor and respect for all involved.
For all that he stirred some things up here, Riversong had a deep well of wisdom and shared some wonderful insights in his posts. My main purpose for this post is to honor the love in Riversong's heart and to welcome feelings of gratitude to him. I see him as a man who truly cares about moving from a place of honor and accountability. Some of his posts were
particularly moving. I highly recommend his inspiring post on the man who planted apple trees at http://portal.transformationteam.net/forums/2391.
I am very grateful that even though Riversong was quite upset with me, he revealed to me some deep fears that he and others here had about me of which I had not been aware. This thankfully allowed me to better
understand some things that previously had me quite baffled. He also caused us to start exploring how best we can deal with conflict when it arises here in our community.
Since Riversong's departure, we've started a special group, open to all interested, specifically for conflict resolution. We are currently working in this group on developing a protocol for dealing with conflict as it arises. We are very hopeful that this will make challenging situations in the future easier to deal with. I am especially thankful to Riversong for challenging us to develop a more inclusive and empowering means of dealing with conflict as a community.
Even though he is no longer a member of this portal, I continue to breathe sacred love with Riversong. For all that he had his challenges (as we all do), I can feel his beautiful heart and soul even now. I would love to hear expressions of gratitude from anyone else who might have them. Take care, and have a beautiful day.
With sacred love flowing,
Dear Fred,
I am filled with wonder,that Riversong posted that lovely story,that I had not yet read. He came into the portal,as we all did......looking for a community. He found us! I do not know how long it takes to get to know eachother.........but he seemed to go from sensative to aggresive in a weeks time.I'm sorry that we didn't resolve the glitch.....that we lost him.I am glad that now there is a conflict resolution group. And perhaps we are more of a community? I wish him the home that he seeks. Thank you Fred, for your tough job,your introspection, your care for this young community. Love,Mary
I have nothing but gratitude and appreciation
for Riversong. He was/is a perfect lesson for me, as I am confident we
all (especially several of us) were for him. When I first saw his pic
I had an immediate reaction and knew I was destined to get into it with
him. Now all I see when I look at his pic and think of him is his
noble, wise and gentle side that will be all that is there when all is
said and done.
I so look forward to meeting him more intimately some day and
laughing with him and crying with him, and just knowing him more and
more. There is alot there in that complex man. He has his insane ego
side. What a coincidence! Me too!!!! After all the dust settled,
what I know of Riversong is so dog gone lovely that he could hardly
convince me otherwise any more!!!! I know I love him, I know what I
see is true and my heart goes out to him every time I think of him. I
believe, in some wonderfully nonlocal way, he is doing the same. I am
counting on it and will confidently accept nothing less. I love him
very much and that is all I need know for now. I look forward to more
Love, Chris