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Noa's picture

Thanks, Fairy.  The first few videos had me tearing up.  Old souls in children's bodies -- such beauty and wisdom.

I wish people understood the importance of building community with each other NOW, before the system collapses, and we find ourselves in survival mode with no plan.

In Lak'ech,


Good Greetings Noa and all:

There is nothing like a good crisis to bring the family together--- in this case the Family of Humankind.

The Fairy Realm sees the shift that is occuring for Humankind to be as simple as changing from one season to the next. 

Fairy Farm Girl really had a lot to say--- that was emoted and the videos really assist in showing how Consensus is created--- Consensus is Unity Consciousness or Oneness.

I really was astounded by Paulo Friere.  A truly gifted Human Angel that walked in the early years of Ascension.  I found what he was teaching to be the groundwork to where we are today with the Occupy Together and Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring and the African Spring and the European Movements--- without the tireless efforts of those who understand the power of language--- the youth would have no language in which to express the ideas they are breathing into form.  Language is truly key--- sound is truly a key to the creation of the Shift that is at hand.

Really,  I see community already all around us--- a shift is at hand that I see as simply strengthening the kindness that is already there and expanding that which is kindness with Light flowing to Light... expanding the Light within and throughout creating space for Love to fill all that is Light.  This is how I see the world.

I bless you with Love--


The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"